Loving Vincent: A Mafia Romance Novella

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Loving Vincent: A Mafia Romance Novella Page 6

by Nikita Slater

  Jared followed closely behind Jenna as she chose two purses and three pairs of shoes. As they left the mall, their packages having already been taken out to the car by a valet, they agreed to find a restaurant and eat lunch before heading back to the house. Jared, who was holding a sleeping Lola in his arms, gently placed her in her brand-new car seat and buckled her in.

  After lunch, where an excitedly chattering Lola managed to get macaroni and cheese in her hair, in Jared’s hair and all over the table, Jenna asked the question that had been bothering her all morning. “Can we please go back to my house? I need to pick up a few things.”

  “Nope,” Jared said, without bothering to give her an explanation.

  Jenna had expected this answer, so she wasn’t put off by it. She reached out and touched the back of his hand, hoping that human contact would pass her feelings onto him with more eloquence. “Please, Jared. I don’t plan on staying there.” She glanced guiltily toward Lola. “It isn’t fit for her anyway. Too cold, too many hazards and it’s not located in a good part of town.” She lifted pleading eyes to his, seizing on the slight softness she sensed as she invoked her daughter. “I need to pick a few things up. Just some sentimental items, like my grandmother’s good dishes, some letters, pictures, and a blanket my mom gave me when Lola was born.”

  He stared at her and then finally nodded. “Okay, we’ll go to the house. But you get in and out in five minutes. Vince won’t be happy if he finds out I took you there.”

  “I won’t tell him,” Jenna assured him quickly.

  Jared shrugged negligently. “Doesn’t matter. I’ll be telling him myself. We don’t keep shi… uh… stuff from each other.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize,” Jenna said, realizing Jared was probably going to get in trouble with Vince for taking her. “We don’t have to go.”

  “Nah.” He shrugged, picked a leftover macaroni off Lola’s plate and ate it. “You should have your sentimental stuff. Vince won’t mind when I explain why we went.”

  Jenna was grateful for this big guy sitting across from her. He had the appearance of a hardened criminal with his tattoos, his muscles and his perpetual frown. But he was really a big softy. Things would be much easier if he’d decided to claim Jenna, if she’d been even remotely attracted to him. But he hadn’t and she wasn’t. Her libido was telling her that she wanted his gruffer, scarier boss. Which wasn’t particularly convenient, but then, love rarely was.

  Jenna quickly pulled that thought back in. She wasn’t in love with Vince. That wasn’t possible. People didn’t fall that quickly.

  They left the restaurant and headed toward Jenna’s house, on the edge of town, in a neighborhood that hadn’t seen paint in many years. Jared picked up Lola, who had fallen asleep again and followed Jenna to the door. She pulled her keys out of her purse and opened the door. Two steps into the place and she realized they shouldn’t have come. Someone had already been there. Had gone through every single thing Jenna owned and did his level best to destroy it. Pictures lay on the floor in tiny ripped up pieces. Dishes were smashed all over the kitchen, her grandmother’s dishes. And the blanket she’d come for, her precious blanket, her last connection to the parents she’d cut herself off from, was in shreds on the floor.


  Vince had spent his entire day thinking about Jenna. He’d texted Jared more times than a drunk sorority chick texting an ex-boyfriend. It was embarrassing. But it was what it was. He was falling fast and hard for the woman and for her adorable daughter. He’d never seen himself as a family man. Why would he? The only family he knew was Jared. He didn’t know much about women, except how to fuck them. And he sure as shit didn’t know anything about kids. The little beasts had never been on his radar. Until now.

  But thinking about the happy, giggly, messy child that came with the woman Vince decided to claim filled him with a sense of… warmth. She was a part of Jenna. They would be inseparable now that they were out of Zach’s control. And Vince wanted to be part of that inseparable unit.

  He left work early, after delegating a few duties he would normally not pass on to anyone with less experience than himself and made his way home. Eager for the sight of his new family, he opened the door and walked in. He frowned as he looked around, his eyes landing on Jared who was dozing on the couch. Ignoring his buddy he stalked down the hall, planning the hell there would be to pay if Jenna had somehow escaped the house and gone to work. Her shift at the prison was due to start in a few hours and he didn’t trust her not to try and go, despite his denial. He’d used his connection inside the jail to terminate her position. Even if she managed to make her way to work she would be turned away with a final farewell.

  Vince hadn’t needed to worry though, as he rounded the doorway into the guest room he immediately caught sight of both mother and daughter. An imaginary punch to the chest stole his breath as his entire focus, his entire being landed on the two people laying side by side on the bed. Jenna was curled on her side, her body curved around Lola’s. She was still wearing his T-shirt and sweats, which send a shaft of possessive pride straight through him. As much as he’d love to see her decked out in brand new, high-end clothes, he loved seeing her in his stuff. Her mouth was slightly open in a sexy little gasp, and her head was twisted awkwardly because Lola had somehow reached up in her sleep and twined her fingers in the shiny red curls.

  Vince backed out of the room and softly closed the door. He retraced his steps back down the hall toward the living room where Jared was now sitting up and rubbing a hand over his face.

  “Hey man,” Jared said when he caught sight of Vince. There was no alarm on his face at having been caught unawares. Men surrounded the house and would continue to do so until there was no more risk too Jenna.

  “How was shopping?” Vince dropped his body into a comfortable armchair, which creaked under his weight.

  “Good,” Jared grunted. “They should have enough stuff to last awhile.”

  “Thanks man.”

  “We went to her place,” Jared said.

  “You what?” Vince sat up straighter a deadly tone entering his voice. He specifically did not want Jenna going back to her place. Her ex knew where she lived and she didn’t need to be reminded of the poverty she’d been forced to endure over the past few years. But before he could explode at the man he’d entrusted with Jenna’s care, Jared interrupted.

  “The place was trashed. Zach got there before us. Probably last night, after we left his place. Didn’t leave a single thing untouched. The whole place is gone.” Vince was about to say that he was glad there was nothing left of her to go back to, but then Jared checked him. “Should’ve seen her face, man. She was devastated. Tried not to cry, but I could tell she wanted to. She gathered some of the pieces, put them in a little box and left without a word.”

  “The fucker,” Vince snarled. “I’ll fucking kill him.”

  “Language,” Jared reminded him.

  Vince was about to tell his friend to fuck off, but then remembered that he really should be putting in effort to watch his language. If he planned on having a child in his home, then it was his responsibility to adjust to her needs. Though he may need to invest in a swear jar to keep himself on track. He wondered if swear jars came with a credit card option? He rarely kept change in his wallet.

  “Besides, I doubt Jenna’ll want you to kill her ex-husband. Seems like the type to think killing is bad.”

  They looked at each other as that comment sunk in. Jenna wasn’t part of their world. The dark underworld where business deals were often steeped in illegal practices and only the toughest survived. She would have to be protected; from them, from their world, from herself. Because the more time she spent with them the more she would see. The more she would understand. And for some reason Vince cared that she not see or experience more than she already had. He hated that he’d put her in a position to have to experience Buffalo’s death, up close and personal. He’d done that to her. Now he
vowed, he would never do that to her again.

  “You’re home,” Jenna’s voice interrupted them quietly. She looked sleep-mussed and beautiful. A multitude of feelings shot through Vince. Lust was on top, followed closely by guilt, and the powerful need to protect. And then another powerful hit of lust made the decision for him.

  “Get out,” he growled at Jared pushing himself out of the armchair.

  “Sure, boss.” There was a hint of amusement as the other man stood and made his way to the door.

  Jenna intercepted him with a warm hug and a smile. “Thank you for taking us shopping and out lunch. You were very patient.”

  Vince thought about growling at them, telling them touching wasn’t allowed, but he reminded himself Jared would never betray him and he should be happy his best friend seemed to like his new girlfriend.

  Jared grinned at Jenna and opened the door. “Any time.”

  An awkward silence filled the room as Jenna and Vince stood looking at each other. Then the awkward slowly turned into tension as they realized they were essentially alone. Lola was napping, Jared was gone and they were two adults with a powerful lust for one another. Or at least Vince hoped Jenna felt the way he felt, or things were about to get real awkward again.

  “Fuck it,” he mumbled and lunged forward, reaching for her. Fuck, at the rate he was going, he’d fill that swear jar with enough to put Lola through college.

  Jenna didn’t hesitate, she went into his arms as though it was the most natural thing in the world. At first Vince was shocked, didn’t know what to do with the cute, curvy redhead filling his arms. Then instinct took over and he dropped his head to hers, capturing her upturned lips in a kiss that would leave her in no doubt as to exactly what he wanted. Thank the fucking gods, she seemed to want the same thing. She returned his kiss with equal fervor, standing on her toes and touching every part of him she could. A shiver, an actual goddamned shiver ran through him as she raked her nails down his back over top of his shirt, sending a cascade of pleasurable sensations through him. If his dick hadn’t been hard as stone a minute ago, it sure as fuck was now.

  Without breaking the kiss they stumbled down the hall together, hands touching every part of each other they could reach. She tugged at the buttons on his shirt, first trying to undo them with gentle fingers, then tearing at them like a tigress. Vince shoved her fingers aside impatiently and tore the shirt right down the front. He couldn’t remember if it was a favourite. Didn’t care. The only thing he wanted draped over him was Jenna.

  He shoved his tongue into her mouth, tasting her, drowning in her as he pulled the clothes from her body. They went easily since they belonged to him and were several sizes too big for the petite woman. The clothes were left in a messy pile in the hallway as Vince dragged her into his bedroom, closing the door behind them. He checked himself at the last minute and managed to close the door softly instead of slamming it. He didn’t need a three-year-old child cock blocking him. He suspected there would be enough of that in their future.

  Jenna tore her lips from Vince’s and sucked air into her lungs, her chest heaving with the effort. She looked at him with sparkling lust fogged velvet blue eyes. The prettiest eyes Vince had ever seen. In fact, he couldn’t remember ever looking at a woman’s eyes before. Or if he had, he hadn’t cared enough to retain the knowledge of their colour. Somehow, Jenna was different. He knew without a doubt, that the exact shade of those eyes were now burned in his memory until the end of time. He reached for her, intending to steal more of those incredible drugging kisses from her bee-stung lips.

  She held a hand up. “Wait, wait, we need to talk,” she said hoarsely.

  “No more waiting,” Vince growled, grabbing her arm and dragging her back into his embrace.

  She allowed him to hold her but held her face to the side so he couldn’t kiss her again. Vince wasn’t having that. He would find a way to kiss her. He swung her around and shoved her back onto the bed where she fell in an ungraceful heap. He dropped to his knees next to the bed and shoved her legs apart, diving in between, fully intent on kissing her pussy until he’d had his fill of kissing.

  “Ahhhh!” Jenna shrieked, pulling her legs back and trying to push his head away at the same time.

  Vince slapped the inside of her thigh which caused her to jump, then he dragged her back into position, using his shoulders to force her legs apart. Damn woman was really fighting him on this. He wondered if it was sex in general that she was objecting to, or if she didn’t want him to lick her pussy? Well, she’d just have to get used to it because he wasn’t about to give up that sweet nectar. He knew once he had a taste there would be no going back. He was going to lick and suck this honeypot until the end of time.

  “Vince!” she yelled as he dove in tongue first, taking his first sip.

  “Lola,” he muttered against her labia.

  His reminded that her daughter was sleeping soundly just down the hall from them seemed to sink in and she lowered the volume of her shrieks, moans and protests. “Vince!” she whispered as loudly as possible as he groaned into her pussy, lashing her mercilessly with his tongue. He knew he should slow down, gently grow her orgasm, show her that he could produce a modicum of finesse if needed, but he was drowning in her taste and her scent. She was beautiful and he couldn’t get enough.

  “Vince,” she gasped again. Fuck he loved the sound of his name on her lips especially as she was jerking and moaning wildly underneath him. “Please tell me this isn’t payment for all the stuff we bought today.”

  Vince froze. Her words, her doubt in him, were about the only thing that could make him lift his head from between her legs. She lifted her own head off the bed, meeting his steely gaze with a vulnerable one of her own. He crawled up her body, following her as she tried to crawl backwards away from him. Vince pinned her to the bed, holding her in place, making sure she was in a good position to hear and understand him, while he cleared things up.

  “You don’t owe me anything. You will never owe me anything. What’s happening between us was inevitable from the moment I touched you in that shit shack you used to live in. I knew you were mine then, and I know it even more now. So shut up, relax and enjoy, cause this is happening, sweetheart.”

  He stared down at her, hoping he hadn’t fucked up with his words. He wasn’t a well-spoken guy. He hung out with thugs and blue-collar workers, he knew jack shit about soft words and passionate speeches. And he really didn’t want to have to go another 24 hours with blue balls as he tried to find the right words to get the woman of his dreams into his bed if she refused to fuck him now.

  Finally, she spoke, putting him out of his misery. “I think that’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and tugged his head down to hers.

  Relief and triumph slashed through him as he kissed her, their lips lingering as they memorized her, as she tasted herself on him. Their hands were everywhere, hers running down his back, up his arms, over his chest. He touched her breasts, filling his hands with her incredible globes, testing their softness, their fullness, the way her nipples peaked as the rough pads of his fingertips grazed them. Perfect. Just like the rest of her, from her tiny feet to her sweet pussy, her tits were a perfect work of art.

  He couldn’t wait any longer, he needed to be inside her, wanted as much of him touching her as he could get. “Need to fuck you now,” he growled against her throat, finding her with his fingers and parting her folds. The wetness that coated his fingers called to him, sent a sizzling need to fill her right through his body, filling his balls with a heavy need.

  “Condom?” she asked.

  “Don’t want anything between us, sweetheart, I’m clean.”

  “Please,” she begged, her voice a feathery whisper against his collarbone. “Until we can get health checks.”

  He shouldn’t care, should just take her the way he longed. A day ago he would have. He would’ve fucked her without a condom, would’ve laid down the
law, his law. But she asked him sweetly, didn’t want to stop. He didn’t want to disappoint her, even though he knew it was a waste of time and a condom. They were both clean, he had the records to prove it. But he would give his princess what she wanted until he could get what he wanted, no barrier between them and his baby planted firmly in her womb.

  The last thought surprised him and he pondered it as he reached into his nightstand, pulled a condom out and rolled it over his raging dick. A baby? Not once in his life had he considered the idea of a baby. But the idea of Jenna in his home, lush and round with his baby, her little girl growing up under his care, was an image he couldn’t shake.

  He moved over top of her as she spread her legs, lifting them to wrap around his hips. “It’s been awhile,” she whispered.

  “Me too,” he grunted and pushed himself into her welcoming heat, the mantra ‘go slow’ repeating over and over in his brain. He didn’t want to hurt Jenna, didn’t want this experience to be over before it started. As he bottomed out, his cock touching every snug part of her pussy it could reach, he gathered her up into his arms and held her. They clung to each other as he began fucking her, slow at first, then with building passion. Her cries filled his ears, driving him on, giving him tunnel vision until all he wanted was to hear her scream as her orgasm took over.

  She bit his shoulder, probably in an attempt to stop her shouts from waking up the kid. He wrapped his hand around the back of her head and held her close. Pleasure zinged through his body until he was groaning as loud as her, his entire being focused on this moment. He couldn’t stop if he tried, couldn’t stop if the house was on fire or if a herd of zebras went running through his bedroom. His life depending on the culmination of their mutual pleasure.

  Jenna was the first to reach orgasm, letting loose a muffled scream as her teeth sank deeper into his flesh. That tiny prick of pain, given to him by the only woman who had ever captured his attention, threw him headlong into his own orgasm. Warmth rushed down his spine, into his balls and straight through his engorged cock. He filled the condom to overflowing with all the semen that had been gathering in his balls from the moment he looked at her picture and decided she belonged to him.


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