One Little Bit

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One Little Bit Page 35

by Tey Holden

  “Alex, why that name?” Addy asked.

  “It’s my name in Spanish for a boy. He is little like me, M’Addy.” Her smile was like a sunrise when she looked at Addy.

  “What do you think Marshall? Is Alejandro a good name for a winning racehorse?”

  Alex looked at Marshall expectantly. When Marshall saw the beautiful green eyes and innocent smile, the answer was evident. “Addy, I cannot think of a better name for a horse owned by such a charming little lady.” Marshall smiled at Alex, who immediately hugged her. Judging by Marshall’s face, it was obvious that there had never been children in her life, and that she had never been hugged by one. Marshall was in shock upon such a display of affection, and didn’t know what to do until she saw Addy smiling, then she hugged the little one. She was delighted.

  “Well, young lady, we have much to do to train Alejandro, you know? I expect that you might be interested in learning and helping.”

  Alex was amazed. Her face was pure joy and surprise. “Can I, M’Addy?”

  “Well, as long as it’s okay with Ms. Marshall. I suppose you can help, but only when Ms. Marshall is with you, and she tells you what to do.”

  She hugged Addy, then Marshall again, and then Alejandro. Even the foal seemed somewhat excited. It was as if the horse actually understood that Alex would be part of his life and liked it. And so, it was at this early age that Alex began to learn to train a horse.

  Karen arrived and Alex ran to her to deliver the big news about training Alejandro

  “Alejandro, huh?”

  Addy and Marshall laughed. When Karen saw the colt she was elated. “He is beautiful!” She looked at Addy and Alex with delight. She loved what she always saw on the two faces she adored. Where will this road take us now? She grinned as she picked up Alex to kiss her. She put her other hand around Addy’s waist, and Addy did the same the minute she felt Karen’s hand on her. They kissed as Alex watched.


  Alex asked to be put down because she wanted to pet the horse. The minute she hit the ground, she ran to the horse under Marshall’s close supervision. Karen and Addy smiled and watched the tender scene. Karen then turned to look at Addy. Addy felt the loving green eyes on her and returned the gaze with equal tenderness.

  Even though they had been together for several years, the love they shared was as strong as when they first met. When the brown eyes met the emerald ones, the intensity of the moment was overwhelming. Karen reached out to bring her closer and they kissed tenderly.

  Right about then, Alex turned and found them kissing. The smile on the little face was adorable. She loved to see how her moms loved each other. Alex looked at Marshall, and when she found Marshall looking at her moms, she felt a need to explain. She opened her huge eyes and after momentarily pursing her lips, she nodded and putting her small hands, palms up in front of her, as if to offer evidence, she explained. “They alwayz kiz.” She sighed. “They love a lot!”

  Marshall chuckled. Alex expressive face and words were so endearing that Marshall couldn’t help but to raise the little one up in her arms and hug her. “Yes, Alex, your mommies love each other a lot and that, young lady, is a wonderful thing.” With the little one in her arms, Marshall walked over to where Karen and Addy were standing. The women had broken their kiss to chuckle, upon hearing Alex’s explanation.

  Marshall handed Alex over to Karen and Addy, who kissed her at the same time. Alex placed her little arms around both women’s necks as Karen held her in her arms. Again, Alex explained. “They love me too.”

  “Yes they do, Alex. You are a very fortunate little girl.”

  Karen put her down and both women held her hands.

  “Good night, Marshall.” They both said in unison.

  “Good night, ladies.”

  A little voice said. “Good night, Alejandro.”

  Marshall looked back to the tiny horse. She could have sworn the horse responded. “I think I’m going crazy.”

  The women walked away holding the little one’s hands, while Alex skipped and jumped hanging on to their hands.

  The end

  This story will be continued in Joint Venture, The Addy and Karen Series - Book 4.

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  Other books by Tey Holden

  Turning on a Dime

  Addy and Karen Series - Book 1

  Life turned on a dime when, Karen, a gorgeous blonde with a fair share of play in life fell head over heels for Addy who, although attracted to Karen, struggles with her feelings. Jean Paul, a mutual friend, tries to mediate the liaison with hilarious results. Matters get complicated when Karen’s presence is required in Scotland for the reading of her aunt’s will, and Addy agrees to accompany her. At the reading, relatives are in dismay when told that Karen is the main heir. However for Karen to inherit, she must stay in Scotland and embrace a family legacy she never wanted. The turn of events changes both women’s lives drastically, and takes them to a very unexpected future.

  Read an excerpt:

  On their way to pick up Addy, Karen warned JP. “Be careful with what you say, JP, remember that she doesn’t know how I feel about her, and that I want to keep it that way.”

  “I don’t know how much longer you can keep up this charade. I think you should just tell her to see what happens. You cannot live your life in this, this limbo situation. I mean you have to move on, girl. You are beautiful and all that, not getting any younger, and soon those wrinkles are going to start to show and your chances of finding someone will go down dramatically.”

  “JP, stop it. I can’t just walk up to her and tell her. She may not be in love with her husband, but she’s still married to him, and she has a daughter. Are you forgetting all of that? And if that was not enough, I don’t know what that revelation would do to our friendship.”

  “It might shake it up and let things fall where they may. That way, if she’s not interested, you would know and would be able to move on.”

  “No. No way.”

  “You are in denial, sweetie. Just know that.”

  “Okay, I may be, but let’s leave things as they are, okay?”

  “Don’t worry, hon, your secret is safe with me.”

  When JP saw Addy, he jumped out of the car to greet her. They exchanged the Spanish/French double cheek kissing. “Hi JP, it’s so good to see you again! You are going to have to tell me what you’ve been up to.” Addy was glad to see JP, she really liked him. She liked unpretentious people and thought that he was a very genuine person. Karen kept looking at them from the driver’s side of the car. She loved to see the interaction between the two. It was really fun to see how well they got along.

  “Come on, you two. Stop the kissing and the chatting and let’s go. I’m hungry.” She smiled.

  “Hey, don’t rush me!” He looked at Addy. “She’s always hungry. I don’t know where she puts her food.” JP remarked.

  “I don’t know either, but she keeps well. Don’t you think so?” Addy said smiling.

  “Absolutely. She’s as gorgeous as always.”

  Karen shook her head and laughed as they entered the car. They arrived at the restaurant, parked, and went inside. Dinner was good and so was the wine. The conversation flowed easily among them and they were having a great time.

  “Looks like our girl here seems to be having fun with us, for a change. I keep telling her that she needs to get a life, and some sex!” JP laughed as he spoke to Addy, who always seemed to find his conversation amusing.

  Karen frowned and almost choked on her wine when she heard the word sex. She immediately frowned. Worry overcame her, and JP immediately noticed that she did not look happy. Oh, oh where is this headed?

  “For what is worth, more than one person here could use more of that!” Addy said laughing.

  Karen turned to look at Addy. “Wait a minute, have you had more than two glass
es of wine?”

  “You lost count? Unbelievable! Ms. ‘I like to keep track of everything?’ So that you know, sweetie pie, I think I’m on my third!” Addy raised her glass and brought it over to Karen’s face for her to see it up close.

  “Oh God, I don’t want to get you home drunk.”

  “You’d be the only one who’d care.”

  “You are not having anymore wine and that’s that!”

  Addy addressed JP. “Do you see how she bosses me around? I think that’s why she likes me. She had me fooled, you know? Now I know why she likes me.”

  Karen and JP looked at each other. JP did not hesitate and took advantage of the opportunity, much to Karen’s astonishment. “Well, then why do you put up with her? Do you also like her?”

  Karen looked away and scratched her forehead in disbelief of what he had just said. Addy looked at her wine glass then at JP, then at Karen, then again at JP and she smiled. She knew she was being probed. She was drunk, but not that drunk. She really tolerated alcohol better than she led on.

  “What’s not to like, JP? Look at her. She’s—,” Addy looked at those green eyes looking back at her, “gorgeous.”

  JP raised his brows and looked at Karen. “Well, someone in New York also thought so and practically threw herself at her, but she wouldn’t do her. Do you suppose she might be in love with someone, and she’s keeping it a secret from us?”

  Karen looked at JP almost in shock from his comment. Stunned, she quickly looked back at Addy for a reaction. Oh, shit!

  Addy, who obviously had been enjoying the effects of her third cup of wine, looked at Karen and pouted. “Hum, I hadn’t thought about that possibility.” She pointed a finger at JP.

  “Maybe there is a secret love?” JP said adding wood to the fire.

  Karen jumped. “Okay, that’s it, I think you two have had too much to drink and we should go.” She called the waiter and asked for the check. Addy and JP stared at each other.

  “Are you drunk?” Addy asked JP.

  “Nope, you?”

  “No. Actually JP, I’m really having a lot of fun. I think we should talk more about this possibility of an ‘amour secret.’ We need to figure her out. Lately she’s been sending confusing signals.”

  Oh no, they are into the French talk now! They are both drunk. Karen glanced at Addy while she anxiously waited for the waiter to bring the bill.

  Addy was pointing with her finger in the air. “It’s got to be a brunette, she likes brunettes, not redheads. I know that much. The red head didn’t work out. So, we need to think which brunette she might know and like a lot.”

  Oh, God, where the hell is this waiter? Karen kept an ear and an eye on the twosome, but desperately continued to search for the waiter.

  JP raised his eyebrows. “She told you about that?”

  “Yeap, she tells me everything.”

  Shit! This waiter better hurry up. The waiter finally showed up. Karen quickly paid the bill and grabbed Addy by the arm. “Let’s go.”

  Addy pouted. “Party pooper!”

  As they were leaving, Karen chuckled, but gave the evil eye to JP, who drunk and all, got the message.

  “Did anybody pay the bill?” Addy asked. “I think we left without paying the bill. They’re gonna come looking for us? Do you see how I get bossed around, JP?”

  JP followed. They were already in the parking lot near the car. “Yeah, but I think you let her, you’ve got to put your foot down!” He made a point of putting his foot down and nearly fell except for the fact that he hung on to a parked car.

  Karen chuckled. “Don’t worry. Addy, the bill was paid. Come on. You okay, JP?”

  “I’d be much better if this car wasn’t moving!” Karen looked back. She saw JP laying on top of the hood a parked car.

  She continued to walk with Addy in tow. Addy continued her talk. “I can’t say no to the woman. She’s got me wrapped around her finger.” Karen chuckled. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She had never seen Addy drunk. “What are you looking at Blondie? Don’t tell me you didn’t know that? Karen chuckled, and shook her head. I have to get you drunk more often! No, I didn’t know that!

  Karen couldn’t help smile. “Get in the car, now!”

  “Yes, boss.” Addy got in and rested her head on the headrest while Karen helped her buckle up. With hooded eyes, Addy focused on Karen as Karen fastened her seat belt. When Karen was done, she looked up and met Addy’s eyes. Being so close, she was tempted to take those sweet lips into hers. But instead, she smiled at the adorable drunken face in front of her. Unable to resist, she kissed her on the cheek. “I’ll be back. Let me go get Frenchy back there. I think he’s having trouble with moving cars.”

  New Quarters

  Addy and Karen Series – Book 2

  Addy and Karen adjust to their “New Quarters” in Scotland where life spins them into a larger than life adventure as they follow Addy’s dream to refurbish the old estate mansion. As they do, they ruffle some feathers and ignite controversy with Karen’s family and the town’s innkeeper. The dream takes off and the journey is filled with successes, failures, friendships and adversaries as they build their new life in Scotland.

  Read an excerpt:

  When Karen told JP about the move to Scotland, he blasted her through the phone line. “Say what? Are you crazy? What the heck are you guys going to do over there? My God, Karen, we’ll never see each other! Honey, I don’t make all that money to be flying back and forth over there! And Addy? How does she feel about leaving her daughter here? Babe, I don’t know if that’s a good move for you. She’s going to be homesick and she’s going to leave you freezing your ass over there. Sweetie, I don’t think you’ve thought this through. You are asking too much from Addy, the woman just got divorced and is starting a new life. Karen, I think you are risking it big time. You have to make things nice for her so that she can feel good and comfortable with you. In my opinion, you are playing with fire. This is like going for your honeymoon to Antarctica rather than Hawaii.”

  “Are you done Jean-Paul?” Karen knew that whenever JP was nervous, or preoccupied he went on and on about the same thing. She’d always let him to talk as long as he wanted, so that he could get everything out of his system.

  “I don’t know! I’m feeling really panicky about all these changes. It’s as if you like living on the edge, or as if you had a death wish! Just when everything is working out, you again have to rock the boat. You are playing with fire, you know? I thought Addy was all you wanted. Now you have her and you want more?”

  “Jean-Paul. Addy is the one who wants to do it. She made the decision for us. I didn’t want to take her away from here, but she insisted that this was a good thing and that we should do it. I only agreed because she seems resolved, but the truth is that if in three months she wants to come back, I have no problem with it. We’ll pack our bags and be back immediately. I want her to be happy. She is all I want, and she is for sure my number one priority.”

  “Well, I feel a little better now. I’m going to have to talk to that woman, and put some sense in that head. Doesn’t it get really cold up there? I don’t think she’s going to like it. You know how she hates cold weather.”

  “I told her. Talk to her if you want to she just walked in.” Karen handed the phone over to Addy. Even though, she shared all of JP’s concerns, she was willing to give the Scotland move a try because the idea of having Addy all to herself, for however long they lasted over there, was comforting enough to give it a try.

  Addy picked up the phone. “Hi ballerina man, how are you?”

  Karen chuckled when she heard Addy’s new nickname for JP. Only Addy was always coming up with new names for him. The best part was that, no matter what Addy called him, he was always okay with it.

  “I was fine until two minutes ago when I got on the phone with your blonde there. Adriana Marcos, have you gone bananas? Do you know how cold it gets in Scotland? That has got to be like the Antarctica of th
e North! Your butt is going to freeze up there, honey, and your skin is going to get all pruney and wrinkly and, oh God, I don’t know what else to tell you! Do you know what that is going to do to your complexion? Have you forgotten that you like warm weather? Plus, we won’t get to see you guys as often. It’s awful Addy, just awful! Whatever makes you think that you are going to like being up there, or that it will be good for you? Whatever possessed you to do this?”

  “I know it’s cold, JP, but it will work. It’s a beautiful place and it’s Karen’s homeland. Everything is green and beautiful like her eyes.”

  Karen rolled her eyes, and shook her head, but she was also grinning. “YOU ARE PATHETIC! PLEAZZZEEE!” JP screamed. Don’t give me the gorgeous green eyes speech again, honey, get real. The fact that you are drooling over the sexy blonde is not going to make the winters over there warmer, you know?”

  “Nope, but the sexy blonde will keep me warm. I’ve got you on the speakerphone JP, you better be nice to the green eyed monster because she is turning a very dark shade of red right now. I definitely know that she can generate a lot of heat to keep me warm all winter, JP. I know this for a fact.”

  “Oh give me that!” Karen took the phone from Addy’s hands, even though it was on speakerphone. Addy reclined on the sofa laughing. “I cannot take any more of this nonsense talk. We are going, and that’s that. Live with it, and you better start saving to come and visit. We want you guys to come and see the place.”


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