A Scandalous Love for the Enticing Duke: A Historical Regency Romance Book

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A Scandalous Love for the Enticing Duke: A Historical Regency Romance Book Page 30

by Henrietta Harding

  “I am yours, Nicholas. Always and forever.”

  Relief knocked the breath out of his lungs, and he sighed. Blue balls were not something he wanted to have to deal with tonight. Beyond that, this was not just about sating his desire. This lovemaking would be her first, their first. It honoured him to know that she had chosen to give this special gift to him freely. His heart swelled, and he gave her a smile that he hoped conveyed all the love he felt for her. All the love he would always feel for her.

  “Thank you, Eleanor. I will take care of you. You trust me, do you not?”

  She bobbed her head in response and smiled too. This moment, he took and tucked into a special place in his heart. He would remember till the day he closed his eyes for the last time.

  Slowly, he ridded her entirely of her clothing, so that she laid completely naked. Then, he stood up and slowly took off his own clothes. Her skin flushed as he turned to face her. He stood, unmoving allowing her to take him in. She was shy, that much was obvious. However, her curiosity got the better of her. Tentatively, her eyes began to roam over him. As they did, it felt like a soft caress upon his skin. As though she was touching those spots with a light feather. A tremor of anticipation ran down his spine, and his balls began to ache. He wanted nothing more than to climb on that bed and finish what they had started, but he had seen her – it was her turn to see him too. Really, see him. He watched her as she took him in. From his face to his shoulders, his arms, his belly. It felt awkward, but he remained. He had a fine, lean build, he could do without feeling so self-aware. Her eyes continued to roam, and he knew the moment they landed on his manhood. They widened in fear, and he instantly became alarmed. One quick look downwards told him she had enough reason to be scared.

  His manhood jutted out, proudly, fully stretched. He looked up at her, willed her to do the same, and she swallowed as she did.

  “It’s so huge. How is this even possible?”

  He wanted to chuckle at her concerns, but they were not unfounded. Deciding that she had seen enough, he began to advance towards her. He soon reached. He climbed on to the bed, and as he drew closer to her, she leaned further away, until they were back to the position they had been in before.

  “It’s going to hurt the first time, for certain. Nevertheless, it is certain to fit. This is nothing compared to the babies you will birth for us.” Her mouth shaped into an ‘O’ as his words sunk. “I will be gentle, I promise.”

  She nodded, and he took her mouth again, wanting to distract her from her fear. It seemed to work, for in a moment, she was touching his body again, pulling him to her. Skin touched skin, and as a moan of satisfaction escaped her lips, a sigh escaped his. The night cold was nothing, not when she filled his body with such pleasurable warmth. His cock pressed against her belly, and he hardly resisted the urge not to rub against it, enjoy the sweet relief and torture that would come with the movement. He broke the kiss and began to trail kisses down south. He ignored the two breasts that called out to him, focussing on the narrow path in between. As he kissed her sweet flesh which smelled so exotic and tasted so divine, she began to squirm over his hold. She held her breath for a long moment and released it when he grazed her flesh with his teeth. Her nails scratched his skin, and he welcomed the pain. Her pleasure was getting the most of her, making her restless, that much was obvious; it meant he was doing something right. Her legs curved around his, securing him between her, and he chuckled. He licked her skin, kissed until he stopped at the top of the patch of clean shaven hairs. He felt her tremble beneath him as he placed a kiss there.

  Her back arched, and her legs spread wider. She shivered, moaning as she did. He lifted himself on his elbows then and brought his head down on her right breast. His right hand found the other while his left hand began to roam. It mapped out her skin like he had felt his eyes, did his. He kept his touch soft, light like a feather, and her short ragged breaths threatened to drive him wild. He fit his hand between her and the bed and palmed her behind. They were pert, firm, and fitting into his hand as though they belonged there.

  To her breast, he suckled and squeezed as though his life depended on it. Every time she curved and pushed it further into his mouth, he increased his pace. Her soft cries filled the room, and when he sensed her pleasure intensifying, he moved to the neglected part of the pair.

  A sigh of relief escaped her lips as he took the ripened bud into his mouth, and a cocky grin found its way to his face. His hands left her behind then and found their way to her feminine core. He cupped her folds and felt the warm moisture seep into his palm.

  “Nicholas …”

  She wiggled, and he knew what she was asking for. Having experienced this twice, she knew what pleasure awaited her. She sought. Who was he to deny her of that when he had sworn to worship her? Slowly, he parted her folds, his head hazy with the drunken desire that feeling her in his hands was causing him. Still sucking her breast, he found her entrance. Without warning, he snuck a finger in and enjoyed the welcome of her walls clenching around him.

  She cried out, and he abandoned her bosom to kiss her. As their tongues met, he began to move. After a couple of strokes, he joined the first finger with another, and she gasped in surprise.

  “Shh,” he consoled, aware that she would have experienced slight discomfort. However, he had to do this to ensure she was ready enough to accommodate him. He had never laid with a virgin, but he had read enough to know what he had to do.

  Slowly, he thrust his fingers into her, creating a tempo. Then, her breaths became completely scattered, like his. He held on tightly to his rein of control. His cock stretched, becoming impossibly fuller when he had thought that impossible. Then, she began to grind her hips against his hands, and he lost the last bit of restraint he had been able to muster. She was dripping now, her walls less tight than they had been when he had first entered. She was ready; he knew that.

  He withdrew his finger and spread her legs further apart as he settled at her entrance. His cock found its place, not needing to be led. He poised at her centre as he held himself up with his hands. He looked down at her and searched her eyes again. He found encouragement there, and his pride for her grew bigger. So brave, so fearless.

  “It’s going to hurt.”

  “I’ve been told. I can take it, Nicholas. Please. I need you …”

  He chuckled. He hoped she wouldn’t have a change of mind when he speared through her. Taking a deep breath, he leaned down and started to place soft, lingering kisses all over her face. First, her closed eyes, then her nose, then, her forehead. He kissed both cheeks, her chin, her jaw. As he did, he took her right thigh and slung it over his waist. Her breath fanned his face, even as they came out unevenly. He kissed her ears, her neck, then finally, he took her lips.

  As he began to kiss her, he nudged at her entrance. Slowly, she opened up for him, and slowly, he entered. As he drove further in, her walls began to expand to accommodate his length, his size. She stopped kissing him, and her breath held as she waited for what was to come. Soon enough, Nicholas felt the restriction. It felt as though he could not go further, but he was halfway in, there was no stopping now, not when his muscles had grown taunt beneath his skin, waiting for the sweet pleasure she would give him, suffering from the sweet torture she gave him now.

  Dragging in sufficient air, he took great pains to proceed slowly still. The moment seemed to pause; there was a hang in the air. Then he gave a hard push, and he was fully in, sheathing his long hard shaft with her moist heat. A tremor suffused through him as her walls clenched around him, and he swallowed her cry of pain.

  He kissed her until he felt the tension begin to slip out from her body, until she began to relax. He made no attempt to move down here, wanting her to adjust to his intrusion, the feel of him inside of her. When she finally began to kiss him back, he surmised it was safe to move, and move he did.

  Slowly, he eased out of her. When he was almost fully out, but for his head, he slipped back in. She
moaned and threw back her head. Her other thigh joined the one that he had placed around his waist, and they locked at her ankles. He dropped on his knees and relieved his hands of the duty of holding him up. He reached for her hands which he was certain had left scars on his back – not that he minded a bit – and locked their fingers together on each side. He eased out slowly again, his muscles relaxing as he did. Then, again, slowly, he filled her up.

  She moaned and rocked her hips against him on the third thrust. He drew in a sharp breath as the movement made her walls clench tightly around him and released it in a ragged stream. He was certain she had only done it to get comfortable. If only she knew what pleasure that had caused him. He continued to move. The fourth time, he slipped out less slowly and gave a sharp thrust, increasing the tempo. She whimpered as he slammed into her, and as he moved faster on the next stroke, she rose her hips to meet him. He became undone, and the beads of sweat that had fanned his face dropped. He felt hot all over, as though he would explode any moment from now.

  She rose to meet him again, and when she rocked against him as she did, his eyes flew open to see her looking at him mischievously. Oh well, she certainly knew what she was doing. He wondered where she had learned how to do that, but that was certainly a question for later.

  A low growl rose in his throat and escaped as a groan. Every bit of inhibition left him, and he increased the pace. Each thrust became harder, faster, and together they reached for the skies. Like a rocket, they shot up, touching the silver lining of the clouds. An orgasmic eruption occurred, his seeds burst forth into her, and their pleasure cries mingled, filling the room.

  The last strain in his muscles melted away, and he felt his body become lax with his satiation. Too good, she had felt too good. Slowly, he eased out of her, his shaft soft. He fell on her, and her arms instantly went around him. She held him against her, sweaty skin against sweaty skin, the scent of their activity in the air and with the tenderness of a love, she caressed his back. Then, she dropped a kiss on his shoulders, and he rolled over, taking her with him. A huge smile remained on his lips as his eyes drifted closed.

  Just a little more time to bask in this bliss, then, he would be on his way. In a short while, he began to hear her snores. He looked down at her, eyes closed, skin flushed, sleeping peacefully, and his heart clenched. All of this beauty, for him. He reckoned he must have done something entirely right in his lifetime to deserve this goodness.

  When he was certain he would not wake her up, he stood up and covered her with thick sheets. Then, he put on his clothing and returned to her side. He stared at her for a moment longer, unable to believe that she had just given him the best moment in his life. Smiling like a fool, he dropped a kiss on her forehead and fought to leave her side.

  In three days, he would never have to sneak in or sneak out again. Surely, he could wait that long.


  Alan met her by her window, waiting on him. As he landed on his two feet inside her chamber, he took his time to behold her. She was an angel, he was certain of this. The cool night air blew her hair softly, and the moon set a soft glow on her face, highlighting her beautiful features. It reminded him of the night all of this had started. She had been barely twenty, and it was her first ball in her parents’ home. She had been nervous. He had noticed because even then, when he had not known that the love he had nursed for her all those years was returned, he was her friend. What they had shared had been special. Beyond that, it had been true.

  He had asked her if she would like some fresh air, and she had said yes. So, he had led her out onto the gardens, and once they were out of view, he had dared to hold her hands. They had walked for a while in comfortable silence. The kind he only ever experienced with her, aside his family. Then, she had stopped abruptly and stepped in front so she could face him.

  “Do you remember that night, Agnes? At this moment, it’s all that comes to mind. A memory I will forever hold dear.”

  She smiled, instantly knowing what night he spoke about. “You looked so dashing in your formal attire. I knew I could not keep it in any longer. It felt as though I would die if I did not birth those words that had been lodged in my throat for so long. I still remember them by heart.”

  “As do I. You had looked me in the eye, with eyes so brown and so lovely. Then, you had said ‘You must know this Alan, for I cannot continue to die this slow death. I love you. I have loved you since that summer afternoon when you helped me up as I fell and tended so affectionately to my injuries. For years, I have told myself it is merely an infatuation, and I shall overcome this. However, I cannot deny this any longer. Not when it’s eating me up with every breath that I take. Every day, I only fall further in love with you. There is it. I suppose now, my heart can rest. Say nothing. I do not expect my love to be returned,’” he ended as the memory melted away to return to where it stayed, safe.

  “I tried to run away then, but you wouldn’t let me. You grabbed my arms and said, ‘Forgive me’. Then, you gave me my first kiss. I knew at that moment, that I never wanted to be kissed by another. It was only after, that you too, confessed your emotions.”

  Her eyes twinkled, and he knew she too was relieving the memory, just like he had. He stepped closer and stroked her cheeks. “We were a lost cause from the start, weren’t we?”

  When he would have withdrawn his hand, she held it in place with hers and leaned into his touch, her eyes fluttering closed. “It never mattered to us, the odds. I would do it all over again, Alan. See how far we’ve come.”

  That was it. He closed the distance between them and pulled her in for a soul aching kiss. As they pulled away, he responded, “As I would. I cannot believe I almost gave up on you.” Indeed, he could not. The thought of how close he had come to losing her plagued him daily. As if she read his thoughts, she stopped him with a finger to his lips.

  “Shhh. All that matters is now. None of that. None of that.”

  He took in a deep breath as he searched her eyes. This was the first time he was alone with her since that night in the garden. So much had happened between then and now; it felt like ages ago. Alas, she was right. None of that mattered. Only now. Only now.

  In one move, he swooped her into his arms. She yelped in surprise, and her hands instinctively went around his neck. She fit perfectly; she was just the perfect weight. His eyes twinkled with love as he looked down upon her.

  “In that case, sweetheart, allow me to love you tonight. Allow me to show you just how much I intend to love you for the rest of my life.”

  She simply nodded, and he held her eyes until they reached her bed. Softly, he dropped her on the bed. Still holding her gaze, he proceeded to rid her of her flimsy clothing. When she laid naked, her gorgeous body bare to his eyes, he proceeded to rid himself of his clothing too. He kept their eyes locked, and the rise and fall of their chests fell into rhythm. The hands with which she had shielded herself fell away as he slowly climbed onto the bed, shielding her from the crisp night air with his body. When his bare legs rubbed against hers, his body flamed up, and he knew they would feel no cold tonight. Their bodies would burn as wood and create enough heat for the both of them.

  He had waited so long for this moment. Though their wedding day was only three days away, he could no longer wait. The desire for her consumed him until all he wanted to do was bury himself deep inside her and spill his seeds inside of her. He wanted to kiss her and taste her, drink from her, give her pleasure like she had never experienced. His cock stood as it filled with blood, and he was glad he now laid above her. He moved until his face was directly above hers. Their eyes glued, their noses almost touching as their breaths mingled.

  Intense, it was so intense that he feared he might find his release from this moment alone, where her hot breath fanned his face, and their chests touched every time they rose, pushing her perfect naked twins into his body. This moment where her breaths went in like breathy moans.

  Without warning, he covered her lips with hi
s and began to kiss her. Slowly, so painfully slowly, but it had to be so. For this night, as much as the man in him wanted to take her like a savage beast, the lover in him wanted to make love. He wanted to take his woman gently and spare her as much pain as he could for her first time.

  They became one as they exchanged fluid, as their tongues danced and teased and searched. They became one as their breaths synched and her red buds pebbled and poked at him. They became one as he sucked and nibbled her lips, drawing sweet juices from the part of her which held her greatest treasure. He kissed her, thoroughly, leaving no terrain in her mouth uncharted. When she began to squirm beneath him and moan in her throat, he moved lower, trailing kisses down her throat, to her neck, until he found her first woman curve. He covered one ready twin with his mouth and catered for the other with his hand. She gave a strangled cry as his teeth grazed her pert bud, and her back curved in an arc, pushing her further into him.


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