Never Let go

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Never Let go Page 7

by Darling, Lucy

  “Jay.” Those are the last words I hear before I see her drop to her knees before me. Her delicate fingers reach out, taking my length in her hand. She strokes me softly at first. My eyes close for a brief moment as I enjoy the feel of her hand on me. It’s a fight not to come. I want to pick her up and throw her on the bed but she went for what she wanted and I’m not going to stop her.

  “Go on.” I open my eyes to watch her lick her lips before she leans in, taking her first taste of me. Again, I think my knees are going to give out. I grit my jaw and fight for control. There are so many things I want to do right now. In time I will, because there will be time. There is no way I could ever let her go. Right now I am going to let her explore. For a little while at least.

  She takes more of me into her mouth, tentative at first before she starts to bob her head faster. Her hand that's not on the base of my cock slips between her legs.

  “Sucking my cock getting you wet, Bunny?” She moans around my cock. The sound vibrates through my dick, going straight to my balls, which draw up tight. I step back a little, letting my cock slip free of her lips. She lets out a sound of protest. “You’re going to unman me. I need to be inside you.” I reach for her and pull her from her knees. In one quick move, I toss her onto the bed. She doesn't have time to react before I’m on her. My mouth falls onto hers as I kiss her deeply.

  “Gotta get you ready.” I try to slip down her body but she wraps her legs around me. Her thighs, powerful from all the years of dancing, lock me in tight.

  “I’m so ready.” She lifts her hips, her wet cunt sliding along my cock. “I don’t want to wait anymore.” She does it again. I can feel how slick her pussy is as it glides along my dick. My cock slides down to her slit until I’m at her tight opening. She is drenched. It doesn’t matter how wet she is, it’s still going to be a tight fit.

  I push inside her a little. She lets out a moan. I close my eyes tightly, sucking in a breath. My fingers grip the bedspread. It takes everything inside of me not to thrust right into her but I won’t. I’ll do everything I can to not hurt her, but that’s part of the problem.

  “Bunny.” I breathe her name.

  “I want this.” I open my eyes to look down at her. There is no fear there. The only thing I see is want and desire. “Make me yours.”

  “You’re already mine.” I thrust forward a little, breaking through her innocence. I kiss her, wanting to swallow the pain. She clings to me, kissing me back. I feel her clench around me, her body begging for more. I pull back from the kiss.

  “I am already yours.” She smiles up at me. No pain shows in her eyes. “You’re mine too.”

  “Forever,” I agree. “All of you.” I thrust in and out of her, slowly at first. I let her body get used to me. She keeps on clinging to me. The harder I thrust, the more she moans.

  “Jay. I think-” Her words trail off turning into a cry of pleasure as her pussy grips me. It's more than I can take. I let go, coming with her. Her body sucks me in, taking every last drop of my seed that I give it.

  “Fuck,” I breathe. I can’t stop coming. I keep thrusting over and over. Her body tightens again, another orgasm coming from her. I roll with her, not wanting to detach myself from her. She sprawls out onto my chest. Both of our breathing is heavy. Her face goes to my neck.

  “I love you,” she whispers.

  “I love you too,” I tell her. It isn’t too soon. If you ask me, I’d say it isn't soon enough. I’ve been on this earth too long without her already. I don’t plan on wasting another second with her not being mine in every way possible.



  I stretch my legs, enjoying the small aches throughout my body. I feel well loved. Love. Did I tell him I loved him last night? I could have sworn he’d said it back too. It might have been a dream. I know I passed out on him at some point. I roll over to reach for him but his side of the bed is empty. Warm, but empty. I sit up, pulling the sheet around me. I see Jameson standing next to the side of the bed. The light of the moon spills into the room. A small gasp leaves me when I see the outline of a gun in his hand.

  “Quiet, Bunny.” He leans over the bed, brushing his mouth against mine. “Stay in the house.” He hands me my phone.

  “What’s going on?” I whisper as he steps away.

  “My alarms outside have been tripped. Might be an animal. But I’m not taking any chances. Stay put. I need to know you’re safe.” I nod my head. I don’t want to, but his words from yesterday ring in my head. That it can be dangerous out here sometimes. If he tells me to do something then I need to do it without question. Afterwards, I can ask all the questions in the world. That he promised whatever he was telling me to do was for my own safety. I believed him. Thing is, I knew Jameson would risk himself for me and that scared the crap out of me. I grab his hand as he starts to move away from the bed.

  “I love you,” I whisper. It might only be an animal but we both know it could be something else. Someone else.

  “Love you too.” I let go of his hands as he slips quietly out of the room. I swallow the lump in my throat. Why had I never thought about what consequences of me coming out here could be for Jameson? That he could be in danger when it came to dealing with Michael? I was all too happy to come out here, to stay with Jameson, but I never thought about what would happen if Michael found out where I was. Me being here has definitely put Jameson, as well as his mom, in danger.

  I grip my phone as I slip off the bed. I grab the robe that lays on the floor, wrapping it around me. I send PJ a quick text letting her know what’s going on. I feel so useless standing here waiting. All the air leaves my lungs when a loud bang fills the air. Then another. I take off out of the room, heading for the front door.

  When I get to it, I stop with my hand on the doorknob, contemplating what I should do next. I look out the window that runs along the door to see Jameson standing there. His back is to me. Then I see Michael on the ground at his feet. He tries to get to his feet but Jameson leans down over him, hitting him in the head with his gun. Michael crumples back down to the ground.

  I pull the door open. Jameson looks over his shoulder at me. “There!” I shout, pointing to the man coming toward us. He’s got a rifle of some kind slung over his shoulder. Jameson looks to where I’m pointing.

  “It’s fine, Bunny. That’s Davis. He lives next door.” I don’t think we have the same idea of what next door is. There is no next door here. There are acres upon acres that separate the properties here.

  I take another step outside. I look down to see the blood that’s dripping from where Jameson hit Michael on the head. I can tell from his chest rising and falling that he’s still knocked out. I grab Jameson looking him over, making sure he’s okay. He doesn’t seem to have a bullet wound.

  “I heard gunshots.” I look between him and this Davis guy.

  “I was just giving him a scare,” Jameson says. Davis says nothing. I peek over at him. The man is giant and dressed all in black. His face is covered in a beard. A dog, just as hairy as he is, sits beside him not leaving his owner's side.

  “How did he find me?” I glance down at Michael, wondering if this will ever end.

  “I have a feeling his family might have. After I started dismantling their lives.”

  “What?” I ask, confused. Did Jameson say that he went after Michael’s family?

  “I’ll fill you in later.” He leans down, giving me a quick kiss. “Go put some clothes on. PJ is already en route and so is the FBI.” I look down at myself, remembering I’m only in a robe.

  “Oh.” I jump, rushing back inside. I hurry to find something to wear. My only options are getting back into my yoga pants and one of Jameson’s shirts. I grab the boots his mom lent me, slipping them on.

  When I come back out I see Michael has been tied up. Red and blue lights show in the distance. Jameson wraps an arm around me, pulling me into his big body.

  “You okay?” I ask. He had no idea what he was going out
to deal with when he’d left the house. But he did it anyway.

  “I’m fucking great.”

  I look up at him. He’s smiling. It makes me smile too.

  “You’re going to make sure he never sees the light of day, aren't you?” It’s not really a question. I know he is. He merely shrugs. I go back to resting my head on his chest as the lights draw closer. That Davis guy looks over to us a few times. He almost looks curious before he goes back to the stoic thing he has going on.

  “It’s over, Bunny.” Jameson kisses the top of my head. Some things are over but other things are just beginning. PJ is the first to roll up. She gets out of the black SUV before it even comes to a stop.

  “You never drive that fast when I ride with you,” I say, trying to lighten her mood. I can tell from the look on her face she’s fit to be tied. She doesn't look my way. She’s making a beeline straight for Michael, who is starting to slowly wake up.

  “Why don't you head inside?” Jameson gives my ass a squeeze. Michael’s eyes lock on me when they finally fully open. He starts to smile. Jameson tries to move me behind him but PJ steps right in Michael's line of sight of me. She pulls back her hand. I hear a crack and I have no doubt she punched him right in the nose.

  “Nice swing,” Davis says to her. Now he’s smiling.

  “Who the fuck are you?” I hear her ask as more black vehicles pull up, red and blue lights spilling from them as the sun starts to rise. Officers of the law fill Jameson’s front lawn.

  “I’ll go make coffee for everyone.” I tilt my head back, offering my mouth. Jameson takes it. “I hope this doesn't take too long.” This time I squeeze his ass before letting him go to head inside. I don’t have to look back to know Jameson is watching me go. I never plan on looking back after today, only forward to my life with Jameson.



  “Why are you still here?” I lean up against my kitchen counter, taking a long sip of my coffee. My eyes eat up Bunny as she sits talking to PJ. They disappeared for a while to the bedroom and now they are snacking on the food I made for them while I waited for them to come out of the bedroom. I had to do something to keep busy. None of that explains why Davis is still here. But if I had to guess it has something to do with PJ.

  “I was hungry.” He takes a bite of one of the grilled cheese sandwiches. He’s hungry all right. His eyes haven’t left PJ since she came rolling out of that SUV and broke Michael’s nose. It is all very interesting to watch. Davis never shows interest in anything. I can sympathize with the man. I’m guessing I looked the same way after laying eyes on Bunny. While he’s here, I might as well pry some information from him.

  “Are you going to handle Michael?”

  “His family won’t try to save him again. They’re scared of you.”

  They should be. I could crumble their lives with a few calls and keystrokes. They should already know that with money a person can do almost anything. They’re used to having things go their way by throwing money at their problems. They hadn’t anticipated someone else having more money and reach than they do. Oil is liquid gold around not only these parts but the world.

  “PJ can stay here. Can’t she, Jay?” Bunny hops up from her chair.

  “I can’t stay here.” PJ doesn't look over at me when she says it but to Davis.

  “She can,” Davis answers for me.

  “These two are going to be going at it like bunnies. I don’t need to see that.” PJ motions between Bunny and me.

  “How long have you been holding on to that joke?” Bunny smacks her arm. PJ cracks a smile. Bunny’s eyes remain on me. She doesn't have to say it but I know she doesn't want PJ to leave. PJ is the only family she has besides that piece of shit father of hers. I can also tell PJ doesn't want to feel like a bother.

  “I’ve got a few cabins here. There is plenty of room,” I offer.

  “He does!” Bunny hops up and down with excitement. I can't stop myself from enjoying the view of her tits bouncing. Davis is lucky his eyes are still locked on PJ.

  “I don’t know.” PJ lets out a long sigh. Bunny’s eyes are big and pleading with me to fix this.

  “But you have to be close. You’re my bodyguard.”

  “I don’t think you’ll need me anymore.” She lifts one of her shoulders in a shrug.

  “I’m not always around and I could use a little help too. The security on the ranch could be tighter.” Everything I said is the truth. I’m not always around. That said, wherever I’m going I’m taking Bunny with me. PJ doesn't need to know all that. This is about me convincing her to stay by giving her a reason to do it.


  “I can stay for now.” She finally gives in. Bunny wraps her in a tight hold.

  “I can’t believe you were trying to leave me. You done lost your mind?” Bunny kisses her on the cheek.

  “I’m sure Davis can show you to one of the cabins,” I offer. Surprisingly, PJ begins to blush. She reaches up, smoothing down her blond ponytail. Davis grunts from beside me in agreement.

  “I’ll still have to run to get Bunny’s and my stuff from the hotel.” She looks anywhere but at Davis now. I have no idea what is going on between these two. They’d make an odd pair if you ask me but what do I really know?

  “What if she leaves and tries to not come back?” Bunny nudges her.

  “Then I’ll go get her,” Davis drawls, standing up a little straighter as though he might need to pounce on her.

  “I don’t need someone to come and get me,” she snips at him. “I’ll be back soon.” She hugs Bunny again before heading out of the house. Thankfully, Davis follows after her. Bunny strolls over and wraps her arms around me. I grip her ass, lifting her off her feet. Finally we’re alone.

  “They have a thing going on or something?” she asks me.

  “I have no clue what’s happening there. I didn't know Davis was into people, period.” Bunny’s whole body shakes with laughter. After everything that’s happened she doesn't seem fazed in the least.

  “Sorry I kind of invited someone to stay here for a while.”

  “You can do whatever you want, Bunny. It's your place too.”

  She tilts her head, her face lighting up with a smile. “You didn't ask me to move in.”

  “Not really asking.”

  “You know you’re bossy sometimes. I didn't know someone could be this bossy and this sweet.”

  “I taught him well.” Mom comes strolling right into the kitchen. “God knows he didn't get his sweetness from that dead husband of mine.” She never calls him my father.

  “You taught him good.” Bunny tries to kiss me on the cheek, but I turn my head and steal a real kiss. “Your mom,” she hisses at me. She wiggles her ass for me to put her down.

  “She doesn't care.” If anything it makes my mom more over the moon.

  “I don’t,” she agrees as she drops a bunch of bags. “Did you catch that guy yet?”

  “A few hours ago. Sure the news will get wind of it soon.” I was hoping to have Bunny alone for a while. I should have known Mom would pop up anytime. I was surprised she didn't last night but I think her plan was to give us as much alone time as possible. I bet it took everything in her to stay away this long.

  “I knew it wouldn’t take you long.” I walk over, setting Bunny on the kitchen counter. “I brought you some stuff to hold you over until you move in,” Mom tells Bunny.

  “You didn't have to do all that.” Bunny drops her arms from around me, turning some to face my mom. “How did you know I was moving in? I just found out.”

  “I know my son. When he sets his mind to something, there is no stopping him.”

  “Wonder where I got that from,” I say dryly.

  “Me of course.” Mom starts pulling stuff out of the bags. “Next on the list are grandbabies.”

  “Mom,” I cut her off. “I’m already working on it.” Bunny gasps, burying her face in my chest. “But you’re interrupting us.”

��Right. I’ll leave these things here and I’ll start working on wedding plans. The two of you have more important things to get done.”

  “Rebecca.” Bunny jerks back to look at her. “You’re all crazy.”

  “You love it,” Mom tells her as she comes over and kisses Bunny on both her cheeks. “I’m gonna be the Mama you never had.” She gives her one last kiss on the nose before she turns to leave me with a teary-eyed Bunny. I may not have had a good dad but my mom made up for it. She had given me so much love. She’s the reason why I know how to love Bunny with everything I have.

  “I do love you guys kind of crazy.” She drops her head back to look up at me. “Married?”

  “Yeah, married. Isn't that what people in love do?”

  “It’s not crazy fast?”

  “I don’t think so and I’m not letting other people's opinions of what is right and wrong or how to live our lives dictate what we do. If we want to get married, we get married. If you want to give it time that’s fine too.” It isn't fine. I want her to be mine in every way, as soon as possible, but I am more than willing to do whatever I have to do to make her happy. It will go along with me showing her I’ll always do anything for her.

  “I’ll have to think about it.” She scrunches her face as though she’s deep in thought. I try to keep my expression the same, not wanting her to know that I’m a bit disappointed. “Okay, marriage sounds good.” She cracks a smile.

  Sounds more than fucking good.

  “You’re going to pay for that later.” I pick her up, and she wraps her legs around me as I spin her around. Life is a road that has many twists and turns. Some are good, some are bad, but I’m thankful for every single one of them because they led me straight to Bunny. Right where I belong.


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