The Covenant of Shadows Collection

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The Covenant of Shadows Collection Page 6

by Kade Cook

  She knows that Rachael really cares about her, but today, she just does not have the patience for it. There is too much on her mind that she needs to figure out. Trying to concentrate all night on not telling Rachael anything about what has really been going on in her world the last twenty-four hours is just something she does not want to do or have the energy for.

  “Are you sure? It is my treat!”

  Gabrian becomes suspicious by her insistent need to check in on her. She is way too adamant. “Yes, I am sure, but thank you anyway. I really just want to go for a run to clear my head.”

  “All right, fine. I know when I am not wanted,” Rachael snorts jokingly in defeat. “Oh, did you remember to call your folks yet to tell them the good news?”

  “Yes, I did. So do not worry. I will not back out of taking some time off and closing the office,” Gabrian assures her. “I think you need it just as badly as you think I do. “

  “Ah, Gabe, you know how I love spending all my time with you. But I am really looking forward to hitting the slopes when I go home,” Rachael admits. “I am going to call and make the reservations as soon as I let you go.”

  “Well, good for you. Just don’t wrap yourself around a tree while you are gone. I can’t run the office without you.”

  “Ha, you are so funny!” Rachael retorts sarcastically. “No worries about me. Just focus on having some fun yourself. You never know, you might get the hang of it!”

  “I doubt it, but it is worth a try.” Gabrian laughs and halfheartedly hopes that it would come true. “Anyway, I have got to go, Rach. I have some running shoes that I need to put to work before I change my mind.”

  “All right, have a good run, and I will see you on Monday morning!”

  “I will—Monday morning, bright and early!”

  “Oh and Gabrian…”


  “Be careful, okay?”

  “I will...Goodnight, Rach.” Gabrian shakes her head, thinking that it is an odd request. But then again, the past twenty-four hours have not been exactly normal.

  “Goodnight, Gabrian.”

  The phone goes quiet, and Gabrian hangs it up then turns to stare at the running shoes sitting by the door. She hesitates for a moment, giving them the stare down.

  “Do I go, do I not go, or do I just crawl back into bed and see what tomorrow brings?” Gabrian riddles out loud. It has been a while since she has had on her runners and they look sad to her…if that is even possible. “Ah, fine. You win!” she yells at the sneakers as she turns toward her room to change her clothes.


  IT IS A great night to go out for a run. The temperature is just above the freezing point. Cool crisp air fills Gabrian’s lungs as she starts out on her journey to the park. She thought about running the streets, but it just did not give her the same experience. Continuously stopping and starting did not work for her. She needed the illusion of being secluded and surrounded by nature that the park provided while still knowing that whenever she has had enough trees and squirrels, she can return to city life in mere minutes.

  Lucky for her, she only lives a few blocks from the park so it is only a few stop lights to go through before she reaches her destination. Entering the park gates, she notices it is quite busy. There seems to be a lot of people out tonight taking advantage of the mild weather. An abundance of couples sit close on the benches and drink warm beverages, engrossed in the moment.

  Gabrian smiles at them as she passes by and wonders to herself if she will ever find someone. She never seems to have enough time to worry about it on most days, but lately, it seems to be on her mind more than not. An image of her client Mr. Redmond pops into her mind, and she thinks that maybe Rachael is right—he is rather dashing. Then another thought surfaces of the handsome bartender she had met last night.

  “Ugh! I am pathetic!” she exclaims, shaking her head briefly to toss out the thoughts and all the nonsense that goes along with it. Blaming the holidays, she decides that it is the culprit playing on her emotions. This time of year really seems to wreak havoc on people. Most of her clientele tend to develop more issues or concerns the closer they get to the month of December.

  As she continues to run the path that leads through the park, she begins to take notice of each person she passes. Now that she has developed this new gift of seeing people’s energy fields, or auras, she starts to notice the colours. They seem quite different here. In the darkness of night, the colours take on more beautiful hues and displaying so many different shades of each aura. Gabrian also notices that not everyone seems to have one or at least one she can see.

  As she relaxes, enjoying the light show, her breathing takes on its own rhythm as she runs, and she soon realizes that they have different levels of energy associated with them. Gabrian begins to feel the different strengths of the auras. Somehow, she feels an actual detectable vibration where some of the pulsations are stronger than others.

  Taking in all this new information, Gabrian is mystified but still, she finds it strangely beautiful. If this new world of colours and lights is not strange enough, a new development arises—the colours are somehow making her feel hungry.

  Not hungry in the sense that her stomach is growling, more like her body is responding to them, making her feel as if it needs to get closer, urging her to reach out for them.

  Finding herself being drawn to the brightest and most fragmented strands of energy, she begins to get closer as she runs by these people—closer than she normally would just so she can feel it. Gabrian’s breathing alters. She starts inhaling deeper when she nears the oblivious pedestrians.

  I need to get closer, she hums almost out loud.

  Suddenly, everything shifts. It is like every person around her has heard her thoughts and starts to move in slow motion. Gabrian continues at normal speed…or so it seems to her. She is able to get as close as she wants to the light without them even noticing. All those in her path stand motionless like a captive audience and unknowingly at her mercy. Gabrian becomes enthralled by this odd realization and draws in her breath deeply.

  Small fragments of light particles dance and sway around the main auras and begin breaking off, slowly twisting and curling toward her, bringing with it an intoxicating aroma that makes her skin tingle. It fills her with warmth that spreads throughout her body.

  “This is incredible,” Gabrian drones unconsciously.

  Once again, she is mesmerized by this strange happening and unsure of why it is occurring, but Gabrian has no interest in stopping. All she knows is that she is no longer tired nor is she worried about anything other than how she can absorb more light.

  This sensation is euphoric beyond all measures of Gabrian’s existence. The more she breathes in, the stronger and more elated she feels, but unbeknownst to Gabrian, she is also causing the humans around her to become disoriented. The more light she draws from them, the more drain she is putting on the life force that they survive on. Slowly losing consciousness, they begin to buckle at the knee, and one by one, they drop to the ground, falling helpless into a coma-like state, unable to fight the confusing symptoms entrancing them.

  Without notice to Gabrian, there is now light blooming all around her, a shimmering light of hazy grey that reaches outward, engulfing everything around her. It takes on a life of its own and to Gabrian, it feels amazing.

  She closes her eyes and breathes it in, embracing it. All the sensory nerves that circulate through her body feel like they are buzzing with electricity. She lets the tension in her arms go and tilts her head back, allowing her body and mind to be completely immersed, savoring every ounce of energy that she reaps. Her intoxication is so profound that the ground beneath her no longer carries her weight.

  To Gabrian, nothing else exists but this.


  RACHAEL ENTERS THE park, and the hair on her arms stands immediately. Sensing a massive energy source, she begins scanning the park, feeling it growing in intensity by the second. She gets a b
ad feeling that she knows who it has to do with and begins to jog briskly along the path. Up ahead, she sees Gabrian basically levitating off the ground, engulfed in light. Her aura has surfaced and revealed its colour, light grey, the colour of early morning mist but speckled in places with faint fragmented colours.

  “She has an aura,” Rachael gasps, open-jawed, the flawless curve of her brow now marred with worry lines from what she sees. “A Grey aura…wait a minute, she is a Boragen?” This revelation of Gabrian’s essence is completely unexpected by her friend.

  Rachael continues to run toward the surge of power which seems to emanate from Gabrian. The closer she gets to her, the more she feels the pull of time slowing her down. Irritated and unable to do much about it, Rachael pushes on. Getting closer to where Gabrian hovers, she sees a number of people lying on the ground in the distance, not moving.

  “Oh, no!” Rachael cries out. Her eyes glaze over, and the colours begin to swirl within her irises. She centers her mind to reach out to her Elder.

  Ariah, Lady of Vindere. I may need some assistance, please hear me. Rachael refocuses on her friend.

  “Gabrian, what have you done?” she gasps then quiets. “What have they done?” she says more solemnly, upset at the Elders and the fact that they should never have left Gabrian in the dark about her heritage. Rachael feels a familiar presence stir within her mind—the connection to her Elder is successful.

  I am here, Rachael. What is going on? Ariah’s voice sings through Rachael’s mind. Have you found Gabrian?

  Yes, I have found her, but something very bad is happening. You might want to contact the Lady of Zephyr.

  Ariah closes her eyes in order to make a solid connection with Rachael. Rachael allows Ariah to channel through her so that she can see what is happening for herself. Rachael’s eyes begin to shift and turn from green to bright blue as Ariah’s connection becomes transparent. Ariah’s sight comes into focus and what she sees alarms her. Without hesitation, she withdraws from Rachael and reaches out for Lady of Zephyr at once. Within moments, Rachael feels another familiar presence seeking entry to her sight.

  It is Vaeda.

  Immediately, Rachael receives her, and her eyes once again become icy blue as Vaeda begins to see.

  Oh dear! Vaeda exclaims. It does seem that we have a situation.

  Rachael’s eyes turn back to green, revealing that the Lady of Zephyr is gone, no longer looking through her.

  Alone again with her thoughts, Rachael turns her attention back to Gabrian. She notices the air around her friend is beginning to metamorphose into ripples like a mirage on a hot sunny day. Then, from within the bends, the beautifully fierce-looking Lady of Zephyr emerges with her Raven escort at her side.

  The Raven immediately takes to the sky once they are through the portal and circles above Vaeda, giving a trifling squawk. Vaeda’s long white-and-golden hair whips around her from the entry of the morph and reflects the light from the streetlamps hovering over her nearby, making her appear as an angelic vision. Not transforming into full-flesh form, Vaeda hurries to stand behind Gabrian’s floating form.

  Vaeda begins to chant. Closing her eyes, she raises her face slightly upward and opens her hands, turning her palms upwards toward the sky.

  “Momentumus Terminato, Encorpus Veilus!

  Momentumus Terminato, Encorpus Veilus!

  Momentumus Terminato, Encorpus Veilus!

  Decente Vapir, decente.”

  Though still embraced by the energy that she swims in, Gabrian begins to respond, becoming more lucid, and the sensation of falling rushes through her. She imagines the Earth rising up quickly to meet her, feeling her feet touch the ground once again. In the distance, she hears a voice yelling her name with concern.

  “Gabrian! Gabrian!”

  The light around her is being defused and withdrawn, but Gabrian still feels overwhelmingly alive. Her jaw relaxes and lowers, her full red lips parting as visible lines crinkle at the corners of her eyes in her delighted state. She runs her hands down the sides of her face then her body, feeling the skin tingle and burn as it vibrates on the surface—sensitive from the stolen life force still flowing wildly through her.

  Vaeda opens her eyes but realizes that Gabrian is still engrossed in the energy. She uses one more cast. “Awae cenan! Eode!”

  Gabrian is suddenly back—jarred from her delirium—and her legs give out from under her. Vaeda raises her hand, making a swiping gesture, and Gabrian is caught and gently lowered to the ground. Her eyes fly wide open, and she searches for familiarity, anything recognizable. Rachael runs as fast as she can to her friend’s side and cradles her in her arms.

  “Gabrian! Gabrian, are you okay? Gabrian, say something!” Rachael whimpers, holding Gabrian by the arms and looks at her through eyes that seem to shift colour every few seconds—blue then green then back to blue again—even her aura swirls different colours. Disoriented and confused, Gabrian thinks that Rachael is the most incredibly beautiful phenomenon she has ever seen.

  Gabrian gawks around at her surroundings and notices people lying on the ground all around her. Oh, my word, what is going on here? she screams inside her head; unable to make a sound, her words choke her. Her lips continue to mouth out silent questions while her head pivots slowly, twisting from side to side abnormally far. Her eyes remain wide and unblinking—afraid to close, even briefly as her mind attempts to rationalize the calamity erupting around her.

  Vaeda looks to Rachael and asks her to reach out to the Elders of Derkaz and Boragen to tell them they are summoned by the Lady of Zephyr who is need of their assistance. Quickly, the connections are made and the message is conveyed.

  Rachael returns her focus to her friend and reaches out with her hand to take hold of Gabrian’s chin, looking completely terrified. She gently turns Gabrian’s face so that she can look her in the eye and make direct contact with her brain.

  “Gabrian, are you okay?” she calmly whispers.

  Gabrian nods up and down to signify that she is fine as her eyes go back to scanning all the people on the ground. Her heart races and her fingers feel like they are getting warm, really warm. She looks down to see faint sparks shoot from her fingertips. Her heart lurches in her chest and tremors begin to weave their way through her bottom lip. She bites down against the shaking flesh to make it still and curls her fingers under her sleeves as not to draw attention to herself any more than she already has.

  What the hell is going on? her mind screams again. Why are there people lying on the ground and sparks coming from my fingers?

  Rachael straightens Gabrian’s face around with determination and looks her in the eye again. “Are you injured in any way?”

  Gabrian shakes her head no.

  “We need to go now. Everything will be taken care of,” she informs evenly.

  We are in the middle of the park with people lying everywhere, possibly dead. Gabrian watches her friend’s cool disposition and ponders, How can she be so calm?

  “Taken care of?” Gabrian manages to gather enough sanity to speak. “What do you mean ‘taken care of’? What about all these people? Why are they on the ground?”

  As Gabrian expresses her concerns, Rachael listens to something inaudible to Gabrian then mouths words in reply that Gabrian cannot hear. Rachael’s eyes and aura begin to shift colour, catching Gabrian’s attention. Multiple auras surround her and swirl in chaotic rhythms. Rachael ends her private incantation, and her eyes regain focus on Gabrian.

  “They will be fine, don’t worry,” Rachael assures as she looks over her shoulder in Vaeda’s direction. “But we need to get you out of here before anyone finds you.” She grabs Gabrian’s arm with a bit more authority than normal and hurries her out of the park.

  “Before who finds me, the police?” her voice squeaks.

  Turning her head back around to look at the bodies again, Gabrian sees forms appearing out of a ripple in the air, and her heart rate surges. There are two of them—men. One is surrounded
by a dark-violet aura with a blackish haze and the other wears an aura the colour of grey mist.

  The man with the Grey aura pulls strands of the light from himself, wrapping the threads around the wrist of one of the people lying on the ground. Watching closely, Gabrian notices that the strand of light brightens briefly and then disappears. Repeating the process again and again, the man continues. The other summons what looks like spheres of blackened-violet light in both his hands then fires them at the ground surrounding the bodies, creating what looks like a barrier between them and the Earth that has grown oddly dark and murky.

  “Gabrian, please, we have to go.”

  Chapter Nine

  Confessions of Truth

  SITTING ON THE corner of her couch in the fetal position, Gabrian rocks back and forth. In the kitchen, Rachael stands by the counter, preparing a large cup of coffee, hoping that it will help the situation somehow and uses this alone time to consult with the Elders.

  Gabrian is struggling and in a state of shock, Rachael stresses to everyone. To her, none of this makes any sense. Forgive me if I offend anyone, but I believe you are being cruel to keep her in the dark any longer.

  We understand your concern for your friend, Rachael, but we need to take into account whether or not she would be able to handle the knowledge that would be bestowed upon her, Ariah calmly vocalizes but hearing nothing more than excuses, Rachael clenches her small delicate fist around the metal teaspoon, turning her knuckles white as she tries to stay in control of her words.

  “Handle it?” Rachael shrills outloud, her green eyes flare open as her hand slaps across her mouth. She rushes to the kitchen entry and peeks around the opening, hoping her sudden outburst in reaction to the elder’s obvious hesitation has not drawn any unnecessary attention to the private meeting taking place. Taking a breath, she continues in a low forced whisper. “You are concerned if she can handle it or not?”


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