Survivors (Hell Squad #19)

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Survivors (Hell Squad #19) Page 9

by Anna Hackett

  “I have a mission,” she said. “I’ve been approved for new weapons.”

  “Approved by who?” he demanded.

  “The major general.”

  The man sucked on a tooth and eyed her, then he tapped on the screen beside him on the desk.

  “Silver? You from Vegas?”

  “Yeah.” She suppressed a sigh. “And yes, I’m one of those Silvers.”

  “Do you know Clyde Silver?”

  A sour taste filled her mouth. “He was my grandfather.”

  “Broke my father’s kneecaps once.”

  Nice. “Sounds like him. He was an asshole of epic proportions.”

  The old guy barked out a laugh. “You anything like him?” He set some weapons down on the desk.

  “I have my moments. I haven’t broken any kneecaps today, though.” She paused and Dak’s rugged face drifted through her head. “Truth be told, I might have wanted to.”

  The old man laughed again. Then he picked up a brand-new XF carbine, made of shiny silver metal.

  Naomi gasped. “God, this wasn’t even released before the invasion.”

  “Beauty, isn’t she?” He looked at the screen. “We don’t have many of them, but Captain Vaughn requested it for you.”

  Her pulse jumped and she swallowed. “When?”

  “About ten minutes ago.”

  She slung the beautiful weapon over her shoulder. “Thanks.”

  “If you bust any kneecaps today, make them alien ones.”

  She lifted her chin and headed out of the armory. As she did, she stroked the metal of the carbine. This felt like a gift or an apology.

  She sniffed. She wasn’t that easy. She rounded a corner and her steps faltered. Dak leaned against the curved tunnel wall.

  “I’m pissed at you,” she snapped.

  “Everything I said in the Ops Center was true.”

  “You made me sound incompetent.”

  “That wasn’t my intention. I just…”

  When he trailed off, she glared at him, putting one hand on her hip. “You what?”

  He raked a hand through his hair. “I was…”

  “Spit it out, Captain.”

  “I was trying to protect you.”

  Naomi blinked. No one had protected her. Ever. Even when she’d even needed protection from her own family.

  She swallowed. “Don’t make decisions for me. Ask me first.”

  He nodded.

  “I’ve survived the entire thirty years of my life all on my own.”

  “I know you can take care of yourself. That doesn’t make me stop wanting to see you safe.”

  She ignored the flare of warmth under her chest. “You made it clear earlier that you don’t have time for me.”


  No, she wasn’t going there. Couldn’t. “I can get us into Hoover Dam, Dak.”

  A muscle ticked in his strong jaw. “I know. I never doubted that. I just don’t like the idea of you in alien territory.”

  “You can’t wrap everyone in bubble wrap.” She straightened. “I want to do this. These bombs…they have to be stopped.”

  He grunted. “We’d better prep for the mission.”

  Together, they headed to the squad ready rooms. There were lockers lining the walls, all full of gear for missions.

  Dak opened a locker and pulled out some black backpacks.

  “Is your armor in good repair?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Thanks for the new carbine.”

  “Let’s hope you don’t need it.” He zipped his backpack closed. “Pack light. The plan is for us to get in and out without engaging the aliens.”

  It would be sad not to use the new carbine, but she knew they couldn’t be spotted. If the raptors caught them… Yeah, not good.

  She looked around and realized the squad rooms were empty. Everyone was gone for the day, and it suddenly occurred to her that it was later than she’d realized.

  It was just the two of them. Their gazes met.

  In a few hours, they’d board a Viper and get dropped into the center of alien territory. Her heart knocked against her ribs.

  Naomi was well aware that they might not return.

  Dak Vaughn was the first man in, well ever, to stir up every single one of her emotions. He made her feel angry, proud, happy, desired, annoyed, hopeful, and a few other things too.

  She closed the distance between them and fisted her hands in his T-shirt. It was soft from so many washes. Then she pulled him closer.

  “Naomi, we have a mission to prep for—”

  “You get to live, Dak. You aren’t just the captain. You aren’t just the head of security. You’re a man as well.”

  Heat flared in his eyes, but he looked conflicted. “Whenever I look away, people die.”

  “You have broad shoulders, but they aren’t broad enough to carry the responsibility for every single life of every human survivor.”

  Their bodies brushed.

  “Turn off the captain for a bit. Just for a little while. Just feel.” She pressed her mouth to his.

  He groaned and dragged her closer. They went up in flames, and a second later, he was bending her back over his arm as he plundered her mouth. She slid her hands into his thick, dark hair.

  Then he swept her off her feet and set her on a counter running between the lockers. He pushed between her legs.

  “I’ve craved you since I saw you,” he growled.

  Her belly spasmed. “So take me.”

  Chapter Five

  Hot, raw hunger stormed through Naomi. Gasping, she curled her fingers into Dak’s neck.

  He tore her cargo pants open and pulled them down, she reached to fumble with his zipper.

  Then his fingers slid between her legs and she cried out. He leaned over her, pulling her knees up high and her legs pressed to his sides.


  He said her name with a reverence that shredded her. “Dak.”

  He gripped his cock and she felt him brush against her. Then he drove into her.

  She cried out his name. Oh, God. “You feel so good. Perfect.”

  “You’re perfect,” he growled.

  He slid out, then pushed back in. His cock filled her, stretched her. “We’re perfect together,” she breathed.

  He started powering into her. She clutched his shoulders.

  “Knew we would be.” He slid one hand between their straining bodies, stroking. “Look how your body takes me, Naomi.”

  She whimpered, and his clever fingers moved higher, thumbing her clit.

  “Dak, I can’t hold back—”


  Her orgasm crashed over her, stealing her breath. She bit his shoulder, then pressed her face to his neck.

  “Shit. So tight.” With another deep thrust, he groaned through his own release.

  They stayed pressed together, wrecked.

  Naomi swallowed. God, she’d just fucked Captain Dak Vaughn in the squad ready room. Where anyone could have walked in.

  And she’d do it again in a heartbeat. She was half afraid that when he pulled back, he’d become the cool captain again and shut her out.

  He carefully pulled out of her and she swallowed a moan at the sensations. Then she slid off the counter and scrambled for her clothes.

  She’d survived the alien invasion, she could survive Dak Vaughn.

  Strong hands grabbed her shirt and he eased it over her head. She stared up into his unreadable face.

  He gripped her chin. “Christ, you slay a man.”

  She swallowed. “I’m just looking at you.”

  “I know.” He finished helping her dress and then took her hand. He led her out into the corridor.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Taking you to bed.”

  Pain slashed at her heart. He was going to drop her at her quarters, and pretend this hadn’t happened.

  But moments later, when he stopped at a door, she blinked. These weren’t h
er quarters.

  They were his.

  He let her inside and she dragged in a deep breath. The place smelled like him—masculine, citrusy. It was neat, except for the weapons parts spread out on the table. A framed photo of the desert decorated one wall.


  “Shh.” He started pulling off her tank top. “We only have a few hours left before our mission.”

  She looked into his gray eyes.

  “Let me have you,” he said. “Pleasure you.”

  She shivered.

  Then he nudged her against the wall, his mouth on hers.

  Dak groaned. He was moving slowly, thrusting his cock deep inside Naomi’s tight warmth.

  He kept his gaze on her face.

  Their first few times had been fast, a rush. Now that he’d come a few times, he could go slower, last longer.

  “Oh, so deep.” She arched into him.

  He loved her in his bed, her body beneath his. Her black curls were spread out on his pillows and her scent was on his sheets.

  He moved inside her, watching all the emotions flitting across her expressive face. He hadn’t taken something for himself in so long. Now he wanted to gorge on her.

  “You’re mine now, tough girl.”

  Her eyes flared, and her nails bit into his back.

  “You will not get hurt on this mission.” His voice was a gritty growl.


  “Not one scratch. Every curl intact.”

  “Damn alpha males,” she muttered.

  He hitched one of her legs up higher and slid a hand between their bodies. He found her clit.

  “Oh, God,” she moaned.

  A few sweet strokes later, she was coming.

  Dak picked up the speed of his thrusts, feeling his own climax clamping down on the base of his spine.

  “Come,” she whispered.

  With another thrust, his release hit him hard. With a roar, he spilled inside her.

  Dak collapsed on the bed and she flopped beside him.

  “I can’t go on this mission,” she said. “I may never walk again.”

  He smiled and gave her a light slap on the butt. “You don’t get to slack off, recruit.”

  She moaned and snuggled into him.

  “We’ll do more of this when we get back.” He knew his tone was bossy, but he didn’t care. He stroked a hand up her spine.

  She glanced at him and nodded, but he read the worry in her eyes.

  If they came back. They were both aware of how dangerous this mission was.

  All too soon, his watch chimed. Damn.

  She sat up, her hair tumbling around her bare shoulders. “Time to go?”

  “Yeah.” God, she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.

  “I’ll head to my quarters and shower. Meet you at the Viper hangar?”

  He didn’t want to let her out of his sight, but he nodded. He wanted her to stay, but if they showered together, he’d be tempted to have her again, and they’d be late.

  Instead, he settled for a hard kiss. “See you soon.” He was happy to see her lips were red and swollen from his kisses.

  After she’d gone, Dak showered and changed. The familiar focused energy settled over him, the same sensation he got before every mission.

  Dressed in his armor, he headed for the Viper hangar.

  Michaela was waiting in the doorway. The major general nodded. “Be careful out there, Dak. We need you here.”

  He nodded. “I’m always careful.”

  Michaela patted his arm. “Too careful sometimes.”

  He frowned. “Sir?”

  “You can’t survive on work alone. You’re more than just your job, Dak.”


  The woman held up a hand. “I know leaders can’t get too close, that we have to make difficult decisions sometimes. But fuck that.”

  Dak raised a brow. She rarely cursed.

  “We all need a reason to fight,” she continued. “You deserve someone who puts you first, who makes you happy—”

  Naomi stepped into the hangar and his gaze went straight to her. In that short little while without her, he’d missed her. He drank her in.

  “Ah,” Michaela said. “Apparently, my great speech was wasted.”

  Dak snapped his gaze back to the major general. “What?”

  “It seems you found a reason for living.” Michaela smiled and patted him on the shoulder. “You two be careful out there, and find that bomb.”

  “Yes, Major General.”

  Michaela nodded at Naomi. “Take care of him for me.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Dak waved Naomi toward the waiting Viper. “Let’s go find a bomb.”

  She grinned. “You’re on.”

  Chapter Six

  The Viper flew in low over the desert.

  The night was black as hell, and Naomi could barely see a thing. Ramirez was a hell of a pilot.

  “Nearing the drop-off point,” Ramirez called back from the cockpit.

  Naomi met Dak’s gaze in the back of the Viper. The low light in the aircraft threw his face into shadow, accenting his strong jaw. He nodded at her.

  They both grabbed their packs, and as the Viper moved into a hover, he opened the side door.

  Naomi saw the rocky ground below, and although she couldn’t see it, she knew Lake Mead was nearby in the darkness.

  She clicked a rappel line to her armor. Dak was already connected.

  “Thanks, Ramirez,” he called out.

  “Good hunting,” the pilot said. “Remember, once you get close to the dam, your comms will be jammed by the aliens. If you need a pick up, you’ll have to get a few klicks away from the dam to be back in active comms range.”

  “Got it.” Dak leaped out of the Viper, no hesitation.

  As he whizzed downward, her belly tightened. God, the man turned her on. She took a deep breath, checked her line, then she jumped.

  She rushed downward, air hitting her face. She grinned, adrenaline hitting her system. Then her boots hit dirt.

  Dak was there, unclipping her.

  The Viper was soundless, its illusion system up, as it pulled silently away.

  Leaving them in alien territory.

  “Let’s go, Silver.” Dak’s hand squeezed the back of her neck.

  There was affection in his smooth voice when he used her surname. For so long, she’d hated that name, but he didn’t use it as a slur. She wasn’t Naomi Silver, part of the Silver crime family, she was Naomi Silver, ex-cop, survivor, and security officer.

  She’d made herself, and had nothing to do with her family and their choices.

  Dak worked his way through the rocks, and she realized that they were following an old road. They kept close to the towering rock face.

  They climbed up a hill, and a second later, she saw the lake. Starlight glinted off its surface. He waved her down and they moved on their bellies. They crawled toward the end of the cliff.

  She saw the dam below.

  Naomi studied the familiar crescent of concrete—unyielding and strong. There were aliens all over it.

  She lifted her binocs. Dak already had his out.

  She zoomed in. The first thing she saw were the four huge intake towers in the water. She knew they linked to the penstocks—thirty-foot-diameter steel pipes that fed water into the dam.

  The aliens had lighting units set up, and they cast a red glow across the dam wall and the nearby Visitor Center. There were alien vehicles, stacks of equipment, weapons.

  There were also several raptor patrols, all with canid hunting dogs with them.

  So many. Too many.

  “They’ve definitely increased patrols,” she murmured.

  Dak nodded. “Intel team says the patrols thin out after midnight.”

  Which was still several hours away. “When they think humans are all asleep and no danger.”

  “We’ll wait,” he said. “Keep watch.”

  She nodded.r />
  Over the next hour, they lay side by side and studied the aliens’ movements.

  “There’s the access to the elevators that lead into the powerhouses.” She pointed.

  Dak lifted his chin. “I see raptors going in and out, so they’ve clearly gotten the dam’s elevators working again.”

  “We can’t risk using them though.” If they got caught in there…

  “Agreed. Stairs?”

  She nodded. “The main stair access is through the Visitor Center.” But there were too many damn aliens there as well. “There is a set of stairs the maintenance teams used. Off to the side of the Visitor Center.” She pointed again. “You can just see the door.”

  He lifted his binocs. “I see it. Okay, we have a plan, but still a few more hours to wait. Why don’t you catch some sleep for an hour and I’ll keep watch?”

  Sleep, right. She was too wired to sleep. “Then we trade and you sleep.” She didn’t make it a question.

  She saw his white teeth flash in the darkness. “Okay, Silver, you’ve got a deal.” He pulled back from the edge. “I saw a cave back down here a bit. We’ll rest in there.”

  They moved into a group of rocks. Cave was an exaggeration, since it was little more than an overhang. But at least they couldn’t be spotted by any alien pteros flying over.

  They settled in the dark space. As Naomi pulled out the small, high-tech space blanket from her pack, Dak lifted a tiny box and opened it.

  The small device inside was a sentry bot. It looked like a metallic spider. He set it down and it skittered around on its legs. She knew that it was reworked alien tech that the scientists back at Groom Lake had reverse engineered.

  “Anything gets within the perimeter, I’ll know about it,” he said.

  The small bot disappeared into the darkness.

  They settled on the blanket and Dak pulled her close, his big body wrapped around hers. It was nice, except for the fact that they both kept their carbines close.

  “Rest,” he said.

  She looked out at the stars. “I’m too wired.”

  He shifted, his arm sliding around her until his palm pressed to her belly. Then he flicked open her trousers.

  “What are you doing?” she whispered.

  “Helping you relax.”

  His hand slid into her cargo pants and right inside her panties. His clever fingers found her and stroked.


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