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Dungeon Bound 2

Page 36

by Bastian Knight

  With the sudden loss of all resistance, he surged forward and encompassed her entire being. All of the twisted, clashing memories in her combined into one and accepted his now exposed soul.

  Even as Gabriel submerged her entire soul within his, she exploded outward, filling it in a strangely pleasant fashion. Her spunky, rough presence spread a strange confidence throughout him.

  He felt it when the ritual finished, and a powerful bond formed between them. Instead of separating, their connection deepened, drawing him in further. His newest bonded dove into the swirling pool of memories and dragged him with her.

  More of Reyna’s experiences played out in his mind’s eye. Gabriel watched as her life raced up to the moment they met.

  A thousand memories of living in a small cabin rushed by. Her sister’s lively face, a near mirror for Reyna’s, smiled at him from uncountable moments of the werebadger’s life.

  The initial warmth and love for her small family transformed into an unquenchable hatred during a rapid blur of painful memories. Scenes continued to play out at a near blinding speed, growing fuzzier until he spotted Estrial’s party.

  The images slowed, and Gabriel saw his group arrive in the baron’s sex dungeon. It played out just the way he remembered.

  Until the moment Reyna insulted his bonded.

  One second he stood there. The next, he vanished in a blur of purple-black that left a trail across the room before he reappeared next to the petite lycan. Hand already around Reyna’s slender throat, he slammed her against the stone wall.

  Except she was in her hybrid form when I did that.

  Her golden eyes flashed, and a confused jumble of emotions rushed at Gabriel.

  Desire, fear, arousal, and self-loathing. All drenched in a twisted fusion of absolute powerlessness and extreme lust.

  Is this what Reyna felt?

  Everyone ignored him. The event continued to unfold, but it morphed and changed more the longer it played out.

  Cindra growled, and Sthuza sneered at the gasping werebadger. The hateful looks on the faces of his bonded shocked Gabriel, but his attention was drawn to his double.

  The Dungeon Master glared at Reyna. “You’re weak. Worthless. I’ve no need for a pathetic loser like you,” he said.

  Only it sounded like a woman pretending to be a man.

  Was that Reyna’s voice?

  The lycan’s eyes flashed, and she whimpered when he squeezed her neck.

  More emotions flooded Gabriel. It took him several seconds to sort through the swirling morass, but he soon realized the lust was stronger now.

  As the fear receded, desire radiated from Reyna and all but overwhelmed everything else.

  Once he grew accustomed to experiencing his copy’s senses, he realized all he could do was sit back and watch like a voyeur.

  What is going on? Is this in Reyna’s mind? Is this what she feared would happen… or did she want it to happen? Am I watching her fantasy?

  “Perhapsss she hasss value asss a ssexx ssslave, Massster?” the false Sthuza said in Reyna’s voice.

  The fake Cindra nodded. “Packmaster should mount her and find out!” she said, sounding like a slightly deeper Reyna.


  The vision grew clearer, more detailed, and Gabriel watched the fantasy play out in the baron’s sex dungeon. He frowned when his doppelganger leered at Reyna and tightened his grip on her throat.

  Her eyes flared when Not-Gabriel ripped off her silk panties. She shook her head but couldn’t suppress an eager grin.

  The domineering copy laughed and repositioned her against the rough stone wall.

  Fake-Cindra darted in and ripped his pants open, freeing his flaccid member. She took it in her mouth and sucked greedily.

  False-Sthuza grumbled but knelt next to her and licked the lycan’s exposed, and surprisingly wet, slit.

  Reyna whimpered and bucked, but Not-Gabriel tightened the hand about her throat. Then, he yanked the red-and-black corset down to expose her breasts.

  She gasped and squirmed as the gorgon’s prehensile tongue penetrated her, but Not-Gabriel grabbed her hip with his free hand.

  Cindra released his massive erection with a wet plop. “Packmaster ready,” she said with Reyna’s voice.

  Not-Gabriel lifted Reyna and lined the head of his shaft with her glistening entry.

  Her amber eyes pleaded with him, but a powerful wave of desire flooded across Gabriel’s newest bond. Not-Gabriel smirked, then he slammed his hips toward hers.

  She moaned before biting her lip.

  Gabriel gasped at the rush of sensations that filled him. He felt every exquisite second as his doppelganger penetrated the beautiful woman.

  What is this?

  Again and again, Not-Gabriel rocked his pelvis in short, brutal thrusts. The lycan whimpered and whined though his grip on her neck never loosened.

  “How isss she, Massster?” Sthuza asked in that fake voice. She stepped close and licked Reyna’s ear.

  “Not bad. Shit compared to you fine bitches. But better than most of the others,” Not-Gabriel grunted between thrusts. Again the voice sounded like Reyna imitating him.

  I don’t talk like that! Hells, there are no others!

  Reyna flinched. Her eyes flashed toward Gabriel’s perspective.

  Did she hear me?

  There was no answer beyond the slap of flesh and breathless gasps.

  “Ooo! Packmaster should use some toys on her!”

  “Good idea,” Sthuza agreed.

  Not-Gabriel loosened his grip on Reyna’s neck and pulled his engorged manhood from her tight channel. She squirmed, but Cindra helped him carry her over to a padded table.

  “Don’t you fucking touch me!” Reyna screamed when Sthuza moved to strap her down. Her face was flushed, and her hungry amber eyes never looked away from Not-Gabriel’s slick shaft.

  Gabriel glared at the other him. Now naked, the doppelganger raised his hand to slap the lycan.


  To his surprise, the scene froze.

  Except for Reyna. She twisted about, and her eyes darted back to Gabriel’s perspective. When their gazes met, he sighed as Sthuza’s words about bonding came back to him.

  This must be something Reyna wants. But then why…

  He tossed the thought aside when she whimpered again. She bucked her hips toward the frozen man puppet, but he didn’t flinch.

  A wave of doubt swept past Gabriel, and he sighed at the surge of Reyna’s emotions. He quickly realized how much she craved acceptance and how scared she was that he would cast her aside.

  “Fine, but if we’re doing this, we do it my way.” The words, his words, came from the doppelganger that stood over the nude lycan. A second later, his perspective shifted, and he stood over her.

  Reyna, still unbound, trembled on the sturdy table. Her face was beet red, but her eyes were glued to his erect member.

  Hope this doesn’t turn awkward.

  He stepped closer and lined up. Reyna arched her hips and pressed her nether lips against him.

  “Is this really what you want?” he asked quietly.

  Reyna glared at him for a second, then looked away and nodded.

  He shook his head and then slipped inside her.

  Despite her petite build, he had little trouble hilting himself, and they both moaned when he bottomed out.

  She was almost too tight. Gabriel doubted he would fit if she wasn’t so wet.

  And if she hadn’t already ridden me… him… this body. Whatever.

  He pulled back, and she whimpered when he almost plopped out. Remembering how she’d imagined he’d behave, Gabriel slammed forward. He worked his hips with quick, forceful thrusts.

  Reyna moaned. She grew more vocal but then began to bite her lip and writhe as he tried to pound her through the table.

  While Gabriel focused on enjoying her, his bonded leapt back into action.

  “Yay, Packmaster. Breed her like you breed Cindra,”
the muscular hellhound cried.

  He glanced over and saw both of his fake bonded. They lay entwined on a wide bed across the room. Nude.

  There wasn’t a bed there before.

  The pair of monster girls looked up and beckoned Gabriel over.

  His vision swam, and he blinked, then found himself kneeling over Reyna, who now lay on the bed beside his bonded.

  Sthuza untangled herself from Cindra, crawled over, and knelt above the smaller woman. She grinned at Gabriel, then lowered her crotch to the lycan’s face.

  “Don’t you dare!” Reyna said. A wave a disgust poured out from her. That seemed to heighten her desire even more.

  The gorgon’s emerald eyes flared, and she ground her entrance against Reyna’s mouth. “Do be a good little ssservant and pleasssure your bettersss.”

  The werebadger growled and struggled, but Sthuza just laughed and wiggled her hips, smothering the other woman’s response.

  “Mmhm, yesss…” Sthuza said in that false voice.

  Is this what Reyna desires?

  The moment he asked the question, he felt a pull toward her. Gabriel didn’t fight it. He let the moaning, gasping lycan guide him.

  Soon his hand was wrapped around Reyna’s neck again as he pounded her into the firm mattress. She moaned into Sthuza with every powerful thrust.

  Her presence slipped away from him again, but he felt a warm gratitude when he kept up the same punishing pace.

  He accepted her desire and focused on enjoying the ride as all four of them moaned and sought climax.

  A pressure began to build all around Gabriel. The entire dungeon shifted and shimmered as the need to finish arose.

  It washed over him suddenly and with a fierce intensity. The moment he realized it was all part of Reyna’s fantasy, that she was ready and wanted him to erupt within her, he relaxed into the pleasure.

  He slammed his manhood deep into the sweat-soaked lycan and growled. His hot seed flooded her tight insides, and she screamed as Sthuza climaxed on top of her.

  Gabriel worked his hips a few more times, pumping his entire load into Reyna, then collapsed onto her.

  Sthuza and Cindra vanished. The baron’s sex dungeon shimmered and disappeared.

  Gabriel focused his will on their surroundings, and the immaterial void shifted into his room at the Careless Queen.

  Reyna jerked in surprise, but she relaxed when he rolled over on the double bed. Her face reddened, but she shifted closer, snuggling against his chest.

  “Do you want to talk about what just happened?” Gabriel asked.

  The petite lycan shook her head, so he sighed and wrapped one arm around her.

  As they lay there, Reyna began to almost purr. The sound startled Gabriel, but he leaned close and kissed the side of her head.

  She sighed happily, and Gabriel held her until the fantasy faded away. As the room vanished, Reyna whispered something he couldn’t hear.

  Once the last image disappeared, their intimately connected souls were all that remained.


  The two souls stayed merged, a single pulsing of shared existence until both came down from the intense emotional climax and slowly separated.

  When his mind was his own again, Gabriel turned his senses toward the still white-hot presence of his newest bonded. And Reyna was bonded to him, every bit as thoroughly as the others.

  A thin band of energy tethered the pair of souls, the white energy pulsing in time with her heart.

  He looked at Reyna again and studied her more carefully. Her metaphysical presence remained every bit as jagged and uninviting as before.

  But now Gabriel could sense the way to a secret opening. It took only a single thought to find himself floating before an inviting entrance. The door was already opening to welcome him back into her innermost sanctum.

  Her invitation sorely tempted him, but the more he remained in his mind, the more he remembered their circumstances.

  Have to head back. I don’t know how long this took.

  Reyna’s presence whimpered, but he felt a surge of reluctant agreement. A thought later, and he was once more painfully aware of his physical body. Every wound ached, but the sensation was dull compared to before. An unnatural tingling radiated from each place, the most intense being where Yesera had impaled him with her spear.

  “I really need to stop getting injured so often,” Gabriel muttered, drawing startled gasps and sobs.

  “Yes, you really do, Master. I do not enjoy seeing you like this,” Sthuza replied, sniffling.

  “Grouchy Panties is Pack now?”

  “I said you’re not calling me that you over-boobed firestarter,” Reyna yelled loudly, from far too close.

  “Reyna, are you okay?” he asked.

  He opened his eyes and found himself in the simple room Merideva had created for him. Turning his head toward Reyna’s voice, he spotted his newest bonded.

  The werebadger stood in human form, and her amber eyes briefly connected with his. Her face reddened, and she twisted to the side.

  “What? Why wouldn’t I be? You’re the walking dildo that got pin cushioned,” she snapped.

  I thought we’d made a connection earlier. Did the bond break?

  The moment Gabriel thought it, the Dungeon Interface appeared before his eyes. A quick glance at the glowing pane revealed that she was his third bonded.

  Even after their shared experience, it was a relief to see the display include her. To his surprise, though, he still had an open slot.

  Reyna Keenclaw

  Dungeon Bound (Base Species: Badger Lycanthrope)

  Sex: Female

  Age: 24

  Soul Essence: 845

  Bonded Monster to Gabriel Grimm

  Affinity: 55

  Upgrades: 0

  Threat Rating: B

  Current Bonded Monsters: 3

  Maximum Bonded Monsters: 4

  I didn’t check before bonding her, so maybe it’s from when I leveled up in the castle? Or from killing Yesera? And Affinity is new.

  Gabriel shook the question aside. “My mistake obviously. You’ll have to forgive me, my dear bonded. Clearly, my injuries addled my mind,” he said, turning his head and grinning at Sthuza.

  ‘I can sense only the vaguest nature of your experience, Master. You simply must tell me all about it afterward. I am most curious about your new feelings toward her.’

  Sure thing, but later.

  He turned his attention back to the still ranting lycan just in time to learn that she definitely wasn’t going to make things easy for him.

  “And I don’t care that we did that freaky, soul sex shit. Just cause those two go into heat at the thought of yer huge dong, don’t think I’m gonna join ‘em. That was a one-time thing.”

  “Soul sex? Master, is there a reason Reyna appears to have received a far more intimate bonding than myself or the dog?” Sthuza asked. Her tone was sharp, but the smirk on her face as she peeked at Reyna told the truth.

  Cindra’s blue eyes flashed. “Is soul sex better than regular sex?”

  Unbridled mirth filled his bond with the gorgon as Reyna turned away from them all and stomped over to a pile of arachne weapons.

  “Soul sex doesn’t count,” the lycan muttered.

  “Try not to tease her too much,” Gabriel whispered when his Prime leaned in close and carefully embraced him.

  “Of course not, Master,” she replied softly, her cool breath tickling his ear.

  “Now that that’s settled, let’s see if I can get to one of the bedrolls,” Gabriel said. He leaned up slightly and, while it still hurt, he didn’t feel anything tear open.

  “Be careful, Master. While you received an aspect of her innate regeneration and healed the worst of your injuries, you will still need time to fully recover.”

  “What? But I saw Reyna heal from dozens of wounds in minutes,” he protested.

  Sthuza chuckled, and the soft sound elicited a smile from the tired Dungeon Ma
ster. “Yes, but she is a true lycan. Miss Reyna is a werebadger—one of the most potent strains in existence. But you only receive a portion of your bonded’s abilities.”

  Gabriel opened his mouth to respond, but Sthuza brushed his lips with her fingers.

  “When we bonded, my innate magical nature increased the raw power of your spellcasting, Master. I believe that Cindra boosted your strength and toughness, and likely granted you some measure of increased healing.

  “Reyna’s regeneration then enhanced that by an order of magnitude or more. At the same time, you have not acquired my petrifying gaze, Cindra’s firebreathing, or our shapeshifting. That is because your Soul Essence and level as a Dungeon Master affects how much of our power you can gain. The strength and age of the bond have a significant effect as well.”

  “Oh right, well, the bond with her felt pretty strong,” he replied.

  “Really, Master?” Sthuza teased.

  “Don’t you try and pretend it was anything more than the very basic connection we both know it was. You fucking manwhore,” Reyna shouted, still facing away from them.

  He glanced at Sthuza, whose smirk grew even wider, then shook his head. “Of course not, my dear third bonded, I would not dare besmirch your honor,” he said, grinning.

  “Damn right,” she grumbled. “And in exchange for helping your mangled ass, I’m taking these swords.”

  He let Sthuza help him sit up before turning to see what the lycan was talking about.

  Leaning heavily against his Prime, he looked over to find Reyna testing the heft of Yesera’s twin swords.

  She clearly liked them as she was soon swinging them about her in a surprisingly graceful demonstration of skill.

  “If you’re so familiar with swords, why did you use your claws and fangs up until now?” he asked after she ran through a lengthy routine.

  Reyna froze. She slowly twisted her head toward him.

  Her face was cherry red, and her honey-colored eyes threatened to pop from her head as she stared at him for several long seconds.

  Then she screamed.

  Despite her normally gruff voice, the petite lycan’s screech was so high-pitched she set off Cindra.

  The hellhound dove behind the altar with her hands covering her furry ears.

  Mercifully, Reyna quieted a few seconds later, and Gabriel turned back to her.


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