I.N.E.T 1

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I.N.E.T 1 Page 7

by Brenda Cothern

  Slade followed Knight’s gaze when it shifted to the blonde. During an uncomfortable moment of silence, Slade focused on the young woman. Her eyes were still bouncing between them when he spoke.

  “I’m Slade,” he held out his hand and she glanced nervously down at it before she hesitantly took it to shake.

  “Stacy,” she said quietly and removed her hand from his grasp. “I am staying in the room next to your brother.” Stacy glanced at her door before hurrying to finish. “I just wanted to say hi.” She blushed again and Slade politely smiled down at her.

  “I’m sure he’s glad,” Slade shot a sideways glance at Knight and his partner’s cold expression hadn’t changed. “Aren’t you?” Slade shoulder bumped Knight.

  Knight blinked and realized he was still standing in his doorway and frowning at the small woman. His new partner was studying his eyes and expression when Knight finally cleared his throat.

  “Yeah,” Knight lied. “Stacy, it’s nice to meet you.”

  “You too,” she replied timidly and didn’t meet his eyes.

  Silence settled around them again and Knight prayed the woman who reminded him too damn much of his little sister would just leave and return to her room. Or, anywhere the hell else that wasn’t near him or in front of his door.

  Slade was tempted to frown at the uncomfortable silence and the more than uncomfortable vibe he was getting from Knight, but he didn’t.

  “Well, we’ve got to get going, Stacy.” Slade forced himself to continue to smile when the woman’s dark green eyes met his.

  “Oh yeah, sorry.” Stacy blushed almost crimson. “I didn’t mean to hold up you and your brother.” Her eyes shot to Knight, but Slade didn’t need to look at the man to know that Knight’s gaze was on him instead of the woman.

  “No problem, Stacy,” Slade said politely. “I’m sure you two will see each other tomorrow during training.”

  “Yeah, okay.” Stacy looked between them once more before turning to return to her room.

  Slade watched the woman until she disappeared behind her door then turned and looked at Knight. Slade had felt and seen, from the corner of his eye, that Knight’s eyes stayed glued to him the entire time he spoke to Stacy. His new partner was still looking at him when he turned to face the man head on.

  Silence hung between them and Slade wasn’t sure what that silence said, if anything. The look in Knight’s stunning blue eyes was the same. Angry emptiness. Slade wasn’t sure what the woman could have said before he arrived that would have garnered such a haunted look of hatred. The tension radiating off Knight was practically palpable and made Slade consider that the angry man he had met on Friday wasn’t just angry because of the bullshit that went down with his previous co-workers. But, instead, Knight was just angry all the time.

  Shit, if he has anger management issues, we are so going to have a problem working together, Slade thought and frowned.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” Knight asked. He knew Slade likely read some of his emotions in his gaze, but it still annoyed him that the sexy man was frowning at him.

  “Because I am not sure why you are so pissed off,” Slade replied honestly and cocked his head to the side as if studying a new specimen under a microscope. “Is it because I cock blocked you or because I am here on time?” Slade forced himself to grin even if he wasn’t sure his attempt at humor wasn’t too close to the truth.

  Knight blinked and blinked again. Does he really think I am upset because he cock blocked me? He can’t cock block when my cock has no interest to begin with, Knight thought and his frown deepened.

  “You think I’m mad at you for being here on time?” Knight asked confusedly. “Because I know you seriously don’t believe I’m upset that you cock blocked me with a woman.”

  Slade studied Knight for a moment longer then shrugged. “You’re upset about something,” Slade replied, because it was true. He knew it wasn’t because Knight wanted to hook-up with the blonde, but maybe it was something she said. Or maybe it was just that she reminded Knight of someone that had put that look in his new partner’s eyes.

  “I’m not upset about anything,” Knight replied and ran a hand over his head and through his dark hair.

  “Alright.” Slade forced himself to smile at Knight even though he knew the man was telling him a bold faced lie.

  “Let’s just go eat. I’m starved.” Knight stepped into the hall and made to pull his door closed behind him.

  “You need your weapon.” Slade reached out and placed his hand on Knight’s door to stop him from closing it fully. When Knight glanced at him, Slade clarified, “Regulation for trainees and all INET employees.”

  “I know,” Knight smirked and forcefully pulled his door shut. “And I am armed just as protocol dictates.”

  Slade raised a brow and glanced pointedly at Knight’s weaponless hips when Knight turned to face him.

  “I don’t see your weapon,” Slade nodded toward Knight’s waist.

  “What you don’t see will only surprise you later,” Knight quirked and had no idea where the sexual innuendo came from.

  Slade laughed. “That’s usually the case whether it is a bullet or anything else.”

  They walked down the hall and Knight continued the conversation. “True, but I know I’d take just about any surprise over a bullet. Those fuckers hurt.”

  “Even a surprise write-up for not following procedure?” Slade glanced at his partner. “And yeah, getting shot sucks.”

  It was like they were having two different conversations at once and neither man had any difficulty carrying on each at the same time.

  “I don’t get written up for that shit,” Knight grinned. “You been shot often?”

  Slade ignored Knight’s question about being shot and grabbed Knight’s arm to stop him from continuing down the hall. He faced his new partner and was dead serious when he spoke.

  “You will here.” Slade met Knights gorgeous blue eyed gaze. “The shit they would let slide at TPD in regards to protocol won’t fly here, Knight. We’ve got more slack on the leash in the field, but that doesn’t mean they let us run rampant all over their rules.”

  Knight heard the sternness in his partner’s tone and saw the look in his eyes that clearly said he wasn’t lying when it came to INET protocols. The fact that Slade was suddenly bent out of shape at the thought he was ignoring the rule about being armed made him want to laugh…or hit something.

  Doesn’t he know I wouldn’t fuck up my training by not following such a simple rule? Knight thought before a small voice in his mind answered. How would he?

  Instead of verbally answering his new partner, Knight stepped into Slade’s space. The hand on his forearm briefly tightened and Knight witnessed the rest of Slade’s body tense as if the man expected physical violence. Knight reached out and took Slade’s other hand in his before he guided it to his hip. His touch was way more intimate than it should have been considering the length of time he had known Slade.

  “Do you really think I would break regs on my first day here?” Knight’s voice was soft and just as intimate as his touch.

  Slade allowed Knight into his personal space and allowed the man to place his hand on Knight’s hip. He didn’t feel threatened by his new partner. If anything, he felt aroused because Knight was giving him all the signals that a kiss was forthcoming. He had seen scores of recruits pass through INET’s operative training, even was responsible for some of them not making the cut, but none of them focused his attention like Knight.

  It wasn’t the black military style combat pants or the way the grey trainee T-shirt that Slade knew displayed ‘Knight’ in bold black block letters across the back of his partner’s shoulders, either. No, it was the man himself that commanded Slade’s full attention.

  Slade stepped closer to Knight until they stood chest to chest. He never broke eye contact when his hand moved around Knight’s waist on its own accord. When his fingers brushed the butt of the .9 millimete
r shoved into Knight’s waistband, he couldn’t help but smile.

  “Most trainees don’t find that loophole, let alone dare to use it,” Slade spoke quietly.

  In fact, the last trainee to find that loophole had been him and when he did, INET almost changed their policy. Slade was able to argue his case on where he carried well enough that the powers that be left the policy alone since most recruits followed what was in their orientation book to the letter. Knight’s weapon was visible on his person even if it could only be seen from the back.

  “I’m not most trainees,” Knight countered and suddenly had to resist the urge to lean forward to close the distance between their lips.

  Slade moved his hand, allowed it to caress along Knight’s waistband, before he pulled back. He put more distance between them and released Knight’s arm when he spoke.

  “No, you’re not.”

  Knight was disappointed, his dick more so, when Slade stepped out of his embrace. It was for the best, he knew, that his new partner moved away. They didn’t need to be caught in a compromising position in the middle of the dormitory hall, especially if most people were assuming they were brothers.

  Nor did Knight need to lose his tenuous control that ensured he wouldn’t shove Slade into the nearest wall so they could both get off. Again. Knight felt Slade’s heat, his erection, and smelled his arousal on the man’s breath so he doubted the man would mind, much.

  However, as much as Knight wanted to give in to his attraction, their obvious attraction to one another, he reminded himself that this wasn’t a random hook-up. This wasn’t some guy he could fuck in a bathroom stall and never have to see again. No, this was his new partner. His new INET partner, who he would most likely be working with every day until one of them retired or ended up dead. That thought sobered Knight and drained away the last of any inappropriate arousal he had toward the man.

  Slade instantly felt the change in Knight. He felt it physically and in the air around them. His new partner pulled away mentally. Slade understood and couldn’t blame the guy. They didn’t know each other very well. Hell, not at all. Slade knew he should be just as wary of the other man as Knight was of him. Still, knowing and being were two different things.

  If Slade didn’t get his shit together, get his attraction for Knight under control, he would be in serious trouble. If he wasn’t already.


  “Let’s go eat. I’m starved,” Knight grumbled.

  They turned to continue down the hall and Slade realized he missed standing so close to Knight. The thought scared the shit out of him since he never missed anything about anybody. Slade had been on his own for so long that the sudden swell of need to be close to someone was staggering.

  “You okay?” Knight asked as they exited the dormitory door.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” Slade lied smoothly and he tried to figure out how he could be so emotionally attached to a man he had only met three days ago. Three whole fucking days ago; seventy-two hours ago and Slade had spent less than five hours in total with the man.

  It’s just lust, Slade rationalized, because there couldn’t be any other explanation for the feeling he had in his gut. He just hadn’t known the man long enough and didn’t know him well enough for it to be anything else.

  They crossed the courtyard toward the cafeteria without speaking. Slade wanted to take Knight somewhere else to eat, but they were stuck on INET’s training campus.

  “We’d go somewhere else, but…” Slade began, but Knight interrupted.

  “All trainees are required to remain at the INET training facilities and grounds until their training is complete. Under direct order of the INET Facility Director or the Regional Director of the trainee’s future placement, if and when such placement is determined, trainees’ may be granted temporary permission to be excused from the INET training complex.”

  Slade held the cafeteria door open for Knight and shook his head in wonder. “Damn, I gotta tell you, it’s scary as shit that you can do that.”

  Knight shrugged as he walked through the door. When Slade fell in step beside him, he replied, “It’s just something I can do. I’ve always been able to recall shit.”

  They ordered their food and took it to a table away from the rest of the other employees and trainees.

  “So, is it just stuff you read or everything?” Slade asked before popping a fry into his mouth.

  “I can recall anything,” Knight took a bite of his burger.

  “That should make our cases golden then.” Slade grinned.

  “Not really,” Knight corrected his partner.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, it’s not like my memory is admissible in court.” Knight shrugged and took another bite of his burger.

  Slade leaned in and lowered his voice. “Well, the guys our unit takes down don’t always get their day in court.”

  Knight’s eyebrows rose and he sat back in his chair. He knew INET worked internationally to take down the big players in the drug game, but he thought those busted just ended up on trial in whatever country they were busted. Slade’s comment made it sound like they didn’t even arrest the assholes who pushed the poison onto the streets.

  “So, no court? Straight to lock-up with them, then?” Knight thought he already knew the answer to his question but he asked it anyway. The look on Slade’s face was answer enough.

  “Will that be a problem?” Slade really hoped Knight would be okay with bypassing the normal legal channels to lock the assholes away instead of relying on a court to decide if the fuckers are guilty or not.

  “The drugs are destroyed, right?”

  Slade laughed. “Nope, we use them ourselves.”


  “Well, you did ask a stupid question.”

  “I did,” Knight agreed with a grin and tossed his napkin on his plate.

  “So, no problem?” Slade asked again.

  “No. Taking those fuckers out of the game permanently or for good won’t be a problem for me at all.”

  “Good.” Slade pushed his plate away.

  The anger was back in Knight’s voice and the haunted look returned to his eyes. Slade knew there was a story behind his partner’s shift in behavior, but he also knew now was not the time to inquire about it. Instead, he started the ‘twenty questions’ game so they could get to know one another.

  “You from Tampa or a transplant?”

  “Born and raised in South Jersey and moved to Tampa my senior year of high school.” Knight was actually glad that they were to the ‘get to know you’ part of why they agreed to have dinner. He had the feeling that Slade likely knew a hell of a lot more about him then he did Slade and he wanted to even the playing field.

  “You don’t sound like you’re from Jersey,” Slade observed.

  Knight chuckled and replied in his best imitation of a North Jersey accent. “Not everyone from Jersey sounds like a New York wannabe.”

  “Apparently not,” Slade laughed.

  “What about you?” Knight asked.

  “North Carolina, born and bred.” Slade held up a hand to stop Knight from commenting on his lack of accent. “I know, I know, I don’t sound like a hick. I had to train it out of my voice.”

  “Shame,” Knight winked and meant it. He had a thing for tattoos and accents. Just the thought of Slade speaking with a southern twang was making his dick start to take interest.

  Slade raised a brow and let his normal accent rise to the surface. “Ya gotta thang fer suth’ners?”

  Knight closed his eyes and forced himself not to moan aloud in the middle of the damn cafeteria.

  “Or do it be accents in general that do it fer ye, laddy?” Slade finished asking in a clipped Scottish brogue.

  Knight’s eyes snapped open and he resisted the urge to palm his erection since it now pushed painfully against the buttons of his tactical pants.

  “Shit,” Knight muttered on an almost panted breath.

  “Ah, so an
y will do,” Slade chuckled as he continued in an accent that made him sound as if he was born in Russia.

  “How the fuck can you do that?” Knight asked, and slouched down in his chair. He stretched out his legs in an attempt to give his hard-as-nails dick more room.

  Slade shrugged. “It’s just something I can do,” he used his normal accent and tossed Knight’s earlier words back him. “If I can listen to an accent for a couple of hours, I can usually mimic it. I guess it’s like your memory thing.”

  “Humph,” Knight replied because his hard-on was too distracting for him to come up with anything else. The amusement in Slade’s eyes didn’t help his arousal, either.

  Slade saw the lust-filled hunger in Knight’s eyes caused by his mimicking accents. He had met men before who were into accents, but none who were as quickly aroused as Knight. Slade needed to get them back to the ‘get to know you’ game or Knight wouldn’t be able to return to his room without a raging hard-on. And Slade knew his new partner was hard because Knight wouldn’t have needed to slouch in his chair otherwise.

  “You’re thirty-two,” Slade stated just for something to say to try to take their minds off of their arousal.

  “I am and you are?” Knight inquired.

  “Two years younger and a Cancer if you must know,” Slade grinned. “And you’re a Capricorn.”

  “You’re into that shit, huh?” Knight was surprised and Slade just shrugged noncommittedly. “How long have you been with INET?” Knight tossed out his own question before Slade could ask another.

  “Since 2001.” Slade watched Knight do the math and smiled. “I was a sophomore in college when they saved me from a life of finance.”

  “You were going to be an accountant?” Knight just couldn’t picture Slade in a suit and being stuck behind a computer all day. He was too fit and his aura was just too deadly to be trapped in the confines of a cubicle somewhere.

  “Don’t let this hot bod fool you,” Slade grinned. “I do have more than just street smarts.”

  “I never doubted how smart you are, Slade.” Knight’s tone was serious even though he knew Slade wasn’t offended by his reaction.


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