Royal Blood and One Forever : Book Three

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Royal Blood and One Forever : Book Three Page 7

by Simone Nicholls

  I took a seat across from him. "Connor."

  His chair crackled as he lent back in it. I knew the logical side of him expected what I was about to say but I also knew the irrational side of him wanting longer for the impossible.

  "No news Connor, no new leads. Sorry mate." Our eyes were levelled and I saw the slight trace of hope disappear once more again from his eyes.

  He nodded his head once and then pulled himself back to the desk and turned his attention back to the maps.

  "He wants more land." Connor ran a hand through his short hair. "No he doesn't want, he has taken more land."

  I knew who he was talking about; King Blackmore. Over the last three years he has been taking over parts of our land and Connor has been letting him. But their King was driven by greed, so he doesn't stop, he just keeps taking. Perhaps he was waiting for Connor to call war on them, but he wouldn't.

  He wouldn't do that to Isabella. So the Griffins land just gets smaller and smaller, even though we were powerful enough to protect it.

  "Connor you can't keep letting him just take it." I crossed my arms remembering what Connor's father had said about it. "You need to start fighting back."

  "That would start a war." He glanced at me briefly before looking back down. "I don't want to enter one again. If I can avoid it I will." He ran his fingers across the map. "He has Australia, so his next option will be to take the UK."

  "Connor, you're avoiding war for a women who hides from you, you're being ridiculous"

  A low growl left his lips. "Don't."

  "Someone needs to say it."

  "I won't be told what to do from you, Tyler."

  "Connor, when are you going to see it! She isn't coming back. We aren't going to find her. You can't keep ruling this country in the chance you find your mate. Isabella is gone and her father is stealing from US!"

  "Get out." his hands were trembling his face tight with aggression. "GET OUT!"

  Sighing, I got up from my chair. I should have kept it to myself. I took a backwards glance at Connor his eyes closed tight he was fighting a change. I shook my head and slammed the door behind me.

  Isabella had ruined this Kingdom, and I wasn't sure what was worse.

  She had ruined our King, or that she didn't even understand the impact she has on this kingdom; a Kingdom which was dying, without their rightful Queen.

  Chapter Nine


  Five Years Later


  I reached out for him and pulled him back from the road and onto the foot path.

  "How many times do I have to tell you! Do not play with the traffic!" I let out an annoyed sigh, as his adorable black eyes looked up at me with mischief. Shaking my head. "Go on, help Chase with the bags."

  He had a cheeky grin on his face as he sprinted to the taxi helping Chase with the luggage. I turned around and looked up at our house. Five years we had travelled, it was hard to believe. The house looked well presented, the large front yard had been kept tidy, due to our gardener and the time away hadn't seemed to affect the appearance of the house.

  Five years. Sighing I walked up the garden path. If I had known when we left, that Serenity and Ryan enjoyed travelling so much, I wondered if we would still leave. But as I thought of all our memories together and our year residence in Paris, I didn't regret it.

  I glanced over my shoulder as Cooper dragged a large suitcase behind him, pulling with all his might. I couldn't help but smile at my beautiful healthy son. He was now six years of age, and just as I once feared, he was the spitting image of his father.

  His messy black hair, large devilish grin and haunting midnight eyes, though his personality was his own. Every day he changed and I started to find myself struggling to keep up with him.

  I struggled without Connor but I managed, just like every day; I managed. Unlocking the door and letting it swing open, the dry air engulfed my lungs and I coughed at the amount of dust that escaped.

  "Gee Mom, it's dirty." Cooper walked thought the front door, still dragging the suitcase and leaving lines in the dust. He dumped the suitcase in the foyer and then sprinted up the stair case. He couldn't remember being here, so for him this was exciting. For Chase and I however, it meant more work and unpacking.

  I stood out of the doorframe and let Chase walk through.

  "The place hasn't changed." Chase flicked his shaggy blonde hair out of his face. "I need a hair cut."

  "Yeah you do, Goldie locks. Where's Nick?" I glanced out the door and still couldn't see him.

  "I think he went for a walk or something." There was a large thump as Chase dumped the bags on the ground. "He isn't coping well today."

  Frowning I looked back at Chase. "What is today?"

  "Sophia's anniversary." Chase crossed his arms and arched an eye brow. "Don't tell me you forgot."

  How could I forget such a thing! Opening my mouth and shutting it again. "How long has it been?"

  "Seven years." Chase shook his head. "I can't believe you forgot."

  I turned to look out the front door, frowning. No wonder he was struggling. "Neither can I."

  Running a hair through my long blonde hair I closed the front door and went to open curtains and let the sun shine into the dusty unlived house.

  "No wonder he was quiet today." I pulled the curtain open. "I thought maybe he just didn't want to come back."

  Chase walked into the lounge room behind me and went to open the curtains across the room. "You know what they say. The pain is numbed when you visit your mates grave."

  My hands froze on the draw string and I snapped around to face Chase. "I thought that was a myth."

  "Nick told me his pain disappeared at Sophia's funeral." Chase shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe he was just in shock because he was burying his mate, or perhaps the myth isn't one. Either way I think. . ."

  "You think he should go to the Griffins."

  "It's been seven years Is. Think of the pain he lives with every day. If for one hour it was gone, wouldn't you want that for him?"

  "Yes but. . ."

  "You would have to ask Connor." Chase rolled his eyes. "I am sure he would hate you contacting him."

  "Don't, please not again!" I fell back into a dusty couch. "Don't go there Chase."

  "What!" he crossed his arms again and leant against the far wall. "You know I have a point."

  "A point which I don't want to hear."

  "It won't kill you talking to him. You even said awhile back you made contact with him."

  "That was over five years ago, before we left!"

  "You're doing it again." He arched an eye brow. "Making excuses."

  "So you want me to go back to him or something? Look Chase if you want to leav—"

  "You know I don't!" he snapped. "But god Is! Sure I don't like the guy, but still he has a son and deserves to know!"

  And so the argument begins again. I placed my head in my hands, I was sick of this. Over the last year, Chase had made it his mission for me to see reason and to tell Connor he has a son. Why? Because it was the right thing to do. I didn't see how it was. It wouldn't change anything.

  It wasn't like we could be together and every time he mentioned it, it made it hard to swallow the hurt.

  "Fine I will contact him and ask if Nick could visit. But I won't tell him about Cooper." I looked up from hands. "Okay?

  "Okay." Chase's face turned softer. "You know that I am only doing this to help you though?"

  "I don't see how."

  Chase gave me a pointed look. "Once Cooper changes, his royal blood will be activated and Connor will find one extra voice in his mind. Plus his scent is going to be stained with a royal air to it."

  Sighing I leant back in to the couch. "Do you think he will have the Blackmore crest?"

  "You denied your royal blood while pregnant, so he would have already had your blood in his system but Connor is royalty and his father. So. . ."

  "His crest will be unique."

; "Cooper is the new bloodline." Chase looked me square in the eyes. "The sort of symbol of the two thrones becoming one."

  What my father always wished for. Shaking my head, what everyone wished for. Cooper was each countries walking symbol of peace and freedom. A pity Connor and I ruined that from happening.

  "I still have at least a year before he changes, right?" I got up from the couch, wanting Chase to confirm my wish.

  "He is from two strong bloodlines, it surprises me he hasn't changed yet. You were five when you changed and it wouldn't surprise me if Connor changed at two months."

  "Chase." I gave him a pointed look. "You know that is not possible."

  "What the man thinks a lot of himself, that's all I am saying." He brushed it off, like he hadn't just insulted Connor.

  "Right, so you are saying I have less time then I think?"

  "You already knew that Is. I was just reminding you." Chase pointed out before walking out of the lounge room beside me. "But if you want to ignore the problem a little longer, that's okay. But time is running out."

  "When did you get wise?" I smiled sideways at him.

  "About the same time I became an Uncle." He grinned wickedly.


  Both mine and Chase's heads snapped over to look up the stair case, at one horror shocked little Cooper.

  "Yeah, you do. It's in mine and your moms room." Chase suppressed a grin and kept his face serious, "Didn't you see it?"

  "THAT'S A BABYS BED!" Cooper waved his arms in the air, "I'm too BIG!"

  "You will fit." Chase shrugged his shoulders.

  "I want my own room!" Cooper crossed his arms, "With a big person's bed."

  Chase shook his head and rolled his eyes at me before walking away.

  "You just had to wind him up didn't you." I muttered as he brushed past me, I heard his little snicker as he escaped Cooper's rant.

  Cooper was stamping his feet up the top of the stair case telling me all the reasons why he deserved a bigger bed. I glanced down at my watch, Serenity and Ryan would be here soon.

  “Mom, you’re not listening!’

  "Cooper, I will make you a deal." I looked up at him, he was now in the middle of the staircase looking mildly anger. "If you go and annoy your uncle Chase for a full hour, then you can have your own room."

  "Really?" Cooper placed both hand on hips, looking for the catch.


  Cooper grinned freely and sprinted down the rest of the stairs and took off in the direction Chase left.

  “Uncle Chase!”

  Giggling lightly I walked up the stairs with a satisfied smile on my face. Oh Chase was in for a world of fun and why Cooper annoyed him. I could get an hour to think over what Chase said to me and build up my courage to contact. . .Connor.

  Biting my bottom lip, I ran my finger across a picture of Connor and I. I found it a few years back in Serenity's things, it was taken that night we went to the club partying, the night we had our first kiss.

  I was smiling at something that was out of frame, while Connor was smirking down at me. My side pressed into his chest, and his hand wrapped around my back, holding me there.

  Sighing, that was a different woman. She was worried about her commitment to him, her looming day of becoming Queen. But as I looked at her now, the woman who was stilled in this picture was a woman in love and she didn't even know it.

  Placing the picture to my side, I sat cross legged in the middle of mine and Chase's bed. I could hear the rumble of the other's conversation from outside, drift through the ajar window.

  I ran my fingers through Cooper's hair as he laid asleep, his head resting on a pillow in my lap. His chest rose steadily as he entered a deep sleep.

  Leaning my back against the pillows behind me, I knew what I had to do, but that didn't mean I wanted to. But my body craved him, like your mind craved communication, like your body longed for that drug you got yourself addicted too.

  Connor was my drug and I had fought the withdrawal, but I still craved. Closing my eyes, I could do this for my friend. Nick deserved to pay respect to his mate. My stomach clenched. I couldn't help but worry about how Connor was taking today.

  I glanced at the green numbers which lit the time up, on the alarm clock. It was just before midnight, but with the time difference, Connor was just waking up to Sophia's anniversary.

  Sighing softly, my fingers still tangled in Cooper's hair. I would make contact with Connor. I just wasn't sure if I could bring myself to pull down the wall I had put in place to shield him from my life.

  When that shield came down, so did my shield against the pain and my unbreakable love for him. Everything was brought to the surface. That shield stopped him from feeling into me, from talking to me.

  My fingers froze in Cooper's hair, what if Connor was able to feel Cooper through my mind. What if he could search my emotions and pick up on Cooper. The last time we spoke, I hadn't connected with Cooper fully, everything was raw.

  But now, now Cooper was a part of me. Would Connor feel that? But if I didn't focus on it, or think it, surely he wouldn't be able to either. But then Cooper is his son, his draw to him would be stronger.

  I couldn't pull my shield down, it was decided. I couldn't do it. Or am I making excuses?

  "Is?" Chase's voice was low while tip toeing into the room. "Cooper asleep?"

  I nodded my head and Chase ripped his t-shirt of flinging it in any direction, before softly lowering himself to the bed next to me, while yawning.

  "Can you take him? I've got something I need to do." I said with a low voice.

  Chase nodded his head and scooped Cooper up in his arm. Cooper was unique, noise would wake him easily but if you moved him he wouldn't wake.

  I pulled the blankets back and Chase slid him in, before getting in next to him while I got off the bed.

  "I won't be long." My voice was just below a whisper.

  Chase nodded his head, while Cooper rolled around and curled into Chase's side, like he would normally do. A sweet smile played on my lips before I left the room, picking up the mobile from the bedside table first.

  I couldn't pull my shield down to let Connor in but I could call him, as nervous as I was.


  Maybe none would answer. I couldn't help but think how familiar this felt.


  I bit my lower lip and sat on the outside lawn chair. He would answer.

  Ringing. . .

  Or perhaps he wouldn't.

  "King Griffin."

  My mouth dropped, Connor was king now? When did that happen? I wondered why Serenity hadn't mentioned it. I was sure she would have known. Though he was married now, of age and had an heir to the throne, so why wouldn't he be King?


  My heart accelerated, Isabella focus.

  "Um, Connor?"

  Stuttering, that screamed confidence Isabella. I cursed myself. What if he asked how I got his direct number? What would I say?

  "Yes, this Connor."

  His voice was low, like it had been drained of energy, perhaps he hadn't slept? I couldn't suppress the sadness I got when he couldn't pick my voice.

  "It's Isabella."


  "Isabella Blackmore." I added, perhaps he had forgotten me completely. It had been years.

  "What's wrong?" his voice was tight, and not welcoming. I was taken back from his unfriendliness.

  "I. . . mmm. . . just wanted to. . ." I couldn't put a sentence together. I had at least expected him to be happy to hear from me. Not this.

  "What's wrong Isabella?" his voice was hard,, but I heard his true concern.

  The last time he spoke to me, he was soft, understanding. Why was I getting so worked up over this? Pulling myself together.

  "How are you coping on Sophia's anniversary?"

  "You remembered?" I heard his shock and to be fair I was reminded, but I wasn't going to tell him that.

  "Are you okay?"
br />   He was silent. His silence killed me, was he doing it to hurt me? Isabella stop being so self-absorbed I snapped at myself, I would just wait for a reply.

  "I'm coping. Is that why you called?" I noted the bitterness at the end of his sentence. The way he spat the word 'called.' Had I hurt him by not dropping the shield? Of course I did.

  "Partly, I wanted to ask something of you. You can say no." Why was my voice so low? I heard the pain in it too, and I clenched my fists.

  "I can't say no to you."

  I closed my eyes tightly, "You can if you want too."

  "What is it Isabella?"

  "Nick, he wants to see Sophia."

  "He can come, I won't stop him." Connor's voice was short and he was hiding something behind it and I knew what it was, emotions. He was keeping them from his voice now.

  Like I had been trying, but I failed. "Thanks."

  "Is that it?"

  He didn't want to talk to me?

  "I guess. . ."

  "Goodbye Isabella."

  "Wait, Conner, what's wrong?" Silence fell on the receiving end, "I thought you would be at least mildly pleased to hear from me."

  "You contact me out of the blue, after years. Don't you see how unfair that is? When you need me, you can reach me. But when I need you. . ."

  "You lost that right." I said darkly, ignoring the hurt in his voice, as he let his emotions slip into his words. "You lost that right to need me, when you took a wife."

  "This fight is old and I'm sick of having it." His voice was a low growl, "Come back to me."


  "I won't say please, your mine. My mate. Come back to me!"


  "I can't keep doing this, Tyler was right." His voice lowered, like he was saying it more to himself than to me. "Are you ever going to forgive me and come back to me?"

  This time I was silent, because I knew the answer. I could say the answer, but I didn't want to. Never was a big word and a little part of me. A large part of me, hoped that one day I would have him back, I just couldn't see how.

  "I don't know." I muttered into the phone, "Connor, we can't be together. You have a wife, a child, a country to rule with and. . ."


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