Lobo Coffee House Love (The Wolves 0f Everett Hollow Book 2)

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Lobo Coffee House Love (The Wolves 0f Everett Hollow Book 2) Page 6

by Amelia Parker

  But it will! We will be back! These are our mate’s parents! This is where we belong!

  The more dominate voice in her head screamed at her. Jessica wanted desperately to believe it.

  “And here, Logan is at the grand opening of his gym. His dad and I were so proud of him! Of course, the place practically runs itself now, and Logan is so busy that he just doesn’t have the time he once did to devote to the place. But he does go in every few days to exercise and check on things.”

  “He owns a gym?” Jessica questioned.

  “Oh yes. Did he not tell you?”

  “No. He never mentioned it.”

  “Oh well, that’s not too surprising. He’s not that involved any more. I’m not even sure if he still owns it.”

  “He told me that he was an exercise junky, but not that he owned a gym.”

  “It’s probably nothing darling. You know men, they tell us one thing and think we know what they actually mean!”

  The women shared a laugh at that. As they shared the moment, Logan and his father entered the room.

  “It seems like you two are getting along,” Logan pointed out with a smile. He walked over to Jessica and sat on her other side. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and gave her a gentle squeeze.

  “We are. That tends to happen when you get to look at prime blackmail on the man you are currently seeing,” Jessica quipped.

  “Ma. You didn’t.”

  “Oh yes I did! And why did you not tell this woman about the gym? She had no idea what I was talking about!”

  Gerald chuckled from across the room as he started to flip through the newspaper.

  “Did I not tell you about the gym?” Logan questioned Jessica. At the shake of her head, Logan seemed to realize his mistake. “I’m sorry. I don’t really have much to do with the business anymore. I thought I had told you about the gym when we talked about hiking and swimming.”

  “Nope. You didn’t.”

  “I’m sorry. It’s not really on my radar anymore. I can take you there if you want.”

  “No thank you. I’m good. I believe you,” Jessica quickly assured him.

  Logan laughed at her candor.

  “Are you ready to go?” Logan directed his question towards Jessica.

  “We can if you’re ready.”

  “Oh, don’t go just yet! Jessica and I are just really getting to know each other!” Lucia pleaded.

  “Lucia, let the kids spend time together. You’ve met the girl, now let them be,” Gerald told his wife.


  “We’ll come back soon, Ma. I promise,” Logan stated as he rose from the sofa. He extended a hand to Jessica. She took his hand and followed him out the door. Goodbyes were exchanged and promises made to return. A pit settled deep in Jessica’s gut about the future. Everyone around her was so confident about her and Logan. And she was still unsure if she felt the same way or not.

  The drive back to Jessica’s house was filled with laughter and conversation about the evening. Regardless of her fear of a relationship with Logan, Jessica found him easy to be around. Parking in front of her apartment building, Logan cut the engine before turning to look at her.

  “Thank you for agreeing to tonight. It meant a lot to my mom and me.”

  “I had fun. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.”

  “Not the interrogation you expected?” Logan smirked at her.

  “No! You are so much like your mom, it’s crazy. And your dad is so calm. They complement each other very well.”

  “They really liked you.”

  “The feeling is mutual.”

  “Here, let me walk you to the door.”

  Logan helped her out of the car and walked her to her door. He gave her a small kiss on the cheek before asking, “Can I call you tomorrow?”

  “I’d like that,” she whispered.

  They exchanged phones, plugging their respective information in.

  “Good night,” Logan whispered with a soft smile as he took back his phone.

  Jessica felt her heart speed up. She knew that that smile was a rare one. One only few people were gifted with.

  “Good night, Logan.”

  Jessica turned and let herself into her apartment building. She waved to Logan as he went back to his car. He sat there with the engine running, just watching her. She went upstairs and let herself into her apartment. From the living room window, she spotted Logan idling downstairs. With a small wave, he backed out from his spot and turned toward home.

  She let out a huge sigh as she collapsed onto her couch. Thoughts of the evening swirled in her brain. For her first meet-the-parents, it went really well. She loved Lucia and Gerald. She felt closer to Logan after meeting his parents and seeing how he grew up. Logan really was the forever type of man. That thought alone scared her. She wasn’t the forever type of woman. All of her other relationships proved that. As much as the thought pained her, she didn’t know how much longer she could carry on with Logan. She knew he would soon want things she wouldn’t be able to give him.

  Exhaustion filled her from the events of the day and the emotions running through her. Everything was extremely intense. The pull towards Logan still gave her pause. How could a man she still barely knew, make her feel safe, protected, cherished, loved? It made no sense. She decided to try and filter through her feelings tomorrow. She needed to decide what she wanted to do. A good night’s sleep was on the menu for tonight. Hopefully, it would bring clarity come morning.

  Chapter 7

  The quiet of the forest set Logan on edge. There were no birds chirping or squirrels scurrying around. You could hear a pin drop in these woods. Normally the sounds of the forest could be heard all around you, echoing from the trees below the hilltop he stood on. It seemed every animal that called this place home, could feel the pain and danger lurking around.

  Logan and Gabe stood around the body of another wolf shifter. They had been beaten in an attack before being shot to death. This was the fourth shifter from the pack to be attacked and it set everyone on alert.

  “Why was he out here alone? I ordered everyone to go out in groups!” Gabe mumbled.

  “You know Marcus. He was never one to follow the rules,” Logan tried to explain.

  “Yes, but now he’s dead. The pack is already terrified to leave their homes. To go for runs. We have to find these hunters and fast. I cannot lead and protect this pack with them still out there.”

  “George caught their scent from the last scene and tracked them through the woods but lost it just on the edge of our territory. Right before you cross into Canada.”

  “They’re coming all the way down from there?”

  “The scent was faint, so it was probably an old one from when they first came to the area. I think they’re probably camping out in the forest somewhere. We haven’t been able to catch their scents anywhere else. Somehow they are masking it.”

  “This isn’t good Logan. It has only been a few days since the last attack. Find them Logan. I don’t know how much longer this pack can take this.”

  “I’m trying Gabe. There isn’t anything to go on. I do have an idea, but you won’t like it.”

  “Anything Logan. We have to do something.”

  “I need to camp out in the forest. Stay in wolf form as long as I can and hunt them. This way I can learn as much as I can about them and hopefully find where they are hiding.”


  “I know but we don’t really have any other option. The pack is in distress and we’re slowly losing Ben more and more each day. This is the only idea I can come up with.”

  Gabe let out a huge sigh as he stared out over the side of the hill.

  “I hate to say this Logan, but you may have a point. I don’t like it. But I think you are right.”

  The two best friends shared a moment of silence. As one, they turned from the body of their fellow pack member.

  “Gather his body for his family,” Logan called out
to several shifters who came to assist. “Do what you need to Logan to get things in order,” Gabe told him under his breath.

  They walked through the woods, back towards the Alpha House.

  “What should I tell Jessica? I have to tell her something. I want to tell her about who she is and who we are but now I think it may put her in danger.”

  “I think that you could be right on that front. Which is the last thing we need to add to the list of things to worry about.”

  “You’re the one with the long list Gabe.”

  “I’m Alpha. It’s my job to worry about everyone.”

  “You know there are some things you don’t have to worry about as much. Like Nina’s pregnancy. She’s healthy as is the baby. I get everyone’s safety. I do. But you can’t control it all. You need to take a breath. Maybe take your mate to lunch. Something to relax.”

  “Their being healthy doesn’t calm me very much. Nina’s dad is planning to move here within the next few days. And that man is certifiable. He needs a babysitter more than a child does. I just know he’ll unknowingly add to my worry. But I can’t tell him or Nina he can’t come. I can’t do that to her. And it is my job to control everyone’s safety. That’s what I do; every pack member is safe. And with these attacks, I feel like I am failing. With you doing this crazy investigation, I’ll worry about you too. I worry about Jessica because she is your mate. I worry about Ben because he is my friend and he’s going through the most unimaginable pain. All this worry because of these hunters. There is no relaxing until they are caught. And there is certainly no date night with my mate. I won’t put her in any more danger than she could already be in,” Gabe ranted.

  Logan knew his friend and Alpha had a lot on his plate. He just didn’t realize the toll it was taking on Gabe.

  “I’ll find these guys Gabe. We’ll find them and end this madness. I promise.”

  The two men exchanged a look of understanding. Logan understood the pressure his friend was feeling. No matter what he would tell Gabe, nothing would help the man. Just like for Ben, the best way to help his friends, was to find the men responsible for the deaths of four pack mates.

  “Gabe, I hate to ask, but can I ask for advice?”

  “On Jessica?” Gabe smiled at him. A light was slowly returning to his eyes at the mention of helping his Beta with his mate.

  “How do you know it’s about Jessica?”

  “Cause you don’t normally ask for advice. The only time you have, is when it comes to her.”

  “Ugh OK. Fine. It’s about Jessica. Last night we had dinner at my parents’ house. She was nervous at first, but you know my mom, she put that to bed almost immediately. I thought the evening went really well, but when I dropped her off at home, I had this feeling she was slightly pulling away from me again. Or at least about too. I don’t know what to do.”

  “You haven’t told her about us, yet have you?”

  “No but I want to. Ideally before I head into the forest, but I know that’s probably not a good idea. What do I do about her pulling away?”

  “She’s probably scared Logan. I know Nina was. Shifters know, understand, and expect the flood of emotions we experience when we meet our fated mates. Humans do not. They never experience something like this unless it is with a shifter. She probably doesn’t know how to deal with all of these new emotions. You know her past was not ideal. I doubt anyone has made her feel a fraction of what you make her feel. I expect just the opposite actually.”

  “So what do I do?”

  “Be there. Assure her that you aren’t going anywhere. That you are the others fated. Or as Nina says, soul mate. She also calls me her person, so that may work for you too. Just don’t give up on her. That is probably what she is most afraid of.”

  “OK. I think I can do that. You know, for a man under a mountain of stress, you seem to really enjoy this.”

  Gabe laughed at him, “Think of it as pay back for when I was trying to get Nina to give me a chance.”

  “Hey! I was an extremely supportive friend through that!”

  “Who did not like how I went about things.”

  “On some thigs! But overall, I was a huge supporter!”

  “OK Logan, whatever you say.”

  “I do say!”

  Gabe just smiled at him. Logan knew the man was just pulling his chain, but it did them both good to see Gabe joking and laughing. All the stress the man was under, was taking its toll.

  “When we get home, call the Council. I’m sure they’re on their way to the house already, but we need them to convene. I need to inform them on your thoughts and plan. After that, go to your mate. Tell her as much as you are comfortable with. I’ll support you, no matter what.”

  “Thank you, Gabe. We’ll get through this. We have too.”

  Gabe just nodded in agreement. The hunters were getting out of hand. And Logan was starting to really feel the ticking clock on mating with Jessica. He needed to have a conversation with her soon. But not until after he caught the hunters. It would be too dangerous and distracting for him otherwise.


  The jingle of the overhead door drew Jessica’s attention from the table she was currently wiping down. A brunette stood there, smiling broadly at Jessica.

  “Nina! It is so good to see you!” Jessica exclaimed. She made her way to the woman and gave her a giant hug. “And I hear congratulations are in order! Logan told me.”

  “Oh, thank you Jessica. It is fantastic to see you too. I had to sneak out to come here. Gabriel has been so overprotective lately.”

  “I’m sure he’s just being the protective, alpha male he is.”

  “You could not have hit the nail on the head better if you had tried.”

  “You sit down, and I’ll bring you some tea.”

  “Oh, thank you Jessica. That sounds fantastic.”

  Jessica ran behind the counter and brewed Nina’s tea. Grabbing an iced coffee for herself, Jessica rejoined Nina. Sitting down, the women each took a sip of their respected drinks.

  “So, tell me what has been going on in your world since the last I saw you Nina.”

  “Oh, not much. I finished the book I was working on and sent it to my editor and publisher. Fingers crossed she doesn’t want to change too much. Oh! My dad is moving to town!”


  “Yes! He says he wants to be here for when the baby is born. Which I am kind of relieved about. I know I’m going to need the extra set of hands.”

  “That is fantastic Nina. When does he plan on making the move?”

  “He should be here within the next few days and make the move permanent in the coming weeks.”

  “He really wants to make sure he’s here before that baby comes, doesn’t he?” Jessica asked wryly.

  “Oh yeah. I told him he could wait, but he’s so excited I’m not sure he can.”

  “Sounds like he’ll be an amazing grandfather.”

  “He will. He’ll completely corrupt the baby, but Dad will love him or her till kingdom-come.”

  The two shared a laugh at the picture Nina painted. She had told Jessica stories about her father over the past few months, so she knew the corruption was entirely possible.

  “I can’t wait to meet him. I didn’t get the chance at your wedding,” Jessica stated.

  “You’ll love him. And I can’t figure out how you didn’t meet him at the wedding. He was all over the place!”

  “There was a lot going on. But if he’s moving to Everett Hollow, then I’ll have a front row seat to his shenanigans!”

  “That is a promise!”

  Jessica chuckled at that. She knew the man in question would completely upturn this little town. And she could not wait to watch it happen. After taking a sip of her coffee, Jessica glanced at Nina. The other woman had a soft, knowing smile on her face.

  “What? What is that look for?” she questioned.

  Nina reached over and grasped her hand, “I just want to say how excited I a
m for you. Logan is an amazing man. And I just don’t say that because he is my husband’s best friend, but because there is no man better. He just can’t stop talking about you. I’m so excited for you two. Logan will make a wonderful husband and father. Oh! You two should have a baby soon too! That way our kids can grow up together!”

  Jessica felt her face pale at the mention of marriage and kids. Logan was a great man. She couldn’t deny that. But this was too much. She was not ready for everything that is seemingly being pushed into her lap. First Logan’s mom, Lucia, and now Nina.

  “We just met Nina. We’ve only been on 2 dates. I’m not looking for anything serious.”

  “I wasn’t either when I met Gabriel. But when we met, I knew he was the one for me. When you know, you know.”

  “It’s a little early for that, don’t you think?”

  “Not really. Gabriel and I moved faster than you and Logan have. There is no reason to worry about it. Just listen to your gut.”

  “My gut.”

  “Mhm. Listen to what your heart tells you. I hate to run girl, but I need to get back home before Gabriel does. If you ever need to talk about anything with Logan, I’m here,” Nina rose and kissed her cheek before turning and leaving the coffee shop.

  Jessica sat in her chair, close to hyperventilating. Logan was talking about forever. His parents were talking about forever. His friends were too. And that terrified her.

  Nina said to listen to her gut. And her gut kept telling her that eventually Logan would hurt her like all the other men in her life. He’ll leave her and break her heart.

  But he won’t! He is our mate! He won’t hurt us!

  Jessica felt tears gather in her eyes. She liked Logan, she did. They had an amazing time when they were together. But the fear of the future and unknown was too much for her. She didn’t think she could continue to see Logan because she knew she would fall for him. And when the time came and he broke her heart, she wouldn’t be able to handle it. She had the fleeting thought last night that she needed to end things with Logan. And after talking to Nina, she felt like that was her only option. She needed to protect herself. Protect her heart. She wasn’t the person for Logan. He deserved someone better than her.


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