One Little Bit

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One Little Bit Page 13

by Tey Holden

  As soon as Addy helped her undress, Karen got in the shower. She could hear Karen sobbing. A minute later, Addy opened the door to the shower and entered. “Come here.” Karen turned and was immediately wrapped in loving arms. Addy took the scrunchie and among a multitude of kisses, gently ran it over every bit of her pregnant body.

  “I’m sorry. I know I’m being impossible, but I want this to be over, Addy.”

  “Sssh! I know. It will be over soon.” Again little kisses were imparted all over Karen’s back as her lower back and other parts below were being scrubbed. “You can never be anything but beautiful, baby. I adore you. Baby, or no baby.” Addy continued to kiss her and gently scrubbing her. “No need to breastfeed, they are beautiful just as they are.” Karen smiled. When they were done, Addy dried herself, and then Karen.


  “It’s a pleasure, my beautiful. There, you are! All dried already. I think I’m spoiling you.”

  “I like being spoiled.”

  Addy caressed her face and kissed her. “I know.” They shared a long kiss. “Go to bed. Do you want something to eat or drink? I have to get some water.”

  “No, just wake me up when this is over!” Karen went to bed and covered herself including her head.

  When Addy came back and saw her, she smiled and kissed her. Karen was in tears again. Her hormones had her on constant emotional swings. Addy rubbed her back and imparted kisses everywhere she could.

  Karen pouted. “You are really the only baby I want messing with my—.”

  Addy smiled. “Sssh, I know, but we don’t want the baby to hear this conversation. Don’t want her coming into his world already jealous of her other mom.”

  Karen chuckled. “I don’t think I can handle anyone else messing around in that department.”

  “Good. I like exclusivity. I’m very territorial, you know?”

  “I know.”


  It was already the end of November and the weather had turned. On that particular night, the howling wind and rain woke Addy up. Karen noticed that Addy got up. “What is it, baby?”

  “Nothing, the noise of the wind woke me up.” As Addy looked out the window, she had a horrifying thought. What if the baby decided to come on a night like this or worse when there was a snowstorm and the roads were covered? She panicked. Her mind ran with the fear. She remembered the night Sarah’s son got sick and the struggle to get the boy to the hospital on that winter night. It would also take them an hour to get to Edinburgh from Altee. They had to go to Edinburgh because there were better medical facilities there and because Tiffany was there. The baby was also due to be born in March and the weather was still usually bad that time of the year. She had to plan for a worst-case scenario. She often did that because she believed that when people were caught unprepared, it was very difficult, if not impossible, to come up with the best solution. It was best to think of the worst situations with a clear mind and then draw a perfect plan.

  A few days later, a typical Addy decision was made. “Karen, I’ve contacted a realtor in Edinburgh.”

  Karen looked at her in total surprise and waited to see what was coming. By now, Karen was already used to Addy’s out of the blue ideas. She, however, also knew that Addy’s ideas and decisions were thoroughly thought out before they were ever communicated, and that by the time the ideas were shared, they were already a full plan. It had been several months since Addy had any wild ideas, in fact, the last wild idea was the baby, and that was still in process.

  Addy continued. “I’ve asked her to look for a place to rent near the hospital. We are spending the winter there. I have been thinking for a while that we are too far from the hospital and the weather may be bad when the baby decides to come. I don’t want to take any chances. I still remember what we went through taking Sarah’s son to the hospital that dreadful night. I don’t want to be in that situation with you and the baby. I’d appreciate it if you agreed with this plan, for my peace of mind. I need to know that I can get you to the hospital and that all will be fine.”

  Karen shrugged. “Fine with me. I’m also agreeable to taking the kid out by C-section. That way we can plan things out.”

  “Thank you, hon, you have no idea how relieved I am that you are okay with my plan. About the C-section, we need to discuss that with Tiffany and then decide.” Addy knew better than to discard ideas that might make Karen feel worse. Hope and alternatives were always good thing to have.

  “Why did you think that I wouldn’t agree to rent a flat in Edinburgh?”

  Addy shrugged, turned around and rolled her eyes. Only because you’ve been bitching about everything lately?


  As far as their daily life, everything was going well. Karen was feeling very good, had not gained too much weight, and her work with Phillip kept her busy during the week. During the weekends they always had an outing planned, which took them into the countryside to enjoy many of the fall festivities in nearby locations.

  In December Karen was already in her sixth month and preparations began for Christmas. They weren’t going anywhere this year because of the advanced stage of the pregnancy. In addition, Karen was not in the mood for partying and they agreed to have a quiet Christmas at home.

  They had become friends with another lesbian couple who owned a shop in a nearby town. They met through JP, who had met them when he stopped there once to check out the shop. Because they were part of the area’s business community, they had become friends when the inn was still operating. Even though the inn no longer existed, Karen and Addy remained friends with them and they occasionally visited each other or met for dinner once in a while. The two couples occasionally visited and met up for dinner in town. On this particular occasion, Silvia had called to invite them to a Christmas party.

  “What should I tell Sylvia about Saturday?”

  “Yeah, tell her we will go, but only for a little while.” Although Karen was not in the mood for socializing, she understood that Addy needed human contact, if only to get away from the daily routine. Karen was not oblivious to the fact that she could be difficult at times due to her hormones, and that Addy being the good partner she was deserved a break.

  When they arrived at Sylvia and Anne’s place there was a crowd of people. Some were friends from the town others were business acquaintances and neighbors. Addy stayed close to Karen knowing that she was more sensitive to things due to all the changes occurring in her body. Addy wished that Karen could see what she saw, a beautiful woman that glowed with her pregnancy. They were shocked when they saw Anne approaching with no other than Alana. “Karen, Addy, this is Alana Dickerson and her friend Jessica. Jessica looked to be, at least, ten years younger than Alana.

  “Hi, Addy, hi Karen, it’s been a while.” Alana kept looking at Karen’s belly unbelieving what she was seeing. For Addy, it was very awkward and she almost wished the ground would crack open underneath her and swallow her to the ends of the earth. The minute she saw Alana, she regretted having come to the party. She knew how Karen hated Alana and that she was mortified that Alana had seen her in her current condition. Karen’s defense mechanism was to immediately put on her poker face. Addy was too much aware of Karen’s discomfort, and she knew she had to resolve this situation as soon as possible before something or someone exploded.

  “Oh, you know each other?”

  “Yes, we do. We have mutual friends.” Karen replied.

  No matter how much Karen’s belly caught her attention, Karen couldn’t help notice that Alana couldn’t keep her eyes off Addy. As usual, the woman had no shame. Addy was very aware of Alana’s intensive stare, even though she had focused her attention to Anne who was still talking to her. Addy’s mind raced trying to figure out a way to get out of this situation.

  “So, Karen, it looks like you are expecting.” Alana stated.

  “Yes.” Karen was short on words. It was obvious that she did not want to share any information with Alana.

“I guess congratulations are in order.” To Karen’s relief, Alana’s companion joined the conversation and a minute later, she pulled Alana away towards the buffet table.

  “Addy, I want to leave. I’m going to combust, if I don’t get out of here quick. Just tell Anne that I don’t feel well, and that I want to go home. What are the odds of finding that bitch here?”

  “Tell me about it! Consider it done.” Addy went off to look for Anne. Alana, who had not taken her eyes off Addy, immediately followed her.


  Addy turned. Shit!

  “What a great surprise to find you here, and most of all, what a shocker to see Karen pregnant. Did she lay that on you, or did you see it coming?”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “Oh, come on, Addy. Don’t tell me that this pregnancy thing was your idea. I’m sure this is not the kind of thing you were looking for at this stage in your life. Listen, I’m having a party at my place in Glasgow. Tell Karen that you have some business there and stay with me. We can have some time to ourselves. I’ll make it worth your while. You know how I feel about you.”

  Addy couldn’t believe her ears. Was Alana crazy? Did she really think that she would ever leave Karen? She just didn’t get it. Addy was furious, and a mad Addy was not a good thing. Whenever her cage was rattled she became Mr. Hyde.

  Because they were in a crowd and in someone else’s house, Addy opted for civility. Although the reality was that a few expletives were in order and maybe even a slap in the face “Alana, I’m sorry. I think we’ve gone over this before. I don’t share your feelings. I’m in love with Karen, and we are expecting a child that we both want. I am not interested in any of your offers. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go.”

  “Addy, don’t be a fool. Do you know how many women wished to hear an offer like that from me? Do you know what you are missing?”

  “Alana, I cannot miss what I don’t want. Perhaps you should concentrate on those women and leave me alone.” She walked away. On her way back, she came across Anne. After explaining that Karen was not feeling too well and that they would be leaving soon, she walked towards Karen. A very vigilant and mad Karen had seen the whole exchange with Alana from a distance.

  “Ready to go home, Blondie?”

  “Yes.” As Addy helped her up from the chair, Karen whispered in her ear. “I love you.”

  Addy smiled knowing that Karen was aware of what had just happened. What a great feeling it was to be wanted by the person you loved. “I love you too, sweetheart.” She kissed her on the lips. Karen smiled. Eat your heart out Alana, wherever you are watching from! The pregnant woman got the girl!


  On the way back, they were quiet. Karen was waiting for Addy to tell her what happened back at Sylvia’s. As soon as they drove away, Addy began to talk. “You know how we agreed to always have full disclosure with each other?”

  “Um huh.” Karen smiled. She knew Addy would tell.

  “She came on to me again.”

  “I suspected she would. I hate that bitch! She didn’t even respect the fact that we are expecting a child. She started ogling you the minute she saw you, and then she went after you as soon as you got up.”

  “Are you mad?”

  “I’m not mad. I was not happy thinking that someone was trying to score on my turf, but I knew you’d handle her. The truth is that we cannot control the world. Things will happen. It’s how we respond to things happening that make a difference. Sure, I think she’s a despicable bitch, but I knew you’d put her in her place.”

  “Thanks. You are right about me. You know? This is what’s wrong with the world. There are people out there that don’t respect or understand the value of family and relationships.”

  “True, but you know why that kind of thing happens? Because there are those in relationships who play the game hoping that they won’t get caught. Like Mary and her double dipping, and JP. They always get caught, though. Lies are hard to keep up with and eventually they are caught in their own web. I’m sure that’s what happened to Carol and Mary. Carol stood by her long enough to figure out all her tricks. But then again, if those in relationships fall so easy, maybe the relationship wasn’t too strong to begin with, maybe there was something already wrong.”

  “Yeah, that’s true.”

  Karen smiled. “What did she say?”

  Addy didn’t want to upset Karen. “Karen, please don’t ask me to go so low as to repeat her words.”

  Karen chuckled. “Alana is an idiot. She picked the wrong person to mess with.”

  “She took a plunge in the wrong pool for sure!”

  Karen laughed and looked at her lovingly. “Can I take a dip in your pool tonight?”

  “Tonight and any night, sweetie.”


  Back at home, Addy helped Karen undress and then helped her get under the covers. Even such trivial matters were already difficult.

  “Umm, taking my clothes off and coming to bed with you at night has always been the best moment of my day, but now it has acquired new meaning. It’s such a relief to take off everything. I mean everything fits so tight.” Addy chuckled and kissed her on the neck knowing exactly what Karen meant. Karen immediately came on to her, touching her in all the right spots but going about it in an unusually hurried way, which was definitely unlike her. Addy sensed her anxiety and quickly pulled away.

  “What’s wrong, Ker? What is it?” Addy’s question came with a smile.

  “I don’t want to neglect you, and what if I can’t meet your needs, and—.”

  “Ker, you’ve got to be kidding me! What the hell is that supposed to mean? What is this nonsense about not meeting my needs? Does this have anything to do with that bitch Alana?” Karen remained quiet. “Because if that’s the case, we need to set a few things straight.”

  “Addy, look at me, I’m getting bigger every single day and I don’t even feel like making love sometimes anymore.”

  “Karen Larsen, I wouldn’t change a second of this very special moment of our lives with you for the wildest sex on the planet most certainly because I do not want to be with anyone else but you, ever! Can you, possibly, get that through your head? And as far as not feeling like it, well, we’ve read about pregnancy hormones and we knew there would be changes.”

  “Yeah, but I never thought it could actually happen to me considering how I feel about you.”

  “Well, this comes with being pregnant. You may have thought whatever, but a woman’s body goes through a lot of changes when she’s pregnant and this is part of it too. We are in this together and we’ll adjust, and manage. You know very well it’s a temporary thing.” Karen remained silent. “When I look into your eyes, I feel like I’ve gone through an imaginary door into a world that belongs to me only, and where I am absolutely happy. I’m yours, baby. Got that?” Addy felt Karen’s head nod on her shoulder. “Silly woman, I want to kiss your belly. I want this baby to know that I cannot wait to see her and that I absolutely love her, and you. I’m going to sing a lullaby in Spanish to her.”

  “Oh, dear God! Here we go again!” Karen chuckled. As Karen spoke, Addy descended to Karen’s belly and began to sing.

  Karen lay in bed smiling happily and playing with Addy’s hair. The joy of seeing Addy caressing, what she thought to be her enlarged belly, and singing to the child inside her was one of the most tender moments she had ever experienced.

  When she was done singing, she came up and kissed Karen. “I love you gorgeous,” she caressed Karen’s face, “and I’m all yours, don’t ever doubt that.”

  Karen kissed her and snuggled to her. “I know.”

  Part 7

  Karen went for her prenatal checkups every single month. So far all had been going well and both mother and child were doing fine with the sonograms showing a perfectly healthy baby. On the eighth month visit, Tiffany spoke to them about the delivery. “Okay, guys, everything is looking good. The baby is looking great and has grown qu
ite a bit this last month. So, this is what’s going on.” Hearing Tiffany’s words, Karen immediately began to panic and Addy suddenly became anxious.

  “I know that everyone wants a natural birth, but the baby may be too big for your birth canal, and I think we should be prepared for a cesarean birth because I don’t want to take any risks.”

  “I don’t know where you ever got the idea that I was fine with a natural birth. I was never thrilled with the thought of pushing a watermelon out of my vagina. Tiffany, all I want is for you to take this baby out the safest and most painless way possible.”

  Addy was not surprised that Karen wanted the C-section. But she also wondered if Karen realized that a C-section was a major surgical procedure. She also knew, and understood, that Karen had already reached that stage in the pregnancy where all she wanted was the child to come out.

  Addy was pretty quiet. She wanted to talk to Tiffany but not in front of Karen. Both she and Tiffany left the room while Karen got dressed and spoke outside. “Tiffany, are you telling me everything?”

  “Yeah, the baby is a little low, but I’m not too concerned about that, but if Karen has any spotting, call me immediately so that I can examine her. I feel confident that Karen and the baby are both doing well, Addy. You need to remain calm. You know how these things go. Karen is going to panic if you don’t keep your cool. So you have to be the supportive one.”

  “I’m trying, but it’s not easy seeing her so uncomfortable and desperate.”

  “I know, but it will all soon pass.”

  Karen was coming out of the room, as Tiffany said goodbye and went into another examining room.

  “Ready to go?”

  “Yeah, I can’t wait to get home and take my clothes off!” Addy smiled politely to a nurse standing nearby who had heard Karen’s comment. The nurse smiled knowingly and squeezed Addy’s arm lightly in a compassionate manner, which Addy appreciated.

  “Want to get ice cream?” Addy asked trying to lighten the mood. However, Karen’s killer look immediately conveyed that she had failed.


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