Santa's Helper

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Santa's Helper Page 3

by Kori Hart

  “Ugh!” I groaned as I slouched further down into my chair. I put my hand over my face and reminded myself that it was just a boy. He was nothing special. My heart begged to differ.

  I didn’t want to sit around and mope the whole time, but I had no clue how I should spend my week leading up to Christmas. If I went out shopping, chances were I’d see a Santa of some sort and be quickly reminded of Sam. I mean Nick.

  Just as I stood up, the door buzzer went off. I hesitated a second and then I went to the device near the door. I hit the button and waited, not saying a word.


  I closed my eyes as soon as I heard his voice.

  “I don’t want to talk to you whatever your name is,” I replied. “Please go away.”

  “Melody, please. I need to explain all of this to you.” He was begging but it wasn’t going to win me over.

  “No. You tricked me.”

  I let go of the button and walked away from the door. I couldn’t let him fool me again.

  Chapter 6

  A few days later


  I went to get my keys when I saw the invitation sitting on my table. I picked it up and looked at the white glittery letters on the front. There was no return address on the envelope and there was no signature. It was a bit of a mystery as to why I would get invited to attend an employee meeting at the department store.

  I ran my fingers over the fancy lettering. The second mystery was why did someone go through the trouble of making this elaborate invitation if it’s just an employee meeting.

  Flipping the paper over, I looked at the back and sighed when there weren’t any clues to let me know what this was about. I put it down on the table and my eyes stayed on it. I wondered if Nick would be there or if he even got an invitation. There was no denying the fact that I wanted to see him, but I didn’t know what I would say. He lied and tricked many people.

  I finally grabbed my keys and left my apartment. There were errands to take care of and I couldn’t waste time sitting around thinking about him. I had done that enough already.

  The first stop was the post office, which was as crazy as I expected. Then the pharmacy and then finally the grocery store to pick up a few things I needed for the dinner I had planned to make. As I walked back to my car with bags in hand, I glanced up and noticed the department store all lit up. It was a block away but couldn’t be missed.

  My heart stopped and so did my feet. I continued to stare at the building until the cold soaked into my bones and I knew what I had to do.

  I shoved all the bags into the trunk and unlocked the front door. I was heading down the road before I knew it and pulling into the employee lot for technically the first time. I never drove when I showed up to work. It explained why so many people were giving me odd looks.

  Did they all think I walked everywhere?

  I checked the time and realized that I was a few minutes later. Quickly grabbing my purse, I locked up and headed inside. I was immediately met with several people loitering around the back room. Nobody seemed to know what was going on.

  I kept walking around and looking for someone I recognized to help point me in the right direction. A loud voice came over the PA system.

  “Employees and guests alike, please head to Santa’s workshop.”

  I looked up at the speaker, trying to recognize the voice but I couldn’t place it. This was getting weirder and weirder by the minute.

  Following behind the other employees, we walked out of the side door and walked around till we filled in the toy section of the store. There were several hundred people cramped into the space. Many of the workers still had their costumes on and the children looked around curiously, wondering what was going on.

  I’m sure I had the same look on my face.

  Then the door opened to Santa’s workshop and Nick stepped out. The quiet hum of voices turned into hushed whispers as I’m sure everyone was talking about him and the stunt he pulled.

  I rolled my eyes. Were we tricked again?

  “Thank you all for coming,” Nick said into a tiny microphone clipped to the front of his button-up shirt. “I know many of you are wondering what you’re doing here. It is probably especially true now. I invited you here because there is something very important I want to discuss. Unfortunately, the newspaper ruined the surprise, but I think we can overcome that.”

  He looked around the audience as he spoke and it was obvious that he was very comfortable in front of a crowd. His eyes met mine, and I felt my stomach do a few flips. A smirk appeared on the corner of his lips. I did my best not to react. He had an explanation to give before I smiled back at him.

  “Some of you might know who I am but most people know my father. My name is Nicholas Clark. My father founded and owns Clark Industries. I applied for the role of Sant here at the department store and did so using an alias. I didn’t want any special treatment, and I wanted to meet with children and their families firsthand. I wanted to experience the Christmas spirit with coworkers and people that I might not have met otherwise. I’m planning on opening up my own business, a branch under my father’s enterprise but I needed to prove it to myself as well as him and the rest of the world that I’m not just a spoiled rich kid. I wanted firsthand experience what it is to be on a team that works hard and puts everything they have into it.”

  Nick was walking around the stage, making eye contact with several people. He was great at public speaking and I began to notice my anger towards him lessen.

  “As an apology and a token of my appreciation for allowing me to experience the holiday season with you, I have a $1,000 gift card for everyone in the store right now.”

  There was a collective gasp by most of the audience and I couldn’t believe my ears.

  “Everyone will get one. I have workers at all the doors that will note any new arrivals There won’t be any need to rush to the front of the line. And don’t worry,” he chuckled. “The gift card isn’t limited to this store as much as I’m sure they would appreciate it. I want you to spend it on toys for your children, jewelry for your loved one, a nice meal for all of your friends and family to enjoy or get that car fixed that you keep putting off. It’s your money to spend as you wish.”

  Nick looked back to me and I gave him a small smile. It must have been good enough for him because his smile grew even bigger.

  “To your gift card, line up at any of the holiday balloons you see throughout the store. There are some upstairs. An elf will get you taken care of. Thank you for coming and if you have questions, I’ll be here to answer them.” Nick gave a little wave, and some people started to clap their hands for him. Everyone else rushed off to find a balloon.

  I stood there.

  People continued to buzz around as Nick and I looked at each other. It reminded me of a scene from a movie where everyone was racing around at the train station. My heart started to race, and I wondered if I should go closer. Nick must have read my mind because he walked down the platform and straight towards me. He didn’t wait for people and he didn’t take his eyes off of me.

  “I’m glad you made it,” Nick said as he approached me.

  “I almost didn’t but curiosity got the best of me.” I gave him a small shrug as I continued to lock eyes with him. My heart was going a million miles an hour, and I was sure he could hear it.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t explain all this sooner,” he started to say, and I shook my head.

  “I get it now. I was angry with you as I’m sure others were. You tricked us. You pretended to be someone you’re not. It stung but I get it. Would I want you to do it again? Definitely not.” I gave him a smile and then looked down at his chest a moment before looking back up.

  “I think I felt a little more duped than everyone else. I invited Sam into my bed and called his name in the heat of passion,” I added with a whisper.

  Nick’s head went back a little as he laughed. “I’m still very jealous about that.”

“We might have to make you not so jealous.” I grinned at him and then bit my lower lip.

  “I love the way you think,” he whispered. He leaned towards me and then paused a moment before kissing my lips sweetly.

  “Do you want to get out of here?” I asked curiously.

  Nick nodded his head and took my hand.

  I laughed as he pulled me through the crowd and into the back room. He stole another kiss before we exited out the door.

  The cold night air hit us, but we didn’t care. I cuddled up to Nick as he kissed me again and I knew that his lips were the ones I would kiss for the rest of my life.


  Christmas Morning


  I was staring at the largest indoor Christmas tree I had ever seen. As soon as I had told Nick that I would spend the holiday with him, he insisted on buying it. It took us all night to decorate after we bought out all the department store’s decorations.

  I felt a little bad about the whole thing too because Nick was on the ladder until at least 2am. I kept having him move the ornaments and then the lights weren’t working properly.

  He was a good sport about it though and it turned out perfect.

  “I have a gift for you I want you to open before we go spend the day with my family,” Nick said as he walked into the room holding a mug of hot chocolate. He put it down on the coffee table and went to the tree.

  “You sure they are okay with me crashing the festivities?” I asked curiously. As much as I appreciated his offer of not letting me be alone today, I also didn’t want to intrude.

  “Of course, I’m sure. My mom is already excited about all the stories she will tell you about me. I bet the photo albums are already lined up, ready and waiting.” Nick answered with a big smile. He glanced at me for a second and then reached out to grab a small box hidden in the branches.

  With the gift in hand, he walked to the couch and sat down right beside me. I looked at the small package and then back to his face. I was curious to find out what was inside.

  “Open it,” he encouraged as he held the package out for me to take.

  I took at it for a second more before reaching out. I put it in my lap and started to undo the ribbon. Butterflies suddenly took over, and I wondered why I was feeling so nervous. The box wasn’t big enough for an animal to hide in. Nothing could jump out and scare me.

  When I took off the lid, I saw a smaller box. It was covered in dark purple velvet and I ran my fingers over the top of it. The box was easily recognizable.

  I popped the top and smiled as soon as I saw the diamond ring.

  “Nick… you didn’t have to get me this,” I said instantly.

  "Yes, I did," he argued. "I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. This is like an engagement ring to an engagement ring. I will ask you to marry me someday and it'll be a surprise. This is only my promise that I will make it happen and all of your hopes and dreams. I never want you to go without. I hope you are ready to be spoiled for the rest of your life.

  Tears filled my eyes, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I’m already spoiled,” I whispered in his ear.

  We both pulled back just enough so we could share a sweet kiss. As our lips started to part, Nick grabbed my left hand and brought it between us. He picked up the ring and gently slid it on my finger.

  “Perfect.” He smiled and then looked at my eyes. “Just like you.”

  I leaned in and kissed his lips again.

  ♦ ♦ ♦

  GAH! I really loved this story. I feel like I added a bit of humor to it. What did you think?

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  Do you need more of Nick & Melody? Like their weekend together after Chapter 4? Or Melody meeting the Clark family? What about him meeting her parents when they get back?

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  About The Author

  Kori Hart loooves OTT/insta-love romance! Her stories feature sexy Alpha males who meet the women destined to be their Queens. Happily Ever Afters are a must!

  You can read her other stories on Amazon.

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