
Home > Romance > Plausibility > Page 36
Plausibility Page 36

by Jettie Woodruff


  It was almost eleven by the time they finally got on the road. Quill wanted to grow wings and fly. Her mother was never going to let her out. She would have lunch ready by two, and expect her to stay home with her. Quill knew it was going to be a fight.

  “What did you think of Stanley, Quill?” Seri asked, turning in the passenger seat to look at her.

  “Who the hell’s Stanley?”

  Seri gave her a frown. “Monica’s boyfriend…..”

  “Oh, I didn’t like him.”

  Seri laughed.

  “What? You asked my opinion, I gave it to you.”

  “Why didn’t you like him? I like him.”

  “Good for you. He called me the kidnapped girl.”

  “Well, you are the kidnapped girl,” Seri reminded her.

  “Fuck, you, Seri,” Quill mouthed with no words. She didn’t need words. Seri heard her loud and clear.

  “You know you’re the apple of my eye, don’t you?” Seri asked.

  “Yeah, and you’re the thorn in my ass.”


  Quill was right. She could smell something cooking as soon as they entered the house. Shit. She wanted out of there. Just an hour, that’s all she needed, one hour with him.

  “You guys are staying for lunch,” Liz point blankly told Seri and Manny.

  Are you serious? Quill was never going to get out of there. Manny sat on the sofa with Connor, turning his attention to the football game. Quill moaned and walked upstairs with her bag. She needed to smoke a little. Her family was stressing her out. Her mom and boyfriend weren’t supposed to get along with her dad and his fiancé. It wasn’t normal. Was it?

  Quill locked her door, raised the window and chilled the instant the cool air poured through the screen. She hated winter, and it wasn’t even winter yet. She lit the joint and dialed Julius, alias JC on her phone.

  “I didn’t think you were ever going to call. You home?” he asked.

  “Yes, but my stupid family is having some sort of reunion. I can’t leave.”

  “How long is this reunion going to last? I miss you. I haven’t kissed your lips in two days. I can’t smell you anymore.”

  Quill laughed, holding smoke into her lungs. “What do I smell like?”

  “You smell like Doritos. What are you doing?” Julius asked, catching the sound of her holding the smoke in her lungs as she talked.

  She quickly blew it out the window. “Doritos? What the fuck?”

  “I was kidding, but I wasn’t kidding about the last part. You’re smoking, aren’t you?”

  “A little, why do I smell like Doritos?”

  “You don’t smell like Doritos. You smell like Quill, bold, daring, audacious, cheeky, and sexy as hell, and I need to smell you.”

  “I’m trying to get away. Why don’t you just meet me up the dirt road by the track after lunch? I will say I am going for a walk.”

  “I don’t care where I meet you. I need to see you.”

  “Okay, I have to go. My mom has lunch ready. I’ll text you.”

  “Hurry up. I love you.”

  “I love you too. I’ll see you in little while.”

  Quill didn’t care about her mother’s famous vegetable lasagna. She wanted Seri and her dad to leave. She didn’t care about Connor. He could stay. He was a good decoy, a settling distraction.

  “Why are you so antsy?” Seri asked Quill, who was fidgeting in her chair and fumbling with her cellphone.

  “I’m not. I just have too much energy. I think I’ll go for a walk.”

  Seri, suspiciously studied her. “You whined all day yesterday because you were cold, and you want to go for a walk?”

  Quill gave her a dirty look, telling her to shut up. Seri let it go, for now. She’d find out what she was up to, which was something. “Let’s help your mom clean up,” Seri requested.

  “It’s Reese’s turn.”

  “No, I’ve got it. You guys can get on the road,” Liz insisted.

  Quill waited for Seri and her dad to leave before venturing to meet Julius. She knew Seri. Seri would follow her. It’s a good thing she lived almost two hours away. She would have blown her cover in no time.


  Julius was already there, patiently waiting. He stepped out of his car and was leaning against the guardrail, watching her come to him. He smiled when she picked up her stride, seeing him sitting there with his arms and ankles crossed, looking way too fine.

  She fell right into his arms and he wrapped her shivering body in his. “It’s about time. You can’t stay away from me for two days again. I miss you too much.”

  “I didn’t want to stay away that long, but it’s going to happen again.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Holidays I have to go to my dad’s for Thanksgiving and Christmas.”

  “I don’t like your family.”

  Quill pulled away when she heard the vehicle coming into the track. Shit. Patch. She looked at him as he looked at her. Was he going to stop? Please don’t stop.

  Well, fuck.

  “You know this is public property, Quill,” Patch said, rolling down his window.

  “Yeah, we’ll leave,” she offered, wanting him to leave.

  He smiled a crooked smile. “Glad to see you’ve moved on. I’ll see ya around.”

  “Don’t ask,” Quill demanded, turning back to Julius.

  “Who was that, Quill?”

  “Let’s get in the car. I’m cold.”

  “No, let’s not. What did he mean, you’ve moved on?”

  “Nothing, Julius. Don’t do this. I thought you missed me.” Quill could sense the anger, knowing what he was thinking.

  “Who the fuck is that guy, Quill?”

  Yup, he was pissed.

  “Just some guy I went out with back in the summer. It was nothing.”

  “Did you fuck him?”

  “Julius, don’t fucking do this. You left me. You let me go. Do you expect me to believe that you spent all of those months being celibate?”

  “That is exactly what I did. I couldn’t even think about doing that. I was miserable without you. Apparently you weren’t feeling the same way.”

  “You never had sex with anyone else?” Quill asked, shocked.

  “No, but you did, didn’t you, Quill.”

  “Yes, Julius, I did, but it wasn’t what I thought it was going to be. It wasn’t the same as it is with you.”

  Julius ran his hand stressfully through his hair. She fucked this guy. This guy put his dick in her. He suddenly wanted to go rip his head off. “Did you get off?”

  “No. Well, not during sex. I hated it. I just wanted him to stop.”

  “But he got you off before the sex?” Julius asked, unbelieving.

  “Yes.” What the hell? Why did any of this matter? He wasn’t there. He left her.


  “How what?”

  “How did he make you fucking cum, Quill?” Julius yelled.

  “Julius, stop this,” Quill tried.

  “HOW!” he screamed.


  “Did you let him finger fuck you, Quill? Is that how he got you off?”

  “No. I mean, yeah I think he did that.”

  “But he didn’t get you off with his fingers, did he? You let him lick your pussy. He fucking tasted you, didn’t he, Quill?”

  Quill could feel the tears in her eyes. Why was he treating her this way? She didn’t like this Julius.

  “I’m going home,” Quill said, turning to head back the way she came.

  Julius grabbed her arm. “You fucking go home. You go home and cry to mommy. See if I give a fuck,” Julius said, getting right in her face.

  “I hate you, Julius,” Quill quietly said with a shaky voice. She jerked her arm from his and practically ran down the dirt road, letting the tears escape.

  Julius wanted to go after her. He wanted to stop her. He didn’t mean anything he said. Why the hell did he just
make her feel this way? He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t go after her. He couldn’t do anything but picture that stupid fucker with his hands all over her.


  “Quill?” Liz questioned, sitting beside Connor on the sofa when she stormed into the house and upstairs.

  Liz breathed a regretting breath and moved from Connor’s side. “I’ll be back,” she said, walking upstairs to find out what happened. She just went for a walk. She wasn’t gone thirty minutes. Now what?

  Reese opened her own door after hearing Quill’s slam shut. She shrugged her shoulders at her mom’s questioning look.

  “Quill? What’s going on?” Liz asked, sitting beside her, rubbing her sobbing shoulders.

  “Nothing, leave me alone,” she demanded.

  “Quill, something happened. You were fine when you left. Tell me what’s going on.”

  “Julius, that’s what’s wrong. Julius.”

  Great, she was going back there. She was doing so well after her last encounter with him. Liz was sure she was going to recover and realize that she didn’t need Julius. Things had been going really good. What the hell happened?

  “Quill, it’ll get easier. I promise, baby. It just takes time.”

  Quill snorted. “Will you please just leave me alone?”

  Liz stood to leave her. What else was she going to do?


  “I’ve been trying to call you since last night. What’s wrong with your phone?” Whisper asked Quill in homeroom.

  “Nothing, I shut it off.”


  “I didn’t want to talk to anyone,” she coolly replied, got up and walked out of the class as soon as the bell rang. Whisper stared after her, wondering what was up her ass.

  Quill sat alone at lunch and didn’t join her normal table with Whisper and Sed. She wasn’t trying to be rude. She just didn’t have the ambition to sit and small talk. She could barely keep up during class.

  “Are you coming to the yard?” Whisper asked at her locker.

  “No, not today, I’m not feeling the best,” Quill lied as the two girls walked toward the parking lot.

  Quill saw him. She pretended not to, but she knew it was him. “You know. I think I will come over for a little while,” Quill said, changing her mind. She knew her mother wouldn’t be home for another hour or so, Reese would be at practice and Julius would be at her front door.

  “Okay,” Whisper replied puzzled.

  Quill jumped in the front seat of Whisper’s car and watched in her side mirror as Julius pulled out right behind them. Really? What the hell was he doing? Whisper carried on a one sided conversation while Quill watched Julius through the mirror.

  “Pull over, Whisper,” Quill requested once they were off the main road.

  “Why?” she asked, pulling to the side of the road.

  “I need to go talk to this idiot following us.”

  “Who is it?” Whisper asked, turning to see Julius pull right behind her.

  “Just some guy, I’ll be right back.” Quill didn’t have the relationship with Whisper that she did with Seri. They didn’t talk about personal matters. Quill liked it that way. She was, however, going to have to explain who the hell Julius was now, somehow.

  Freaking hell, it was cold outside. Quill walked back to the driver’s side of Julius’s car as he rolled down his window.

  “What, Julius?” she shouted.

  “Why isn’t your phone working?”

  “My phone is working just fine. It’s turned off.”

  “Get in the car, Quill.”

  “Fuck you. I’m not listening to a word you say. What the hell are you even doing here? Go live in another country.”

  “Go tell your friend you’ll see her later, and get your ass in this car so I can apologize my ass off for being such a douche.”

  “Why should I?” Quill asked, letting her guard down.

  “Because I love you, and I am a fucking idiot. Please come with me. I’ll even let you beat the shit out of me.”

  Quill smiled a little. “Hang on,” she said, giving in and walking to get her backpack out of Whisper’s car.

  “I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Whisper.”

  “What? Why? Where you going? Who is that?” Whisper protested.

  “I’ll tell you about it tomorrow. Promise,” she lied.

  “I’m sorry, Quill,” Julius said as soon as Quill got in with a pout and crossed arms.

  “You don’t have to treat me like that, Julius. I didn’t deserve that.”

  “I know you didn’t, baby. I was just so fucking pissed off, thinking about another man touching you. I shot him in the head.”

  “YOU WHAT!!!”

  “Not really, Quill, but I wanted to.”

  “Jesus, Julius. Don’t fucking do that, you just made my heart stop.”

  Julius smiled. “Please forgive me, and please don’t let another man please you. That’s my job.”

  “You weren’t here, Julius.”

  “That’s what upsets me. I feel like you just moved on.”

  “I didn’t just move on.” How the hell was she supposed to explain that she wanted to be a slut like Seri was? “I was just trying to distract myself from all the thoughts about you. I’m sorry. It was a onetime thing. I couldn’t be with him. I didn’t want to be with him.”

  “I’m sorry. Will you forgive me?”

  “Do I still get to kick your ass?”

  “If you do it naked,” he smiled.


  “You bought furniture,” Quill stated as Julius unlocked the door.

  “I bought you something too. Two somethings,” he smiled, retrieving the white paper sack from the side table.

  Quill took the white bag and opened. “Sex toys?”

  Julius smiled an ornery grin.

  “I don’t forgive you that much yet. You didn’t buy this for me. You bought it for you.”

  “Oh, but I promise to make you enjoy it as much as I do.”

  “Why do good girls always fall in love with the bad boys?”

  “You’re a bad girl. Why do good boys always fall for the bad girls?”

  Quill laughed and shrugged her shoulders. “You taught me to be bad.”

  “I’m sorry, Quill,” Julius apologized again. He felt horrible for making her feel the way he did.

  “I’m over it, just don’t let it happen again,” she said, dropping the bag to the sofa and wrapping her arms around his neck. “I can’t stay long. I have a test tomorrow,” she whispered to his lips.

  He kissed her, lightly. “Test on what?”

  “Chemical equation of photosynthesis.”

  “Yuck, I was going to volunteer to help you study, but I hated biology.”

  “Yeah, I remember. You would never help me with biology.”

  “But I taught you, you’re ABC’s, didn’t I?”

  Quill laughed. “I don’t know. I can’t remember when I was that young.”

  “I did. Had it not been for me, you wouldn’t even be able to read.”

  “Shut up and take my clothes off,” Quill demanded between kisses.

  “You want me to undress you?”


  Julius didn’t waste time. He had her naked in front of him in record time. Quill circled him, wearing nothing but her birthday suit. She raised his shirt and he slid it over his head as her nails grazed his abs.

  “I love you, Quill,” he whispered as he watched her fingers unsnap his jeans.

  “Hmm, I love you too,” she replied, walking around him, kissing him lightly, his back, shoulder, arm, and then his chest while releasing his hardness to her hand. He had to place his hand on the back of the sofa to brace himself, as she lowered her body, taking him in her mouth, as much as she could.

  Julius hissed at not only the feel, but also the sight of her caressing his balls and sliding his cock in and out of her mouth. Julius wanted to ram balls deep in her mouth. He was fighting his resisting hips to do just t
hat. He couldn’t take it. God, she felt amazing. He pulled her up and led her to the bed, wanting to please her as well.

  He scooted himself to the middle of the bed, stroking himself in his hand as she came to him. She loved watching him do that, she just went from wet to wetter in a fraction of a second. She was sure of it. Julius took her hand and guided her to straddle his face, wanting to taste her and hope that she continued what she had started in the living room.

  Quill moaned as he stroked her with his tongue and lightly sucked on her nub, causing her to squirm above him. She stroked him in her hand a couple of times before leaning over and taking him in her mouth once again. Quill tried her best not to let go. She was enjoying the tantalizing feel of his tongue on her pussy, his finger in her ass and his cock in her mouth. She wasn’t even sure where it came from. She thought she was in control. She wasn’t. She squeezed his cock with her hand as her head dropped and she called out in pure ecstasy.

  Julius flipped her off of him and rammed into her from behind. He fucked her, quick, fast and hard as she moaned the most god awful sounds. He fucking loved it. He held her hips, thrusting frantically in and out of her. She was going to cum again. She could feel it.

  “Roll over, baby,” he demanded, pulling out of her. She did as she was told and watched as he stroked himself, moving her legs up, beckoning her to hold them up for him. He rubbed her juices in with his fingers before guiding the head of his cock inside of her. Quill held her legs up as they both watched his cock sliding in and out of her, gazing at each other, every so often.

  As soon as Quill let go for the second time, Julius was done. He thrust deep in her, holding himself profoundly inside of her as her walls constricted around his cock, pulled out and spewed to her open sex.

  “Rub it in, Quill,” he whispered in some sort of low raspy tone. She did. His lustful eyes watched as her fingers massaged his cum around her swollen nub. She moaned again, knowing she could cum again if she kept that up.


  “Let me out here, Julius. My mom’s home,” Quill said before Julius got too close to her house. She leaned over and kissed him. I’ll call you later.”

  “I love you, and I am sorry for hurting you yesterday.”

  “I love you too, and I forgave you after the second mind blowing orgasm. Please don’t mention it again,” she smiled with one more kiss.


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