Saint Spirit

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Saint Spirit Page 51

by Quelli di ZEd

However The witch kept on influencing all of his/her future choices. After that first meeting, she proposed him an ignoble pact: ogniqualvolta he had needed something, you/he/she would be introduced by her, you/he/she would have lain in his/her bed and her you/he/she would have done then in way to realize his/her desires.

  To her he/she asked to become the head of the hunters and then to find wife. Sometimes, in his/her long sleepless nights, Matteus concealed him in the bed of the witch without asking nothing in change, for the simple satisfaction of the lust that seemed every day to grow to excess in his/her opaque soul. You/he/she had asked her quite a lot times to become the head of the village, but to that application she had always shaken the head.

  "No, I regret it, I am not able to grant all of your desires."

  Now that had become head of the village with the alone his/her strengths, him ripresentava to tall head from his/her tenebrous benefactress. They were years that you/he/she was not introduced in front of his/her cavern anymore. He/she called her to big voice.

  "Witch, where are you? I am your Matteus!"

  It added the last sentence with malcelata irony. You/he/she had never known the name of that being and it was never him interested to know him/it. You/they had simply stipulated a pact that was worthwhile to both and nient'altro. Few instants and the witch it appeared on the threshold of the cavern. He/she wore a simple mantle on the shoulders and bottom of it it was completely naked. You/he/she was always introduced naked or almost to the eyes of Matteus. Her didn't care to dress, he/she lived in the forest in complete loneliness, and in that few meetings that it had with some characters he/she preferred immediately to show his/her best side, so much different from his/her horrible face. Matteus, from their first meeting, it was by now notably changed. You/he/she was turned into a man more of forty years, in overweight, bald and with the face and the teeth spoiled by to drink. Contrarily, the witch had maintained the physiognomy of when he had seen her the first time. When she drew near to him to caress him the face, widening his/her mouth in a terrible sneer that wanted to be a cordial smile of welcome, Matteus it detained him to mouth open to fix that prosperous breasts that you/they had been such and what to their first meeting. It immediately realized to be him by now gotten used to that horrendous face, while you/he/she was being grown immensely the desire for that pleasant and firm ground woman's body, pale and generous under to the weak light of the moon. With both the hands he grabbed on to that breasts lasciviously palpating them. Smiled immediately warning the sudden excitement of his/her member. That witch had the most beautiful body of that of his/her wife, by now folded up from the time and from the sadness of his/her opaque life without love. The witch let him/it still make an instant, then with the claws of his/her hands you/he/she scratched him violently the face. He stepped backwards of hit cursing.

  "My dear old lover" she said, maintaining in face the same, identical, smiled atro "you by now are rotten! You don't have any attraction anymore for the abysses of my sight. You cannot afford anymore than to touch me. What would you have wanted from my magic? Tell me, dear."

  Matteus in front of that being again an intimidated little boy felt him, but you/he/she was not able otherwise, you/he/she was still clean me of it stronger of him.

  "Bewitches, must take back yourself the devil that plain pian is destroying my village!"

  The witch answered surprised:

  "A devil? I could never send a devil. If, if I met him/it, I should immediately genuflect and to give him my body so that he completes all the iniquities that need to his/her dark desires of that moment. Us witches we are the puttanes of the devils. Be an ancient law as the evil as the world! But speak to me of this being.

  Matteus explained to the witch for thread and for sign everything the to follow him some stories concerning the demon and at the end the churches expressly to send away that being from his/her earths. The witch observed him with the holes that you/he/she had to the place of the eyes for endless minutes. Matteus didn't persuade him any fact ch'ella you/he/she could see through the nothing. Then the witch sentenced:

  "I know of my companions that would immediately be thrown to the feet of that demon to be raped and subjugated by his/her power. But alas, the sadomasochismo, or better the slave's role, really it is not suitable him to my person. I prefer to command! However I could try some ancient sorcery to obviously estrange him/it from your village but you you must give me something in change."

  "I am ready" Matteus said timidly advancing.

  "Oh no, old poor man, is really hard of intelligence. You are not worth by now anymore anything, however I have seen through your eyes the flourishing youth of your child. Hands me him, I will hold him/it with me for three years enjoying me him until after all. Then I will leave him/it free to leave. I promise that I won't hurt him, but surely it will be forced to learn every lascivious inclination. This is mine before and last proposal. Think of us, dear!"

  And pronounced ch'ebbe the last word, it disappeared in the nothing. The hunter didn't have the time to reply and imbambolato remained to fix the void. While the new head of the village returned home, it shivered seeing among the pines next to the house-redwood the deadly red of the flames. Wanted us quite a lot times before the fire was tamed. New corpses lay in line on the pavement of the Agorà. They were ten. It seemed that the monster this time sorvolando the village had passed only and for spite you/he/she had set some residence for then to again disappear on fire.

  Matteus reached his/her child. It didn't tell the truth respect the sacrifice that had to complete for his/her village and above all for his/her father. It told him everything other history. He/she explained him that during his/her birth it was about to die, but you/he/she was saved by the magic of a witch. This last now asked to get back near that child by now adult, so that he could reciprocate the gift that was done him to that time. The boy, in front of those words, it started trembling and to shake the head in a sign of refusal. His/her father tried to reassure him/it.

  "Not to worry you, will be beautiful to be with her. It is a woman with a formidable body. It will bring in bed you every night with her and you can do everything that that you will want with his/her body and in more you will learn the magic. When will return to the village and me I will depose the scepter of the command, will be natural, seen the power and the ability that will have acquired in that years, that the place of head is up to by law you! You have only to withstand, son, I have passed there also under to his/her claws. If you follow the shrewdness that I will give you, you will see that all of a sudden it will be an amusement to sweep you that lascivious witch, and returning then straight to house will miss you, considering that you won't find as never in this village a perverse woman her."

  The attempt of his/her/their father to convince the boy didn't help him/it, that he found again to uselessly wriggle out while his/her father dragged him/it to destination. When Matteus reached the cavern with his/her/their child, that sadly howled still, he/she bandaged him/it and it summoned him to stay immovable in that point, otherwise you/he/she would have risked seriously to lose the life. Then it entered the dark atro and he/she called the witch that appeared, as his usual, completely naked.

  "I have brought you my child, but to a condition, that learns to know the semblances of your little face to the time. For some time, when you will want to have him, you must hold bandages him, so you indissolubly tie him to your pleasures and succeeds in accepting more easily your face so. it made a break of some second and it added .esotico.

  It was satisfied for his/her keenness in to find a so kind adjective. The witch, to which you/they didn't like the conditions, above all if dictated by somebody else, it accepted reluctantly and it added:

  "It is all right, the knowledge with my face will gradually do her/it. But already having me one tentar desire of yours to realize, the years when I will have available your child they will become five. And not to fear, won't have only to satisfy my desires, but also to hurry some enough obviou
s daily matters in a cohabitation."

  It underlined the last handful of words doing so that his/her blasphemer bifurcate language it whipped the surrounding air and it grazed the face of Matteus, that he/she was imperturbable.

  "It is all right, witch. The pact is stipulated. Now could also seal our accord remembering the beautiful gone times!"

  The witch didn't appreciate at all the insistence of Matteus.

  "Dull animal, you cannot enjoy anymore in my bed, and I warn you that if only you will propose me a thing of the kind I will tear you both the eyes and I will do you them to eat. Six so gotten used to be a slave, that you don't return even yourself account than has kissed you the fortune. Now six a head and I recommend you to satisfy your itches taking you what you want in your village. Hands me your child and disappear!"

  Matteus returned to the thoughtful village. The words of the witch had turned on his most terrible ideas. From that moment in then his/her absolutism you/he/she would subsequently be whetted to damage of the inhabitants of Boscocittà. From when head was become, the abode that a little before had been that of Prometeo and of its family occupied alone. It made to send away the desperate wife ch'era come to

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