I.N.E.T 1

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I.N.E.T 1 Page 18

by Brenda Cothern

  “You two are so alike,” Hunt agreed with a chuckle. “Some of us were worried when Fish decided to force a partner on Slade. We knew it would fuck up the team dynamic we have going. But now, after meeting you, nothing will be fucked because you and he are so alike. Well, maybe not nothing,” Hunt chuckled again and used his fingers to make air quotes around the word nothing. “Because I’m sure the two of you are going to stir up more shit for Fish then he ever had to deal with when Slade was flying solo.”

  Knight wasn’t sure what to say to Hunt’s confession about the team’s concerns. He knew from previous experience that anytime a new person was introduced into a unit that there were not only doubts, but a period of adjustment for the whole team. Hunt’s words seem to obliterate both of those factors.

  “Thanks.” It was all Knight could come up with.

  “Get some rest, Knight.” Lita patted Knight’s uninjured shoulder. “We’ll keep you out of the debrief when we face Fish. Plus, you have class tomorrow.”

  Knight grunted by way of reply when Lita and Hunt walked toward the back of the plane to join Zep. He rested his head back and was just dozing off when he felt Slade’s hand drop from his arm to his thigh. Knight smiled and let sleep claim him.

  After three days the pain in Knight’s shoulder wasn’t so bad, even though not having anything to dull the pain tested his fortitude like nothing he had ever experienced before. He returned to his dorm and resumed his life as an INET trainee after they returned from San Antonio. Slade promised to see him soon, but that soon had yet to happen.

  Knight was tempted to drop in on Fish again, but knew that wouldn’t turn out in his favor. It seemed like Slade and the rest of his partner’s team had successfully kept his involvement in extracting Slade and Zep from Fernandez a secret.

  Still, Knight hadn’t seen Slade since they landed three days ago. He was worried about his partner. It wasn’t the same gut wrenching worry he had before, but he still worried more over Slade than the chance he would be kicked out of INET training.

  Knight returned to his dorm after his International Law class to find a sealed envelope on the floor just inside his door. It was obviously pushed under his door and he didn’t pick it up until the door was securely closed behind him. The envelope wasn’t addressed to him and Knight sat on his bed before he opened it. He removed the paper that was folded in half and stared at it for a moment before he unfolded it and began to read.

  Agent Knight

  Knight blinked. Agent?

  Report to Director Fisher at 0900 tomorrow morning for a debrief concerning the Fernandez case.

  “Oh shit,” Knight said aloud to his empty room. “I guess they didn’t keep me out of it after all.”

  Knight’s shoulder gave a twinge and he ignored it as he undressed. There was nothing he could do if Fisher knew about his involvement in extracting Slade and Zep from Fernandez’s mansion. He wouldn’t deny his involvement or apologize, and would accept any consequences that Fisher or INET imposed on him.

  However, the note being addressed to ‘Agent’ Knight instead of ‘Trainee’ Knight made him believe the consequences for his actions weren’t as dire as they could be.

  Knight reported to Fisher’s office promptly at nine the next morning. Fisher’s secretary greeted him warmly before escorting him into the director’s office.

  “Take a seat, Knight,” Fisher ordered and didn’t look too happy.

  Knight did as he was told while he tried to get a read on the man who would hopefully be his future boss.

  “I’m not pleased with you, Knight,” Fish began once Knight was seated. “Anyone else would have their ass booted from training. I want to make that clear right now,” Fish pause to let that information sink in.

  Knight mentally relaxed now that he realized he wasn’t going to be fired before he actually started working for INET.

  “I knew you would find a way to get involved. If I didn’t know Lita and Hunt so damn well, I’d swear you would have found out who they were and come up with the whole extraction plan yourself. Especially, since it was the plan you argued for in the first place.” Fish glared at Knight before he shook his head and sighed. “Lita and Hunt could lie their way into a monastery, get their rocks off, and make the damn monks believe God sent them as a reward for piety.”

  Knight resisted the urge to grin at the visual Fish painted entered his mind. Just thinking of Friar Tuck-like monks praising the Lord for sending Lita and Hunt to fuck them was wrong on so many levels. Wrong, but funny as hell.

  “But they can’t lie to me.” Fish rested his elbows on his desk and laced his fingers together in front of his mouth. “Do you know why, Knight?”

  “No, but I’m sure you are going to tell me,” Knight replied almost neutrally.

  “You’re damn right I am, smartass.” Fish glared at Knight over his clasped hands. “They can’t lie because I trained them! I know them too damn well and I know bullshit when I hear it!”

  Fish didn’t say another word for several minutes and Knight didn’t look away from his future boss. He met the man’s glare and bit his tongue on what he really wanted to say. It wouldn’t do him any good to point out that Slade could likely be dead by now if it weren’t for them extracting him when they did.

  “So, now that I know for sure that you were out in the field with those fuckwits,” Fish began again.

  “What?” Knight asked and had to force his expression to remain neutral.

  “You didn’t deny it,” Fish’s glare finally eased up. Fish lowered his clasped hands to the desk and Knight could clearly see the smirk that spread Fish’s lips.

  Shit, the fucker played me. Knight grunted.

  “Give me the report, Knight, then will talk about your future with INET.” Fish rocked back in his chair. “And Knight? Don’t leave anything out.”

  Knight started at the beginning, from the moment he met Lita, and walked Fish through the extraction. When he came to the point where he was shot by the asshole, Knight considered keeping his mouth shut about it. However, he had a feeling Fish already knew. His report ended when he stepped out of the SUV and the agents drove off.

  Fish was quiet. His expression didn’t change, but he was floored by the amount of information Knight included in a report he hadn’t even been prepared to give. After hearing descriptions of Fernandez and his men, from their designer suits to their damn cufflinks, Fish now had no doubt about Knight’s photographic memory. He was going to be an asset to the team and make a great INET agent.

  “All right, here’s what’s going to happen.” Fish leaned forward in his chair. “First, you’re going to report to medical and get your damn shoulder looked at.” Fish held up a hand when Knight opened his mouth to speak. “Don’t. Lita might have patched you up, but I’m sure a shot of antibiotics is in order. After you’re done there, clear out your dorm and report to HR. Get your new ID and badge then get your ass over to the firing range. Turn in your training piece and sign out your field weapons. Once you’re done doing all that, take your ass home. Be here at seven tomorrow morning to meet the team. Got it?”

  “Yeah,” Knight replied and stood. “Where is Slade?” Knight caught the tightening around Fish’s eyes before the man masked it.

  “I’d tell you not to worry about it, but you would likely go and do something stupid just like he would.”

  Knight couldn’t resist grinning. “Yeah, no likely about it though.”

  Fish groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. “He’s in detox.”

  “What?” Knight frowned. “I want to see him.”

  “Knight, look,” Fish began, but Knight cut him off.

  “I want to see him,” Knight repeated sternly.

  “It’s not his first time going through detox. He’ll be fine.”

  “I don’t give a shit if it’s not his first time,” Knight’s temper was rising. “I want to fucking see him.”

  “Slade doesn’t see anyone while he’s detoxing,” Fish sai
d calmly.

  “He’ll fucking see me,” Knight growled at his new boss. “Whether he fucking wants to or not!”

  “God dammit, Knight,” Fish lost his patience. He slammed his hands down on his desk and stood. Fish was just as tall as Knight had calculated from the surveillance photo. “He won’t see anyone and specifically you.”

  “What the hell does that mean?” Knight yelled, his anger so strong that he had to resist hitting something or someone. Like his new boss.

  “He doesn’t want to see you, Knight.” Fish hated to admit what he said, but it was the truth. “He specifically said and I quote, keep Knight the fuck away.”

  Emotions warred inside Knight. His anger was replaced by a crushing sensation in his chest and he barely stopped himself from rubbing the aching spot over his heart. He had no idea why Slade would shut him out.

  Knight was certain they had made a connection. A connection that felt natural, seamless. A connection that Knight felt in his soul. He was sure Slade felt it too, but apparently he was wrong. And Knight hated being wrong.

  His fury flared again at himself for believing he and Slade actually had something. They didn’t, and Knight was pissed that Slade made a fool out of him from what was likely some INET recruiting tactic. He had to get out of here, had to hit something, but he couldn’t even do that with his fucked up shoulder. Knight wanted to roar out his fury, but instead just turned on his heel and left the director’s office.

  “Seven tomorrow morning,” Fish yelled at Knights retreating back.

  “Fuck you,” Knight yelled back over his injured shoulder without slowing.

  “Shit,” Fish mumbled and dropped back into his chair. He scrubbed his hands over his face. “What the fuck have you done now, Slade?” Fish asked his now empty office and prayed his longest serving INET agent hadn’t just run off the best potential recruit they’d had in years.


  Knight left INET and didn’t return. Not the day Fish debriefed him, not the next morning at seven, and not two weeks later. He turned off his cell phone the day he was supposed to report for work as an official INET agent and hadn’t turned it on since. He had no plans to, either.

  A knock on Knight’s door made him frown. He contemplated ignoring whoever was at his door, but after the knocking became harder and louder at five minute intervals, he knew whoever it was wasn’t going away. The person’s persistence pissed him off.

  Knight cursed and stormed toward his door. He threw it open with every intention to give the annoying piece of shit on his doorstep a piece of his mind, but his words died in his throat.

  Slade. Knight’s heart twinged and that pissed him off more than the man knocking on his door for the last thirty minutes.

  Slade was frowning at him, but that didn’t stop Knight from growling out, “Go the fuck away.” The man had no right to be upset with him. He wasn’t the asshole who had done anything wrong.

  “Knight,” Slade began and Knight slammed the door in his face and turned the lock.

  “Shit,” Slade muttered. He knew his new partner was beyond mad at him. Even if he hadn’t seen the fury and Knight’s sexy-as-sin glare, he knew the guy was ticked off all to hell.

  When Fish told Slade that Knight left INET after giving his report and didn’t return to start work the next morning, Slade knew why. But knowing he was the reason Knight was throwing away a career he was sure the man would not only excel at, but love, didn’t make Slade feel guilty.

  If anything it pissed him off. He had his reasons for not seeing anyone when he had to go through detox and especially not letting Knight see him. But those reasons were his own and if Knight didn’t like it that was just too fucking bad. Slade had every intention of telling his infuriating partner just that once he picked the fucking lock.

  Knight was in his kitchen getting a beer when he sensed someone behind him. That son of a bitch.

  “Get the fuck out of my house, asshole,” Knight spat and slammed his refrigerator door so hard that shit rattled inside. He didn’t care.

  “No,” Slade’s own anger was on a low simmer, but he couldn’t ignore his arousal that was trying to replace it. There was just something about seeing Knight so angry that got his motor running.

  “I’ve got nothing to say to you so get the hell out,” Knight’s hands clenched into fists and he was practically vibrating with rage.

  “Well, I’ve got something to fucking say to you,” Slade growled back and stepped into the kitchen. He didn’t wait for Knight to reply before he laid into the man.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing? You were supposed to start work two weeks ago as a fucking agent, as my fucking partner! You are the first agent to not have to take all of the agent training classes. You aren’t that fucking stupid to throw a hissy-fit and give up a career you would not only love, but be fucking good at!”

  Knight zoned in on the only thing that registered. Partner. Just hearing Slade yell that word at him made him see red.

  “Fuck you!” Knight bull rushed Slade and caught the man off guard. “Partners don’t shut each other out, asshole,” Knight slammed Slade into the floor and ignored his healing shoulder that protested. His fist landed body shots as he unleashed all his pent up anger and hurt.

  “Partners are there for one another. They lean on each other, support each other,” Knight was screaming at the top of his lungs. “And they sure as fuck don’t break each other’s hearts!”

  Slade tensed and allowed his muscles to take the brunt of Knight’s fists while his partner unleashed his anger. The punches hurt, but it was Knight’s words that caused Slade to react. He hooked his leg around Knight’s, bucked his hips, and rolled all at the same time. The move caught Knight by surprise and that surprise was just long enough to give Slade the upper hand.

  Slade scampered across the floor and dropped onto Knight. He had both of his partner’s hands in his by the time his body settled on Knight’s to push him into the hard kitchen floor. Chest to thighs, Slade covered Knight and wondered if his partner was remembering the day they met and found themselves in the same position. Knight’s angry glare and the memory had Slade instantly hard and he did nothing to hide his body’s reaction.

  “Get the fuck off me,” Knight said through clenched teeth.

  Slade replied just as vehemently, “No.”

  The venom in Knight’s tone wasn’t as thick and Slade could feel Knight’s body responding from being pinned beneath him. Slade experimentally rocked his hips and watched as Knight’s eye lids dropped nearly closed.

  Knight hated how his body betrayed him to Slade. He loved the feel of Slade’s weight on him, loved Slade holding him down so he had no other choice but to face the shit that made him so angry. Memories of the sticky mess they had become the last time they ended up on his kitchen floor assaulted him. Knight bit back a groan and allowed his eyes to close so Slade wouldn’t see the hurt-laced want that he couldn’t hide.

  “No,” Slade repeated on a whisper. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sorry.”

  Knight felt Slade’s words brush against his lips on a breath. He wanted to hold onto his anger, his hurt, but his want and need to feel Slade’s lips against his was too strong. So strong that a wanton moan mumbled deep in his throat.

  Slade could feel Knight’s erection pushing against his own and his partner’s body was practically vibrating. Not with anger anymore, but with desire instead. He whispered his apology and when his partner only responded with a hungry moan, Slade didn’t resist trying to taste the sound.

  The second Slade’s lips touched his, Knight’s body reacted of its own accord. His hips bucked up and his arms fought to be free while he forcefully deepened the kiss. Knight wasn’t gentle, he didn’t tease to ask for entrance when he thrust his tongue between Slade’s lips.

  The taste of the man was intoxicating and just like every time before when their mouths met, Knight couldn’t get enough. He couldn’t get enough of Slade’s mouth… or hi
s body.

  “Let go,” Knight begged against Slade’s lips when they finally came up for air.

  “Never,” Slade whispered against Knight’s mouth and meant what he said. He was never going to let go of Knight.

  “Bed,” Knight suggested with a groan when Slade rubbed their cock’s together.

  Slade pushed up far enough to look down into Knight’s blue eyes that were a shade lighter than his own. He wasn’t sure what he was looking for, but his unconscious mind must have found whatever it was because the realization that his partner had wormed his way into his heart was clear.

  A moment of panic threatened before Slade remembered Knight’s words about broken hearts and he knew he had nothing to fear. Knight would protect his heart if he were brave enough to place it in the man’s care.

  Knight held Slade’s gaze. He saw the moment the man’s eyes shifted from searching to panic then to contentment. Knight wasn’t sure what it meant, but didn’t care when Slade smiled down at him.

  “We need to work on this temper of yours,” Slade said quietly.

  “Then you shouldn’t piss me off,” Knight smirked.

  Slade rocked his hips again and breathed out, “I want you.” Slade felt more than heard Knight’s moan. “Like this,” Slade rocked his hips harder and this time the sound of Knight’s moan echoed quietly around them.

  “As my partner,” Slade continued while staring deep into Knight’s eyes. “At INET,” Slade leaned down and lightly kissed Knight. “And everywhere else.”

  “Everywhere?” Knight whispered back and felt his lips brush against Slade.

  “Everywhere,” Slade confirmed his desire for a future with Knight.

  Knight’s heart swelled with happiness. All of the hurt and all of the anger he felt toward his partner was suddenly gone. How this man had stolen his heart in such a short time, Knight didn’t know, nor did he care. All he cared about was that Slade felt the same way and he never wanted how he felt right at this moment to end.


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