The Witch’s Enchanted Alien

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The Witch’s Enchanted Alien Page 7

by Fiona Roarke

  “You really won’t love me or marry me, not ever?”

  She looked instantly remorseful. “I’m so sorry. That was a very mean thing to say.”

  “Then you don’t mean it.”

  “No. I don’t mean it. I truly don’t.”

  “Okay. I forgive you.” Unable to shake the premonition he was about to do the wrong thing, he said, “Fine. Let’s go to your office. I’ll look at the package, but no promises of acceptance or making a reply.”

  “Sure. Maybe I can just send back a note that says you accepted the package, but there was no response.”

  Max nodded. “Maybe.” He retrieved his coat from the rack and shrugged it on. She waited patiently while he locked his apartment door and they made their way down the four flights of stairs to the street. This seemed like a bad idea, but maybe if he did this, Ruby would love him and marry him.

  Wait. No. He had a spell on him, right? Maybe once the spell was gone he wouldn’t love her anymore or want to marry her. Was that what he wanted? No, not really. Maybe that was just the spell talking. This new life had certainly turned out to be a crazy one. He liked it in a curious way, not knowing what was about to happen. Being spellbound and compelled by Ruby was also interesting. Especially since he not only loved Ruby and wanted to marry her, he also liked her.

  She was a good soul. He saw in her mind that she was a very good person. She worked hard. She always tried to do the right thing. Just like he did. And most importantly, just like him, she had been hurt by her family. He certainly understood that. It made him even less inclined to respond to whatever summons this mystery package demanded.

  Time to talk about something else.

  “Did you mention that you have a brother?”

  “Actually, I have two brothers.”

  “What are they like?”

  “Annoying sometimes, but they care about me.”

  “Seems like that’s what brothers would do.”

  “I suppose so. I haven’t known them long.”

  “That’s sort of odd.” Max dearly wanted to hear everything about her.

  “Yes. It is.” She hesitated. He tried not to look in her head, but saw a blip of what she was thinking. She normally wouldn’t explain, but she’d said a mean thing to him and wanted to make it up to him. This made him like her even more.

  “Here’s the quick version of my life story. You see, my mom died when I was born and my grandparents were so angry that she’d married my father that they told him both me and my mom had died. He was devastated and went on a drinking spree and met lots of other women. The drinking killed him.

  “My mother’s parents raised me far away from here. Let’s just say it wasn’t pleasant. While trying to learn more about my father and his side of my family, I discovered his sister and the fact I had two younger half brothers living with her in America.

  “I wanted to find them. My grandparents disagreed. We parted ways.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m not. It was a good move for me. When I came to Nocturne Falls, I found a loving family filled with people who care about me without any strings attached and two brothers who, while younger, are much bigger than I am. They tease me and I pretend to hate it, but the secret is I am so grateful to be here among those who love me for who I am and not what they expect me to be.”

  Max wrapped an arm around her shoulders and gave her a half hug. “I’m so glad you were able to find a better life.”

  “Me, too.”

  “That’s what I’m looking for.”

  “A better life?”


  “Will you share your story with me?”

  Max looked around as if a horde of former Alpha friends was about to descend from the sky and hurl mean looks as they ridiculed his very existence.

  “Perhaps once we get back inside.”

  Ruby pointed at a large brick building on the corner of the next block. “That’s where we’re going.”

  “The mercantile building?”


  “That’s where the satellite office of Bubba’s Psychic Readings is located.”

  “They are right across from my office.”

  “Do you have a back way in so no one will see me go into your office?”

  “Sure. We can go in the back. Don’t want anyone to see you and make you work?”

  “Something like that.” He didn’t want anyone to see him at all now that he knew someone was looking for him. The urge to look over his shoulder every five seconds took up too much time, but was difficult to stop once he started.

  They entered the mercantile building by way of a narrow ally and a half-filled parking lot.

  As they turned the corner into the ally, Max glanced at the opposite side of the street. He saw a tall, skinny guy wearing a bright red T-shirt, dark gray sweatpants and a green baseball cap, walking alone. Max quickly turned his face away to keep from being seen, registering the strange outfit and rolling his eyes at himself. This was Nocturne Falls. Most people wore odd clothing. The guy had probably been at the Black and Orange Ball earlier.

  Max was tired of being so paranoid. Perhaps he needed to relax and not worry about what people thought of him. If someone was looking for him to pester him about his past, he’d ignore whoever it was and fail to send a message back.

  Ruby unlocked a door at the rear of the building and they entered a dark hallway. She flipped a switch and the light overhead came on.

  She shut the door and led him from the hall to a single door, a small office. It was right next to a waiting room sporting a row of four connected chairs by the entry door. On the other side of the door against the wall was a two-person sofa next to a reception desk.

  “This is where you work?”

  “Yep. It’s small, but I like it and the rent is cheap.”


  “Inexpensive. My aunt and brothers own the building. They gave me a really good deal on rent.”

  Max was warmed by that. It sounded like Ruby had a nice family. He longed for a family like that. He stared into her eyes and she gazed back at him.

  He didn’t mean to read her mind, but he was pretty sure she was thinking about kissing him. He’d been thinking about kissing her all night.

  Max lowered his head and kissed her softly. Ruby kissed him back a little less softly. He was touched to his soul. I love you, Ruby. I really do want to marry you.

  He wasn’t sure the spell was compelling him anymore.

  Chapter Nine

  <^> <^> <^>

  Ruby kissed Max like she’d wanted to since they sat on the sofa in his apartment. He had been a gentleman, even though he kept telling her he loved her and wanted to marry her. As time went by, he seemed to get control of his compulsion to continually tell her of his love and reiterate his enduring marriage proposal.

  Perhaps whatever spell he’d been under was wearing off. Ruby was a little sad at the prospect and decided she’d miss it. After several seconds, Max broke the kiss and stared at her with what looked like wonder in his eyes.

  “Do you still love me and want to marry me?”

  Nodding, he said, “Even more so now.”

  “Huh. Interesting.” Ruby tried not to be overly affected by the kiss. It was very nice and truth be told she’d consider doing it again, but her workaholic ethic intruded to remind her why she was here. She cleared her throat, trying not to let him know how much a single kiss had impacted her. “Let me get the package.”

  Doing her best to hide her trembling hands, unwilling to admit how much the extraordinary kiss had shaken her, she moved behind her desk. She gestured to one of the two chairs in front of her desk.

  “Have a seat.” She sat down in her spiffy near-new office chair, produced a key from her pocket and unlocked the bottom right drawer of her desk, pulling the package out.

  It was flat and rectangular and only an inch thick, about the size of a notebook with extra padding.

  Ruby handed
it to him. “Do you want me to leave so you can look at it in private?”

  “No. You can stay. I’ll have to give you a response so you can get paid.”

  “If you want to. I won’t make you.” She folded her arms and leaned forward, chewing her bottom lip in rampant anticipation of seeing what was in the sealed envelope. She truly wanted to unravel the mystery.

  Max opened the package up, spreading the contents on her desk. Inside was a sealed envelope, a small thick card with what she presumed was a galactic address on it and an electronic device that looked like a keychain fob for a vehicle.

  “Did you win a car?”


  She pointed at the electronic device. “Isn’t that a key fob for a vehicle?”

  “No. It’s a disposable Alpha credit device with an amount that would have lasted me probably six months in Alienn, Arkansas, if I still lived there.”

  “That’s good, right?”

  “I guess. But the only place I’d be able to cash in and use the device on this planet is Alienn.”

  “Maybe you could take a trip back there.”

  “Maybe.” But he didn’t seem very interested in doing that.

  Max studied the mark on the wax-sealed envelope.

  “Do you recognize the mark? Is it someone you know?” she asked.

  “Nope. Never seen it before.”

  Ruby took out her phone. “Before you break the seal, let me take a picture. Then you’ll have it.” She snapped a couple of pictures and nodded for him to go ahead and open it.

  “Thanks.” He cracked the thick hard seal in half. Inside were several sturdy pieces of paper the shade of gravestones folded into thirds.

  Max separated them. There were three pages. “These look like the kind of paper used in Alpha important documents. The color gray usually signifies the highest priority.”

  “Are they deeds to some properties? Certificates of ownership for expensive items? More credits, perhaps?”

  He opened the tri-folded papers and glanced through them.

  “It’s a letter addressed to me as Max.”

  Ruby squinted. “That’s your name, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, but before I came here I was known as Ilian, not Max. I didn’t start using the name Max until I got to Earth. Curious.”

  “Who’s it from?”

  Max shuffled to the last page and his eyebrows rose. “Someone claiming to be my uncle Milo.”


  “I don’t have any uncles that I know of.” Max noticed she was sitting as far forward in her chair as she could without falling face first onto her desk.

  “Want to sit next to me and read along?”

  “Read it out loud.” She liked Max’s voice. She liked hearing it. Maybe she was falling in love with him, too.


  I don’t expect you to recognize my name, as you’ve likely never heard of me, but I’m your father’s elder brother. I wanted a chance to tell you my story. I was cast out of the family long ago, well before you were born, because I didn’t fit the mold of what my family wanted me to be.

  You see, I wanted to travel, hunt and discover new and exciting things beyond Alpha-Prime. My parents wanted me to take over what I considered the boring family business of making as much money as possible to pass on to the next generation so Vandervere would always be a name associated with wealth. I didn’t much care about wealth back then.

  So, at the age of sixteen and the legal age of majority on Alpha-Prime for succession, I refused to participate in their plans. I did not get the finger tattoo. I refused to learn how they kept their money and made more. They pressured me for two years. I was steadfast in my desire to change my life. I repeatedly told them no, reading up on all the places I planned to travel to someday.

  On the day my younger brother, your father, turned sixteen, my parents disowned me and officially gave my name to your father. Your father became an only child. He also disowned me without regret. He became sole heir to their wealth, as he’d always wanted.

  I was delighted to be free. For forty years, I’ve lived how I wanted, done as I pleased and only sought news of the Vandervere name once I discovered you had been born, Max. I know you used to be Ilian and I’m sorry that changed for you so abruptly.

  My one regret was never fathering a child. So, I kept track of you, my one and only nephew.

  I didn’t learn about the false arson charge and near trip to the gulag until after you’d been released and exonerated.

  However, I know how our family operates, what your new circumstances are even though you were blameless. What happened to you was completely unfair and I wish your parents were of a different sort than mine, but they are not.

  Therefore, I wanted you to know there is someone out in the universe who knows you’re innocent and understands what it means to be erased from a family as if you’ve never existed.

  If you do not want anything to do with me, that is perfectly fine. I understand. I merely wanted to introduce myself, tell you my story (such as it is) and offer any help or support you might need.

  I’ve included an address where I check in now and again for messages, if you’d like to contact me.

  Otherwise, I wish you the best possible life, Max.

  With respect,

  Uncle Milo Vandervere

  The original MCVIII

  Max placed the letter on Ruby’s desk. He stared at it without speaking.

  Ruby hated to break the silence, but she was about to burst with the thousand or so questions she wanted to ask. “What do you think?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “You never knew about this Uncle Milo guy?”

  “Nope. Not even a clue.”

  “Are you going to contact him?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t need anything, but it would be interesting to meet him, I suppose.”

  “Well, I have to send a message back. Want to invite him here to Nocturne Falls for a visit?”

  Max frowned. “A visit here? I don’t know.”

  “It’s better to meet here, right? Home field advantage and all that.”

  “Home field advantage? What does that mean?”

  Ruby pushed out a sigh. “Better to meet him in a place you’re familiar with and he is a stranger. You have the benefit of meeting where you want, with any or all friends at your back and everything.”

  He nodded. “Okay. Send him that message. What you just said. Give him my number and he can call me when he gets to Alienn, Arkansas. He’ll still have to go through there before he’s allowed to travel here anyway.”

  “Done.” Ruby retrieved the self-addressed package and note for the response. She quickly penned a message and let him read it. At his nod, she signed it, sealed it up and got it ready to send back. A place in Alienn, Arkansas would forward the package on. She would also send an electronic message to ensure her client knew the package was on its way.

  “I’m not sure how long it will take. Maybe a week, maybe more.”

  “Okay. Thanks.”

  “What do you want to do now?” she asked, making a note on her to-do list to send the package in the morning.

  “I want to kiss you again.”


  Max’s head was swirling. He had an uncle he didn’t know existed. A man who wanted to help and support him because of the unfairness of what had happened. It was sort of a dream come true. Was it too good to be true? Time would tell.

  All the while he stared at Ruby, remembering how good that kiss was and how he really wanted to do it again.

  The moment he told her that, she grinned. “Okay.”


  “Yes.” She stood up and came around her desk. He stood up as she approached. She hugged him close and tipped her face up to his. He lowered his lips to hers and kissed her again. Their first kiss had been new and tentative, soft and sweet.

  This second kiss was skilled and sure, firm and spicy.

ile Max still felt compelled to tell Ruby he loved her and wanted to marry her, he also wanted the feelings to be his own.

  The kiss ended and he pulled her into his embrace. She hugged his middle.

  “Okay, now what happens?” she asked into his chest, her words muffled.


  “On what?”

  “On whether you might be able to take this spell off me.”

  “The spell?”

  “Those two women at the ball did something to me, I’m sure of it. If you’re a witch, can’t you remove what they did to me?”

  She shook her head. “Witches typically can’t remove a spell another witch has cast. Besides, I’m not a very good witch to start with.”

  “I think you’re a good witch.”

  “That’s because you love me and want to marry me.”

  “True. Okay. How about I hire you?”

  Ruby didn’t let go of him, but lifted her head to look at him. He was mesmerized.

  “Hire me to do what?”

  “Find the two witches who put the spells on me and make them take the spells off.”

  “Because you don’t like kissing me?”

  “No. Because I really do. I love you and want to marry you, which makes your eyes roll. Once the spells are off, the compulsion to declare my love and tell the truth, we can date like real people and get to know each other without you thinking I’m crazed and strange.”

  “I don’t think you are crazed or strange.”

  “I don’t know about that. I would certainly think I was crazed and strange in the same circumstance. Do you like kissing me?”

  “Yes. I do.”

  “Wouldn’t it be better if I wasn’t saying things that aren’t of my free will? Wouldn’t it be better if I said them because I meant it?”

  Ruby’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “I guess so. I will say having someone repeatedly say he loves me and wants to marry me isn’t a chore.”

  He grinned. “Noted. Will you take my case?”

  “Yes. Can you describe the two witches?”

  Max told her about the two older women who’d accosted him and his subsequent adventures at the Black and Orange Ball. “The shorter woman is named Matilda. I’m not sure about the other one.”


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