Signed, Sealed & Delivered

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Signed, Sealed & Delivered Page 11

by Sierra Cartwright

  She opened her mouth and then closed it again without uttering a protest.

  “I suppose you want me to leave the door open.”

  “That question,” he said, “doesn’t deserve an answer.”

  He helped her up and watched her as she walked into the en suite bathroom. To her credit, she’d pulled back her shoulders. Didn’t she look proud? And didn’t he want to fuck her, hard?

  She was lovely, as he’d told Ethan.

  That riotous mass of golden hair made him long to dig in his fingers and imprison her head. He wanted to devour her pouty lips with a deep kiss. He wanted her cunt on his face until she screamed her pleasure from the devilment his tongue exacted. He wanted to hold her breasts and suckle their tips, and he wanted to hear her call out his name from a submissive headspace.


  He went in to join her. “Lean forward,” he instructed. He released the clip holding the cuffs together and said, “Move slowly. It’s possible your muscles will be difficult to move after being bound for so long.”

  She whimpered a bit as she shrugged and circulation returned to her arms.

  “Finish up there,” he said. “Then you’ve five minutes to freshen up.”

  He heard water in the sink and plenty of splashing, and, if he didn’t miss his bet, she was brushing her teeth, as well.

  When she emerged, he was captivated. He was leaned back against the chest of drawers, his arms folded across his chest. He took his time looking at her.

  She’d tamed her hair, but her lips were swollen, her face was flushed with colour, and her eyes were bright, startling and honest. She met his gaze, and he read trepidation there. Her eyes, he’d noticed before were green, but green didn’t begin to describe it. They were flecked with specks of gold, making them compelling. And if he weren’t careful, he could get lost there.

  This woman, Ethan’s trainee, was beautiful in her submission.

  They should keep her there.

  “Thank you.”

  “Keep that up and I won’t have many reasons to punish you.”

  “Then I take back my gratitude,” she said.

  “Ethan’s right about how cheeky you are. We should keep a gag in your mouth.”

  She scowled. He laughed. “Ethan’s waiting,” he said.

  Alana followed him down the stairs. Rather than leading her to the drawing room as she expected, he continued towards the back of the manor.

  “This is Ethan’s training room,” he told her without looking over his shoulder for her reaction.

  The room was large, well appointed. A leather settee was situated at an angle. A marble fireplace dominated the west wall, and there was a stunning black lacquered screen imported from the Orient that hid a number of toys.

  Front and centre, though, was a table with genealogical stirrups.

  “Climb up,” he told her. He turned then, to see her hesitation. She’d stopped in the doorway, and her gaze seemed riveted on the examination table, just as Ethan had intended.

  She swallowed deeply. Then, with slow steps, she moved towards the table and climbed up onto the step, then finally seated herself on the table.

  He and Ethan definitely needed more subs. Seeing the fear in her eyes and reluctant trust in the way she forced herself to come into the room made his cock hard.

  “Feet up.”

  She took her time, but not enough to get herself into trouble.

  “Now, scoot your derriere to the edge of the table.” He moved in and slid back the movable part of the table, leaving her with nothing beneath her arse. She was there, feet up, exposed. Beautiful. “Make yourself comfortable,” he said. “Ethan will be along directly.”

  On Ethan’s earlier order, Thomas exited the room.

  She hated that, he knew, being left alone, wondering if she’d been forgotten.

  And being on the table, with the metal rolling tray beside it wouldn’t make the wait any easier.

  He joined Ethan in the drawing room and poured the other man a brandy.

  “She’s lovely,” Thomas said, offering a snifter to Ethan.

  Ethan was in his favourite wing chair, his legs stretched before the fireplace. His cane laid on the floor, and, for the first time in months, damn if he didn’t look pleased with himself, content.

  He was staring into the flames, but not morosely.

  “Did she come for Celia?”

  “Nearly. It’ll be a bit before she asks for it, but I’ve confidence she will. Oh, by the way, when I caught her dining from our sub’s cunt, I promised Celia you’d see to her. She’s expecting an arse warming.”

  “I’d be happy to give her one, if it’s alright with David.”

  David was Ethan’s friend from the Army. They’d served together, and, when David and Celia had gone through a bit of trouble after his return, David had called on Ethan for some assistance. She’d been learning about submission while he was gone, and David was worried about hitting his wife. Instead of petitioning for a divorce, David and gone to Ethan. Ethan had talked to him about the differences between abuse and Domination. And he’d taught his mate how to keep his wife happy while at the same time teaching her to toe the line. Once he’d gotten a feel for the flogger on his wife’s flanks, he’d never looked back.

  “Perhaps we should invite David over, and Alana can watch you flog Celia.”

  “Ring him for me, will you?”

  “My pleasure.” While he made the arrangements, Ethan finished his brandy, then stood. “Would you like me to massage your leg for you?”

  “Later,” Ethan said. “For now, I’m anxious to see our sub.”

  Despite his cane, Ethan moved stealthily, and Thomas knew there was no way Alana would hear him.

  The rest of the day was certainly going to be entertaining.

  * * * *

  Breathe in.

  Breathe out.

  This mastering herself stuff was a lot of work.

  Alone in this room, naked, legs uncomfortably spread, bottom suspended in air, she was aware of a hundred different things. The annoying drone of a housefly, the sound of wind whipping through the trees outside, and the chill that hung in the air and pebbled her nipples, despite the fact that a fire crackled only a few feet away.

  And she was fully cognisant of the fact that she sucked at mastering herself. Her hands were curled into little fists and her fingernails dug into her palms. She hated being alone, hated not knowing what would happen next. Hated knowing she was in trouble for playing with Celia. Hated knowing she wanted to finish what they’d started.

  “Is this the disobedient sub?”

  She jumped.


  She hadn’t heard his approach, and she’d been listening for him. She turned to face him, seeing him there in the open doorway, leaning on his cane. His dark eyes were made darker by his black shirt, and there was an afternoon shadow on his chin. This man was sexy as sin.

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “Yes. I mean no. No, Master.” She licked her lower lip. “I haven’t been disobedient.”


  “Thomas… Celia… I mean… I didn’t climax.”

  “But she was eating you out, I’m told.”

  She shuddered. It sounded so naughty when he said it like that. “She was. But I didn’t come.”

  “You didn’t protest.”

  Was a half-truth a lie? “I was gagged, Master.” She didn’t add that she’d been grinding her face backwards, trying to get Celia to please her.

  “Ah, the gag. Tell me about that experience.”

  She’d gotten away with it. “My jaw aches,” she said. “But other than that…”


  “I wouldn’t say that. I think I was more into the scene because I couldn’t talk.”

  He nodded. “You won’t fight it next time?”

  She looked away from him. “No, Master.”

  He entered the room and rang a bell. A few minutes later, Thom
as appeared.

  “Fetch a bowl of warm water, along with my razor and shaving cream.”

  He was going to personally shave her?

  While he waited for the man to return, he pulled up a chair. “You’re comfortable?”

  “Not at all.”



  “I’ve noticed you’ve not moved. Masochist.”

  She grinned. If she wasn’t careful, there was no way she’d be able to leave here in a week and a half.

  She heard a rattle on the tray, and then felt a tug on her pubic hair. She grunted a little at the slight pain.

  “I’ll cut off some of the length, it’ll make the shaving go faster.”

  Probably the most important thing about submission, she was coming to realise, was how intimate it was. He’d promised her she’d have no secrets from him. Between leaving the bathroom door open, him shaving her, him shoving his cock in her while she was bent over, there weren’t many more intimacies left.

  Within minutes, Thomas returned. He laid all the items on the metal tray, and he’d thoughtfully provided a couple of hand towels, as well.

  “Thomas, give Alana a hand.”


  “I’d like her knees to her chest so we can shave the inside of her labia even better.”

  “Hold your knees,” Thomas instructed her, as he pulled first one, then the other foot from the stirrups, “otherwise you’ll lose your balance.”

  “Now isn’t that a pretty picture?” Ethan asked.

  She’d thought more than once that she might die of embarrassment, but this was, by far, the most vulgar position they’d gotten her into.

  “Shave her,” he told Thomas.

  While Thomas filled his palm with a dollop of thick, rich cream, Ethan massaged his injured thigh. Since he’d managed to trim her pubic hair, he probably could have managed to shave her himself, but he obviously enjoyed sharing her with his servant.

  At first, she’d hated being naked in front of both of them, but as time was going on, she was getting used to it.

  “Look up at Thomas.”

  She did.

  “You’re to be proud of your cunt. And show it to anyone I command.”

  With a couple of swipes of the triple-edged razor, Thomas had removed the last of her pubic hair.

  Then he took hold of her right pussy lip, and, stretching it taut, lathered, and then shaved.

  In all her years of trimming and shaving, she’d never swiped a razor on the inside of her labia.

  He repeated the motions on the inside of her left pussy lip.

  “Much better,” Ethan said, leaning in for a closer look.

  Thomas used a towel to wipe away the last of the creamy foam.

  “Be sure it’s completely bare.”

  She felt Thomas spread her cunt wide and run a finger across her, inspecting for stray hair.

  “Satisfactory,” Thomas said.

  “And her anus.”

  “We’ll use a strip of wax for that,” Thomas said.


  “Gag?” Ethan offered conversationally.

  She shook her head.

  She heard Thomas pick up something from the tray, and then heard scissors cutting something.

  “This will hurt,” Thomas said.

  “Could you pretend to enjoy it a little less?”

  “Hell, no.”

  “You’ll want to make sure you hold onto your legs even tighter,” Ethan said. “When that wax comes off, you’ll scream like a Banshee.”

  She couldn’t wait.

  She knew her body shook as he pressed the sticky strip against her skin. But she didn’t protest. She had no doubt Ethan would follow through on his threat of gagging her if she opened her mouth.


  She closed her eyes.

  And screamed when he ripped the strip off, yanking the tiny hairs from her most delicate area. She would have sat up or scooted desperately away, but she knew she’d land on the floor if she moved an inch.

  “I think I got it all,” Thomas said.

  She’d kill him if he hadn’t. Her breaths were shaky. “How many layers of skin did you take off?”

  She breathed deep for a few seconds, willing the pain to go away.

  About a minute later, the sting receded.

  Then she felt his fingertips, callused from hard work, all over her mons.

  “She’s acceptable, Ethan.”

  “I believe I’ll see for myself.”

  She kept her arms wrapped around her legs, holding them against her chest.

  Was it possible to drown in embarrassment?

  He skimmed a finger on the inside of each labial lip. And he spent a few seconds exploring her clit, pulling back the little hood and stroking the distended nub. She moaned. She was still on edge from Celia playing with her, and she knew she’d come in only a few seconds if he continued to play with her.

  Obviously reading her reactions, he stopped before bringing her off.

  He checked her anus for hair, as well. “Well done,” he told Thomas. Then, he continued, “While I have you here, all shaven and waxed and sweetly submissive, I’m going to insert a finger in your anus.”

  “Thomas, put some lube on my fingers.”

  Er. Wait. Fingers? Plural?

  She heard a lid being flipped open, then the unmistakable glop sound of lube being dispensed.

  She braced herself.

  “Bear down,” he coached her, “it’ll make the penetration easier.”

  She felt him there, and she gasped, only to have Thomas cover her mouth in a kiss.

  It was a deep, rocking French kiss that stole her breath. It shocked her, thrilled her.

  Ethan worked a finger deep inside and Thomas swallowed her second gasp.

  She closed her eyes, but she thrashed as she felt more pressure against her anus.

  “A second finger,” he told her.

  She couldn’t.

  Then he slapped her cunt.

  The stunning pain and the kiss collided, and she accepted Ethan’s second finger.

  “That’s a good slut,” Ethan said. “Just concentrate on what Thomas is doing to you while I widen your hole.”

  Tears glossed her eyes as he spread his fingers apart. “Just a little wider.”

  She’d never experienced anything like this.

  “Lots of nerve endings there,” he said, his rich voice like cognac splashed on ice. “You’ll enjoy it if you let yourself.”

  How could she?

  This, more than anything, was horrible. Good girls, nice girls, didn’t willingly do this. This was nasty.

  He started bringing his fingers in and out.

  And Thomas stroked her nipples.

  She’d never in her life felt more consumed with confusion.

  Each sensation, her mouth, her nipples, Thomas’ palms cupping her breasts, her stinging pussy, her aching clit, her tormented ass combined to drive her out of her mind.

  “Let yourself enjoy it,” Ethan said again.

  Unbelievably, she started not to hate it.

  He kept up the rhythm, in and out. Thomas kept up the pressure on her nipples, already sensitised from the earlier clamps.

  Ethan then applied some pressure against her clit.

  She couldn’t.



  “It…” But Thomas’ mouth devoured what she was going to say.

  Deep inside, an orgasm built, a powerful feeling that she’d never experienced before.

  This wasn’t the type of ordinary climax, it felt as if it came from somewhere else entirely, deeper inside, more powerful.

  He never deviated from his smooth in and out stroke.

  Then, as she started to rock, he said, “That’s a girl.”

  Thomas rolled both of her nipples between his thumb and forefinger.

  Heaven help her!

  She groaned as she came, unbelievably, for having her an
us fingered.

  “Not so bad,” Ethan said.

  She shook her head.

  Slowly Thomas ended their kiss. And he released his grip on her nipples.

  “Thank you,” Ethan prompted.

  “That was spectacular,” she said. “Thank you.”

  He smiled. “Now, Thomas, please put a butt plug in our sub’s bum.”

  “A plug?”


  She noticed that he’d stopped asking if she wanted to use her safe word. Instead, he trusted her to speak for herself if she objected.

  “You’re already stretched and wide open. Your arse is begging for a plug.”

  Thomas came around to the foot of the table. He slid the bottom part of the table back into place and helped her put her feet back in the stirrups.

  “Lube her well,” Ethan instructed.

  She turned her head to watch Thomas squeeze lube onto his fingers. But while she was looking, she saw two butt plugs standing on the metal tray. One was gigantic, and the other was enormous. Her blood chilled. “Scared,” she said. Her voice was hardly a squeak.

  “You’re new to this,” Ethan said. “Thomas will take that into consideration.”

  “Surely one of them isn’t going up there.”

  “It is,” he said. “And, Alana, you can take it.”

  But she didn’t want to.

  “It will please me to see you wearing one.”

  Really, that comment was all she needed.

  Ethan slid the table extension back away, leaving her butt suspended in mid-air.

  Like Ethan had done, Thomas started slow and easy, sliding one well-lubed finger into her anal whorl.

  She looked at Ethan, and he held her gaze.

  “Doing alright?” her Master asked.

  She nodded, feeling Thomas slide his finger all the way inside.

  “Another then,” Ethan instructed.

  She felt Thomas there, stretching her to accommodate a second finger. “It’s uncomfortable,” she confessed.

  “I’m sure it is,” Ethan said. But he didn’t allow Thomas to relent.

  He slid both fingers in and out, slowly sinking them all the way to his knuckle. Then he paused, stretching her. She kept her gaze on Ethan, drawing strength from him.

  She watched as he personally lubed the smaller of the two plugs. That would be the enormous one. She supposed they expected her to be grateful for that small mercy.


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