Fated Healing

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Fated Healing Page 6

by Alanea Alder

  “You’re second eldest. You’re in charge.” Aleks clapped him on the back then left at a run to head back to the Arkadion ranch.

  “What can we do, Doc?” Connor asked.

  “We need help,” Claybourne said, shaking his head.

  “I’m not afraid to admit I am out of my depth. This is a CDC type of situation. We need council help,” Doc said.

  “I’ll call my grandfather. We’ll have council support by morning,” Liam promised. He walked out with Kent, passing Gabriel and Roman as they were walking in.

  “What can we do to help?” the elegant prince asked.

  “Are any of your coven members medically trained?” Claybourne asked. Gabriel nodded.

  “A few. After a few hundred years you get bored. Some got trained as field medics so they could assist in human wars,” Gabriel explained.

  “Thank god! Can you get them down here? Only Felix and I know how to put in an IV or administer drugs,” Claybourne said.

  “Don’t forget me, Doc. I normally treat animals, but the method is the same.” Gavin spoke up.

  “ “Good man!” Claybourne nodded.

  “The school gym,” Felix blurted out.

  Everyone turned to stare at him.

  “The school, it’s a central location everyone knows. It’s large enough to hold a lot of people and supplies. There’s a kitchen and plenty of showers. It would be perfect.” Felix listed all his reasons for choosing the school.

  Claybourne stared at him for a second before walking over and kissing him soundly on the lips.

  “I love you,” he admitted. Felix’s eyes watered.

  “I love you, too. And don’t think you’re not in trouble for admitting it when we can’t reclaim each other,” Felix pouted. Claybourne swiped his bottom lip with his tongue.

  “All right, gentleman, you heard my gorgeous mate. We’re transferring the sick to the school and establishing it as the central location,” Claybourne said loudly.

  “Gabriel, call in some of your coven members. So far this illness seems to only be affecting shifters, but we may need some of your coven members who aren’t medically trained to help treat the sick. Arkadions, you’re on moving detail with the exception of Connor. I need you to head to the school and start large batches of chicken broth for the sick. Nearly everyone who has come down with this gets extremely dehydrated.” The Arkadions nodded.

  “What about us?” Bran asked pointing to himself and Liam, who had walked back in with Kent.

  “Work with Ms. Tully and check in with every single townsperson to make sure the sick are brought to the school. I would like to try to get to some of the sick before they are unconscious so I can ask them questions to try and determine where this illness came from and how it’s spreading,” Claybourne said.

  “You got it, Doc. What about Kate?” Bran swallowed hard.

  “I will look after her and Damian personally,” Felix assured him. Bran stared at him for a long moment.

  “I’m going to hold you to that. Keep her safe.” Bran and Caleb left the clinic. Felix could hear them shouting orders to the wolves who had accompanied them and had waited outside.

  “Doc, I have the keys to the school. We can start the move whenever you’re ready,” Finn said, holding up his eyes. Felix had forgotten that Finn taught at the school.

  “Okay, let’s do this.” Claybourne rolled up his sleeves.

  Chapter 5

  By the next afternoon nearly all the pride members except Rian, Sebastian, Liam, and Kent were on cots in the gym. In addition to the lions were a handful of wolves, more townspeople, and to everyone’s dismay, children were starting to come in.

  Liam came running up to Claybourne. Felix stood up from where he had been seated next to Kate and walked over to his mate. Rian, seeing his Alpha, stood from Damian’s cot to get the latest news.

  “They can’t get in! The damn perimeter has the town on a lock down, like a quarantine. Grandfather didn’t even know it could do that. We have support, but they can’t get into town.” Liam kicked an empty box, sending it across the gym.

  “We’ll just have to do the best we can,” Claybourne said.

  “I mean it, Aleks, move!” A familiar piping voice was heard from outside the gym doors.

  Liam sighed, reached into his wallet to hand Rian a five dollar bill.

  The door opened and Rebecca came in with Aleks directly behind her trying in vain to put a mask over her face. She swatted his hands away.

  “It’s obviously not airborne or everyone in here would be sick. Where do we stand, gentleman?” She placed her hands on her hips which only accentuated her bulging belly.

  “Rebecca, maybe you should have stayed at home. You need rest,” Claybourne started. She glared at him so long that he just sighed before giving her the rundown.

  “From the time the symptoms first appear to when the fever starts has varied, but on average it’s about twenty-four hours. After that every patient becomes non-responsive and spikes a high fever. So far fluids and antipyretics have been able to slow down the fever and keep patients from getting non-responsive if we can catch it in time. Going door to door has helped. This thing is so innocuous at first, people have been just assuming they are tired. By the time the twenty-four-hour mark came they were too far gone,” Claybourne explained.

  Felix stepped forward. “We ran out of room at the clinic and moved everyone here early this morning. Liam called his grandfather for council help, but our perimeter is acting like a quarantine lockdown. They can’t get in, I’m willing to bet we can’t get out,” he said sighing. Claybourne took his hand and turned to Rebecca.

  “The elderly and the young are being hit the hardest, just like when humans get ill. Right now we have ten children here, they are doing worse than the adults, and there isn’t much I can do for the elderly like Ms. Brayburn.” Claybourne ran his hands over his face.

  “What do the tests results look like?” Rebecca asked.

  Claybourne shook his head. “We’ve been trying to keep our heads above water, I haven’t had a chance to get into the lab.” Claybourne looked out at the gym floor where over twenty-five patients waited for him to figure this out.

  “Then it’s a good thing I am here,” Rebecca said brightly.

  “Absolutely not! You are not playing nursemaid to those people, Rebecca, you are pregnant.” Aleks growled.

  Rebecca glared at him. “This thing seems to be only affecting shifters so I’m safe. That being said, you should know that I would never endanger our baby. For the record, I suck at being a nurse, more power to you Felix, I hate it. But I am kick-ass in a lab. It’s why the US government banned me from studying any field of science in college. I swear, one tiny nuclear explosion at a science fair and you’re labeled for life. Are the samples at the clinic?” Rebecca asked. Felix fought the urge to cross himself. One, he wasn’t Catholic and two, it would hurt her feelings. Claybourne recovered first.

  “Yes, Rebecca, Felix has been labeling them, name, age, animal, date, and time admitted.” He dug into his pants and handed her the keys. Aleks stared at his wife.

  “Thanks Doc, I won’t let you down.” She turned and started walking out.

  “What do you mean they banned you? Why didn’t I know about this? Rebecca? Becca, baby?” Aleks followed behind Rebecca and they disappeared behind the gym double doors.

  “I love Rebecca, but can I say how glad I am that she’s on our side?” Felix asked, shaking his head. The entire group nodded.

  “At least the tests are getting done. That should help immensely.” Claybourne smiled down at his mate.

  “Let’s start asking questions while they’re awake for lunch. Maybe we can figure out what is causing this,” Felix said.

  “Good idea,” Claybourne said.

  He and Felix walked around and spoke to the patients who were awake enough to answer questions. Felix watched the gentle way that Claybourne would speak to and handle the patients, especially the children, and
wondered if he would want one of his own one day. Felix shook his head and walked to the next cot. Felix made faces at the man who grinned up at them. It was Rex, the one who made him feel welcome his first night at the pride house by flirting with him outrageously. Claybourne asked him questions while Felix kept him entertained.

  “Thank you, Rex. Try to get some more broth down, Believe it or not, it will make you feel better,” Claybourne insisted.

  Rex smiled weakly. “How about your hot mate gives me a sponge bath?” he whispered, his lips dry. Claybourne chuckled.

  “You’re lucky you’re sick,” his mate said. Rex grinned.

  “Why do you think I said it?” Rex blew kisses at Felix who blew them back.

  “Doc! Hurry!” A voice yelled out and Claybourne and Felix ran over to where Ms. Tully sat with Ms. Brayburn. The older woman had gone into convulsions again.

  “Let’s move her!” Claybourne yelled.

  They wheeled Brayburn into the adjoining smaller gym set up for the sickest of patients. He wheeled her to one of the stations and began to administer more Tylenol. The machines continued to beep wildly around them. When her breathing became labored, Claybourne intubated her to get air into her lungs. When the convulsions stopped her heartbeat was barely there and the respirator was breathing for her.

  “Ms. Tully, I can try giving her an injection of epinephrine. It will induce a fight or flight reaction, which I am hoping will trigger a shift. I have been hesitant due to her age, but considering how much she has deteriorated…” Claybourne left the statement hanging.

  Ms. Tully nodded. “Do it. We both know that she probably won’t make if we do nothing. If there is a slight probability it may work, we have to try,” she concluded. Claybourne immediately turned to the small table and pulled out a syringe. He injected the drug, stood back and waited. He watched the monitors. As the seconds turned into minutes his frown got deeper.

  “There should have been some reaction. I gave her a high enough dosage to affect her animal, much higher than a human dosage. There’s no reaction. Nothing.” He sounded bewildered.

  Ms. Tully patted his arm. “You’ve done everything you can,” she said, wiping her eyes.

  Claybourne checked on Brayburn’s vitals. He turned and without saying another word walked out of the room. Felix followed him to the men’s bathroom. His mate stood bent over the sink, his hands braced on either side. When he looked up to Felix, his eyes were full to overflowing with tears.

  “I can’t save her. I have no idea what is causing this. We don’t have the personnel we need. That poor woman, and god only knows how many more, are going to die because of me.”

  Felix had his arms wrapped around his mate within seconds. “You are not God, Claybourne. None of this is your fault. You are doing everything you can to keep these people alive while we investigate what’s causing this. There’s nothing more you can do,” Felix said, holding his mate tightly. Claybourne turned and pulled Felix in his arms, burying his face in his neck. Felix squeezed tighter.

  “You’re right. I have always complained that I’m simply a bone setter, not a real doctor, practicing here in a shifter town. But I think I’ve taken it for granted that my patients don’t get sick and die. I’m not used to losing people, Felix, not like this.” Claybourne stood straight and kissed Felix on the forehead.

  “We’ll get through this,” Felix said. Claybourne nodded and turned back to the sink. He ran water to wash his face. Felix reached over, pulled down a few paper towels and passed them to his mate. Claybourne smiled his thanks, wiping his face.

  “Okay. Let’s go see Ms. Tully,” Claybourne said. Felix grabbed his hand and they walked back to the smaller gym where Ms. Tully stood by her friend’s side.

  “Ms. Tully, I’m sorry for leaving so abruptly. Ms. Brayburn…” Claybourne started.

  “Edith. Her name is Edith. My friend is dying isn’t she, Maddox?” Ms. Tully asked.

  Claybourne nodded. “She was one of the first infected, and she just doesn’t have the strength to fight much longer,” Claybourne admitted.

  Ms. Tully nodded. “I will miss my friend. Can you leave us alone for a while, Doctor? I’d like to say my good-byes,” Ms. Tully asked softly.

  “Of course.” Claybourne kissed the older woman on the cheek and stood back. He held out his hand. Felix walked over and took it. Together they walked back to the others.

  * * * *

  Benedict intercepted them in the hallway before they could get to the larger gym.

  “Ms. Brayburn, she’s not going to make it, is she?” Benedict asked. Claybourne shook his head. All the blood drained from Benedict’s face.

  “Ma got sick right after Ms. Brayburn. Doc, what are we going to do?” he asked desperately.

  “Actually, it was Damian then your ma. Both have youth on their side. Ms. Brayburn is old, even for a shifter. We’ll figure something out, Benedict, you’ll see,” Claybourne said.

  “We can’t lose her, Doc, we just can’t.” Benedict shook his head.

  “You and your brothers should take turns sitting with her. That always helps,” Claybourne suggested. Benedict nodded and headed to the cafeteria. Felix tugged on his mate’s hand, leading him down the side hallway away from the gym until they came to the teacher’s lounge.

  “What are you doing?” Claybourne asked. Felix pushed him on to the sofa.

  “You need to eat and rest,” Felix said. Claybourne went to stand and Felix pushed him back down.

  “Just a quick bite. Put your feet up and close your eyes, rest. I’ll grab us some sandwiches and be right back,” Felix pleaded. Claybourne capitulated, removed his glasses and closed his eyes.

  “Just for a minute,” he said and then nodded off. Felix smiled. His mate hadn’t rested at all through the night and the emotional burden he was shouldering was heavy. He needed this. Now. Time to find some grub.

  Felix opened the cafeteria door to see Benedict speaking to all of his brothers, including Aleks. Bran and Liam sat with them. He walked over to Connor.

  “Hey, Connor, got anything for Claybourne? I’d give him soup but he needs something more substantial,” Felix asked. Connor nodded and headed to the kitchen.

  “Where is Doc?” Finn asked.

  “He’s taking a nap in the teacher’s lounge,” Felix said. He watched as Finn’s face grew dark.

  “Why in the hell is he napping? People are dying, my ma is dying, and he’s taking a fucking nap!” Finn slammed both hands down on the table. Everyone looked angry.

  “Kate is getting worse. What has he done to stop this thing?” Bran asked.

  “Nearly every member of my pride is in the gym fighting for their lives. He doesn’t have time to take a nap,” Liam argued.

  “You know what. Fuck you all. Claybourne has been working around the clock for close to two days now. He hasn’t slept or eaten. Want to know what he’s been doing? Look in the fucking gym. There are over twenty people lying there fairly comfortable, being treated because of him. He’s not a miracle worker. He’s a physician in a shifter-only town. He doesn’t have the equipment to deal with this type of outbreak. He hasn’t had enough time to sit down and go through our interview notes to see if we can determine the cause. But instead of helping out, you all are in here bitching and feeling sorry for yourselves. Before you dare to breathe another one of those accusations to anyone else about what Claybourne is or isn’t doing, ask yourself this. What would happen to those twenty or more people including Ma, Kate, and the pride members if Claybourne got sick?” Felix yelled his last question, breathing hard.

  “He’s right. Again. Sorry, Felix. I don’t know how humans deal with this. If someone was attacking Ma, I’d rip their fucking throats out, but this quiet, drawn-out waiting. This helplessness as you watch someone you love die slowly? I don’t know how they do it.” Finn shook his head then put it down on the table. Benedict wrapped an arm around his brother.

  “Here you go, Felix. Lots of soup and sandwiches. Tak
e some time with Doc. We’ll work the gym to make sure everyone is taken care of.” Connor handed up a cooler.

  “Thanks, Connor.” Felix turned to leave but couldn’t leave things as they were. He turned back around.

  “Hey guys, we’ll get through this okay? We’ll have a huge party and celebrate kicking this thing’s ass.” Felix forced a smile.

  “Go on, take care of your mate. After everyone has recovered we have a party to plan,” Bran said, smiling at Felix. Felix smiled back and turned to walk out.

  “I’m gonna get so fucked up,” he whispered to himself.

  “Heard that!” Emmett called out.

  “Busted!” Duncan yelled. Felix smiled a genuine smile and flipped them both off, causing them to laugh. Feeling better than he had in a few days, he went to feed his man.

  * * * *

  “You shouldn’t have let me sleep so long,” Claybourne complained. Though he had to admit he did feel better. Felix rolled his eyes.

  “Oh no, you slept a whole four and a half hours! Gasp! Eat your sandwich,” Felix ordered.

  “What about the patients?” Claybourne asked, sipping on the soup.

  “The Arkadions, Bran, and Liam are walking the gym. They know what to do. Sandwich. Now. While we eat lets go over some of our notes. We’ll be productive and eating at the same time.” Felix handed Claybourne his notebook. Claybourne rubbed his eyes and looked down at his notes.

  “You’re the best, Felix. All right then, let’s look at what we know,” Claybourne began.

  “It’s a short list,” Felix grumbled.

  “Okay, we know that Brayburn was the first case,” Claybourne said. Felix stopped him.

  “Technically we don’t know that she was the first case, she was the first case we saw. We can’t use that to establish a timeline,” Felix said. Claybourne’s mouth dropped. He had never considered the possibility that she wasn’t the first case.

  “You know, if you keep giving me looks like that, you’re going to give me low self-esteem. I’m smart, I went to college and nursing school. Give me some credit.” Felix glared at his mate.


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