A Time To Survive (Verge of Extinction): A Magical & Monstrous / Supernatural Urban Fantasy.

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A Time To Survive (Verge of Extinction): A Magical & Monstrous / Supernatural Urban Fantasy. Page 17

by J. Axbridge

  “We need to find a stairway so we can climb to drier floors,” Caelyn looked around, her eyes adjusting to the dimness of the office. “There’s not much light left so we better make it quick too.”

  Carefully we pushed and pulled our small boat through the room to an open office door bumping off chairs and other underwater obstacles creating echoing thuds along the way. Thank goodness we were in what looked like a President’s office because it had very large double doors. I don’t think there was another door as big as this one on this entire floor.

  Moving into the main office area we maneuvered between the tops of cubical walls still sticking above the water level as we headed to a door at the end of the aisle, the one with a green exit sign above it.

  “Someone has to jump in and open it and it can’t be me I’m too short,” I said before my sister’s ordered me to do something crazy.

  Victoria and Caelyn played a quick game of rock, paper, scissors to decide who’d go in. Victoria won on the first go, sliding paper over rock then encouraged Caelyn against her strong will, to slide over the side of the boat into the cold water.

  “Come on Caelyn, you can do it . . . You’re a bit taller than me anyway; your head will definitely be above the water,” Victoria grinned as Caelyn slid silently into the water shivering noticeably, then waded to the door with a scowl, groaning about the cold the whole way.

  “Really, we’re identical twins you idiot; we’re the exact same height,” Caelyn replied, not finding the moment funny at all but at 5’5” she was definitely tall enough to easily keep her head above the water level.

  She pushed her body hard against the slippery and slimy looking door creating enough of a gap for each of us to squeeze through and get to the exit stairs. Tying the boat to the door so it wouldn’t float away, together the three of us waded to the stairwell and walked up the moldy steps, sopping wet.

  Trudging level after level, dripping wet, we tried to find an open door. Our hard work finally paid off when we made it to the fourth level above the floor with water. Opening the door to scary screeches, we stepped out from the stairs into the main building and what we saw before our eyes, what we found next left us speechless, and that seemed impossible with how my twin sisters always had something to say!

  Chapter 25 – Shopping


  “I must be dreaming,” I uttered, standing in shock staring not into a bunch of boring offices and hallways as I’d expected, but into a mini mall, in the middle of an office building, which was now sitting in Lake Michigan. “Please tell me I’m not dreaming!” I was so excited in the moment that it actually felt like my world was back to normal.

  My identical twin Caelyn laughed with joy as a huge grin spread across her face, while Ethan’s and my face simply lit up like little kids entering a candy store where everything was absolutely free. It was no doubt exactly how Dorothy must have felt when she first entered Oz!

  “It’s the last mall on earth and we . . . , found it. It’s all ours!” Caelyn twirled and did some nerdy victory dance, her knees bobbing in and out while her arms flailed about in the air.

  This was the first building since the showers ended that brought back memories of what life used to be like not so long ago. Caelyn and especially I loved shopping at the mall for matching outfits and checking out the cute high school boys, and for this moment we forgot all about our dire situation, our minds were solely focused on finding new, matching, stylish and dry clothes.

  Looking out at the mall in awe, the three of us continued to soak in the details with giant childlike grins. The mini office mall was opened wide in the center except for the escalators that once carried business men and women from floor to floor. Those rose up out of the water like large glistening water slides. The three levels directly below us and the two levels above were filled with exposed shops, mini cafés and even a couple small restaurants. In between each shop were sitting areas with tables and chairs for workers or visitors to relax and snack on foods while looking out the gigantic rectangular windows that once existed but were now mostly hollow rectangles of space and air.

  “Let’s have a look out by the open windows,” Ethan began walking and we followed briskly up to the edge, slowly inching closer to peek out at Lake Michigan.

  “It’s getting dark already,” Ethan glanced west at the shore as the hazy light of day we needed to get this far, was sinking slowly over the now distant land. We found that since the sun rose and sank two times a day, the sun rises and sun sets seemed to come and go very quickly.

  “OK, yeah . . . , great view . . . now let’s do something useful and find some clothing stores and get out of this disgusting wet stuff,” I rung out my shirt sleeve watching water drip to the floor than began scanning the surrounding shop fronts level by level, like an expert hunter returning to the wild. “There, I found one for you Ethan,” I pointed up. “There’s a sports store on the level above us, I bet they have team jerseys in a shop like that, let’s go there first and find something for you little bro. After all it was you who found this piece of heaven.”

  Entering the small shop, pushing past a rack of Chicago post cards and maps, then one containing an array of smart phone accessories, we found team jerseys for all the popular Chicago teams. Ethan didn’t even ask for a dressing room, he hurriedly changed into the dry clothing, excited to have them for free, letting his soaked clothing slosh to the floor in a wet heap. He didn’t even have to mow lawns and save his money for the cool clothing which made him even happier he’d pointed out. “I can’t believe this is all still here and it’s free. It’s amazing, this is so cool.” Ethan continued to pick through racks of Chicago Bears, Black Hawks and Bulls jerseys looking for men’s small sizes that were still a little too large for him but worked.

  After Ethan was satisfied with his change of clothing which was rather quickly thankfully, we hit a variety of other shops as fast as our tired feet would carry us. Caelyn and I picked out everything we needed for a couple new outfits, including matching jewelry and a variety of nail polishes we really didn’t need but couldn’t pass up at the current price, especially the grapefruit pink and cherry red. After that we decided each of us should chose a new carryon bag which we found at a travel store and packed full of extra clothing and goodies to bring with us back to shore. Exactly how we’d make the trip back, we had no clue but we didn’t care, we wanted to shop, we were having a blast. Like those game shows where the contestants would get 90 seconds to shop and shove anything they wanted into a cart. It felt like that but we had a whole day and we were going to make the most of it.

  In another shop we found flashlights and knew those would always come in handy, then in a small convenience store we found enough food to keep us fed for weeks or longer, most of the stuff not expiring for months or even years from now. Not the healthiest food choices Caelyn so annoyingly pointed out, but this office mini mall convenience store carried everything from bags of ramen and cans of soup to chips, soft drinks and bottled water that would help us survive. They also had racks of vitamins and medicine so we tossed a variety into our bags since my sister Addie had mentioned on numerous occasions that we needed proper vitamin intake daily along with medicine to help with colds and infections.

  “Finding this building was possibly the best thing we could have ever done. It’s better than finding buried pirate treasure! It was fate.” I chowed down on an oversized Hershey’s chocolate bar like I hadn’t eaten in years letting the crumbs tumble off my clothes to the ground without a care.

  Relishing our new treasures and stuffing our faces with snacks galore, first darkness had already taken over the mall; luckily we now had flashlights to help get situated. Picking a spot in the back of the convenience store near bathrooms, we settled in. Choosing this spot was a strategic decision for its toilets, the first we’d seen in weeks and we preferred sitting to squatting which we’ve had to do all too often. Ethan was happy for a different reason, “TOILET PAPER!” He yelled from
inside the bathroom, “We’re bringing rolls back with us, that’s for sure.” He added. “It’s like fluffy clouds wrapped on a roll and all for me.”

  After making our beds out of extra clothing and travel neck pillows we’d found in a variety of shops, Caelyn and I sat down and brushed on our new grapefruit pink nail polish by flashlight. I chose pink because it made me feel happy especially being surround by constant death and darkness, and of course my twin agreed, no surprise there. We neatly covered our scratched and chipped nails, talking happily like we used to on campouts back home. Ethan used his free time reading graphic comic books by flashlight that he’d found stacked in racks by the checkout counter. Normally he’d be in trouble for reading books like those that are filled with blood and death, but considering we were living the real thing, it didn’t bother me so much. I was actually hoping he’d pick up a few survival tips that could help us.

  After an hour or so the excitement wore off and we began to tire. Begrudgingly we settled down for the night with a feeling our stomachs would burst for the first time in a long time, after having an over abundance of sugary snacks and juice drinks.

  The three of us fell asleep rather swiftly, but it came as no surprise that after a couple hours Ethan woke me and said his stomach was rumbling and needed to use the toilet. He’d definitely eaten too much candy. Grabbing his flashlight, he flicked it on and fumbled around while standing then lazily headed to the bathroom half awake. I rolled over trying to fall back into my dream state, but as his big sister I had a nagging feeling that I should keep an eye on him so I turned back and watched Ethan as he begin to return from the bathroom. It was then that I knew something was wrong. His sleepy eyes were now as wide as saucers and he froze. He’d seen something in the mall, I thought. At that same moment, frozen in terror he flicked his flashlight off eliminating any light from the shop and cautiously knelt down crawling in the dark to where Caelyn and I were laying and my heart began pounding with fear.

  “Caelyn—Victoria—wake up, there’s someone in the mall with us,” Ethan said in an overly frightened whisper while shaking my sister and I.

  “WAKE UP,” he said louder now.

  “Ethan I’m awake. What do you mean someone’s in the mall?” I looked quickly towards the door.

  “I mean, there’s someone in the mall. Someone is out there, I saw them.”

  I rolled over bringing myself closer to the rack of chocolate donuts and honey gazed buns that hid us and peered into the mall myself, just to be sure Ethan’s mind wasn’t playing tricks on him or if he was just trying to prank his two sisters.

  It didn’t take long to realize Ethan was absolutely telling the truth; I saw the shadowed figure approaching the shop slowly and fear now spread from my face throughout my entire body to go along with my already racing heart. I shook Caelyn impatiently as she was still snoring in dreamland, waking her in a fright.


  “Shut up Cae, there’s someone out there . . . in the mall,” I whispered, and then pointed.

  The three of us laid there in the dark, survival knives now in hand watching this stranger with a flaming torch walk slowly about, not sure if we should say something or stay quiet and keep hiding behind the snack racks.

  The stranger approached the store gradually, their shoes squeaking loudly in the dead silence of the night. Stopping just in front of the glass doors and gazing in as if they knew we were in here, the stranger stood for what seemed forever. Our hearts pounded in our throats and I thought I was going to puke as we quietly slid back into our covers away from discovery. After a few tense moments, the unknown person continued on past the store without coming in. The stranger then rounded the mall on our level before walking up an escalator to the next level and out of sight, the flickering shadows going with them.

  Disappearing, we let out the puffed breaths of relief we’d been holding in unison and collapsed onto our backs on the makeshift beds. “That was too close,” Caelyn said, her voice visibly shaking. “We need to get back to the others first chance we get, this shopping spree is over.”

  The next 4 hours until first sun was unbearable. There was no way we could sleep knowing there was someone or maybe even someones’ in the building with us. Of course once daylight broke our exhausted bodies and tired minds felt safer and I able to convince Caelyn and Ethan to have a look around on the upper levels to see if we could find out who was up there. I still wanted to do more window shopping too, so it was a win/win for me if they agreed.

  “Why would we want to find them?” Caelyn peered out into the mall. “They might keep us prisoners or . . . , or worse,” she said, rubbing her sore back. “Who knows what they’re doing here.”

  “I think Caelyn’s right; we should find a way to get back to Arthur and Addie first,” Ethan added, bending over sliding more snacks and comics into his already bulging bag.

  “But they could have a way to get us back to land. Maybe they’re just living here for safety from the Red Eyes and vampires. We don’t even know who it is. Come on, PLEASE, let’s just have a little look around.” I begged.

  Caelyn and Ethan did not look happy with what I was asking yet reluctantly agreed and together we walked into the mall with our flashlights, knives and spear in hands. Nervously we explored the office mall level by level but didn’t find a clue as to who the stranger was or where they’d gone. Unable to avoid the inevitable, we anxiously ventured into the dark stairwells, flipped on our flashlights and walked quietly up the musty stairs to the unseen floors above the open mall area. It surely wasn’t the brightest idea I’d ever had but curiosity had a hold on me and wouldn’t let go without knowing who else was in here with us.

  “Open the door slowly Vic.,” Caelyn motioned to me as we reached the first floor above the mall levels. “We don’t want anyone to hear us.”

  I reached out and grasped the cold steel door handle, turned it and yanked gently. To my surprise it easily opened sending a waft of musty cool air into our faces. “Whoa . . . this isn’t an office building up here; it looks like a hotel. Look at all the rooms down this hallway.”

  Dark plush purple designer flooring swept from wall to wall, brass wall sconces hung neatly between each door and modern art work lined the stale hallways giving the appearance of an old, abandoned museum.

  “A couple of doors are open,” I nervously peered into one as we walked by. “Someone’s definitely living here or at least did live here, look at all the stuff.”

  “IT STINKS LIKE ROTTON CABBAGE AND ONIONS!” Ethan plugged his nose, kicking an empty food container, sending it skipping across the carpeted floor.

  Suddenly it hit me; I’ve seen hotels like this. “Guys, you know what . . . Hotels like this are featured in cable shows, they usually have amazing suites on the upper levels that look out over the city, and you know what they have . . . hot tubs! I bet this hotel is no different. I mean, it is fancy and it does have a mall in it,” I said elated, caught up in my happy thoughts.

  “You’re probably right Vic. but don’t forget, there’s no power in this place and that’s where the stranger most likely came from; maybe they just went down to the mall for a late night snack?” said Caelyn all but bursting my happy bubble. “And what if that stranger isn’t friendly, think about the real danger the three of us could be in.”

  “You know what mom always says Cae, curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought him back.” I smiled at her.

  “Mom’s old,” Caelyn replied.

  “That’s not the point, let’s just go up to the top floor and check it out, maybe we can find a better way out of here with a bird’s eye view of the area . . . We’ll do it quietly, OK,” I smiled as confidently as I could.

  “Hey, curiosity did kill the cat . . . I’m just saying,” Caelyn quipped glancing at Ethan, who just shrugged his shoulders. They knew I was right about one thing at least, we couldn’t hide in the building forever and by now Adelaide and Arthur would definitely be searching for us, assuming t
hey were still alive.

  “Maybe we could even make a banner or sign or signal them somehow from the top?” I added, thinking of possible ways to contact our siblings.

  “As much as I don’t want to go up there, you’re right this time, let’s check it out, but we need to be extra careful. You know, a little more careful than you usually are Vic. And we’re skipping the other floors entirely and going straight to the top. Deal,” Caelyn’s face was stern.

  I nodded my head in agreement then crossed my heart.

  “You better not ‘Hope to die’,” my twin snarled.

  “Deal Ethan—No snooping around other floors, got it!” Caelyn turned on our brother.

  “It’s a deal, it’s a deal. Are we going now or what?” Ethan replied with irritation in his voice.

  With all in agreement we shuffled back down the hallway to the emergency stairwell climbing slowly up the dark musty stairs, our footsteps echoing with each step higher. With flashlights in hand, the light they emitted bounced in all directions as we trudged to the top floor stopping every few flights to take short breaks.

  Climbing the stairs seemed to take longer and be harder than I’d anticipated but we finally made it to the top most floor. Pushing the exit door open, it squeaked and popped complaining as if it hadn’t been opened in years. We were welcomed by a long glamorous hallway covered in a tight red carpet outlined in gold that was eerily lit from the sky lights above, with a single door at the end. On that door a rather large and ornate gold plaque read, “Masters Suite.” That’s it, I thought.

  Careful not to make any more noise than necessary we walked cautiously, almost tiptoeing down the hall bunched tightly together towards the suite door.

  “Open it Vic!” Caelyn whispered. “You’re the one that wanted to come up here so bad.”

  “No way, you open it!”

  “Not gonna happen. I had to get in the water when we first arrived at this place. It’s your turn to do something scary.”


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