Infinite Fury (High School Bully Romance)

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Infinite Fury (High School Bully Romance) Page 28

by Savannah Rose



  “Kace Da’Costa?”

  My heart is racing as the cell bars buzz before pulling back like a curtain to expose a shiny new chance.

  I look up to the head of the corridor and Janey is beaming up at me. I try not to focus on the bruise on her forehead or how swollen her nose is because I know it’ll have me going all rage; trying to do whatever it takes to get into a cell with Cain so I can pummel his face into the ground for hurting her.

  “Kace!” Janey beams. She’s smiling from cheek to cheek, clapping her hands in front of her like an excited child.

  It had taken a full twenty-eight hours for her to show up here after our last visit. Which meant that I’d been worried sick for twenty-eight hours straight. And when her dad had asked about Stone Rich Bridge, that made my fear run even deeper. But here she is, alive and victorious, smiling and happy.

  Mr. Bradshaw, her father, is close by, signing off on all the documents that will work to get me my freedom. It takes about another minute until he’s by us, walking only a step or two behind Janey and me as we approach the exit. I glance around the full station at some of Kensington’s finest.

  “Where are the others?” I ask, looking around for Cain. As soon as the words have left my lips, I’m greeted by an answer. His hands cuffed behind his back and a thick bandage on his arm, Cain is being led inside by four massive cops. There’s something about seeing him like this, bound and on his way to prison, that takes me to a whole new level of satisfaction.

  I know with the rap sheet that he has and the size of the D’C stash, the chances of the open world seeing Cain again are slim.

  I don’t suppose he knows what good behavior is, so he’ll be in here for a while.

  That sounds a lot like his problem to me.



  The steam from the shower seeps into my muscles and I feel like there’s a masseuse in here with me. It’s unbelievable that just yesterday I was crammed into an overcrowded cell with junkies and thieves and now I’m in the guest room of a four story villa in Rittenhouse Square that I didn’t have to sneak into.

  There’s a knock on the door, followed by a tiny voice. “How can you breathe in all this steam?”

  “Can’t a man shower without being harassed?” I ask before I feel cold hands wrap around my torso.

  “No. Certainly not when he’s just gotten out of jail,” she giggles and I walk us further down the shower, getting her soaked in the process.

  She yelps at the sting of the water on her soft skin and I watch as she gets flushed from the heat.

  Fuck, she’s so hot.

  I shake my head at her while I pump some soap into my hands. “You’re a very stubborn woman.”

  “Yep. As stubborn as they come. And also…I’m your stubborn woman, so you kinda have to put up with me.”

  My dick hardens at her saying that she belongs to me. Without hesitation, my hands roam her arms all the way down to her fingertips. When I touch her torso, I can see her mouth part and I lean forward to claim her tempting mouth before returning to soaping her breasts.

  She reaches for the bottle and lathers her hands before taking hold of my throbbing cock and massaging it between her tiny hands.

  “Fuck Janey,” I growl through gritted teeth as she tugs gently and rubs her fingers over the tip.

  She steps closer to me and the water cascades down her full breasts like an alluring waterfall.

  “Please don’t leave me again,” she whispers, and my cock strains for her.

  Pulling her to me, I dip down and kiss her while raising her leg and securing it around my waist. The rise and fall of her chest tells me just how impatient she is to have me; how excited she is to be able to touch me again.

  Leaning her against the wall, I press my body against her and crush her lips with mine. With our bodies like that, we kiss for ages, but it still doesn’t feel like enough. A part of me feels like nothing with Janey will ever be enough. I’ll always want more. Need more. Crave more.

  “Take me,” she whispers against my lips.

  Like a man starved, I don’t deny her what she’s asked for because it’s exactly what I need. Bracing my cock at her opening, I push gently, gliding between her slick folds as I squeeze my way into her, relishing the strong milking motions of her walls as I pump into her. Over and over again. Making her mine. Loving the sound of her moaning in my ears. Loving the feel of me inside her, how wet she is, how tight she is. How close she is even though we’ve just begun.

  Janey glares up at me, panting breathlessly. I spin her around and bend her over before pushing into her again. The water falling around us lubricates her already dripping folds as she pushes wildly back on me, creating the kind of music lovers know best.

  “Kace,” she calls out as she approaches her climax and I pound into her harder and deeper, wrapping a hand around her throat and bringing her closer to me.

  “Look at me,” I grunt and she obeys, a slave to my fucking pleasure. Just as much as I am a slave to hers.

  “Fuck… Janey… yes!”

  I lose myself, bucking wildly into her until she stiffens and explodes around me and I pull out of her, cumming loudly in my hands.

  She turns around and my lips find their way over hers in a soft exchange as our heartbeats settle and our breathing slows down.

  “I missed you,” she smiles up at me and I wonder where I would be had she not been the psycho stubborn woman she is.

  “Believe it or not,” she whispers, “this actually isn’t why I came here looking for you.”

  I turn the tap off and grab a towel to start drying her off.

  “Oh?’ I ask and she shakes her head.

  She smiles and I tense. “I got you something.”

  “The last time you tried surprising me it led to an argument,” I point out.

  “Which I believe later ended with us naked on a sofa,” she smirks and I nod.

  “This is correct. Maybe I’m not the averse to your surprises after all. What’s this one?”

  “Get dressed and meet me downstairs,”

  “What’s the surprise?” I ask again as she climbs out of the shower, wrapped up in her towel.

  She glances back and narrows her eyes at me. “You do know what the word ‘surprise’ means, don’t you?”

  With that, she’s out of the bathroom and out of the room by the time I get out there.

  I hurriedly get dressed, jump into the elevator and head down to the living room floor.

  I spot Mr. Bradshaw so I’m fairly sure this surprise won’t be ending with us naked on a sofa today. Shortly after I’ve made it into the room, I see Janey jogging down the stairs. She’s fully dressed now, clad in a pair of jeans and a hoodie. Her hair is still wet and thrown up into a loose bun and there isn’t a spattering of makeup on her face. She’s never been more beautiful.

  “What’s the surprise?” I ask her, and she comes over to me and wraps an arm around my waist before pointing at the elevator. I glance over at Mr. B and he smiles and nods at me.

  That didn’t help either.

  The elevator pings open again and I fall to my knees as Abby runs over squealing to me.


  Oh my gosh.

  When I look up, Cori is pushing a wheelchair and I am fighting to keep the tears at bay.


  “Hey baby bird,” she grins at me, “like my new wheels?”

  I look over at Janey and she’s having no debate about shedding her tears. Her face is wet, but she’s smiling and leaning against her dad.

  “You did this?” I ask and they both point at the other. “Thank you.” I lift Abby up and toss her into the air before catching her and pulling her to my chest. I’ve missed her. God…have I missed her. Missed them.

  Abby’s laughter fills the space and bounces off the walls until I finally put her down and walk over to hug my mom.

  “You did it,” she beams proudly at me
with tears in her eyes and I shake my head and turn to point at the Bradshaws. “They did it.”

  Cori clears her throat and rolls her eyes at me.

  “Right. Her too,” I chuckle and she nods with a smile.

  “Mom, there’s somebody I would like you to meet.” I motion for Janey to come over and she blushes as she bends down to hug my mom. “This is my girlfriend, Janey.”

  “It’s very nice to meet you, Janey,” mom says, pulling Janey into a hug.

  For the first time in forever, everything feels right in the world.



  “Oh my God, Kace hurry up! We’re going to be late!” I whine, putting on the five inch heels my mother had bought me. I steady myself and reintroduce myself to my center of gravity before I attempt to start walking again.

  “They won’t start without the valedictorian,” he says, pulling on his pants.

  “I just don’t understand why you’re not ready yet.”

  “And I just don’t understand why you’re so nervous.” He rolls his eyes and I pick up my flypack with my gown.

  Through some miracle and after countless hours, Kace had made up all the credits he flunked out on. My father had his hands in the game too, putting on his lawyer face while speaking to the Dean. After some badgering, he got them to agree to Kace retaking the tests he’d purposefully failed. The hard work paid off and, not only did he qualify to graduate, but he also earned the Principal’s most improved student prize which I seem to be more excited about than he is.

  I shift my eyes to Kace to see that he’s staring at himself in the mirror.

  “Kace?” I call quietly and he doesn’t respond.

  He looks different. The same, but different. Cori convinced him to let her cut his hair. He was skeptical, at first, but Cori’s one of those girls who could convince the sky that it’s not blue. True to her promise, she didn’t turn Kace into an Ogre. His hair doesn’t fall into his face the way it once did, making it easy to take in the expanse behind his eyes.

  “What’s going on?” I ask sitting beside him.

  He sighs and I take his hand in mine, weaving my fingers through his. “It still doesn’t seem real.”

  “It is real. You did it. You made it happen.” Leaning over, he kisses me and I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him even closer, inhaling his scent, committing it to memory.

  My heart is full as I watch Kace cross the stage and collect his diploma.

  So much has changed in the last few months. Erika had ended our friendship when she found out I was dating Kace, saying that it would affect her reputation.

  I enjoyed watching her jaw drop when he was announced as the most improved student and that he had stolen the science prize from her. He worked so hard and I couldn’t be prouder of him. He got the scholarship he applied for and got into the school he actually wants to go to.

  I don’t know if the distance will affect our relationship, but I’m willing to try to make it work.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, our valedictorian, Miss Janey Bradshaw.”

  I stare down into the sea of hopeful faces, caring only about one, more than just appreciating the fact that he’s actually going to walk the stage today. My family is here to support us. Kace’s family is here too, not hiding just how proud they are to be able to witness this moment.

  Both sides are finally starting to heal, and I know it will take a while for some wounds to scab over, but at least we’ve got a smooth path to carry us over the journey.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, we survived,” I say, my eyes scanning the crowd. “Our trip into adulthood. Our mistakes. Our failures. Heartbreaks. Disappointments. We’ve conquered them one by one.”

  There’s a hoot from the school body and I can feel myself tearing up. I look over to my parents. They have a long way to go, but they’re sitting side by side and that warms my heart. A divorce is still on the table, as it should be. But I’m confident that even when they’ve signed the papers, they’ll still try to heal the parts of them that need healing so that they can both be there for their family the way they should.

  “Some of us won’t be finishing this year out at all. It pains my heart to know that Bubba can’t be here with us today, in person. But I do believe he’s watching over us, taking part in this ceremony that is for him as much as it is for each of us here today.”

  A picture of Bubba comes up behind me and I see Kace look down for a brief moment, nodding his head. Silence falls over the entire crowd as we take a moment to remember Bubba.

  I know that Kace’s heart is breaking a little right now as he fights through the pain of not having his friend by his side. But at least now, he’s not alone. At least now, he has a mass of people to lean on whenever he needs support.

  Our moment of silence comes to an end and I take a deep breath before carrying on with the rest of my speech.

  “It’s funny how simple decisions can change the course of our entire lives. Or how a change in friendships can alter the direction of your future. At the end of the day, you get to choose. I am a firm believer in giving people options and watching them pick themselves up every single day. Watching them choose to win and that’s what you did for the last five years. You chose.”

  My chosen family is smiling up at me. Abby is wearing the tiara I got her and grinning as I wave back at her.

  “And if you ever find yourself in a place where you don’t want to choose you. Learn to trust the hearts of the ones who do.”

  I stare directly at Kace.

  “The ones who build you up. Who love you unconditionally. Who protect you. Who will fight for you the way you deserve to be fought for. Don’t be afraid to find strength and courage in the ones who care about you the most.”

  I raise my cap to the crowd and watch as they all raise theirs to me. “To new options to choose from!”


  Trinity High Teaser


  This isn’t what I thought I’d be coming back to after summer camp.

  Granted, the sun is out. It could be a lot worse. As soon as I get off the school bus, I stop on the sidewalk just to look at it. My new school. Who the hell uproots her daughter right before her senior year and plops her in a new and potentially dangerous environment? A freshly divorced mother, that’s who.

  I resent her for it. I’m not sure I’ll ever forgive her, or dad, for that matter. They didn’t tell me anything. I knew they were having trouble… I’m not blind. But they could’ve stuck it out for another year. Why do I have to pay for their mistakes?

  Mom moved out and grabbed me along for “a new adventure,” as she likes to call it. I’m two towns over from all my friends and the people I actually care about.

  The high school looks decent. Typical suburb establishment, with clean walls and preppy looking kids moving in herds before the first bell. They’re all giving me nasty looks—the kind that say - “You’re not supposed to be here, scab.” I can feel it in my bones, it’s not going to be a pleasant experience.

  I’ve got my backpack on one shoulder, my hand gripping the padded strap a little tighter than usual. I’m nervous. Why shouldn’t I be? I’m on foreign, clearly hostile territory. I’m eighteen and not financially independent enough to be on my own, though it’s exactly what I’d like to do right now. Mom thinks I’ll be fine. Dad hasn’t called since he picked me up from summer camp. Fun fact: shortly after he dropped me off at home, he and mom sat me down and told me they were getting a divorce. The selfish bastards…

  Sometimes, it’s really hard to love them. Not because I don’t want to, but because they just make everything so difficult. My stomach tightens and I fight the urge to bring my hand down to comfort it. I skipped breakfast this morning, loading up on coffee, instead. I’m not really rebelling. I just wasn’t happy enough with mom to spin around in a bar stool and pretend that everything’s okay while biting into a piece of toast. I’m starting to regret not eating. My stomach rumbles
again. Shit, I’d kill for a waffle, right now.

  The other kids keep giving me weary glances. Maybe there’s a “Stranger Danger” sign on my forehead? I run my fingers through my hair, thankful that it’s long and red enough to distract from the dark half-moons under my eyes. The depth of the circles are proof that I need a better concealer. I suck in a deep breath and tilt my head back up to the crowd before me.

  “What the hell are they staring at?” I mutter to myself, glancing down. I’ve got short jeans, white Vans, a pale-yellow tank top and my washed-up denim vest. It may be September already, but it’s still August-hot. From what I can tell, I’m not outside Trinity High’s fashion norms. Plenty of skimpy summer dresses and spaghetti straps around, from the juniors to the seniors. What makes me so different?

  I’m the new girl. I think that’s the deal with these middle-class specimens. Like tigers, they smell new blood. If I’m not careful, if I let my guard down, they’ll pounce. I know they will. Teenagers can be mean, not to mention the seniors, who prefer to call themselves “young adults” these days. Doesn’t really get a lot more pretentious than that, does it?

  My phone rings and I briefly check the time. Fifteen minutes until the first class. Brenda’s calling me. I miss her so damn much…

  “What’s up, Dougie?” I answer, lowering my voice.

  She mimics me to perfection. “What’cha’ doin’, sweet cheeks?”

  We both laugh. I love hearing her voice. It’s the most I can get from Brenda, these days. We’re fifty miles apart, but those fifty miles feel a heck of a lot like five hundred. Her parents are always busy, my mom won’t lend me the Mini Cooper to visit Brenda back in my hometown… So, we’re left with Facetime and phone calls.

  “You in school yet?” she asks. I can hear noise in the background. Hell, I can almost see Tracy and Uma sauntering over to her, lattes in one hand, bear claws in the other. Our morning routine.


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