Dungeon Bound 2

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Dungeon Bound 2 Page 4

by Bastian Knight

  “Impressive focus, Dungeon Master,” a horrid voice chittered from the shadows. “But there is no reason to resist us.”

  Gabriel’s eyes snapped wide at the sudden words. He drew a deep breath, then froze as his entire body locked up.

  An invisible pressure shattered his shield, but the goo didn’t return.

  ‘Impressive, but ultimately pointless,’ the voice continued, though now it echoed within his skull. ‘Already, you are ours. Gabriel Grimm. Cease this senseless pretense. Submit to your true master.’

  Try as he might, Gabriel couldn’t move in the slightest. He battered his mind against the force that held him in place.

  The voice cackled, and the pressure increased.

  Gabriel resisted for long seconds before his strength gave out. He collapsed, and the dark presence smothered his thoughts with nightmarish visions.

  In quick succession, detailed, gruesome images of his bonded being abused and tortured in every imaginable way danced through his mind. Each scene seemed both to pass by in an instant and yet linger for countless ages before the next terror washed it away. He screamed and struggled to escape the horrific display, but the alien presence only laughed.

  Hours passed, or maybe it was seconds. The visions grew less grisly and more depraved, before the last image of a tortured, whimpering Cindra vanished. In place of the personalized, horrifying spectacle came a steady procession of new atrocities.

  These failed to create the intimate revulsion of the earlier ones but tried to make up for it with sheer scale. Gabriel couldn’t look away as scene after merciless scene filled his head. A stunning display of the defeat and slaughter of billions.

  ‘Why resist us? You can be a conqueror. Serve us. Squirming, fleshy playthings. Have all you desire. Let go of your foolish mortal conceptions. Embrace our glory. Yield your will to us. Experience wonders you cannot imagine.’ The voice, while still repulsive and creepy, now carried a hint of compassion.

  Despite its offer, the scenes in his mind continued to play out gruesome slaughters as uncounted legions of assorted bug monsters tore through one planet’s population after another.

  Gabriel had never considered the idea of other worlds filled with people. Some religions claimed that the world was once part of a grand nation that ruled thousands of planets throughout the stars, but it had seemed a thing of fantasy.

  Until Sthuza’s words about how the dungeon connected to other worlds came back to him.

  This is real. Or… it could be. This is what the Swarm do.

  ‘Yes, the gorgon is correct. Though she is far too inferior to be Prime-bonded to our servant. You will have to dispose of her.’

  Screw that!

  Outrage at the being’s casual suggestion of killing his Prime sent a wave of raw hate coursing through his body. Gabriel let out a wordless scream at the grip that held him.

  ‘Master! Come back to us, please!’ Sthuza’s words rang out in his mind. The connection with her was the barest flicker. He clung to it with all his might and willed himself back to his bonded.

  Back to Merideva.

  ‘You are ours! Resistance won’t save you. Surrender. Join our Swarm!’

  The voice echoed in his head, and the words rattled around, driving sharp spikes of pain into his mental avatar. Gabriel ignored it, forced the pain down, and focused his entire existence into returning to his home.

  Slowly, his surroundings melted away. Eyes closed, Gabriel felt the foreboding pressure lighten as he ascended to a higher floor.

  Again the sinister monsters turned toward him. This time that malevolent darkness was there, and it incited the insectoid creatures to attack him. Before they got close, he shifted up another floor.

  Again and again, he forced his way higher, desperately speeding back to the safety of the fourth floor.

  Gabriel slowed when he passed the eerie sepulcher. The beautiful undead lady seemed to call to him. He shook away the strange urge and propelled himself upward again.

  Sthuza, can you hear me?

  He called out to his Prime when the horrid presence vanished at last. While waiting for her response, he spent a few seconds examining his surroundings.

  After everything that had happened, he didn’t have the slightest clue what floor he was on, but it looked like a natural cave. Stalagmites and stalactites lined the winding tunnels and uneven rooms. Dark stone made up the majority of the area, and he spotted several orcs wandering about. Spying something that didn’t terrify him on sight, Gabriel started toward them.

  ‘Master, are you all right? Please return to us. We are worried about you.’ Sthuza’s thoughts were clearer now. Her crisp, bright mind called to him. Before Gabriel realized it, he was rushing past the rest of the dungeon.

  Moving so fast that everything blurred together, Gabriel gasped when he slammed into his body.


  A pleasant warmth and softness embraced Gabriel. The sudden shock startled him, but he pushed it aside and focused his mind.

  He was in his body again with his eyes closed.

  “Massster, are you back?” Sthuza asked from nearby, her voice tight with concern.

  Gabriel swallowed then shook his head before forming a reply. “I… think so. That didn’t go as planned.”

  Something warm and wet scraped across his face, causing him to pull back. He blinked his eyes open to spot Cindra all but sitting in his lap and leaning in closer.

  “Packmaster’s back!” she barked. Then she lunged forward and tackled him onto the floor.

  “Cccindra ssstop that!”

  “It’s fine, I’m fine,” Gabriel said even as he worked to push the overeager hellhound back enough so he could breathe. “I’m glad to see you too, Cindra.”

  “Yay!” the gray-skinned monster girl cheered and rubbed her warm cheek against his. “Something happened to Packmaster, and Snakey said you went far away. But when Cindra started licking you, she brought you back. Cindra should lick you all the time, just to be sure you never go away like that again.”

  Gabriel couldn’t hold back a chuckle at his bonded’s outrageous claim. A glance up to his Prime revealed that the gorgon was just as worried, though she managed to keep her fear under better control. He closed his mind to keep his nightmarish experience from bleeding over their bonds.

  “I’m sorry I worried you both. I wanted to test out my improved Dungeon Sense, but some… thing kept dragging me deeper into the dungeon.” He shivered as he recalled the experience.

  “Do you think it will come for you again, Massster?”

  He shook his head and reached up to scratch Cindra’s fluffy ears. “No, at least I don’t think so. As long as I don’t go diving into the dungeon again. It was my careless exploration that drew its attention. I think.”

  At least, I hope so. Got to be more careful.

  Sthuza nodded, and her head-snakes hissed as they bounced with the movement. “I pray you are correct. It wasss terrifying to feel your mind open and yet ssso far away. I… I feared that you were lossst to usss.”

  The subtle tremor in the gorgon’s words sent a shiver down Gabriel’s spine, and he forced himself to his feet. Cindra went with his effort, rising to snuggle against his side as he stepped toward his Prime.

  For her part, Sthuza kept her face calm, but her slender fingers dug into her crossed arms. “I am—” she started but choked off in a sob when he reached out and pulled her to him.

  “Truly, my Prime, I didn’t mean to worry you. That was far more dangerous than I realized at the time. I can’t go back and fix it, but I will be more cautious from now on. I won’t risk our future together.”

  Despite Cindra molded up against his left side, Gabriel pulled the slender gorgon tighter against his chest. Several head-snakes hissed softly and brushed against his skin as she buried her face in his neck and sobbed.

  Not sure how to handle her tears, he stroked her back, trying to soothe Sthuza as she trembled and cried.

  Cindra pressed
closer, her thick hair brushing against his cheek and draping over Sthuza’s head-snakes. “Don’t worry, Snakey, Packmaster came back. He wouldn’t ever abandon Pack, right?”

  “Right. We’re in this together. For life,” Gabriel declared. He held his Prime tight for a while, then sighed. “I’m not going to risk checking for confirmation, but I think you were right. It was Swarm that attacked Meri’s entourage.”

  “Re-really?” Merideva asked from behind him.

  Gabriel turned his head enough to spot the dark-blue orb as she hovered just behind Cindra. “Yeah, I’m afraid so. At least, I saw terrible visions of entire worlds being conquered and then devoured. It was far beyond anything I’ve ever imagined. They sucked the very life from each planet before they moved to the next one. Somehow, they even drained these massive leylines that surrounded the worlds.”

  The lithe woman in his arms shifted and choked back another soft sob before pulling away. “That does sound like Swarm, Master.”

  “Yeah, but there’s nothing we can do about them right now.” Gabriel shot a sympathetic glance toward the Dungeon Core. “I want to get you vengeance on them for killing your followers, but there are far too many.”

  “How many did you see, Master?” Sthuza asked. Not waiting for an answer, she leaned in close again. She rested her head against his chest and wrapped her arms tight around him.

  “Too many to count. More to the point, though, they control at least a dozen floors of the dungeon. Minotaur-sized bugs filled the deepest ones. They were all razor-sharp claws and chittering fangs. The floors above those had a horrific blend of creatures that carried the same foul taint but looked similar to other monsters.”

  Sthuza nodded against him. “From what I have read, that is how they behave. Those at risk of discovery will infest local beings or create imitations and work to conceal the Swarm’s true presence. That they are in fact Swarm is a major concern. But you are correct; we dare not face them right now.”

  “Yeah, them being down there is a grave issue, but our primary goal is still to get back the crystal Estrial stole,” Gabriel said without growing angry at the treacherous elf’s name.

  Compared to what I experienced down there, Estrial sacrificing me was downright pleasant.

  “Once Packmaster gets Lady Glows-a-lot’s crystal, we can fix the dungeon?” Cindra asked without pausing her rubbing.

  “Yes, Cindra, as soon as we get the Domain Crystal back, we can start expanding and fixing the dungeon. Then maybe we can face the Swarm.” Gabriel turned to face the statuesque hellhound and wound up nose to nose with the beaming beauty as she stooped down.

  Her glowing blue eyes widened, and she flashed pearly fangs at him before she darted in and smashed her dark-gray lips to his.

  Gabriel grunted in surprise but responded to her eagerly. As he deepened the kiss, savoring her cinnamon flavor, Sthuza shifted in his arms. Instead of letting go, he gave her a gentle squeeze before projecting his thoughts toward his Prime.

  You said you were okay with me showing her affection. You weren’t lying to me, were you?

  Sthuza huffed, but her head-snakes broke out into an odd fit of hissing that sounded like laughter.

  ‘Yes, Master, I did say that. And no, I did not lie to you. I just… do not wish to be in your way.’

  You’re not in the way, and unless you don’t like me holding you, I want to keep feeling you in my arms. After what happened down there, I need to know you’re here. Both of you.

  Sthuza didn’t project any more words to him. Instead, she shifted about in his embrace until she partially faced his second bonded.

  Not interested in whatever was going on between Sthuza and her Packmaster, Cindra took the time he was distracted to slip her tongue into Gabriel’s mouth. When Sthuza shifted closer, Cindra responded by wrapping her powerful arms around the slender gorgon as well.

  Just as Gabriel grew light-headed from the hellhound’s passionate oral assault, she pulled back, panting. “Thank you for making new Pack.”

  Trying to catch his breath, he smiled back at her. “I’m grateful to have both of you here with me as we work to build a new life.” He was going to say more, but a sharp tweak in his mind caused him to snap his mouth shut.

  Gabriel focused on his bonds, seeking the source of the strange sensation and soon realized it came from Sthuza. A glance down at his Prime revealed her slitted eyes watching him closely.

  Before he could ask her what was going on, Sthuza’s green gaze shifted over his shoulder, back to him, and then over his shoulder again.

  Realization struck Gabriel, and he kicked himself mentally.

  He glanced toward the hovering orb. “Meri, get over here and join us. You’re the center of this new family, so you should definitely be a part of this hug.”

  “A-are you sure, Gabriel? I’m not like your bonded. I’m not really a living person, you know?”

  “Stop talking down about yourself and come join us,” he said. “You saved my soul and gave me a second chance when you didn’t have to. I’m never going to forget that.”

  Still a swirling blue, the orb brightened in a flash and bolted over fast enough Gabriel worried she might take his head off. Quicker than he could flinch away, she halted right in front of him and lowered down between him and his bonded.

  The polished orb was warmer than Sthuza but felt cold compared to the potent heat coming from Cindra’s leather-armored body. Still, as Meri wiggled back and forth, settling in between them, Gabriel felt a sense of comfort and peace wash over him.

  A quick inspection of his bonds revealed that both monster girls experienced the same sensation, and Gabriel let a pleased grin cross his face.

  This is what I never knew I wanted but always needed. With these three on my side, I can do anything.

  ‘Perhaps, Master, but you may want to acquire a few more bonds if you truly wish to challenge the older Core for possession of this dungeon. Even more so if it is allied with the Swarm.’

  I’ll think about it. For now, let’s just enjoy being alive.

  Gabriel leaned down to kiss the gorgon. Despite the looming conflicts and all of his worries, he focused on savoring the moment. With each passing second, their passionate embrace grew hotter and helped wash away the horrors he’d witnessed earlier.


  Gabriel couldn’t stop kissing his bonded. Each time one broke free to breathe, the other leaned in, and he captured the lips of that one instead.

  Meri slipped away, and the trio managed to stumble back into their room without breaking apart. The moment the door shut, Sthuza pulled at Gabriel, and he followed after, pinning her against the stone wall.

  Sthuza clung to him with a frightening intensity while Cindra joined the pair. She wrapped her powerful arms around both as she messily licked their faces.

  At some point, Cindra all but popped out of her skintight armor and distracted Gabriel. Sthuza pushed him back then dropped her pants in a rush.

  An overwhelming desire flooded Gabriel, and he grabbed his Prime, pulling her close. The lithe gorgon jumped and wrapped her legs around his waist. She leaned in and recaptured his lips.

  He fumbled with his belt for a few seconds before Cindra yanked his pants down enough to free his erection. One hot hand grabbed his shaft and guided him into Sthuza’s wet folds.

  Kind of weird that she’s helping me take Sthuza.

  His Prime moaned into his mouth and clenched down on his manhood. The wet sounds of Cindra pleasuring herself beside them filled Gabriel’s ears. He lifted his Prime then slammed her back down, sheathing himself within her tight depths.

  Cindra leaned against him and licked at his ear even as Sthuza continued to monopolize his lips.

  Their coupling was quick and intense. Sthuza broke their kiss and leaned back when he started to pant. She captured his eyes with her own, holding his gaze as she rode him.

  Neither of them had any patience or desire to drag it out. Sthuza worked her hips again
st his every thrust, rapidly driving them both toward climax.

  He reached his peak, and Sthuza snapped forward to kiss him. Hard. Her fangs cut his lip, and he tasted blood. Powerful legs clamped tight around him, and her inner muscles milked his seed.

  By the time they relaxed, and Sthuza released her grip on him, everyone was breathing hard.

  “Thank you, Massster. I needed that,” Sthuza gasped. “Needed to feel you.”

  He panted, then leaned in and kissed her cheek. “I should be thanking you, that was just what I needed.”

  Cindra whimpered, and they both blushed before glancing at the forgotten hellhound.

  Cindra had managed to muss herself more than either of them, but it only took moments for his magic to clean the three of them. Once Gabriel finished, he dressed again and grinned at his Prime.

  “That was even more impressive than last night.”

  Sthuza giggled, her head-snakes weaving back and forth as she finished adjusting her belt. “Yes, Master, and it will only get better as we learn more about each other’s desires, and our bond strengthens.”

  The way she said it, and the wink one of her serpents sent him, left Gabriel with little doubt about just how often they were going to be learning about each other. He glanced over to Cindra, a thread of worry worming into his mind, but the larger woman looked satisfied and ready to leave.

  Once he started her way, she opened the door, and they returned to Meri’s Core Room. The five surviving goblins lounged about the spartan chamber, but Cuix and the least wounded male hopped to their feet when he stepped in.

  “You get enough rutting with them, big boss humie? When you gets tired of them lanky girls, I’m ready to rock your world,” Cuix warbled.

  Gabriel choked on his reply as a mental image of the female goblin gyrating nude atop him popped into his mind. He shook his head hard enough that he wobbled for a moment before Cindra reached over to steady him.

  “Did Snakey wear you out?” she asked with concern.

  Meri bolted past a giggling Sthuza. The pink orb shifted to a soft yellow by the time she stopped in front of him.


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