Saint Spirit

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Saint Spirit Page 46

by Quelli di ZEd

moderate yourself, you cannot express so much violence towards your companions. I, have been voted as for as successor of Prometeo in a public reunion, if well memoirs, and now as there is now need of a person that quickly decides, otherwise we could find there in an irreversible situation."

  "The war is always irreversible!Fulvio " replied.

  "You are right, but done see this serious precedent, do we have the moral obligation in front of our families to use us to prevent another possible fratricide, don't you find?"

  The murmur of the crowd gave the final hit to the attempt of Fulvio to make to reestablish in the minds of the people the correct will. Matteus, very cleverly played with the fear of the people, taking advantage of the mental disorder created by the recent events of violence and the deceitful tactic broadly agreed with him. All slanted to want to be under to his/her wings, deluding himself/herself/itself so to have a sure protection. When people are afraid, you/he/she uses to submit him to a person that does use of violence and overbearance, convinced that the strength and the maintenance of the safety are proportional conditions to the first accepting even of good degree the inevitable human withdrawal and the evident limitation of the liberty of each. The fear is the feeling that more it condemns us to a death in life, that blocks us every possibility to be different, to become best, to authentically be ourselves. The fear is the weapon more used by the tyrants to subdue the people and to make them harmless. The fear is the feeling that makes us more you blind in absolute. Can convince us to undertake a war that will irremediably jeopardize our life, with the purpose to safeguard her/it! This is the most absurd and evident contradiction to which can be arrived, yet Matteus convinced the inhabitants of the village, in that reunion, to arm and to put out fight the hostile potential, represented by Ivo and by all the people that had followed him.


  It was late evening when Ivo dared reapproach him to Dafne. You/he/she had spent the day pretending himself/herself/itself offended for the derisive attitude that she had immediately had in his/her comparisons after that insane moment of passion, while in his/her cuor it fully agreed with Dafne. Not as soon as you/he/she had succeeded in taking back the control of his/her instincts after that unexpected passionate outlet, you/he/she was felt ridiculous, embarrassed and incapable. From the tall one of his/her power of man then a naïve big baby was shown. You cursed for that thin figure and more it tormented him for the happened one, more he realized than the ascendancy of Dafne was preponderant above all of its actions in that particular breaker. It didn't persuade at all him of as, suddenly, that extraneous was insinuated to the point in his/her psyche to be governed every emotion of his and thought. The thing that frightened him/it more to lines witnessed his total acceptance its condition. The yoke that held him/it narrow to the feet of that woman didn't wake up again in him some motorbikes of rebellion, rather he enjoyed extremely masochistically of it. No, that attitude could not derive from a sudden violent falling in love that had indissolubly subdued him to her wish. There was something deeper, something ineluctable that could quietly have origin from the same air and from the same landscape that surrounded him/it and that you/he/she was more quickly changing clearly always. From the colors of the things to the same gravity that reigned on everything, there was something different, perceivable from everybody, but impossible to explain with the ratiocination. Unfortunately these acute reflections manifested him in a so deep part of the psyche of Ivo that, excessively you sink, they didn't reach to influence its outside motions, leaving him/it to a coarse too level to do yes ch'egli illuminated him and shrewdly acted.

  The giant seated next to the fire of side to Dafne and shook her hand, happy to feel that she reciprocated the hold. It was her the first one to speak.

  "Dear I, regret Ivo that you have remained so badly there. We are allowed to so freely transport from the sudden desire of something beautiful and the possession done sex there you/he/she has loosened some the tension that plain pian is making us go crazy. Not do worry you, has been a thing that has concerned me and you only, and it won't have in the future absolutely trailing. It is as if it had never happened."

  The words of Dafne were a hard hit for Ivo. She had misunderstood his/her reaction; he had not remained badly for that action, but for the little importance that she seemed to attribute him and that exit of his it confirmed the suspicions of Ivo. You/he/she had been an instant of free physical outlet and nient'altro. He tried to work to dissimulate his/her anguish concealing her/it with an ephemeral lightness.

  "Forgive me Dafne, my bad mood you/he/she is fed by well other motives. It is always a pleasure for a man to possess a beautiful woman as you. It serves, as you say, to unload the tension and qualcos'altro. and it faked to burst to laugh. Her rice accompanied the notes of his voice.

  "You men, at the end always see us in the same way, that malandrini! Do tell me, however, thing you have seen in the wood that has you so disturbed?"

  Ivo him taken of the time to appraise if it were the case to confide him with her. Then concluded that up to that moment her suggestions had been precious and definite to open.

  "In the wood there are five bodies of our fellow townspersons killed by arrows and sword. I don't have any hypothesis on who can have been, I have only a sign. I have found the pendant of Sabrina on the place of the crime and I don't know really thing to think."

  Dafne immediately tried to reassure him/it.

  "Ivo, Sabrina has never been me nice, but I challenges whoever to imagine her/it able to kill someone. And then it would not even have the strength to put out use five men."

  "It would be able not to have been alone, Saint has disappeared together with her.

  "No, I don't even allow you to suppose him/it. Saint would never turn him into an assassin, but if so you/he/she had gone, it would mean that that men have tried to kill him/it to them it turns. To have found the pendant of Sabrina don't mean anything. You/he/she could be passed of there before or even after the event, frightening himself/herself/itself immensely. And also accepting the hypothesis ch'ella had been present to that mattanza, of certain it would not make her/it automatically become the murderess. I make an attempt to reach soon the conclusions. I remind you that the people of your village wanted to condemn Saint for something in which him nothing didn't absolutely have anything to do with it."

  Ivo him stizzì and he/she immediately answered to the provocation.

  "Even if, up to contrary test, every time that the monster has attached, Saint has never been present.

  Dafne immediately interrupted him/it.

  "Thing combines me Ivo? I want to help you and you try to alienate me! Do I know that what has said you don't think him/it indeed, were you among those that have defended me and Saint with Prometeo, therefore will I pretend not to have felt this frecciatina, that probably derives from some other secluded feeling that tries in my comparisons, correct?"

  Ivo remained to dry mouth. He/she succeeded only in sending forth a roar of anger to the address of the terrible female that continually fathomed him the soul as it was an open book. You didn't even intimidate him for an instant, rather it drew near him and it affectionately leaned his lips on his making him/it blush and immediately defeating his attempt to rebel to his immense ascendancy.

  Ivo intensely stared at her/it in the eyes. You still felt brave and powerful as the time it passionately desired her/it before. In a second her naked body and his/her more hidden fragrances you/he/she was already imagined. Just in the instant in which it was about to passionately embrace her/it, her voice froze him/it of hit.

  "Saint!it " said her, removing himself/herself/itself from the braccias of Ivo and racing to his/her shoulders.

  The giant turned him and assisted to the scene of Dafne and Saint that were rejoined embracing himself/herself/itself. The occultist greedily the beautiful countess kissed. It seemed him to have remembered at that time only that also she was chained to that fiabescos world. He/she kissed her and meanwhile it hated
him, because she was after all the cause before that whole story, but at the same time it loved him because it kept on being irresistibly beautiful and formidably magnetic. Opposite, Dafne was not absolutely fought. You/he/she had always been clear for her that Saint was his in the same measure in which she belonged to him. There was no antagonism in his/her soul, only the immense joy to be able him/it riabbracciare.

  Ivo was so stunned to the sight of that meeting that didn't even acknowledge Sabrina, that witnessed him few footsteps and it stared at him/it puzzled.

  "Ivo!he/she called " him/it Sabrina.

  He lowered the look and it focused the beautiful girl that up to little time before you/he/she had been the only one to occupy his heart. He/she affectionately embraced him holding suspends her/it from earth and he/she kissed her/it on the cheeks and on the forehead about ten times. The four whole all the vicissitudes told him that had met up to that moment, but Sabrina omitted the story of the terrible violence that had suffered. It still felt too shame and too much disgust. You/he/she would not even have succeeded in making some indication to the monstrosity of that event without reliving the whole horrendous ordeal. Saint had promised her to maintain the secret and

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