An Alaskan Wedding

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An Alaskan Wedding Page 2

by Nance Sparks

  As darkness crept in, she saw an opportunity for another shot of the lake. In lieu of a tripod, she used the deck railing and a shutter timer to steady her shot given the low light. She loved the thin ribbon of gold sandwiched between the dark night sky and deep blue of the water. Before long, the sun dropped completely below the horizon. Riley stood on the deck a moment longer hoping for a glimpse of the northern lights. Instead, the stars emerged in the cloudless sky, and while it wasn’t the northern lights, it was an impressive sight to witness with so little light pollution. She could have hung out there all night watching the landscape take on different lighting but decided to finish her work inside so the owner wouldn’t have to wait on her.

  Riley explored the lodge from different angles capturing test shots along the way. She picked out locations for her portable flash stands to offer good lighting of the two brides and guests without destroying the romantic lighting of the event. Within an hour, she’d completed her task. She thanked the owner for her time before heading out to the parking lot.

  The sparkling night sky once again captured her attention. Thousands of twinkling stars looked as if they could be plucked from above if she merely stood on her tiptoes. She reached up in a feigned attempt to wrap her fingers around one and then lowered her hand. What would she wish for? Was there anything about her life she’d like to change? Nothing specific came to mind. She had an amazing career that took her all over the country. Sure, there were times when she wished for someone to share it with, but it wasn’t difficult to find a short-term solution to that issue either. Not that her hotel room guests had an interest in photography or exploring the countryside with her, but the bed was warm for the evening and she enjoyed that too.

  Chapter Three

  Andrea stepped out of the cab and took in the massive log buildings that made up the Moose Lodge Resort. It was a huge facility located just outside of Fairbanks. If it looked half this good inside, she’d consider canceling the scenic tour package and spend the entire week here lounging in the heated indoor pool and Jacuzzi. She could learn how to use her new camera another time. She turned back toward the entrance just as a hotel worker appeared through the glass doors with a rolling cart. He helped her load the three suitcases and two carry-on bags. She looked at the luggage and wondered if she had packed enough for her short week. If not, they must have stores somewhere in Alaska.

  “Squee! You made it!”

  Sara ran across the lobby and almost fell into Andrea’s arms. She wasn’t used to seeing Sara’s dark brown hair free from the tight braid she wore at work. Her hair had gotten long, and the natural soft wave gave it a healthy bounce with each step. Her dark brown eyes were sparkling too. If happiness could be a look, this would be it.

  “Are you ever a sight for sore eyes. Oh my God, my family is already making me nuts! Is it time for cocktails?”

  “After a nine-hour flight that included a layover with a barking lap poodle and a screaming infant, it’s definitely time for a cocktail. Where’s Kay? She’s usually your family buffer,” Andrea asked, walking arm in arm with Sara up to the check in counter.

  “She’s meeting with the caterer. She’s determined to make sure everything is perfect for tomorrow. We flipped venues for the wedding at the last second. Oh my God, we drove over and saw the reception hall and instantly knew the ceremony had to be there instead of at the tiny church in town, so the wedding and reception will be in the same huge building tomorrow. Just wait until you see this place! It’s even more amazing than this lodge, and that’s saying something.”

  “Welcome to Moose Lodge Resort. Do you have a reservation?”

  “Thank you, yes, the reservation is under Andrea Daniels.” Andrea handed the clerk her driver’s license.

  “Ah, here you are. We have you in room three fifteen and it looks like we already have your credit card on file. Shall I have your bags sent up to your room?”

  “Please, that would be fantastic.” Andrea accepted her driver’s license back and the key card for her room. She reached into her purse and handed the gentleman with the luggage cart a twenty. “Thank you very much.”

  He smiled and nodded before making his way to the elevator with her luggage.

  “I have time for a drink, and then I have to run. Come on, the bar is this way.” Sara grabbed hold of Andrea’s hand and led her down the hall. “The welcome party is in that big room over there at seven tonight. There will be lots of food and booze so don’t eat too much between now and then.”

  “Do you need help setting anything up for tonight?” Andrea asked.

  “Nope, you just have to show up and have fun. The hotel events people are doing the setup and break down. God, I am so happy you’re here!”

  “Me too. I can’t tell you the last time I traveled anywhere, let alone anywhere by myself.”

  “Thank you for agreeing to be my maid of honor. I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather have at my side when I say I do,” Sara said.

  “I think your sisters would like you to say otherwise, but I’m honored you asked me, and my dress is perfect! Sydney called me a hot mom.”

  “Sweetie, you are a hot mom.”

  “That’s kind of you to say. I’m so thankful that they finally found traveling nurses to cover both of us. I was starting to get a little nervous that I wouldn’t be able to leave. I do wonder how our floor at the hospital is faring without the two of us. You know the med carts will be completely rearranged when we get back.”

  “Who gives a shit. We are on vacation! We’ll fix the med carts when we get back. Come on, just think about it, no kids, no ex-husband, and no work. Just several heavenly days of pure Andrea time! So, what do you have planned for the few days after the wedding?” Sara slid into the far side of a small booth for two.

  Andrea slid into the seat across from her. “I have to remember what I like to do first! It’s been a long time since I’ve had any time to myself. I do have a scenic tour scheduled and I brought some books to read.”

  “Oh, that’s a good start. Hot romances?” Sara wiggled her eyebrows up and down.

  Andrea flinched. “Um, not exactly. The updated drug interaction guide and another one about migrating into leadership r—”

  “Do not spend your vacation reading that crap. You don’t have to be the responsible one all the time. How about you let your hair down and have some fun? Maybe read fifty shades of something steamy.” Sara’s eyes seemed to glisten. “Look at me, I’m getting married and then enjoying two weeks of sex and cocktails and more sex, and we even brought an assortment of toys! Oh hey, maybe that’s what you need. Ya know, go on a little pony ride, maybe a little whiskey, something to get those hips a rockin’.”

  “I’m open to anything.” Andrea laughed. “I have plenty of time after the wedding to do whatever I want to.” She always enjoyed Sara’s way of unedited conversation.

  “Hi, I’m Cat, I’ll be your server this afternoon. What’ll you have?”

  Andrea looked up into bright blue smiling eyes. Cat looked very young, almost too young to tend bar. She also looked much too young to have so many tattoos, but there they were, intricate designs that sprawled across her chest and up the sides of her neck. Her black tank top showed off the colorful artwork and complemented her jet-black hair. She looked a little rough-and-tumble in the skintight black jeans, but with an air of confidence that Andrea instantly admired.

  Andrea smiled back. “Hi, Cat, I’ll have a Southern Comfort old-fashioned, sweet please.”

  “Nice choice and will it be the usual for the not so blushing bride?” She looked over to Sara.

  “Hey, sexy. No, not the usual this time. I think I’ll have what she’s having. That sounds good. Thanks.”

  “Comin’ right up, an extra cherry or two for you.” Cat turned and made her way behind the bar.

  “A regular here already I see. When did you get into town?�
� Andrea asked.

  “The day before yesterday, and yes, I may have snuck down here a few times already.”

  Andrea raised her eyebrows and tilted her head.

  “Okay, fine, I’m running a tab. Cat has a strong pour, especially if you tip well, and I tip very well. Trust me, you’ll like the drink.” Sara laughed.

  “Then, I shall tip well too.” Andrea smiled.

  “Oh, maybe that’s what you need!” Sara looked from Cat back to Andrea.

  “Excuse me?” Andrea tilted her head, confused.

  “You don’t need to ride a pony; you need to play with a cat!”

  “Hey now, I decide who gets to play with the Cat.” Cat smiled mischievously as she placed the two drinks on the table.

  “You’ll have to excuse my friend here. She’s on a mission to give me the perfect vacation.” Andrea shook her head, knowing full well she was probably fifty shades of red.

  “Oh, I could definitely make your vacation purrfect, darlin’, but the bride here might get jealous. Maybe we should include her, too? Just think of it, a bunch of arms and legs all tangled up together.” Cat reached over and ran her finger down Andrea’s forearm. Then, she leaned down and tenderly kissed Sara’s cheek. “Too bad you’re getting married, sweets, ’cause I’d jump the fence to play with you. I bet you’d make this Cat purr up a storm.” Cat ran a finger along Sara’s jawline and then tapped her chin with the tip of her finger before spinning and walking back behind the bar.

  “Okay, a strong pour and fucking hot!” Sara whispered across the table.

  “Yeah, no wonder you’re tipping so good,” Andrea said and then drained half of her drink. Hot was an understatement. Andrea felt flush from the top of her head all the way down to her toes. The thought of finding someone to play with on vacation suddenly sounded like a fun idea. No strings, no attachment. Just a reminder that she was a woman who might be interesting for a night or two.

  Chapter Four

  The venue for the welcome party was well thought out. Games of large block Jenga, Connect Four, and indoor cornhole were set up around the room as social ice breakers. Servers wandered around the room offering a variety of appetizers in addition to a full buffet table and an open bar. It seemed the brides had thought of everything to welcome their friends and relatives who had traveled so far for their special day.

  Riley had a couple of flash stands set up in strategic locations and photographed people as they arrived. She also made her way around the room catching candid shots of those playing games or guests simply sitting at tables lost in deep discussion. It was relaxed and fun, and she loved doing what she did.

  And then she picked up on a voice, a laugh, that she recognized from a lifetime ago.

  Wide-eyed, she found herself completely frozen in her tracks. Goose bumps erupted on her arms and the hair prickled up on the back of her neck. She knew that voice, without a doubt she knew that voice. The sound of that laugh used to melt her heart. It had been so long since she’d seen her. Riley lowered the camera, turned, and searched the crowd for the source as she looked from person to person. She heard it again but was pulled away by the arrival of the brides to the welcome party. Her heart was thumping with the possibility. Nevertheless, she forced herself to focus on the job. Once the brides had made their entrance into the event space and posed for a few shots, Riley faded back into the crowd determined to find the one person who had broken her heart.

  Her camera allowed her to approach every small group that came along. Each person was eager to halt any conversation, raise a glass, and pose for a picture. She’d covered most of the room when she finally spotted her.

  Riley could hardly believe her eyes. It was her. It was really her. Somehow, she was here in Alaska and standing less than twenty feet away. Riley stood there staring, unable to move. Andrea turned away from the bar, slowly lowering a rocks glass from her lips. She was wearing a sexy black cocktail dress that hugged her curvy figure perfectly. Elegant, sensual, graceful, beautiful, Riley couldn’t pick a word because Andrea was all of them and so much more. She raised her camera and captured a shot of her raw beauty. Andrea gradually scanned the crowd. Riley kept shooting. As Andrea’s gaze approached, Riley lowered the camera, glanced at the display screen, and then continued to shoot.

  Their eyes met briefly, and Riley held the shutter button and continued to shoot. She offered Andrea her trademark half smile and a slight nod before Andrea scanned beyond her. Just as quickly, her focus snapped right back, as though suddenly understanding who she’d just seen. Andrea cocked her head slightly to the side, her expression one of shock and bewilderment. Her free hand covered her mouth, and her eyes grew wide.

  Riley quickly raised the camera and captured that moment of recognition. The way her eyes lit up with surprise and then the true treat of seeing those deep dimples appear with that broad smile made Riley’s heart race. It was a smile that could capture anyone’s attention and one she’d seen in her dreams over the years. She felt everything, every emotion that Andrea was expressing and more. She took three more shots of absolute beauty. These wouldn’t be shared with her clients. They’d be for her alone. When she lowered the camera, Andrea was closing the distance between them. Her astonishment was almost completely concealed by that same flirtatious smirk from years gone by.

  “Riley Canon? Oh, please tell me it’s you. Is it really you?” Andrea asked.

  Riley smiled and nodded. It was all the encouragement that Andrea needed to brush Riley’s cheek with her fingertips. The tender touch sent an electrical current to every cell in her body. She drew in a sharp breath to steady her heart rate.

  “Andrea Haney, my sweet Andi, it’s so good to see you.” Riley shifted the camera so it hung behind her. She stepped forward, and before she could fully extend her arms, Andrea stepped into her embrace. It felt incredible to hold her again. Riley inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of Andrea’s perfume. It was a new scent, different than what she wore years ago, still it was lovely, completely intoxicating yet not overpowering. It suited her perfectly. Riley inhaled again, hoping to remember every detail of this moment. She savored how amazing it felt to hold her again after all these years. It was pure electricity. Andrea must have felt it too since she shivered in the embrace. Eventually and way too soon, Andrea stepped back but left her free hand resting on Riley’s shoulder. The touch continued the powerful connection, even through her jacket.

  “Andi, you’re still absolutely beautiful. How have you been? How do you know the brides?”

  “How I’ve missed you calling me Andi. No one else calls me that. Though, it hasn’t been Haney for a long time. It’s Daniels.” Andrea smiled. “I’m friends with Sara. I’m her maid of honor. Kay, the other bride, grew up here in Fairbanks, and her family begged them to get married out here. I’d ask you the same question, but that camera gives away your secret.” She paused and looked Riley up and down. “I can’t believe you’re standing here in front of me. What a small world! You’re rocking that suit.”

  “Thank you.” Riley felt the color rushing to her cheeks. “I try to blend in.”

  “Well, I’m sorry to break it to you, sweetheart, but you’re not blending. You totally caught my eye. Damn, you look good. Are you a world-famous photographer now?” Andrea asked.

  “I don’t know about the famous part, but I still love it and it earns me a good living. Speaking of which, I should get back to it. I’m done around nine tonight. Could I come find you? Maybe we could grab a drink and catch up?”

  “I’d like that,” Andrea said, her eyes warm and tender.

  “Wonderful! I’ll find you when I’m finished.” Riley instinctively went to step forward for a kiss and caught herself. She cupped Andrea’s cheek in her hand, caressing her skin with her thumb. “I know I should go, but I really don’t want to walk away.”

  “I don’t want you to walk away either,” Andrea said.
r />   Riley smiled and forced herself to turn away. She worked her way around the room trying desperately to calm her racing heart and focus on the job at hand, but knowing Andi was in the room made it extremely difficult. It had been so long, and life had moved on, but seeing her again brought everything flooding back.

  Chapter Five

  Andrea’s hands were shaking, and her heart was pounding wildly in her chest. She drained the whiskey from her glass and went back to the bar and ordered a double on the rocks. She picked up the glass and made her way over to a quiet table off to the side. She took a seat and tapped the rim of her glass wondering if Riley had ever forgiven her. Completely lost in thought, she gasped and jumped in her seat when Sara bent down and draped her arm around her shoulders.

  “I saw you with the photographer, and that hug, whoa, totally smokin’ hot! Talk about a full body embrace. I was seriously fanning myself. So, are you finally thinking about jumping the fence, or just the photographer? She’s a hot, hot, hotty.”

  “Sara, it’s her. Holy shit, after all this time, it’s her. She’s here. You hired Riley, my Riley. Did you set all of this up?” Andrea’s voice was shaky.

  “Set what up? I don’t understand. Riley Canon is the most sought-after photographer for lesbian weddings. She gets these candid shots that no one ever expects. Her work is brilliant. She flies all over the country. We were ecstatic that she was even available. Hey, what’s going on? What am I missing?” Sara sat in the open seat next to Andrea. She reached over and took Andrea’s shaking hand.

  “Sara, that’s her,” Andrea said, the reality of it all finally sinking in.

  “Honey, I’ve been drinking all day long. You’ve gotta give me more.”

  “You know how you keep teasing me about jumping the fence and I always respond that I walk on the top rail so I can enjoy both sides?”


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