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XO Page 23

by Melissa Jane

  “You found this, and you never gave it to me? Why would you do that? Why would you keep something like this from me?”

  “For the same reason I did everything else.”

  Without another word, my lying mother leaves my bedroom. For a long while I simply stare at the envelope too frightened for what’s written inside. Trembling, I cave, sitting on the bed and pulling the letter free. It’s short, simple, and damn well devastating.

  My darling Rosie, please forgive me.

  I never wanted to be the boy to break your heart.

  I sink to the floor, completely broken, clutching the letter to my chest while pained sobs wrack my body.

  “I’m so sorry, Daddy.”



  “I thought I’d find you here.” Jacob sits next to me, our thighs touching, legs hanging over the water tower’s edge.

  “You drove all the way here?”

  “By plane. I’ve heard the veggie burgers are really good this side of town.”

  Despite the pain, I chuckle. “They’ll change your world.”

  “I believe you.”

  We sit in silence for a long while, me resting my head on his shoulder, him leaning his head on mine. Further in the distance, the town goes about its daily business

  “You’re brave coming back here.”

  “I can say the same for you,” I say, sensitive to the fact, coming back here for the first time in ten years, could be rather traumatic.

  “Who would have thought our history would have been written the way it was?”

  “I never saw it coming.”

  “Can’t say I did, either.

  “So, what now?”

  “I can’t lose you again, Rosie. We were always meant to be together, and now we have a second chance, I’m not going to waste it.”

  I sit up and face him. “How can we possibly be together, Jacob? How can we be together when every time you look at me, I’ll remind you of my father and how you cut him free from his noose. And how can I look at you without feeling a world of guilt knowing you’ve carried my family’s burden for all these years? It’s all too mammoth for us to comprehend. The lies between our families. The deceit. The betrayal. My father taking his own life.” I take a sharp inhale. “The heartache. There isn’t a bridge big enough to have all this wash under. So, tell me, how exactly are we meant to be together?”

  “Easy,” he says simply, cupping my cheek. “I knew the day you stood in my bedroom, and I said I never wanted you in my life, that I wanted the complete opposite. The good thing about bridges, Rosie, is that we can build them to whatever size we need in order to wash the last ten years away. But know one thing... I can’t live another ten years without you.”

  “You honestly want to be with me?”

  “I’m not letting you out of my sight. I love you, Rosie. I always have. The question is, knowing everything you now know, do you want to be with me?”

  His forehead rests against mine, and I answer truthfully. Because for the second time in my life, Jacob Lynch has convinced me to fall in love with him. Or, maybe I never fell out of love in the first place. “More than you can possibly imagine.”

  Jacob kisses me deeply affirming the love he’s just proclaimed. It’s a kiss so loaded with emotion, its rawness leaves me further vulnerable and exposed.

  “We should head back,” I say relishing in his touch, a touch I’ve so desperately missed.

  “We will, but there’s one thing we have to do first.”


  Jacob holds my hand as I wipe my sodden face, careful not to cut my cheek with rose thorns. We’d stopped at a florist along the way and picked up two single stem roses. One for each of us.

  Ten years ago, we stood at this very spot shrouded in lies, heartache and betrayal. Today we stand together, hand in hand, full of love and forgiveness finally able to say a proper farewell.

  “I love that he called me boo-boo.”

  “I love how he looked at you with such pride when you took no shit from my father.”

  “I love when he would sing Frank Sinatra because now I know he was genuinely happy in those moments.”

  “I love how protective he was of you. Even if he did warn me to stay away.”

  “I love that he trusted you, Jacob.” He squeezes my hand, because my father’s dying wish was for Jacob to shield me from pain.

  “I love that he adored you.”

  “I loved his big heart.”

  Jacob places his rose in front of the gravestone. “Goodbye, Mr. Reign.”

  I step forward feeling my heart being viced to death. Placing my rose next to Jacob’s, I swallow the pain. “Goodbye, Daddy.”

  With his thumb, Jacob draws an X on my palm. I smile feeling a warmth spread through my soul. Using my thumb, I draw an O.

  “Like peas and carrots.” I laugh, repeating Vicki’s phrase.

  “What is?”

  “We are.”

  “Hmmm… I hate peas.”

  “That’s interesting… I hate carrots.”

  “That’s why we’re perfect together.”



  “You ready to go in?”

  Turning to Jacob, I study his stupidly handsome face staring back at me. Deep, dark eyes I can drown in, a jawline I could crack an egg on—should I ever need to crack an egg in such a way—and those delicious lips that have me inconveniently aching between my thighs. And now that my heart and head are working alongside each other, I want to spend every waking minute reacquainting myself with all of him.

  But those filthy thoughts have to be put on ice while I slip back into wedding mode. Vicki is going to want some answers after of the dramatic way I left, even though I was only gone less than a day. Looking up at Château de Therry in all its grandeur, I can finally leave the past behind me and look forward to what my future brings, and it just so happens now to be with Jacob. Something I never thought possible.

  I swallow hard, breathing deeply, because although he’s not here to say it, I know Dad will be cheering that we’ve found our way back to each. He’d trusted Jacob in his most raw, tender, and vulnerable moment, and I have no doubt he’d be supporting us now.

  “I’m ready,” I say with finality.

  Drawing my hand to his mouth, he kisses it before pulling me close, grazing my lips in a way he knows leaves me swooning. Just having him so close and breathing him in gives me such a heady rush.

  Jacob pushes open the double doors and within a microsecond of stepping over the threshold, screams from somewhere startling us both.

  “You came back!” Like a vampire swooping from the ceiling, Vicki runs out of nowhere and envelops me in her arms then holds on for dear life.

  “I told you I’d come back.”

  “I know…” she says, squeezing tighter. “But you really did come back.”

  I chuckle into her mass of blonde hair. “I’m sorry I freaked you out and upset you. That was never my intention.”

  Vicki pulls away, looking cross. “I don’t need an apology, woman, especially not after seeing you in the state you were in.” Her expression softens, voice lowering to a whisper, “Is everything okay? You know I’m always here.”

  “It will be, and I know now isn’t the time to discuss something so heavy, and… well… complicated. After you settle back in from your honeymoon, we’ll chat over wine.”

  She pulls my hair over my shoulder and twirls the ends, her eyes glistening with emotion. “Do you promise?”

  “I do.”

  She looks hopeful. “And what about you and Jacob?”

  I nod, thinking about the last twenty-four hours and what a crazy, emotional train wreck it’s been. “Jacob and I have some major healing to do. But we’re great. There won’t be any tantrums at the wedding or cold shoulders. We’re in a good place now.”

  Vicki smiles in mischief. “You guys kiss?”

  I laugh at her silliness. “We may have.”

  She sque
als with joy. “I knew it! I knew it would happen. The universe has finally pulled you two together again.”

  I glance over her shoulder to where Jacob stands chatting with Jase by the French doors. My heart swells, and I know it’s a telling sign.

  “That man loves you, you know?” she says almost dreamy.

  I smile. “Yeah… I know.”


  “Vicki? Amber? Where is everyone?” Knocking on each door, they all go unanswered as do my calls. “Jacob?” I knock on his door, only to get the same response.


  “What the hell?” I check my cell. I’m not late. I’m five minutes early, so that means if they’re not in their rooms, I’m the last to finish getting ready. Tonight, we’re all heading to a small Italian restaurant in the country, followed by drinks. Wearing a cute yellow dress which hugs my breasts and blooms from the waist, I’m ready for what should be a relaxing night. Walking through the intimately lit château, I discover empty room after empty room and grow concerned.

  “I haven’t watched enough Walking Dead yet to deal with this shit,” I murmur quietly, growing suddenly concerned, skipping past dark enclaves and ominous shadows. After confirming no one is inside, except me, I step out into the warm night air and scan the patio and lawn. “Where is everyone?”

  “Rosie,” Jacob’s voice sounds from somewhere.

  I squint into the darkness. “Where are you?”

  “I’m up here.” Looking up, I see him on the roof peering down at me, a beaming smile ear to ear. “Come up.”

  My heart skips a beat, and as I run back inside and up the stairs, I feel like the girl from ten years ago whenever Jacob was near. Pushing through the door, he’s there, waiting under the glow of the fairy lights looking all kinds of sexy in his dark jeans and rolled-sleeved shirt. It’s unbuttoned just enough for my mind to wonder the rest. I step closer, feeling a warmth tingle my skin, my cheeks glowing.

  There’s a peace about him as he stands before me. The conflict in his eyes has left, the burden he shouldered has been lifted. “You look stunning,” he murmurs, taking a long moment to admire what he sees.

  “My view’s pretty good, too.”

  We close the space between us as if we stand no chance against the magnetic pull. Jacob wraps me in his strong arms, kissing me with a voracious hunger that puts a dent in making up for the lost time.

  When we finally come up for air, panting and ridiculously aroused, he leads me under the lights.

  “Where is everyone?” I ask, seeing we’re alone, a surge of excitement coursing through me.

  “Vicki hatched a plan which involved everyone leaving and giving you and I some space.”

  The cheeky little…

  I must remember to thank her later.

  “Are you telling me she changed the itinerary?”

  “That she did.”

  Vicki is certainly committed to the cause.

  I take a moment to admire the beauty of our surroundings. Music plays softly in the background, flickering candles litter the perimeter of an intimate dance floor. But what really gets me smiling are the outdoor lounges pushed together and laden with thick, colorful blankets and silk cushions.

  My heart somersaults, biting my bottom lip in anticipation. Jacob takes my hand, leading me into a slow twirl before drawing me into his arms. With my hands resting on his chest, inhaling his intoxicating scent, we sway to the music, Adele’s ‘He Won’t Go’ transporting us back to our first time together in a setting almost identical to this. The moment teenagers, Jacob Lynch and Rosie Reign, shut out the rest of the world before it came back with vengeance.

  We dance in silence, holding each other tight, absorbed in each other’s presence. Placing a finger under my chin, Jacob lifts my face to meet his. “This time will be different, Rosie.”

  His words strike a pain in my heart.

  “I won’t be going anywhere, I promise.”

  Lowering his lips to mine, he tastes my salty tears, kissing away any leftover fears and anxieties. I pull away, leading him with me as the backs of my legs hit the makeshift bed.

  “Are you sure?” he asks. “We can wait.”

  “I’ve waited ten years, Jacob.” I smile coyly. “That’s an awfully long time.”

  He grins mischievously. “How can I ever make it up to you?”

  I pretend to consider what I’ve already fantasized about an alarming amount of times. “I know of a few ways.”

  I fall onto the bed taking Jacob with me, our greedy mouths searching each other out. We kiss hard and dirty while attacking the other’s clothing. Hooking his hands under my ass, Jacob throws me further onto the bed before removing his half-undone shirt. I watch in awe as he kneels before me, he’s all ripped abs and biceps for days. And then there’s that V-line. That glorious V-line that points to something even more glorious, his straining cock begging for release.

  Sweet Jesus…

  I don’t notice what he’s doing because I’m too fixated on tanned, smooth skin caressing neatly packaged muscles. But when he hooks his arms under my knees and drags me forward, my dress bunching around my waist and dips his head between my thighs, I’m suddenly brought back to reality.

  “Whoa,” I cry, slightly alarmed.

  He looks up but doesn’t change position. “What’s wrong?”

  My cheeks flush with embarrassment. “I… ah…” I bite my lip unable to hold his inquisitive gaze. “I just… what are you… doing?”

  Jacob frowns, clears his throat and attempts to hide his smile. “Rosie Rachel Reign…” he starts. “Tell me the truth.”


  “As much as I don’t particularly want to know about… others, have you never had a mouth ravage you down there?”

  Just swallow me whole, world. It doesn’t get any worse than this.

  “I’ve never had anyone express interest, so I’ve never asked for it.”

  For the briefest of moments, and I mean if I blinked I would have missed it, Jacob is horrified by the admission. “Well, all that’s about to change, Rosie. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve envisioned doing this to you.”

  Now it’s my turn. “You have?”

  “I had you in reality for only a heartbeat, but for ten years you’ve been my fantasy.”


  I’m in a whole lotta trouble. A whole lotta delicious trouble.

  With a salacious smile, Jacob kisses the inside of my thigh before delving in, pulling my lace panties aside, his tongue and lips and even his teeth at one point, doing unspeakable things.

  “Holy shit,” I blurt out, falling onto the bed, back arching while Jacob goes from plunging his tongue inside me, to sucking and nibbling on my clit. My hands fist the blankets, tearing desperately as an orgasm creeps up on me. My skin is alive with tingles, my nipples hard and begging for attention. I squirm as he ravages me, my eyes rolling to the back my head.

  “Jaaa… cob,” I scream while he holds me perfectly in place. I writhe while the orgasm flows through my body leaving me panting in shock and awe. My legs fall to the side like the puppeteer has given up and left for the day.

  Jacob trails passionate kisses up my thighs. Lifting my dress higher, his lips create a path over my stomach causing my skin to ripple in pleasure.

  “Wasn’t so terrible, was it?” he asks with a cheeky grin.

  “It’s terrible for you because now I’m going to want that every day.”

  He laughs gently. “Yeah… that’s just awful for me.” Gripping my panties, he slowly slides them over my thighs and off my feet, the anticipation killing me.

  “You look so fucking gorgeous lying there like that.”

  I sit up, a naughty smile spreading as I take to his belt. “I’m sorry to ruin that vision, but I need to get these off you right away.”

  He watches my every move as I unbuckle his belt and pull down the zipper. His pants fall to the ground, his underwear quickly following. My eyes widen as I take him

  Perfect and beautiful.

  And all mine.

  Jacob falls on top of me, spreading my legs again with his knee until he can sink in between. His cock presses at my entry, and I’m ready to beg if I have to. Pulling the straps of my dress over my shoulders, he exposes my breasts, taking turns at sucking and licking the nipples until my skin goose bumps with pleasure. Raking my fingers through his hair, Jacob’s mouth finds mine, tongues desperately needing each other. I raise my hips ever so slightly, and he pushes forward, the head of his cock entering me.

  “You are such a tease,” I say against his lips.

  “I’ll give you everything you want, baby,” he replies, thrusting until he’s fully submerged inside me. It feels fucking incredible, but because of his size I cry out, legs wrapping around his waist, my nails digging into his back.

  “My God, I’ve missed this,” he breathes against my ear, pulling almost completely out before plunging back inside.

  I moan, head lolling to the side as he kisses my neck, his cock thrusting long and deep.

  Propping himself up, Jacob hooks a hand under my knee so he can take me hard and unforgiving. I watch the power of his moves, the desire radiating from his eyes, and the urgency in his touch. This man wants every piece of me.

  Sliding his arms underneath, Jacob cradles me into a sitting position on his lap, dropping me down his length causing a sigh to escape my swollen lips.

  “I want to see you make that face every night,” he says.

  “It’s all yours.” Wrapping my arms around his neck, chest teasing my nipples, I grind my hips against his feeling my pleasure rouse once more.

  Jacob’s grip on my ass is tight maximizing the power of my movements, the friction causing my clit to pulse with release. I come, kissing his lips and moaning into his mouth. He continues applying pressure until he’s sure I’m done, my body trembling from the rush.


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