Tempered (Et Lapis Sanguis Book 1)

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Tempered (Et Lapis Sanguis Book 1) Page 5

by Dawn Ibanez

  “Gus,” Shawn called after her.

  She rounded a corner and found a row of vending machines. As expected, he followed her. “Are you thirsty?” she asked.

  “I’m worried about you,” he replied. When she turned away from him, he moved around to step in her way. “Mel’s going to pull through this.”

  “She’s in a coma,” she hissed.

  “And what you are failing to see, is that Mel, like you, is a fighter. Her steel spine is just wrapped in cotton and fluff. Yours is on display for the world to see.” He took her hand and frowned. “Gus, let’s get you cleaned up, okay?”

  He pulled her towards the room she had been treated in and gestured to one of the chairs. “Sit down. I’ll get you some rags and water.”

  She shook her head. “I’ll do it myself,” she said. Gus’s body seemed to move on autopilot as she went into the bathroom. She left the door open and carefully stripped out of her coat. She turned on the sink and pressed the soap dispenser. She rubbed her hands together and started to scrub. Pink suds bubbled up as she washed away the blood coating her hands. Her vision blurred as she tried to block out the memory of her sister’s body on that saw dust-covered floor. She felt something on her face and wiped it away. Gus looked up and saw the Chevalier standing in the doorway watching her.

  “You did everything you could to save her,” he said in that calm tone of his.

  “We should have left yesterday. After that asshole hit her.” She pressed her lips together when she heard the tears in her voice. Gus cleared her throat and rinsed the soap off her hands. She reached over to the soap dispenser and poured more in her hand. She frowned as she continued to rub her hands together. “But she wanted to stay. She said we finally had a home.”

  “Someone hit Mel?” Shawn asked. He reappeared in the door and frowned as he looked between her and Elijah. “When did that happen?”

  Gus felt her temper rise again. “I need some air,” she said shaking the water from her hands.

  “You need stitches,” Shawn said moving closer to her. He looked at Elijah. “I’ll be right back. It looks like she opened some of the cuts on her back.”

  Elijah nodded. He hadn’t moved or questioned how Shawn knew. Once they were alone, he picked up her coat. “You opened your wounds while we were out. I’m surprised you don’t feel them.”

  The pain she felt was nothing new. “I’ve had worse.”

  His eyes were curious as he handed her a towel. “Who are you?”

  “A woman that’s been fighting your kind since she was twelve. No one special.” Her eyes narrowed when he stepped into the small bathroom. “What?”

  “You haven’t been fighting my kind,” he told her.

  Her lips pulled back in some sort of semblance of a smile. “What would you call fighting and running from vampires, Guard, and Glaive if not your kind?”

  “A Chevalier would never let you escape,” he said in a whisper.

  Something in his voice pierced the rage filled haze in her mind. Gus blinked rapidly as she tried to get her bearings. He took up too much of the room. She reached up and pressed her hands against his chest. “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Doing something about your wounds.” Before she could ask what he meant, he covered her mouth with his own.

  Gus inhaled sharply. His arms came around her body like a pair of steel bands. The feel of his tongue against the seam of her lips made her moan. As her lips parted, his tongue invaded her mouth. She didn’t take notice of the substance on he forced her to swallow as one of his hands tangled in her hair. Her hands trembled as their kiss went on for far too long. The world around her felt like it was spinning and her back felt as if her skin were too tight.

  She heard a female voice in the distance and felt his arms loosen. Gus balled her hand up into a fist and pushed him away from her. “What the hell are you doing?” she asked. Her eyes widened when she saw the trail of blood from the corner of his mouth. She swallowed and tasted the blood he fed her. “You had no right!”

  He wiped the blood away from his lip and backed out of the bathroom. “You needed to be healed. My blood was the best course of action.”

  Her vision went red for a moment. She then pointed her finger to him. “I will not be your blood whore!” she spat.

  He grabbed the front of her shirt and pulled her close to him. They stood toe to toe, and while she knew she should be terrified, Gus felt exhilarated. “I need you healthy and whole to find out who is killing people in my sector. If that means giving you my blood to heal you, so be it. But do not think for one instant I would consider turning anyone into one of those caricatures of the human species.”

  She swallowed as he continued to glare at her. She wouldn’t apologize. Not when she had seen too many vampires force women into selling their very souls. “Chevalier or not, I’ll take your teeth too, do that again.”

  “You both need to stop,” Dr. Levy’s voice interrupted.

  Elijah released her shirt and Gus stepped back. When the doctor moved around him, Gus went back to the sink. She wasn’t being fair to him, she knew it. But she couldn’t stop herself from goading him. She put her hands under the hot water again and splashed her face. Gus needed to get her head on straight. It didn’t matter that she hadn’t felt so lightheaded and carefree in years. It didn’t matter that this vampire treated her in a way she never expected.

  None of it mattered while Mel was in a coma.

  And if Gus needed to use Elijah’s blood to get to the one that put Mel in that hospital bed, she would use every ounce she could get her hands on.


  Elijah stepped out into the hall as Monica tended to Augustina. He shouldn’t have kissed her. It was a foolish and rash thing to do. As Chevalier, he had a duty to serve the people of the sector. That duty did not include kissing a woman bent on vengeance. Especially when that woman had an obvious history of fighting vampires.

  And winning.

  “Did you see what you needed?” Edmund asked.

  Elijah barely hid a smirk. “She showed me more than expected.” He glanced down the hall towards Warren’s room. “Have you spoken to Warren yet?”

  “He swears that he was attacked by a number of vampires.” Edmund shook his head. “That idiot thinks he’ll be forgiven for crossing back into the sector.”

  Elijah’s eyes narrowed. “He was in the sector of his own volition. He assaulted a citizen here, and as a result, her family exacted revenge.”

  “A victim came forward?”

  “I met the assailant.” Elijah motioned to Augustina’s hospital room. “He was going to force himself on her sister. Augustina fought back.”

  Edmund frowned. “This sister sounds like a magnet for trouble.”

  “The younger one is the innocent, and the elder is the coiled snake ready to strike.” Elijah went back toward the waiting area. He wouldn’t think about how good she felt in his arms. “I think she is going to be a greater asset than we first believed. Something tells me that I haven’t seen the extent of her skills yet.”

  “What do you want her to do?” Edmund asked.

  Elijah shook his head. “She wants revenge. If she wants to be the blade, then I will point her in the correct direction.”

  Edmund stepped closer to Elijah. “Are you mad? Knowing who we’re up against? Going up against a vampire like him is a death sentence to a human.”

  His usually cool temper flared. Elijah narrowed his eyes and looked at his friend. “No harm will come to her,” he said in a hiss. He closed his eyes and took a breath. “Another body was found while we were out. A team was sent to retrieve it.”

  “Alright. I’ll order the autopsy to send me their report.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. “I’ve also took the liberty to have the Whitechapel cases forwarded to here.”

  He didn’t need to have the case files sent to him. Whitechapel changed his life. “Leave them in my office,” he said lowly.

Edmund watched him. “What are your plans for the girl?”

  He didn’t want to think about Augustina and the old murders in the same vein. But he didn’t think the woman in the hospital room would stop until either she caught her prey or died trying. “She will return to my estate. Tomorrow, I will take her to the training fields. She will undergo the Glaive test. If she passes, she will accompany me during this investigation.”

  “That isn’t a good idea.”

  “Having her close is a fine idea. If anything happens, she will be in range to help handle it. And I can keep an eye on her if she stays with me.”

  Edmund folded his arms over his chest. “Are you sure that’s the only reason?”

  Elijah fought the urge to snap at him. “I don’t think I like your tone.”

  “I don’t care. As your captain, it is my job to make sure you’re looking at things clearly.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Because your head hasn’t been on straight since the first body was found. Now this woman is here, and you seem fascinated by her. Now you want to put her through tests designed for vampires that have been through years of training. For all you know, she could be killed.”

  “Have you seen what she did to Warren?” Elijah challenged. “I’m sure she will be fine.”

  Edmund shook his head. “You are hopeless.”

  Elijah looked around the waiting room and saw Augustina’s two friends still present. He walked over to them and sat. Both men straightened and Elijah raised his hand. “Don’t,” he said. When the smaller of the pair adjusted the way he sat, Elijah leaned back in his chair. “How well do you know these sisters?”

  “Gus and Mel moved here about two years ago. They don’t go out much and mainly keep to themselves.” The larger of the pair mirrored Elijah’s position. “Most of the patrons of the bar enjoy having Mel around. But they all try to steer clear of Gus.”

  “They think she’s dangerous?”

  The bar owner shrugged. “They know she won’t put up with their nonsense. She wouldn’t hurt anyone maliciously, but she does know how to protect herself.”

  Elijah nodded slowly as what he was begin told and matched with what he saw from Augustina. He leaned forward and placed his elbows on his knees. When Shawn leaned forward as well, he spoke. “She knows how to protect more than just herself. We both know that. And she mentioned having a pair of knives when she fought her sister’s attacker. I’m assuming you know where those blades are. I want you to bring them to me.”

  Shawn pressed his lips together. “I know she broke the law. But what’s going to happen to her? Everything she’s ever done has been for her sister. I’m sure there was a good reason for her to do… that.”

  Elijah nodded. “There is a task she has to perform, and then she will be exonerated.” He saw the doubt in his eyes. “I am more interested in her skills than in her death. Please understand that I am not out to get her.”

  “You’re the Chevalier of the North Sector. She broke the laws. You should be out to get her.” The large man frowned as he stood and flexed his fingers. “We really shouldn’t be helping you gather evidence against her.”

  He understood their reluctance, even if it had worn thin. “I will say this, and then I will issue it as an order. I have no desire to harm Augustina, but I want her weapons. You will bring them to Sector Central no later than sundown tomorrow. If I must have them retrieved, I will be displeased.” Elijah stood and adjusted the cuffs of his shirt and coat. “If you’ll excuse me.”

  When he turned to the hospital room, he saw Monica walking down the hallway. She gestured for him to follow her to another room. He held his hand up for Edmund to wait for him when the captain moved to follow them.

  “How is the sister?” he asked.

  She closed the door behind them and sighed. “You aren’t going to like this. But I think it may have something to do with why they were attacked.” She leaned against the door. “I would rather discuss all of my findings in your office, but Gus told me to tell you here.”

  “Tell me what?”

  “They aren’t human.”

  Elijah frowned as he looked at her. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  “The Vega sisters.” She stepped closer to him and kept her voice barely over a whisper. “They aren’t completely human. I’m still running tests, but I think they’re some sort of Fae.”

  That could explain her ability to take out someone like Warren. The vampire fought dirty. “Do you know what class?” The possibilities were endless without knowing who her parents were. Her protective instincts could be a part of her base nature. A lot of Unseelie Fae guard their younger clan members with the same savagery that some Gargoyles have over their countries.

  Monica shook her head. “Like I said, I’m still running tests. I’ll look over blood and tissue samples from your other victims, but I think they may be attacked because they aren’t fully human.”

  That was something no one would have thought of when he was a child. The idea of the various species mixing together to create a child was a rare thing. “Let me know what you find.” He moved around the smaller woman and reached for the door. He stopped when he thought about the woman he was about to bring into his home. “How did she take the news?”

  Monica tucked her short hair behind her ears. “Surprisingly well. She doesn’t know what she is, but she said she had some suspicions. She didn’t get into it any more than that, and I didn’t press. For now, treat her as completely human. Just don’t go feeding her any more of your blood.”

  Elijah smiled. “Are those the doctor’s orders?” he asked. Even though he was the one to find her, Monica tended to forget that he was older than she was.

  “Yes.” She reached around him and opened the door. “I would hate to have you brought in as a patient.”

  “You think she could hurt me?”

  “If you push her buttons, it’s not a matter of could she hurt you. I think it would be more of a how badly would she hurt you.” Monica left him in the room and nodded once more at Edmund. She then went to the room where Augustina had been treated.

  Elijah went to Edmund’s side. “Would you feel any better if I told you there is evidence she isn’t fully human?”

  Edmund’s eyes narrowed. “No.”

  Elijah turned and saw the door to Augustina’s room open. He watched as she came out of the room wearing another scrub top. Before he could say anything, she turned and went down the hall to her friends. He stayed still as she spoke with them. Her employer spoke in low, rushed tones while the other man said nothing. After a moment, she wrapped her arms around him in an embrace.

  “Do you think they’re involved?” Edmund asked lowly.

  The idea didn’t sit well with Elijah. It would explain the bar owner’s behavior, but he didn’t think Augustina had time for anyone in her life aside from her sister. There was also the issue of her personality. “She would walk over him.”

  Edmund frowned as he turned his attention to Monica. “I assume you will be overseeing the autopsies.”

  She nodded. “My examiners are the best in the sector. So are my lab techs. I’ll come by at sundown to give you my findings.”

  “Come by after ten. Lord Elijah has decided to test Miss Vega in the training ring.”

  Monica’s eyes widened for a second. She then shook her head. “You’re going to end up in one of these beds if you keep pushing her,” she said before walking away.

  Elijah nodded as he moved away from where he stood and approached Augustina and the others. “Where is your coat?” he asked.

  She turned to him. “Dr. Levy said it was ruined. So was the other top. She was able to get me this, but everything else went into the biohazard bin to be incinerated.” She then waved off his concern. “I’ll be fine. It’s just to the car, right?”

  “Oh! Here you are!” a redheaded woman called out. She carried a dark grey goat as she approached Augustina. She then stopped when she looked at h
im. “Lord Elijah, I didn’t know you were here, I’m sorry.” She bent her head in respect.

  Augustina placed her hand on the woman’s shoulder. “You rode in with me and Mel, didn’t you?” she asked.

  The woman smiled. “Yup. My first week here in the North Sector proper. My last post was over in Nova Scotia. That was nothing compared to New Montreal.” She shook her head. “There I go, babbling. I’m Tati.” She held out her hand.

  As Augustina shook it Elijah looked Tati over. She was a petite ball of energy, and something about her presence made him want to trust her. He shook off the feeling and frowned when she held out the coat she had in her hands.

  “My car’s a mess, and I still haven’t unpacked from when I moved here. Not totally at least. And you’re gonna need a coat. Since I have more than enough, you can have this one.” Tati’s smile was open and guileless.

  Elijah didn’t trust her for an instant. “You’re just handing over a coat? No questions asked? No strings?”

  Augustina reached forward and accepted the garment. “Thank you, Tati.”

  Shawn smiled at the redhead. “If you have the time, you’re welcomed down at my bar,” he said.

  She grinned and nodded. “I’d like that. I don’t have too many friends.” She shook her head. “I’m not gonna go off on another tangent. I just wanted to check on you and make sure you were okay. I heard about your sister.” She placed her hand on Augustina’s. “I’m sorry we couldn’t get her here quicker. But I’m sure she’ll pull through. If she’s anything like you, she’ll be fine.”

  “Thank you.”

  Tati pulled a card out of her pocket and gave it to Augustina. “My card. I’d like for us to keep in touch, maybe become friends.”

  “Just like that?” Elijah asked.

  She shrugged. “It’s not the best of circumstances, I know. But Gus seems like the kind of person you always want in your corner. I miss having a friend like that.”


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