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Tempered (Et Lapis Sanguis Book 1)

Page 12

by Dawn Ibanez

Augustina came into the office wearing a dark red top and black jeans. She looked between him and Esmeralda. “Am I interrupting?” she asked.

  Esmeralda shook her head. “I was going to ask Lord Elijah what you were going to tell me at the hospital.”

  Elijah frowned as he looked at Augustina. There was a lot she needed to catch her sister up on. Before he could ask, Esmeralda interrupted him.

  “Whatever you need to tell me about her needs to come out now.”

  Augustina glanced at Elijah and tucked her hair behind her ears. “Dr. Levy tested some of my blood.”

  “Papi told us to never give up our blood.”

  “Yes, I know what Papi told us, but you were in a coma and my back was torn up. I didn’t care what was being done as long as it helped you.”

  “You need to stop treating me like we’re kids, Gus. I can look after myself, the past couple of days aside.”

  Augustina shook her head and paced around the office. “Dr. Levy’s test showed that we aren’t completely human.” She glanced at Elijah. “We’re mixed with Fae blood, probably from Mom.”

  Esmeralda looked at her sister and then turned to him. “Is that true?”

  Elijah nodded. “More than likely. We believe that’s also why you were attacked. Whoever is behind this is targeting people with Fae blood and killing them.”

  Augustina frowned. “That one guy called me an Abomination before his head exploded.”

  “His what did what?”

  Elijah cleaned his throat and Esmeralda turned to him. “There was an assassination attempt at the hospital. Augustina caught one suspect and before he could talk, he was taken out. I hunted down and captured the sniper.”

  Esmeralda turned from him to her sister. “I want to talk to him.”


  “Absolutely not.”

  She jumped to her feet and planted her hands on his desk. “Can I at least go to the nest? You can find out a lot from a sniper’s nest, and I know to look for things that Gus may not know.”

  “Esmeralda, no.” Augustina’s voice was stern as she pulled her sister away from Elijah’s desk. “You will not be a part of this madness.”

  “I am already a part of this madness.” Green eyes turned to him and Elijah had a feeling he was going to lose the test about to be laid before him. “De Leon kept me in his house. I did a lot of the cleaning and washing. But he also knew I was a sharpshooter. He would parade my skills to the other Chevaliers in the Southern Continent.”

  “Mel,” Augustina growled.

  Elijah stood and went to the pair. He placed his hand on Augustina’s shoulder, but kept his eyes on Esmeralda. “I will send you with Edmund.” He gently squeezed Augustina’s shoulder when she was about to protest. “But you are to listen to every word he says. To him, your safety will come first. The investigation will be second. Am I understood?”

  Esmeralda smiled and bowed her head. “Yes Lord Elijah.” She looked at Gus and her smile fell. Without a word to her sister, Esmeralda left.

  Augustina turned to him and buried her face in his chest. “If anything happens to her, I don’t know what I’ll do,” she said softly.

  He ran his hand through her hair. The silky locks flowed through his fingers, fascinating him. “What would you do if I forbade you from this investigation?”

  “I would do it anyway.” She tilted her face up to his. “You can’t expect me to stand back while my sister’s attacker is out there.”

  “But you expect your sister to stand back while her attacker is out there. That isn’t fair.” When her eyes started to lower, part of his mouth lifted in a smile. “And if I were to be totally honest with you, Esmeralda scares me a little more than you do.”

  Her eyes narrowed playfully. “Really? You want me to believe you’re scared of my little sister?”

  Elijah went to his desk and sat down. “I believe she wanted to make sure I wasn’t taking advantage of you.” He watched her as she went to the serving tray in the corner and poured herself a glass of water. “We all know that will be an elephant in this particular room for a while.”

  To her credit, Augustina drank her water silently. He could only guess that having her sister awake and arguing with her took off some of her edge. “As far as I’m concerned, it’s a dead elephant,” she said with a shrug. She looked at him and shrugged. “I’m tired of his ghost haunting me. You and I, whatever this is between us, there’s no place for him in it.”

  Before Elijah could respond, Edmund came into the room. He glanced at Gus before turning his focus to Elijah. “You need to see this.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket and pulled up a video feed. He handed the device to Elijah. “We need to get someone on this and spin it. This isn’t going to go over well with the masses.”

  On the screen, a body was laid out in the middle of the street. The blanket covering the body disguised if the victim was male or female. A woman stepped in front of the camera. “According to our sources, this is the sixth victim actually found by the Glaive. Only one has survived. While the whereabouts of that particular victim is unknown, it is safe to say, going out alone at night has now become a risk no one should take. Especially with this new Ripper parading down the streets.”

  Elijah gave the phone back to Edmund and looked at Augustina. “We need to find the ones doing this.”

  She nodded as she finished her water. “I’ll go get my coat.” She smiled as she looked at Edmund. “And the car.”

  Elijah chuckled as he remembered the sour look he wore the entire time Augustina drove back to the manor. Elijah stood and straightened to his full height. “Esmeralda wants to see if the sniper left anything behind. I want you to be her escort until this is over.”

  Edmund nodded. “I figured as much. I can get her out of any situation, and these two seem to find themselves in situations.”

  Elijah nodded. “Have our people picked up that body yet?” he asked gesturing to the phone. He would worry about how the reporter’s source was later. Right now he had to find the group behind these killings.

  “I’ve sent a squadron out there. After Esmeralda and I are done at the sniper’s nest, we’ll go there to see if there’s anything we can find.”

  Chapter 12

  Elijah heard her whistle as she pulled up to the large building. “You don’t have to come in,” he told her. “I can handle the interrogation alone.”

  Augustina glanced at him before putting the car in park. “I’m not opening your door for you,” she said before climbing out.

  Elijah smiled as he did the same. He decided to come at this case on two fronts. While he and Augustina would go and see what the sniper had to say, Edmund and Esmeralda would see what was left behind on the rooftop. They would then go to where the body was found in the news report. Elijah and Augustina would be investigating the back alleys of the abandoned district trying to see if they could find any more clues.

  Augustina had to tilt her head back to see the top of the building. She shook her head and joined him at the door. “Even the prisons are gorgeous,” she said.

  Elijah put his hand at the small of her back. “This is more than a prison. This is base of sorts for the Glaive.”

  She walked beside him with an air of confidence that Elijah couldn’t help but be impressed with. Even after being put through hell, she still held her head high and ready to fight. He lowered his hand from her back and went to the main desk.

  The clerk jumped to his feet and placed his hand over his heart. “Lord Elijah,” he said. “Captain Albert said that you were probably coming today.”

  “Where is the prisoner Captain Albert brought earlier tonight?”

  The clerk sat at the computer and searched through their records. “It doesn’t appear that I have anyone.” His eyes then brightened and he started to type in something else. “Here they are. The captain didn’t enter them in the system, but he recorded the fact that cell 718 is occupied.”

  Elijah nodded and stepped away from
the desk. Before he could go anywhere, the clerk cleared his throat. “Yes?”

  “I don’t mean to overstep any bounds, but what should I do about your guest?” he asked.

  Elijah looked at Augustina. Monica said that she would be a good consort for him. But they all knew Chevaliers did not have consorts. Those ideas fell into obscurity with the invention of the steam engine. “This is Augustina Vega. I am giving her the rank of Special Inquisitor.”

  The clerk nodded and went back to typing away. In moments, they were on their way to the elevators. Elijah looked over his shoulder and saw Augustina examining the small badge on her chest. “What?”

  She shook her head. “I never thought I’d wear a badge that didn’t start with ‘Hello’ on it.”

  He nodded. “That is understandable.” He was quiet until they were on the elevator. He pressed the button for the appropriate floor and moved back. “Say the words, and I can make it permanent,” he said.

  She stepped close to him and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. When she backed away from him, Elijah noted the blush on her cheeks. “The offer’s appreciated. But no. I won’t work for you and sleep with you.”

  A flash of desire ripped through him. “We aren’t sleeping together.”

  The elevator slowed to a stop. “Don’t be stupid Elijah. We all know that’s where this is going. Maybe not tonight. Maybe not this week. But we know that is exactly where this is going.”

  When the doors opened, she stepped off the elevator. Elijah followed her. As much as he wanted to object and say she was wrong, he couldn’t.

  She gave him a soft smile. Once again, he had a glimpse of a timid, unsure woman. “It’s bad enough Edmund wants me to start training classes at Sector Central.”

  “I thought about that myself.” He nodded at her skeptical look. “You’re an excellent fighter. The trainees could learn a lot from you.”

  Augustina shrugged. “I’ll think about it. That’s all I can promise for now.”

  Elijah nodded as they reached the cell. When she stepped back to give him room, he reached up and touched her face. “Then it will have to do,” he told her. The way she blinked at him made him want to go after every last person involved with De Leon’s pit fights and trade. Elijah cleared his throat and opened the cell door.

  He looked at the female vampire sitting in a corner. Her eyes were dull as she mumbled softly to herself. Elijah sat at the small table and noted how Augustina stood just to his right. The woman in the corner turned her head. She snarled and moved as if she wanted to attack Augustina. “Do you know why we’re here?” he asked.

  She settled back on the floor. Her back flat against the wall. “Abominations like her need to be eradicated,” she spat.

  To her credit, Augustina didn’t say anything. Elijah snapped his fingers in front of her face and frowned when she turned her attention to him. “What is your name?”

  She looked at him and smiled. It was an ugly and spiteful thing. “Rachel Nicholas,” she said.

  Elijah frowned at the sound of his mother’s name. He fought the urge to cross the room and rip out the assassin’s throat. “That isn’t your name. Tell me the truth,” he demanded.

  “I was born on the East End in 1862. My parents lost our fortune, and while they were able to marry off my sister, I had to learn to fend for myself and for my baby boy, Elijah.”

  Augustina approached the vampire and hauled her to her feet. She ignored the woman’s feeble struggles and slammed her face against the wall. She looked into her eyes. “Who holds your leash?” she asked in a growl.

  The vampire licked at the blood that ran from the corner of her mouth. “Wouldn’t you like to know.” When she was about to turn her attention back to Elijah, Augustina grabbed her face and forced her to look at her.

  “I would.”

  “And people in hell want water. Watch what they get.”

  Augustina’s eyes turned to Elijah. She looked at him for a long moment before pulling the other woman close and whispering something into her ear.

  “You could never,” the vampire hissed. “She will skin you alive before you get close enough.”

  “You were given the wrong target. This one bites back. And I won’t care how many rats I have to chase down. I will get to your leader, and I will kill her.”

  “You’ll never find her. She’s smoke and shadows. Nowhere and everywhere all at the same time. How do you think someone as useless as you can find her?”

  Augustina smiled. It wasn’t pleasant or full of humor. The smile she wore was something savage. “Give me time. Then, you and your ilk will see how useless I am.” She pushed the vampire away from her and stepped back. “And use a victim’s name again. I dare you.”

  Something in Augustina’s expression must have broken through whatever haze was wrapped around the vampire. She blinked rapidly and shook her head. “Those were the names and histories we were given.”

  “Never again.” Augustina ordered. “Now, again. What is your name?”

  The vampire’s eyes filled with tears as she looked at Augustina. “Ripper, you have to understand,” she pleaded. “She’s the one.”

  Augustina’s eyes narrowed as Elijah stood. “What is she talking about?” he asked.

  “The one what?” Augustina asked sharply.

  “The one whose rage can burn the cosmos,” the vampire said softly. She then screamed as a thin line cut across her throat.

  Augustina jumped forward to press her hands against the woman’s neck. Her eyes widened. “There’s someone in here!” She gasped as she was thrown back and into Elijah. As they crashed to the floor, Elijah felt something stab him in the stomach. He glanced up and saw a thin blade disappear. A figure cloaked in black appeared in front of him. “Light magic,” he grunted.

  Augustina sat up and looked at his wound with wide eyes. She then turned and saw the cloaked figure. “Here you are,” she said lowly.

  “And to think, the one I want to kill the most is the key to killing the queen.”

  Elijah backed against the wall and forced himself to stand. He would not let his consort fight the being in front of them alone. “What queen?” he asked.

  “A rage to burn the cosmos. A light to pierce the darkest heart. All of creation will fall when the scales are unbalanced.”

  Augustina lunged forward and tackled the figure. As they fell to the wall, the cloaked figure vanished. In their wake was the overwhelming scent of human sweat and grass. Augustina cursed as she realized her prey escaped so easily. She moved to go to the door when she looked at him.

  Elijah looked at his blood covered hand and blinked. His lids were getting heavier. He fell back against the wall and looked at the wound. “It’s not healing.”

  “Why wouldn’t it heal?” she asked. Augustina reached for his coat pockets and quickly found his phone.

  When she had the devise, his legs didn’t want to support him anymore. Elijah slid to a sitting position. He reached up and touched her face when she cursed and went to his side. “It could be magic, it could be some sort of poison. I’ve heard of a few human settlements that keep vampires and gargoyles at bay because of it. It may have found a way to the black market.”

  She held his phone up to her ear. “We’re in the Tower. The cell that you brought the sniper to. She’s dead, and Elijah’s hurt.” She ran her fingers through his hair, and Elijah closed his eyes. Her hand was cool to the touch. He sighed as he caught her hand and held it against his cheek. “He’s burning up. I never seen a vampire with a fever.”

  Elijah shook his head slightly. “I’ll be fine. I just need to heal and rest.”

  “Blood?” she asked.

  Elijah’s eyes opened and she gasped. He didn’t want to frighten her, but idea of Augustina’s blood was something he had to actively turn his mind away from. He shook his head. “I’ll be fine,” he said again.

  “Just hurry up,” Augustina said into the phone. She then made Elijah look at her. “When was the las
t time you had blood?”

  He shook his head. “Chevaliers are strong enough to only need to feed once a month or so.”

  “And that doesn’t answer my question, does it, Eli?”

  The nickname touched him in a way that made him want to never let her go. “My mother used to call me that,” he said in whisper.

  “When was the last time you fed?” she asked.

  “I don’t remember.” He touched her face again. He swore he wouldn’t use her. He promised that she would see him different than De Leon. He moved away from her and groaned when his wound protested.

  She was back in his line of sight. Augustina straddled his lap and tilted her head to the side. “Bite me,” she ordered.

  Elijah tried to push her off, but she wasn’t going to let him. He looked into her eyes and found her glaring at him. “Not you. You won’t put me in the same box as De Leon.”

  She shook her head and leaned closer to him. “I know it’s you, Eli,” she whispered. She ran her fingers through his hair and coaxed him to her throat. “You need to feed in order to heal.”

  He never noticed she smelled like peaches and cream. He didn’t let himself notice. His fangs descended as her pulse called to him. “Be sure about this,” he said against her skin.

  Augustina tugged on his hair. “Shut up and feed,” she ordered.

  Elijah opened his mouth wide and bit down on her vein. The moan that escaped her went straight to his groin as her head fell to the side. He swallowed the first taste of her blood and felt it burn down his throat. She was fire and passion and reckless abandon in his arms. He held her tightly as the wound in his side stopped throbbing.

  She pulled on his hair weakly. He couldn’t bring himself up from the ambrosia coming from her throat. “…Lijah,” she breathed.

  He swallowed again and sealed the bite marks at her throat. Elijah blinked as she fell limp against him. “Augustina?”

  “Get your fucking hands off my sister,” came from the door.

  Elijah turned his head enough to see Esmeralda standing in the doorway with a gun trained on him. The weapon wasn’t shaking, despite the anger that radiated off the young woman. Elijah was confident that even with her sister in his lap in such a precarious way, she still had a good shot.


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