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Saint Spirit

Page 48

by Quelli di ZEd

you husk whole with my eye clairvoyant. Who are these fleas? I am a mean to understand this fear that grinds me the bowel! I am in the world, I belong to it, I am the world. Be at the base of the Buddhism! The fear is my desperate attempt to anchor me to somebody among the myriad of feelings and emotions that you/they flow me in the veins. Bitter, to share, to mix and then, for the fear to lose the beautiful one that is found, he/she would be wanted to freeze this river that eternally it flows for not losing that instants. But it is impossible to stop him/it, if the sacred waters of the experience equivarrebbes really froze him to a death. Life always flows, that I want him/it or no."

  It suddenly shouted in the direction of his/her aggressors:

  "I don't need you anymore, I accept this slide, that life also crosses me!"

  Saying this set out in their direction slowly walking. Dafne, terrorized, it tried to stop him/it, but then he allowed to transport from Saint him being bound to the breast. They crossed the group of men that you/they seemed faded ghosts, of the same consistence of the shades, and they disappeared among the trees.

  Saint was literally electrified. Another had succeeded directs to modify the apparent inevitability of the events of that place and now you/he/she had not even needed the image of the wise man, created by his/her subconscious. It came then him to mind a terrible doubt. How was Dafne also able to see and to interact with one hallucination of his? Point-blank churches to Dafne:

  "You remember yourself the hermit that has assisted us in the beach?"

  Dafne stared at him/it with interrogative look.

  "Yes, do I remember him/it to me, but does thing enter it now? Saint, has thing happened to that men before? Was as if I felt me in trance, as if same dreaming!"

  "Dafne, what has happened has to do with the wise man that we have met. This surreal trip that has appeared there from immediately incredibly real, despite completely senseless pits, it is in unreal truth."

  Dafne whitened.

  "Saint, doesn't understand what you are saying. The plants, the air, the men that have done us of the evil and the same wounds that you have brought are until too much true to still fake to dream."

  Saint waited for a reaction of this kind.

  "I know him/it that it seems tremendously real, but it is not him/it. During my trips in astral all the experiences with which I come in contact are real, just as now, just as when we are awake in our dimension. Only difference is that when I travel in astral I have the full control of me, I am aware that I am traveling, and before undertaking whatever trip I create my anchorages those that then will serve me to return back. In this case we have been catapulted in this other dimension without having had conscience of it. Here as the fact he explains that usually, when my Spirit errs, I have some powers that I here don't have, or better, that up to a little while ago I didn't have the conscience to possess. What you have lived together with me is the testimony of what I am telling you. The wise man has been the first attempt of my Spirit to wake up again my conscience. The wise man reappears me in the moment of extreme danger, when I sat as imputed to the court of the village and as of enchantment I/you/they have been brought away crossing the stunned crowd and paralysed by a mysterious strength. There were also you in that breaker and you can testify the truthfulness of what I say. The wise man has explained me all that that I am now explaining to you. I can speak of it so alone dettagliatamente now because me it has taken some time to elaborate the complexity of such revelation."

  The face of Dafne was dark, and when it opened mouth its voice it was sour, as if to work it held back in her a ready fury to burst.

  "Saint, don't be foolish! As it regards me all of this that is around it is totally real. I could perhaps doubt some substance of our memoirs. What it is more truth, now: our past in a distant dimension or the life that we are now living? In this dimension you have the possibility to use powers straight that before you day-dreamed to have, when you autosuggestionavi with your insane mental trips. Here we can be happy, together. I and you can escape from the destiny of this people and to find a new beginning in this virgin and uncontaminated earth. Me and you Saint, understands him/it together?"

  The occultist remained to open mouth. He/she didn't know more than to think. It started shouting against Dafne.

  "But that bushels saying? Do you want to paint me as a crazy person? According to you I must accept this pantomimic world and to live us inside smiling and happy, doing forget from where I come and above all as devil I/you/they have arrived there? I don't know how you have done, but you have brought me us and now you pretend that I accept him/it. Keep on shamelessly lying me! Me and you together? For your adversity I/you/they have already come to knowledge that while you were not absolutely knowing that end I/you had done, you already had among the legs your new horse to command. Do you want to also deny this?"

  "It looks like you were not really lost instead. Rather you were in honeymoon with that troietta of a ragazzina. From the first time that has seen you, cannot wait to climb on you in rump!"

  Saint gave his shoulders and got further in big hurry. The voice of Dafne pursued him/it.

  "I bet that you are going to look for really her."

  The man turned back him, you/he/she reached her/it and picking her/it for an arm up dragged her/it with itself.

  "Note, is going to look for her and you you will come with me. To resolve this history I also have need of you."


  Ivo was racing in the wood with the ax grasped with everybody and two his/her mighty hands. Its suits and its hair was impregnate of the blood of its fellow townspersons that had had to kill in that absurd battle. It raced, not to escape, but to fight. It pursued the group of aggressors to the heels of the people of his/her camp, ch'era run away in the wood when by now the battle it turned to them total disfavor.

  As soon as he/she succeeded in reaching, before two, then three allies of Matteus and without any hesitation it unswathed their bodies as they were inanimate wood fetterses. You/he/she could not afford to reason on thing you/he/she would really have been correct. He/she knew since the first instant in which its first hit of ax had departed to defense of the inhabitants that you/they were trusted him following him/it in the thick of the forest, that its assignment would have brought after all ineluctably him until. You/he/she would also have put us days, but you/he/she would have polished up the forest of all the violent that you/they had made an attempt to the peace of his/her camp. Its breath did him strenuous more and more up to that its run didn't slow down for then staying of hit.

  In the middle of everything that blood that his/her body there was also his. It had quite a lot a little deep but enough wide cuts on both the braccias and the legs but the thing that he/she left him/it dumbfounded it was the to realize to have a lance pierced in the abdomen. Up to that moment you/he/she was not realized anything. The anger had emitted in him a herculean implacable strength that had decimated the horde that had dared to attach its camp. Now, however, its body asked the customs of what you/he/she had offered with so much pertinacia.

  Its tried limbs forced him/it to stay and straight to let him fall without any reservedness on the wild brushwood. From stretched out it slowly tried to get unthreaded from the belly the point of hammered lance, but it desisted suffered by the attempt to do him/it when it realized that shifting her/it only of some centimeter, it gave him an uncontrollable hemorrhage. You looked around; pimply branches of savage grown trees one above the other without any order stared at him/it serious. Their leafy branches allowed to filter the lunar light to flashes here and there, making even more the ghostly panorama than you/he/she would have been in the daytime.

  The musk, crushed under to the mighty massive structure of Ivo, it modeled him around his/her outline winding her/it as a velvety funeral blanket. Closed the eyes plain pian and him it allowed to go to the hands of the dull fainting that it already obstructed him the senses anesthetizing every feeling of his. From far he/she heard a voice of woman a desperat
e invocation. A part of him induced him/it to disinterested of the outside. A maternal obscurity inebriated him/it and melted him/it to the earth paralysing him/it. Then the voice became family: was Dafne! That fascinating woman that had made him turn the head every time that if the era found before, that woman that Prometeo had admonished him to protect for the good of everybody!

  It opened the eyes and it got up of release. The pain and the numbness of the body were enfeebled, cancelled by the adrenaline that it was activated him in the veins. It followed the direction from where the voice you/he/she was reached and it found again him before Fulvio, the second giant of the village. Ax to the hand, Dafne had inserted with the shoulders against a trunk and it seemed to have all the intentions to do foolish of it. Ivo shouted him against, Fulvio it turned him of release and with a point of pain in the voice it said:

  "Ivo, also you I befriend my, you are reduced badly rather. How much calamity, how much death has you/he/she brought the arrival of this witch in our village? I will eliminate her and I will save you all from his/her ill-omened spell."

  Ivo sadly smiled at his/her old friend.

  "No, you are wrong you expensive Fulvio, it is not her the calamity. Casomai she is the salvation. Who has destroyed

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