These Monstrous Deeds

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These Monstrous Deeds Page 17

by T. J. Hamel

  The food is brought out just seconds later. It breaks Nathan’s heart to see the way Carter perks up at the smell, eyes flying open. He starts to move closer to Nathan as if he wants to climb up and eat, deflating right away when he remembers his place. Nathan’s not sure what the issue is. He’s been fed properly the past few days, not a meal skipped. He takes note of the reaction to be dealt with later, deciding to feed the boy now instead of making him wait like other slaves.

  Slipping his thumb into Carter’s mouth, Nathan tugs his bottom lip down and lets his cock fall out. He casually takes a small piece of scrambled egg between his fingers, making sure he doesn’t look suspicious. Hopefully he won’t get caught, but if one of his men does happen to see that he’s sharing his actual breakfast with his slave, Nathan needs to look bored with it. Like he has too much to do today to deal with a second meal after this.

  Carter stares up at him with wide eyes when the egg is placed on his tongue. He waits for Nathan to give him an encouraging nod before closing his mouth and carefully chewing it. Nathan takes the chance to have his own bite. They go back and forth for a while with the eggs before Nathan switches to his bacon. Carter’s eyes light up bright as the flavor hits his tongue. He makes a small humming sound and grins up at Nathan, reminding him of a happy puppy.

  Nathan doesn’t take a single bite of bacon, letting Carter have it all. He lets Carter have all of the strawberries too. Though, he’ll admit that’s partly because he really enjoys watching Carter suck his fingers clean.

  In between bites, Nathan makes sure to give his boy some water, angling the bendy straw so Carter barely has to lift his head from Nathan’s thigh to drink. The more he eats, the sleepier he gets. By the time they finish, he’s stopped bothering opening his eyes at all, just parting his lips whenever food or a straw is pressed to them.

  He’s asleep by the time Nathan’s ready to leave for his office. Pretending to be annoyed for the benefit of his men, Nathan shoves his chair back and puts Carter over his shoulder before standing up. People laugh when the sleepy boy jolts awake with a cry. Jason slaps his barely-healed ass and winks at Nathan. “Looks like you tired him out last night, boss.”

  Mica gives Carter a patronizing pat and says, “Don’t worry, boy. Your master’ll wake you up real good.”

  Carter winds up clinging to Nathan by the end of the walk down the hall, his fingers holding the back of his suit jacket in a death grip. His poor, tired body is shaking non-stop. He’s clearly freaked out by the hits and comments. Nathan doesn’t blame him.

  When they get to his office, Nathan sits Carter on the center of his desk where there are no papers or files and kisses his forehead. “You’re not in trouble, sweetheart. My men don’t decide when you’re in trouble.”

  The boy nods, relaxing a little. He rubs at his eyes like a sleepy toddler and yawns.

  “Did you not sleep last night?” When Carter cowers, Nathan hurries to remind him, “You’re not in trouble. I just want to know.”

  “I – I had a really bad dream,” Carter says quietly, his hands squeezing each other where they rest in his lap. “I woke up feeling sick, and then I couldn’t really fall back asleep after.”

  “Mmm.” Nathan studies Carter, wanting so badly to ask about the dream. It was obviously upsetting, though, and if he wants the boy to rest now it won’t help to bring it up. Instead, he kisses his forehead and says, “I’m sorry to hear that, sweetheart. Next time you can wake me up, okay? Sir wants to take care of you when things like that happen.”

  Carter eyes him, skeptical, but he nods.

  Nathan takes his suit jacket off, loosens his tie, and rolls his sleeves. He places the jacket beside Carter on the desk and takes a seat on his large leather desk chair. Watching Carter watch him, Nathan unbuckles his belt and very slowly pulls it from the loops of his pants. Carter licks his lips, looking at him with heavy-lidded eyes.

  “Sir?” he slurs in slight confusion.

  There’s no fear, though.

  Nathan loves that there’s no fear.

  “You’re going to keep my cock warm with your ass today.” Nathan leans forward, taking a bottle of lube out of the top right drawer on his desk. He stands, placing his hands on either side of his boy, and ducks his head to kiss him. Once he feels Carter relax, Nathan pulls away and smiles. “Lay back for me, sweetheart.”

  Yawning, Carter slowly lowers himself until he’s lying on his back, his feet flat on the desk. Nathan spreads the boy’s legs and brings each foot to rest on the arms of his chair, bracketing himself with his face just inches from Carter’s ass. Mindful of Carter’s injuries, Nathan guides him until his ass cheeks are right on the edge of the desk.

  “Sir?” Carter asks again, sounding more awake but also more confused this time.

  “I’m just going to prepare your pretty hole,” Nathan explains as he gently slides the plug out of his ass. “We want you to be comfortable, right, sweetheart?”

  Carter only hesitates for a second, which is a testament to how well their practicing has been going regarding Carter accepting good things when Nathan gives them to him. “Yes, sir.”

  “That’s right. Good boy.” Nathan starts trailing kisses down the inside of Carter’s leg, traveling from his knee to the crease right beside his groin. He makes sure to ghost his breath over Carter’s half-hard cock before starting at the opposite crease and working back down toward the other knee. The boy starts to shiver, his teeth clacking a little. Nathan pulls back, heart pounding. “You okay, sweetheart?”

  Carter nods, giving him a dopey grin. “’M great, sir.”

  Relieved, Nathan nuzzles the inside of Carter’s right knee and pours lube on his fingers. He takes his time rubbing slow, gentle circles on his boy’s hole until he has Carter gyrating his hips in a silent plea for more.

  “What?” Nathan smirks. “Does someone want to be filled?”

  Face bright red, Carter peeks at Nathan through his lashes and nods shyly. He bites his bottom lip and lifts his hips as if to ask. Nathan doesn’t mess with him, just sliding two fingers into his hole. He flicks his gaze up to check in on Carter, grinning to himself when he sees the boy sprawled out on his back, arms lazily above his head, eyes closed, pretty pink mouth open in a gasp. Nathan wants to slam straight into him and fuck him until he’s sobbing with pleasure.

  Instead, he takes his time. He slowly works the boy open, using a generous amount of lube, making sure he’s so stretched that his cock will barely bother him. Carter’s half-asleep and lust drunk by the time Nathan guides him off the desk and into his lap. He presses a kiss to the boy’s temple while lining his cock with his hole and pressing Carter down on it. Carter moans, his head falling forward to rest on Nathan’s shoulder.

  “Feel good, sweetheart?”

  Carter mumbles something unintelligible, nodding his head. Nathan smiles. He presses more kisses to the side of Carter’s face before settling back in his chair. Once he’s in a comfortable position, he takes his suit jacket and drapes it over the boy’s shoulder as a make-shift blanket. This is why Nathan did this, instead of putting the boy on the floor. He wants Carter to rest comfortably. The only way that’ll be acceptable for people to witness is if Nathan is using him as a warmer like this. Not that Nathan is exactly complaining. He’s becoming quite a fan of having Carter pressed close to him.

  “Now you just relax and warm sir’s cock, okay?”

  “Mmm, yessir.”

  “Go ahead and sleep, sweet boy. Get some rest.”

  With a happy little sigh, Carter deflates against Nathan, his head lolling until it’s perfectly nestled in the crook of Nathan’s neck.

  He’s asleep within seconds.


  Carter spends his day drifting in and out of consciousness, caught up in the swirl of blissful moments when he’s awake, and dreaming peacefully when he’s asleep. He’s sometimes shifted a little to the left or the right. Sir spends time with his hands beneath the suit jacket covering him, just rub
bing soothing circles against his skin. There’s no way he can be doing anything productive during these times, but Carter doesn’t dare point that out. Sir has him use a bathroom at some point before placing him on the edge of his desk to share bites of a cheesy chicken quesadilla. He even gets a few sips of sir’s soda, in between all the water sir forces him to drink. After that, he was pulled back onto sir’s cock, suit jacket covering him again, so he could take another nice little nap.

  One of the times he wakes up in sir’s lap, Carter hears him on the phone. His chest rumbles against Carter’s as he speaks in a low, smooth voice to whoever is on the other end of the call. Carter tries to keep still and quiet. He doesn’t want sir to know he’s awake.

  “I see your point, of course, but I disagree. He has far too much information for a normal hit.”

  There’s a pause as sir listens to the other person. He’s getting annoyed. Frustrated. Carter doesn’t know how he already knows that, but he does. Sir isn’t happy with this phone call.

  “No, I want him delivered to me alive,” sir says casually, as if he’s not discussing someone’s life. “I’ll kill him when I’m finished with him.”

  Carter’s body shudders without his permission. He feels sir tense against him and holds his breath, waiting to be punished for eavesdropping.

  Sir gently moves Carter’s upper body so they can look each other in the eye while Carter stays in his lap. Carter bites down on his bottom lip to keep from apologizing. He doubts sir wants him to interrupt his phone call. That’ll just make things worse.

  Maintaining eye contact with Carter, sir continues his conversation. “That’ll be fine. Payment will be wired upon his delivery.”

  Taking Carter by surprise, sir reaches out and touches his soft cock. Carter swallows a gasp, eyes wide, hips bucking. The smirk sir gives him is full of dirty promises. That alone has Carter’s cock growing thick and heavy.

  “Yes, I spoke with him briefly yesterday regarding that.” Sir wraps his long fingers around Carter’s cock. He just holds it. Nothing else. It’s enough to have Carter panting softly. “Have the drugs been transported yet?”

  Sir rubs his thumb over Carter’s slit.

  “He’s the perfect choice.” Sir’s fingers whisper their way down Carter’s cock until he can cup Carter’s sack in his hand. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  Sir rolls one of Carter’s balls gently between his fingers.

  “Absolutely. We’ll need to track that, of course.”

  Sir rolls the other ball.


  Sir tucks his fingers beneath Carter’s sack and presses against his taint. Carter’s back bows but he somehow, miraculously, doesn’t make any sound. He can taste the blood on his bottom lip from how hard he’s biting it, but that’s totally worth it. The feeling of sir’s hard cock pressing into him from inside while sir’s controlling fingers press into him from the outside is out of this world. He’s strung out on it.

  Sir’s fingers make their way back up Carter’s cock, his thumb once again rubbing at his slit. Carter’s leaking now. He feels his cheeks burn when he realizes it. Then his whole body is burning, both in shame and arousal, when sir’s thumb pushes into his mouth. All sir has to do is lift one eyebrow, a silent order, and Carter is sucking on the digit covered in his own precum.

  “Good,” sir says in a low, gravelly voice. His eyes are boring into Carter’s. He looks very pleased. Carter isn’t sure if the one word was meant for him or not, but he takes it anyway. He’s a sucker for praise.

  Sir pulls his hand back from Carter’s mouth before putting a finger to his own lips. He slowly stands, tipping Carter backwards so he’s laid out over the desk. The cool, solid wood against his overheated skin makes Carter shiver. There’s a piece of paper crinkling beneath his left ass cheek, and Carter can’t help but let himself take a moment to think about that. To think about the fact that sir is willing to ruin what could be an important paper, just so he could have Carter like this.

  It sends Carter into a mini power trip.

  Straightening his posture, sir holds his phone to his ear and stares down at Carter where he lies impaled on sir’s cock, Carter’s erection bobbing in the air, precum dripping onto his belly. Sir licks his lips, smirking when the action makes Carter’s hole clench.

  Putting his finger to his lips one more time, sir places his cell phone down on the desk beside Carter’s bare hip and puts it on speakerphone. Carter’s eyes flick down to it. The man is still talking. Something about a quota.

  His attention is once again back on sir almost immediately. He can’t help it. There’s something about the man when he’s like this that’s addicting. It’s dangerous. Wrong.

  Carter can’t fight it.

  Sir collects Carter’s hands, bringing them into the space between their bodies. He lets go, Carter’s hands dangling willingly in the air, wrists pressed together, palms open like an offering. The end of his leash is wrapped around them once, twice, then knotted off. Sir guides his arms back down to the desk so they’re pointing above Carter’s head.

  “I’m not sure,” sir says with a sexy smirk. “Do you have the intel to back that?”

  “I have-”

  Carter stops listening again, all of his focus on the way sir’s fingers deftly work his tie free. The look sir gives him is predatory as he tugs the fabric from his neck.

  Sir skims his fingers along Carter’s leaking slit to collect more precum. He leans forward, raising an eyebrow in expectation. It’s all the prompting Carter needs to part his lips. There’s no more shame left in him, Carter sucking greedily on sir’s fingers, overwhelmed by how dirty he is in the moment. Sir pulls his fingers out too soon, smearing Carter’s lips with his own spit. He grins like a cat that just caught the mouse.

  Then, as he says matter-of-factly, “He can die, then. I have no use for him,” sir shoves the bunched-up fabric of his tie into Carter’s mouth.

  Carter startles, but settles quickly under sir’s gentle hand. It had just caught him by surprise. It’s not like the gag means much of anything. Sir could fuck him hard on this desk until Carter screams at the top of his lungs for someone to help him. Nothing would happen. No one would come. Sir didn’t take any ability away from Carter by gagging him. Not really. Sir is simply being polite to whoever is on the phone.

  Sir leans forward and presses a kiss to Carter’s earlobe. Then he whispers, “Good boy. Sir is going to fuck you now. Feel free to come.”

  And without any extra warning, without even a second to process the words, sir is putting his phone to his ear again and Carter is being fucked as promised. It’s fast and hard, but sir is pinning him down with a hand on his throat so he can’t go anywhere. Not an inch. He’s just forced to take it, sir’s cock relentless.

  “Absolutely not,” sir says in a surprisingly steady voice. “I’d much rather you handle that particular endeavor.”

  Sir shifts, Carter’s leg bumping up to a different angle. His next thrust hits right on that sweet spot only sir has ever been able to find. It makes Carter nearly giddy with pleasure, his hips jerking to get more of sir. Sir digs his fingers into Carter’s throat, a warning look on his face as he tells the person on the phone, “I really appreciate all of this. I owe you.”

  Carter can feel bruises blooming where sir is holding him. The pain just heightens the pleasure, pushing Carter higher and higher until he’s dizzy with it all.

  “Absolutely,” he hears sir say from far away. “Forward his info to Benny.”

  Sir reaches between them and grips Carter’s cock. There’s no need to squeeze or stroke. Just the feel of sir’s fingers, and Carter’s orgasm is slamming into him. He bites down on the tie so hard he worries he may rip it.

  “I’ll see you then.”

  Sir ends the call. Then his phone is being tossed to the side, both of his hands grabbing Carter so he can manhandle him closer. Sir puts one hand on Carter’s hip, keeping the other on his throat, and continues fucking into him
like nothing happened. Carter is helpless. All he’s able to manage is to lie there, tiny whimpers and sated sighs muffled by the expensive silk between his lips.

  “So fucking good for me,” sir growls, pounding into Carter hard enough to make his breath catch. “You should see yourself, sweetheart. Fuck. You’re beautiful like this. You look fucking wrecked.”

  Sir’s fingernails scrape along Carter’s thighs as he stills inside him, spilling his load. He stares at Carter with heavy-lidded eyes, still coming as he pants, “I made you look like this.”

  Carter nods, his eyes wet with something very far away from pain or sadness. The moment sir tugs the ruined tie out of his mouth, Carter is admitting things he shouldn’t. “Only one, sir. Only person to ever make me feel like this.”

  The look sir gives him is caught between predatory and loving, if such a thing exists. Before Carter can process, sir is sitting back in his chair, taking Carter with him. He drags Carter as close as he possibly can, one hand gripping Carter’s hair and the other cradling his cheek as he brings him in for a scalding kiss. Carter swears he feels the thing in his toes.

  When sir eventually pulls back, his smile is soft. Fond.

  “Want to know a secret, sweetheart?” Carter barely nods, not wanting to jostle sir’s hands from where they remain on his head. “You’re the only person to ever make me feel like this too.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Something shifts in Carter after Nathan’s confession, something Nathan should be nervous about, but can’t get himself to be. It’s a subtle shift. Less fear, more trust. Less panic, more calm. Less weight on his shoulders, more easy breaths. Nathan just hopes like hell no one can sense it when they look at him.


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