Claimed by a King

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Claimed by a King Page 13

by Lisa Lang Blakeney

  “What do you think you’re doing?”

  I walk into the carriage house that my brother and I share and catch him using one of my laptops. I usually carry my main one everywhere with me in my leather backpack, but I have a couple others that I store at home. I use them almost like burner phones. Work on them a few times then toss them. I make sure to assign a VPN proxy server to all of my machines, so that I can use various anonymous IP addresses. This enables me to track and hack without leaving a trail for the average techie to trace.

  “Just checking on something.” He closes all of the browser windows he had open and closes the laptop.

  “On one of my burner machines? Why aren’t you on your own computer? This better not be about the glamazon.”

  Cutter and I are as close as two brothers can be. We share everything. But sometimes we both can hold back on information when we’re not ready to share it with the other. I’ve known for a while that he’s been sabotaging Elizabeth’s friend Sloan aka the glamazon. She’s the daughter of a famous NBA player and she’s a party girl. From my observation, she’s got lots of beauty but not much substance. Cutter’s watched me long enough to know how to do a basic tap on a phone or a hack into an email server. So he knows how to snoop. At first I thought it was funny. Harmless play. But now I’m wondering.

  “And what if it is?”

  “You’re using company resources to sabotage a woman’s life.”

  “Sabotage is a strong word, brother, and I am a partner in this company too.”

  “Toy with then. Is that a better word?”

  “I just want to see who she’s talking to.”

  “Why? I’m honestly confused as to why you would want anything to do with that spoiled brat?”

  “Watch your mouth.”

  “What did you fucking say?” I ask in disbelief that he’s defending her.

  “I haven’t made any judgment calls about whatever the fuck you’re doing with the little lima bean now have I?”

  “I don’t know what I’m doing,” I confess.

  “I know you don’t, but you’re doing something, and I’ve been backing you a hundred percent of the way. Didn’t I call you when she got pissy drunk with Marco? Weren’t you the first one I told that Patrick came sniffing around for her? Wasn’t my intel on that Dallas prick correct?”


  “You worry too much, big brother. I’m on a simple fishing expedition. Nothing more.”

  He was right. I was projecting my own shit onto him. It wasn’t fair. I was the one toying with someone’s life. Keeping her stuck inside of the club. Knowing that she’d probably hate me for it.

  “How many times have you used this laptop?”

  “Just today.”

  “You can use it about two more times. Then toss it.”


  “So tell me. You haven’t said a word about it yet.”

  “Tell you what?”

  “What do you think about Jade?”

  “What I’ve always thought.”

  “Little sister?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’d be lying if I said I never gave her a second glance.”

  My brow furrows. “Meaning?”

  “Meaning she is a beautiful woman. That’s all I’m saying. A man would have to be dead not to notice her.”

  “And the fact that she’s like family?”

  “Complicated but not insurmountable.”

  I feel better now that we’ve actually cleared the air. I would never admit to it, but I feel much better that I have his approval. Although I think I need to make something clear from the get go.

  “She’s not like the others, Cutter.”

  “Obviously.” He grins.

  “I mean I don’t think she would be up for sharing.”

  Cutter and I have often shared women. Not all the time, but a majority of the time. It started in high school almost as a necessity. After our father’s death, our mom turned the smaller third bedroom in our house into a workroom. She was a wedding dress seamstress on the side.

  So Cutter and I resorted to sneaking girls into the bedroom that we shared, and it wasn’t like one of us was going to pretend we were asleep. That’s just not in our natures. So sometimes we would watch. Sometimes when the girl was willing we would participate. A lot of the times that meant one of us was keeping their mouths busy with our tongues or our dicks, so that the sounds of orgasms wouldn’t wake our mother. It grew to be something that we were skilled at and that we enjoyed. I never thought about us not sharing a woman until Jade.

  “That’s what we’ve mistakenly thought about a lot of women over the years. She might surprise you.”

  “Not this time.”

  “Are you saying that you don’t want to share her?”

  Is that what I’m saying?

  “I’m saying that I barely got her into bed once. The thought of you jumping in is sure to send her running for the hills.”

  “How about we just play it by ear, Cam. Remember that Jade belonged to all of us way before she just belonged to you.”


  The heavy rain outside is causing a constant thrumming sound against the walls of Lotus. I love the sound of a storm. All the crashing sounds of the wind and thunder make me think of sex. Powerful sex. Which puts me completely on edge, because King Kong is staring right at me. All settled into his perch up high. A scotch on one side of him. His laptop on another.

  I’m sitting at the bar next to the previous night’s receipts, when a soaking wet distraction, dressed in all violet, comes running through the door. So I pull my eyes away from his sexy highness to see what it wants.

  “You’re Jade right?”

  “Who’s asking?”

  “My name is Mirna.”

  “And …”

  “And I’d like to arrange a meeting with your employers. I heard you were the woman to speak to.”

  “Is that right.”

  “Was that incorrect information?”


  “Uh, okay, so …”

  “What do you need to speak to them specifically about?”

  “I’d like to hire them.”

  “For what?”

  “Well that would be between me and them. The job is confidential.”

  “Not if you want me to arrange it.”

  “Can you just tell him that I’m Joe K’s friend. He’ll know who that is.”

  “He? I thought you said you wanted to hire them.”

  “Well I’d really like to speak specifically to one of them. He was recommended for my particular job.”

  “You want Roman?”

  “No, not him. I want Camden. Camden King.”

  She starts darting her eyes around the club. Fortunately the lights are slightly dimmed upstairs, so she can’t see Camden watching and no doubt listening to us from the second level.

  “Camden, huh? Umm, I don’t think so.”

  “Sheesh, I didn’t know it was going to be so difficult to make a simple appointment. I didn’t know he had a wife or warden or whatever you are.”

  “Be assured that I’m ALL of that.”

  “Did anyone ever tell you that you’re a bit of a bitch?”

  I hear Camden’s booming laughter over the white noise of movement in the club. Normally I’d throw him the bird, but not while Miss Mirna’s standing here.

  “Not the right attitude if you want any help from me, ma’am,” I say.


  “Just trying to be respectful. The lines around your mouth tell me that you’ve probably got to be a good ten years older than me, and my mother taught me manners. Respect my elders and all that good shit.”

  “You’re fucking kidding right?”

  “No, ma’am.”

  “I don’t have to deal with this attitude. Just … give him my information.”

  “Yeah, ma’am, I’ll get right on that.”

  * * *

  After old Miss Mirna leaves the club in a huff, I’m immediately summoned like I knew I would be.

  “Jade, get your ass up here in my office. Now.”

  “I’m here. What is it?” I ask as if I don’t already know that he’s about to rip me a new asshole for tossing potential money out the door.

  “Lock the door.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”


  “In case I gotta run,” I try joking.

  “Lock the damn door.”

  I’m stuck in place, leaning face first against the door, after locking it. A small feeling is gnawing at my gut to open it back up and run, but I’ve never run from a fight in my life, and I’m not going to start now.

  Bass heavy dance music begins pulsing below us. The deejay must be starting his warm up, because I can literally feel the buzz of the speakers coming straight through the floor. The song isn’t familiar to me, but I like it, and the hypnotic beat seems to be synchronizing with the cadence of my heart.

  “That woman was a paying client,” Camden argues.

  I don’t dare turn around, but I can hear and feel him coming near me.

  “You don’t know that.”

  “She asked for me specifically.”

  “You don’t know that it was really about business.”

  He presses his heavily scented body against mine in all its earthy goodness.

  I close my eyes and pray for a hail Mary.

  “You were cock blocking,” he says while sliding one of his massive hands under the back of my shirt. Then around my waist. Then down the front of my leggings. “I think I’m starting to appreciate these pants of yours now. Easy access.”

  I don’t respond. I can’t. I think if I say anything, he would stop, and it feels too good for him to stop. He hasn’t touched me in so long. Heaven help me, but I miss his touch.

  “I promised myself I wouldn’t touch you again until you asked me to, Jade, but I think I seriously underestimated how stubborn you are.”

  I gasp when he buries his other hand into my hair, and pulls my head back while simultaneously sliding the opposite hand farther between my slippery folds. His words making me slicker and slicker.

  “I’ve put a lot of thought into when I’d take you again. It was going to be some romantic shit, because you probably haven’t had a lot of that in your life. We’d dress up. There’d be flowers. Wine. And maybe a nice hotel room at the end of the night for nostalgia’s sake.”

  He pulls his hand out of my pants and into his own. I can hear him unbuckling his belt and pulling the heavy leather strap he always wears slowly through the belt loops of his jeans.

  “But now I’m realizing that even though that’s what I think you deserve, it doesn’t mean that’s what you really need, and I’ve made it my sole mission to give you what you need. At least for the next thirty days.”

  The volume of the music downstairs is growing louder. I can feel it swirling through my body. I’m flushed, I’m anxious, I’m excited, and I’m petrified.


  “Shhh,” he says by my ear. “You’re killing us both, Jade. Let me put us both out of our misery.”

  He uses the same hand in my hair to move me away from the door and bend me over the desk.

  “Move whatever you need out of your way,” he orders.

  “Your laptop,” I breathlessly mention out of concern.

  “I don’t fucking care, Jade,” he growls. “If you want it out of the way, if you want me, then move it.”

  For once I get out of my head and just act. Sliding everything on the desk onto the floor in a thunderous crash. Amazed that this man wants me so badly, that he doesn’t care what gets destroyed in the process.

  He yanks my leggings down to my ankles.

  “Step out and stay there.”

  He walks around to the other side of the desk slowly. Each booted step making a heavy thud. Pulling off his thermal shirt he exposes his tat covered abs and chest. His pants are open. His dick brick hard, dying to burst through. The hunger in his eyes mirrors the yearning in mine. He looks at me and the destruction I’ve made of his desk with almost a master’s approval.

  “Give me your hands.”

  He takes the belt and binds my hands together then ties the belt to the metal handle of the large desk drawer. The one that’s always locked. The desk is wide enough that my small body is fully stretched in an immovable ninety-degree angle across it.

  “You look beautiful in this position. Perfect. As we build the trust between us, I won’t have to tie your hands up like this, you’ll hold them still for me without me having to ask. But since we both know how you like to fight, I thought it would be best if we start like this.”

  My eyes are blinking faster than normal, because honestly I’m speechless. I’ve heard rumors about how creative Camden was in bed, and he is, but this is different. He didn’t treat me like this in Baltimore. He was assertive, but he wasn’t domineering. He was holding back, and now I’m afraid I’ve unleashed something or someone that I’m in no way ready to handle.

  “I know this might be difficult for you. You’re used to calling the shots and running circles around those losers you usually fuck. I even allowed you to dictate a lot of what went down between us in Baltimore, but I promise you, Jade, that what you’re going to learn is that surrendering control to me is going to be the most freeing thing you’ve ever felt in your life.”

  He rubs his palm up and down my back in a massaging motion. Soothing my frayed nerves. I’m on edge like I’ve never been before in my life, because I don’t know what to expect, and I don’t know how to control it, but I think I’m excited by it.


  What the hell? He slaps my butt with the same hand that was just so tender with me ten seconds ago.

  “Oww!” I gripe.

  “Don’t ever turn money away again. I don’t care if that woman said she wanted to suck my dick. If she wanted to hire me, then she was a potential client. Money is money.”

  “Fuck that—”


  The second time Camden slaps me, it stings as well, but something’s different. The sound of his hand against my ass, his gruff voice, the position I’m in, the thrill of knowing that someone could actually see me in this position if they knocked on that door has a tingling sensation radiating through my ass that feels exquisite. So good that I let out a small moan that I wish I could take back.

  “You like that don’t you.”


  “I knew you would.”

  Then he slides his hand between my legs.

  “You’re gushing wet, Jade, and you owe me money.”

  I can hear the crinkling of what I am pretty sure is a condom packet being ripped open behind me.

  “How are you going to work it off?” he teases.

  Before I can come up with a snarky answer, like he can take his money and shove it up his ass, his pants are down and he enters me swiftly and deeply.

  “Fuck,” I groan.


  He hits my ass again. “Spread your legs. I’m going deeper.”

  I’m holding on for dear life to the belt strap tethering my body to the desk as he rocks my body forward and back with deep, heavy thrusts. My breasts threatening to burst through my bullshit ten-dollar bra as they rub against the desk. I’m loving everything that he’s doing. The way he’s taking me assertively, but not too roughly. How full I feel by his girth. How his desire for me seems to grow with each commanding stroke.

  “Wider,” he demands.

  “Dammit,” I cry and quiver as his cock travels farther inside of me inch-by-inch.

  “Who do you belong to, Jade?” he grunts.

  I’m not going to say it. I refuse to say his name. A girl has to have some sort of dignity. At least I take some satisfaction in knowing that he’s enjoying this just as much as I am.


  I bury m
y face into the crook of my arm in an effort to muffle the scream caused by the cataclysmic orgasm that contracts every muscle in my body. Little bursts of light flicker inside of my head, making me feel lightheaded, as I feel Camden’s dick throbbing inside of me. Finding a release of his own.

  My body feels like a wet noodle.

  Relaxed and slippery.

  I’m drenched in sweat and my own juices.

  I’m coming down off of my orgasm when I hear Camden bending down behind me. I’m too tired to fight what’s coming next.

  His hands grab my thighs and pulls them gently apart again. He buries his head in between my legs. His tongue lightly lapping at my sensitive bud. Another orgasm slowly begins to wind inside of me but slows its ascent as soon as Camden stops to talk of all things!

  “I’m going to Miami this week.”

  “Okay,” I say quickly. Wanting him to get back to what he was doing.

  He chuckles. “I want you to behave while I’m gone.”

  He begins massaging my clit with his thumb.

  “Okay,” I concede. “I’ll behave.”

  “That’s good to hear. And Jade?”

  “Yes?” I moan.

  Just feeling his breath so close to my pussy as he talks is making me grow wetter.

  “Whether you say it or not, your pussy belongs to me. I think I’ve proven that tonight.”

  Before I can respond, his mouth descends onto my engorged clit and he takes a strong pull. And in less than ten seconds flat, I’m pulling for dear life on that fucking belt.


  Since Camden and Roman are in Miami for a week, I have decided to take full advantage of the fact that I am the acting manager of Lotus, and delegate my ass off. Cutter’s busy all week with the baseball player that the guys handle, so it’s totally my show.

  On Monday night I give Marco the honors of opening and closing. Mondays are half-price on whatever’s on tap. We get a lot of newbies on Monday nights. People who normally wouldn’t get in on the busy nights. We use the house deejay and only need minimal staff working, so I feel pretty confident that Marco can handle it.

  I spend the entire day pampering myself. I get my hair blown out. A manicure and pedicure. Pink gel on the hands and a darker shade of hot pink on my toes. And during my ninety-minute hot stone massage, I get a call that I can’t ignore.


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