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Evicted Page 6

by Traci Sek

"Oh, Gia, I forgot last night I saw your dad, he was walking into a room. I'm assuming your mom's."

  Gia looks confused.

  "Really?" She asks. "He's not supposed to be home till ten today."

  "Oh, I don't know. I saw a guy upstairs while I was getting dressed, he said honey, I'm home, so I figured it was your dad."

  "Oh, maybe he got in early; all the commotion last night had everybody crazy." My stomach turns, remembering the images from last night.

  "Come, have some breakfast." Gia gestures to a bunch of boxes of cereal lining the counter. I pour a bowl of cereal and start to eat, listening to Julia go on about Mark and this guy and that one. I roll my eyes, which is becoming a habit when I’m around Julia.

  "I thought you liked Spencer?" I ask incredulously.

  I can't help myself when the words come out like vomit. The room falls silent for a minute. Julia is clearly thinking of an excellent come back.

  "Well, I did, but I guess when someone needs rescuing all the time, it's hard to compete."

  I stop chewing and look at her. Before I get a chance to retort, the front door opens, and a tall man in a business suit walks in. He’s holding a briefcase in one hand and flowers in the other. He has scruffy looking black hair and glasses.

  "Dad," Gia yells and runs to hug him, backing away immediately after.

  "Wait, I thought you were already home?"

  He gives her an odd look.

  "Nope. Just got in, came straight from the airport."

  Gia looks at me as her mom comes walking in.

  "Oh, good morning, honey. Good morning girls." She opens up the fridge.

  "Mom," Gia starts.

  Her mom looks up from the fridge.

  "Yes, dear."

  "Who was here last night?" She looks at Gia and closes the door.

  "I'm sorry. I don't understand the question? I mean, your friends were here."

  "No, mom, I mean the guy who entered your room last night."

  Her mom froze and gave her a look I never saw before. Gia's dad is still standing in the doorway with his briefcase now on the floor. Her mom looks at her dad then back at Gia.

  "Who said I had a guy here last night?"

  Gia glances at me, making me wish I hadn't said anything.

  "One of my friends at the party." She responds, looking back towards her mom.

  Again, her mom looks at her dad.

  "What's going on? I demand to know right this minute!" She starts to raise her voice.

  "Gia, honey, calm down," her mom starts.

  "I will not calm down until someone tells me the truth. Were you cheating on daddy last night?"

  "Gia." Her mom looks like all the color had drained out of her face. "We've meant to talk to you, but right now is not the best time."

  She looks around at her friends.

  "I don't care. They are my best friends."

  I get up from the barstool where I’m sitting. "I think we should all go to another room, give them some privacy."

  "No," Gia screams, "sit down!"

  My eyes grow wide, but I do what she asks.

  "Ok," her mom starts, "I'm just going to come out and say it. Honey, me and your dad, have been split up for months now. We didn't want to tell you and possibly ruin your year at school. So, your father agreed to pretend like he was out of town on business so that he wouldn't have to stay here, and yes, I've been seeing someone else."

  I can't believe my ears. Gia lets out a wail looking bewildered.

  "How could you?" She asks through gritted teeth looking back and forth from her mom and dad.

  "All the times we talked, and you couldn't tell me. You just made me believe we were living some perfect life, hoping you wouldn't get caught?"

  "Honey, it's a tough decision, and I admit we were wrong," her dad speaks softly.

  "Are you getting a divorce?"

  He looks at her mom and sighs.

  "Yes, honey, we are."

  "Oh my God," Gia screeches.

  She takes off upstairs. We all scramble from our seats, her parents running after her first.

  "Where are you?!" I hear Gia scream.

  She whips open her mother's door.

  "Gia, honey," her mom cries. "He's not here anymore."

  Gia rips the bedsheets off her mom's bed and then whips open the closest.

  "I don't believe you! You're a liar," she roars.

  Gia's father grabs Gia and wraps his arms around her. "Calm down, sweetie," he calmly says. She stops fighting and sobs, sinking till she reaches the floor.

  "I know this is a lot to take in, but we will get through it together," her dad continues.

  He looks at Gia's mom, "it's time for her friends to leave."

  I’m the last to leave. I’m relieved to see that beat-up old truck pull up.

  "So, how was the party?" Roy asks as soon as I close the door.

  "Um, it was interesting, to say the least."

  I feel terrible for Gia. I also feel like ever since I got to this school, bad things were happening left and right. I can't help feeling it’s mostly because of me.

  I lay in bed, not able to move. I didn't want to face the kids at school. Word must have spread by now; it was inevitable. Life was supposed to start getting better, not worse.

  "Get up, you lazy butt." Kate nudges me.

  "I can't." I moan and cover my head with the blanket.

  I told Kate everything that happened.

  "You can't let that party and those idiots stop you from living your life. Besides, Spencer will be there. He's on your side, and Gia, I'm sure, could use a friend right now."

  "Yeah, right. I'm the one that ruined it with Gia."

  "You had no idea. You can't blame yourself; besides, it had to come out eventually. Now that it's out, you have to move forward."

  As much as I hate to admit it, Kate is right. I roll out of bed and get dressed. Roy’s already awake and ready to go.

  "Good morning, girls."

  "Morning, dad," Kate says. I nod, still not used to this new side of Roy.

  I admire Kate for forgiving Roy so quickly, something I’m still struggling with. Kate is our mom in every quality.

  "Really quick, girls. Wednesday, Sarah has invited us over for a nice dinner. I expect you both to be on your best behavior." He looks at me. "Please come with an open mind and give her a chance. I'm sure you won't be disappointed."

  "Sure, Dad," I say, all grumpy.

  "I'm serious, Jessa."

  "Ok!" I respond, irritated.

  I have more important things to worry about right now.

  "Bye, dad. We’re going to be late."

  As I arrive at school, I walk up the big steps and immediately notice people looking at me and whispering. Fabulous, and so it begins. I try my best to ignore them and keep walking. Gia isn't in geography this morning, and I wonder if she would even show. I can't blame her if she didn't. When I arrive at biology, Gia is already sitting with Alex and Julia.

  "Hey, Gia. How are you?"

  "I'm terrible. Thanks for asking."

  She isn't her usual happy, smiling self-today.

  "Well, I'm here for you if you need anything."

  "Gee, thanks," she responds, not looking up. I can sense that she’s mad at me.

  "Really, Gia, I had no idea that it wasn't your dad."

  Gia whips her head up at me, "shut up; I don't want to talk about it. I'm the laughing stock of a bunch of people already. Just go away."

  I look at Julia, who’s trying to contain a laugh.

  "Oh, I see, ok," I say and walk away. Julia had gotten to her once again, probably telling her all lies. I feel hot with anger. I leave class as fast as I can, not looking at anybody. I feel like exploding. I get to my locker and whip it open forcefully as it bangs against another locker.

  "I warned you not to mess with me."

  I whip around to see Julia in my face.

  "You are evil, and one of these days, karma will bite you in the ass, a
nd I'll be there laughing." The smile fades from Julia's face.

  "Yeah, good luck with that. You make it too easy for me to pin stuff on you. What can I say?"

  "So you admit it?"

  "Admit what?" She asks innocently.

  "That you set me up, you made me look bad in front of Gia."

  "No, honey, you did that all on your own. Though I must say, you deserved what you got from Eric."

  "What? You made him come over to me, didn't you?" She starts to laugh.

  "It's too bad Spencer came to your rescue because no one else cared."

  My heart sinks. "Why would you do that?"

  "Because you pushed my best friend out of the way that night at the dance because you're a selfish little brat. Paybacks a bitch."

  "Oh, really? Your best friend, huh? I could have sworn Gia is your best friend, or is that all a lie too? You know what? How about this payback?" I haul off and punch her as hard as I can in the nose. Her head snaps backward, and her hands grasp her nose as she staggers back. Everybody stops in the hallway to watch.

  "Oh my God, she hit me," Julia screams.

  "Guess karma paid you an early visit," I yell back.

  "You two in my office now," The principal, Mrs. Senna, roars over the crowd.

  I slam my locker shut and proceed down the hall to the office. We sit down, Julia now holding her head back. The nurse arrives with an ice pack and tissues.

  "What happened?" Mrs. Senna demands.

  "She punched me in the nose."

  "Yeah, for a good reason," I retort.

  "Jessa, why did you punch her in the nose?"

  "She was saying evil things to me. She told me that she sent a guy to rape me and that she was the reason for breaking up one of my friendships; she also threatened me."

  "I did not say any of that!"

  "You're a liar!"

  "Enough!" The principal holds up her hand. "Jessa, why didn't you talk to somebody about this? Violence is not the answer, and we do not tolerate this behavior at our school."

  "Nobody would have believed me anyway."

  "Well, unfortunately, Jessa, I'm going to have to suspend you for this. I'm calling your father."

  "Please don't call him!"

  "I'm sorry, Jessa. We have specific rules and regulations that need to be followed. Next time if you have a problem, you need to let someone know. And as for you, Julia, you will be serving one hour of detention."

  "For what?"

  "For encouraging and possibly threatening another student."


  "Not another word." Mrs. Senna stops her. "Now Julia, go and wait in the nurse's office. I'll call your parents to come to get you; your detention will take place tomorrow after school."

  Julia gets up and stomps out of the room.

  "Jessa, please wait with my secretary while I call your father."

  Great. About an hour later, Roy appears in the doorway. He takes one look at me and gives me an angry look. He walks into the principal's office and shuts the door. A half-hour later, he emerges.

  "Thank you so much, Mrs. Senna, again I apologize for Jessa's behavior, and it won't happen again. Come on, Jessa, let’s go."

  We get in his truck, but Roy doesn't start it up. After what seems like forever of silence, he finally speaks. "She gave you a week of suspension."

  "Great," I say, irritated.

  "She was going to give you two weeks. But I convinced her otherwise."

  "Who cares, Dad at this point, I'm hoping we get evicted again, so I don't have to go back."

  "Is that why you did this? Because of me?"

  "No, dad! Sheesh."

  "Then why, Jessa? This is not like you. Your mother did not raise you this way."

  "It has nothing to do with you! It's this stupid girl, Julia. She just pushed my buttons long enough, and I lost it. Now can we go home?"

  He sighs. "If you say so."

  He starts up the pickup truck and drives off. When I get home, I run upstairs, curl up in my bed, and cry.

  Suspended Kiss

  My eyes open groggily and glance around my room. Kate must have left for school already since her side of the bed is empty. I glance at our clock that hangs crookedly on the wall and notice that the hands are facing eight. Ugh, nothing worth getting up for. My fist is still throbbing from yesterday's events as I gently rub it with my other hand. It’s black and blue now, and flexing my fingers makes it worse. I have no appetite and no ambition, so I decide to go back to sleep.

  I wake up again to the faint sound of pounding. I rub my eyes and blink rapidly as the sun shines through my windows, nearly blinding me. Another rap echoes throughout, and I realize someone’s knocking on my door. Who the hell could that be? I glance at the clock that now reads three. I sigh and drag myself out of bed. The knocking grows louder, the closer I get to the door.

  "Hold on," I yell.

  I whip open the door to scream but stop abruptly as my eyes focus on the one person I did not expect to ever stand on my doorstep. My mouth opens wide, staring at those damn mesmerizing chocolate brown eyes. I look down at myself and cringe. I’m wearing a purple spaghetti strap shirt and grey sweatpants. My hair’s probably a hot mess in my bun. To say I’m horrified is an understatement.

  "What are you doing here?" I ask as I try to cover myself yet fail miserably. He smiles.

  "Well, I deliver school work to people who are suspended. One of the pleasures of being student body president."


  He hands me a stack of papers.

  "Thanks," I try to close the door, only to be stopped halfway as his hand holds it firmly in place.



  "What the hell happened?" I give him a questionable look.


  you mean Julia hasn't told you yet? I'm shocked. She usually loves to hang all over you with her greedy little hands."

  "No, she doesn't."

  "Well, then you're just as blind as the rest of them."

  "Whoa! I come in peace, Jessa. No need to attack me." He holds his hands up in mock surrender. I let out a sigh.

  "I'm sorry. I'm so frustrated that no one can see through her."

  "But Julia is a nice girl. Nobody has had any problems with her except you."

  "Shocking. So, what are you going to say next? That it’s my fault that she hates me."

  "No." He scratches the back of his head. "Can I come in?"

  I look around my living room. The old worn-out brown couch that my parents bought almost eight years ago takes up most of the room and in front of an old silver boxed television. The carpet is old and has questionable stains along with dingy beige walls. I cringe at the thought of Spencer coming in.

  "No. It's bad enough you're at my piece of crap apartment."

  "Jessa, I don't care where you live. I thought I made that clear the night of the party."

  I look at him and hesitate. His determined eyes lock with mine. I know I can no longer hide the truth about my life. There can’t be any more walls. If anybody is going to believe me, I have to break them.

  "Fine, come in. Let me just get a sweater." I open the door more as he walks in. "Have a seat on the couch." I quickly ran up the stairs two by two, ran into my bedroom, fluffed my hair in the mirror after yanking the half-bun out of its shell, and threw on a sweater.

  "Your apartment isn't really that bad," he says as I come down the stairs gracefully. I try so hard to contain my breathing.

  "Thanks," is all I manage to puff out.

  "So, can I tell you something?" He starts.


  "When it's just me and you, I feel like this weird comfortableness. Like I can say anything to you. Nothing bothers me about you. Not your house, not the way you look. Nothing."

  "The way I look?" I ask, a bit offended.

  "I'm sorry. I mean, like, I don't care if your hair is messy or what you wear or even if you have makeup on. I think you are beautiful either way."
br />   I blush.

  "Please talk to me. Tell me everything that happened."

  I do. I tell Spencer what Julia has said to me the past couple of weeks and what she said at my locker the day before.

  "It's like she's setting me up on purpose, but I never did anything to her until yesterday, of course."

  His eyes are wide and confused. "I can't believe it," he finally speaks.

  "I knew you wouldn't believe me; nobody does." I put my head down, focusing on my fingers again.

  "No, I believe you. I am just shocked. All this time. Now things are starting to make sense."

  Now it's my turn to be confused as I look at him. A little bit of hope fills my chest.

  "I don't blame you for punching her."

  I smile for the first time in days. Spencer smiles back. His captivating smile melts what was left of the wall I had worked so hard to maintain.

  "Why didn't you say anything to Gia or me?"

  "Because I'm the new girl. Julia has been around forever. So it would do me no good except make me look bad."

  "I'm going to talk to Gia. She’ll listen to me."

  "And what if she doesn't?"

  "Then she’s a blind fool. Don't worry, Jessa, I'll fix this."

  "Spencer, you don't have to."

  "No, I want to. It's not right what Julia did to you. I always got a weird feeling around her like something wasn't right. I just chose to ignore it."

  Listening to his velvety determined tone completely unravels my insides. I’m finding it harder and harder to concentrate on his words. I’m aching to kiss him. As soon as he stops talking, I lean in, my heart beating out of control again.

  "I should have done this the other night," I whisper, almost bewitched by his lips.

  I press my lips against his and kiss him. He reciprocates as his mouth moves in sync with mine. His warm hands cup my cheeks as we deepen the kiss. The caress of his lips was softer than I had imagined. I stop kissing him and pull away.

  "I'm sorry," I breathe out and stand abruptly from the couch. "I don't know what came over me."

  He stands up quickly too.

  "It's ok, don't be sorry. I wanted to kiss you the other night, but I didn't want to push."

  My mind flashes back to that moment—the moment I have regretted until now.

  "Listen, I should go," he says hesitantly. "I have other school work to deliver."


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