Skull Island

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Skull Island Page 12

by T. Styles

“I get that, it’s just that, I mean, so much has happened and you seem like it never phases you.”

  He looked up at her. “Do you wanna phase me?”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “Listen, Mason and I have fought before.” He positioned his body so that his back was against the headboard.

  “I get it but—”

  “Why do you do that?” He asked harsher.

  “Do what?”

  “Make every moment into an interview? It’s never enough to just sit in silence. You have to pry, push and poke a nigga until he snaps.”

  She dropped another bloodied cotton ball on the floor. “Maybe the real question is why do you pretend that nothing bothers you? Once, just once, I would love for you to feel something. Anything, Banks. So that I know you’re real.”

  “There you go with this shit again.” He shook his head. “Bet, I have one goal in mind. That’s it, and I’m going to see to it that my plan is carried out.”

  “Well can you at least share your plan with me? Instead of acting like I’m too fragile to help? I am your wife.”


  She lowered her gaze. “Banks…I am still your wife right?”

  “Why you asking questions you know the answer to? Of course you my wife, Bet.” He touched another bruise on his face. “Right now I just want a little peace.” His hand dropped in his lap. “A little quiet so I can get through the next few days.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I know you not gonna tell me but what happens in the next few days?”


  “If you’re worried about Whoyawanmetabe don’t be. He always starts shit when he doesn’t get what he wants.”

  Banks shook his head. She was annoying at best. “Have you spent time with the kids?” He asked. “I see you like a lot of alone time but they need you too.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “How you sound? Of course I spent time with the kids.”

  “When?” He ran his tongue inside the wall of his mouth, causing his cheek to bubble. He tasted more of his blood.

  “The other day we were on the beach.”

  “I can’t be responsible for them right now, Bet. I need you to step up until I get things together. Please.”

  She shook her head. “One of these days you’ll stop hating me.”

  He frowned. Nothing about what he said indicated that he despised her and he saw it as just another way for her to fight him. She wanted something from Banks he was certain, but she wasn’t built good enough to say what.

  “I’m not doing this with you right now.” He eased off the bed, face aching profusely. “But do what I asked.”

  “Or what, Banks Wales?” She tossed her arms up and they slammed into her thighs when she lowered them. “What you gonna do? Divorce me and then make me expose your secrets?”

  He frowned and walked over to her. “Is that a threat?”

  “I don’t know, how ‘bout you tell me?” She shrugged. “I will say this, getting rid of me won’t be a good thing for you and your lifestyles. That’s all I’m saying.” She rose. “I’m not afraid of you anymore.” She looked at his battered face. “Especially now.”

  He walked over to her and ran his knuckles down the side of her cheek, before squeezing her chin lightly. A slight grin on his face. “It would be a mistake to confuse this for anything other than what I choose it to be.” He pointed at the bruises. “Tread lightly.”


  Half drunk after trying to destroy his long time friend, Mason was hungry. Wrecked with guilt that he came undone and further destroyed his life, he wasn’t willing to admit to himself, his kids or his wife. After all, conceding that he was too brutal with Banks would prove the point that soaked the air in the mansion. And it was that Mason Louisville was unable to control himself.

  His shame was so heavy; he took to sleeping in one of the guest rooms to avoid everyone, even his wife.

  And now with the cameras away due to the late hour, he decided it was time to get something to eat. But when he bent the corner he was surprised to see Rosa, Tobias and Jersey sitting at the table, whispering. They all looked weak, with hunched over shoulders and were eating fresh fruit. Pitchers of fresh water on the table.

  Were they coming down with something?

  “The cameramen ate all the leftovers again,” Rosa said to Mason, as if to pretend nothing was happening.

  “What’s going on in here?” Mason asked. He was suspicious immediately. They knew something and he wanted in.

  Rosa tapped Tobias on the shoulder and they both walked slowly out.

  “What are you doing in here?” Jersey asked with an attitude. “I haven’t seen you since yesterday.”

  “I asked what was going on?” He looked back at the doorway and then his wife. “This feels off.”

  “Nothing is going on.” She stood up and almost tumbled as she tried to get her footing together. Mason knew his wife well enough to realize she was hiding something. “I was just…just eating that’s all.”

  “So you gonna lie to me?” He stepped closer. “All of a sudden you best friends with Rosa Nunez?”

  “If I am lying, are you gonna beat me like you did Banks?” Her chin rose as if defying him, despite knowing that he was more than capable. After all, he took her down before in the same vicious way.

  Mason’s nostrils flared. He was already in his feelings about what happened with Banks so the last thing he needed was his wife making things worse by throwing his crimes in his face. “He had it coming. I should’ve done that shit a long time ago.”

  “You were wrong.”

  “You don’t know the full story.”

  “What’s there to know? I saw his fucking face, Mason! It was like, like you were trying to kill him or something.” She moved closer, no more space between them. “Were you?”

  “If I wanted him gone he’d be dead.” He pulled out a chair and it scraped across the floor. He flopped down.

  Jersey sat across from him. “It’s not his fault you know.”

  “What you talking about now?” He grabbed a half peeled orange and pulled off a slice, stuffing it into his mouth roughly.

  “My son is gone and the only person I can blame is sitting right in front of me. Banks had nothing to do with any of that part.”

  Mason stopped chewing and placed the rest of the orange down, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “You really wanna do this?”

  “I’m just saying.”

  The air smelled of citrus fruit. “What’s your thing with this nigga all of a sudden? Huh? ”

  “You drunk.”

  Glaring, he stood up and walked on the other side of the table, staring down at her. “You want me to ask again?” He cracked his knuckles. “What is your thing with Banks?”

  She stood up and looked him over with the little confidence she could muster. “Look at you now.” She shook her head. “It’s easy to stay a monster when everyone has seen you after dark isn’t it?”

  “Jersey.” His nostrils flared.

  “Nothing's going on with me and Banks.”

  “You sure about that? Because I saw how you looked at him when he hugged you. The day you told him about Whoyawanmetabe.”

  “Banks listens.”

  He chuckled. “And I don’t?”

  “Nah. But I will say this, I still have a lot on my mind and fortunately for you, arguing ain’t a priority in my life anymore.”

  “Fuck does that mean?”

  “Mason, my Arlyndo is dead. Can’t nothing touch me now. Not even you anymore.” She smiled and walked away.


  Spacey was bowling, something he thoroughly enjoyed because it helped him relax. In fact, Banks had created the room because he knew his son loved the sport so much. There was a method to Spacey’s isolation. He noticed if he did his best to avoid human contact, the cameramen would get bored and go elsewhere.

  And that’s what he did.

  Still, loneliness began to t
rap him, forcing him to think about the things he chose to forget. Like how Howard made him give him oral sex when he was twelve years old. Secondly every weekend they were at the house alone. No matter how often he begged Howard to leave him be, when the mood hit Howard, he always looked to Spacey to relieve the stress.

  He had just rolled his fifteenth strike and was preparing to leave when Howard and Patterson entered with nothing but corruption in their eyes.

  “You ain’t going yet are you?” Patterson asked, slapping the bowling ball out of his hand, which slammed to the floor, missing Spacey’s foot by inches.

  Spacey went to catch the rolling ball before placing it back on the return unit. “Man, I ain’t got time for this. I’m leaving before—”

  “Play another game,” Howard demanded, slamming his hand down on his shoulder. “Unless, you trying to be rude which you know I got a problem with.” He gripped his dick.

  When Spacey tried to cut left Patterson moved closer blocking all motions. “Wait, are you trying to be rude?” Patterson asked. “Like my brother said.”

  Spacey looked at them both and opened and closed his mouth. His voice was low and crackled. They were definitely on some bully shit. “Nah, I’m not…”

  “What nigga?” Patterson said louder.

  Spacey jumped while hating himself for being so vulnerable. So weak. “I said, I’m not trying to be rude.”

  “Good,” Howard smiled clapping his hands together. “That means you get to go first.”

  With lowered shoulders, Spacey grabbed the ball he had been playing with and rolled it down the aisle. Knowing how much of a sore loser Howard could be, he purposely left four pins standing.

  “Aw, this nigga wack!” Howard yelled covering his mouth with his fist. “I’m ‘bout to beat that ass like he my son.”

  “Nah, he just letting you win,” Patterson said, rolling a ball and hitting all but one. “Like he do all the time.”

  Howard glared and scratched his scalp. “That ain’t true! Stop lying.”

  Patterson, always the instigator walked up to Spacey. “Tell him the truth, Wales. You be letting him win so he don’t get in that ass don’t you?”

  Howard and Patterson had always been brash but since Arlyndo died they were pure evil, like Mason.

  Patterson’s question brought Spacey great discomfort for another reason too. Did he know he was raping him with the comment get in that ass?

  “Nah, I just be—”

  “Roll again,” Howard yelled, slapping him in the back of the head. He wanted to shut his brother up once and for all. He would’ve allowed Spacey to throw him a win but not if his brother was going to call him out. “And you better roll a strike too.”

  Spacey was confused as he picked the ball up from the return unit. He hated himself for being afraid and he hated himself for not being man enough to step to Howard and put an end to his misery.

  In the moment, he silently prayed for an intervention of some sort but would it come?

  Slowly Spacey rolled the ball down the aisle. He was so good that with little effort, he rolled a strike. When the pins crashed to their death, he looked at Howard who was enraged.

  “See!” Patterson yelled, pointing a stiff finger in Howard’s face, turning his dark chocolate skin red due to blood rushing to the surface. “He was letting you win!”

  Howard’s jaw twitched as he approached Spacey. “Do it again, nigga! Before I drop you.” He wanted to prove it was a fluke and so he demanded a re-roll of sorts.

  Spacey shuffled a little as Patterson laughed heartily in the background. Slowly he retrieved his ball and with zero effort, rolled it down the aisle again knocking them all down. Howard tried to do the same, but each time he left no less than three pins.

  But Spacey, roll after roll, made nothing but strikes. His balls just hit different.

  Howard, embarrassed beyond repair, was just about to hit him when two cameramen, hearing the commotion, entered the alley.

  Not wanting to be filmed, Patterson grabbed the top of his pants and said, “Whelp, that’s my cue.” He bopped out.

  Howard on the other hand walked up to Spacey. Placing his lips against his ear he said, “I’ll see you tonight. Have that mouth ready.”


  Tobias rolled over in bed, only to see Minnie standing in the doorway. Confused, he popped up, but immediately felt dizzy when he did. The Wales loved using their right to go into any room they pleased because they owned the place.

  So Tobias was a bit put off.

  By this time, the bruises on his face had lightened although definitely still visible.

  “Minnie, what are you, what are you doing in here?” He sat on the edge of the bed. “Something wrong?”

  “I’m fine.” She twiddled her fingertips. “Just haven’t seen much of you that’s all. Plus your mother, sister and father seem like you’re sick all the time. Are you guys eating because—”

  “We’re coming down with something.” He stood up and was a little off footing. The room felt as if it was spinning and he almost caught the floor. “But I’m about to take a shower. I’ll…” He took another step and dropped like a lifeless bird.

  Minnie rushed up to him and helped him back to the bed. “Tobias, you need to get help. I saw that clinical room in the back by the kitchen in this house. With all them supplies. You want me to get anything there?”

  “I definitely can’t leave.” He said. “Ma goes to Emetine’s grave and no less than one man is with her.” His breath fell heavy. “This use to be such a beautiful place, well sort of.”

  She looked down, wondering what he meant. She looked over at him and placed a hand on his thigh. “You need relaxation. Let me help.”

  “What that mean?”

  “Trust me.” She smiled.


  Minnie had run Tobias a bath and on her knees she was washing his back. Although the rag sat on his lap, hiding his dick, she had seen what he was packing a long time ago in the hot tub and thought it was the perfect addition to such a sexy body.

  “…I wonder what we could have been, but in my heart, I always thought something would happen to him.”

  They had been talking about Arlyndo, something that always perplexed him. He saw her as such a calm person that he didn’t understand how she could be with someone so off the hinges. He had no way of knowing that until she thought she would die in a ditch, that she was just as horrible.

  If not worse.

  He looked over at her and then back down to be sure he was still covered. “Why you say that?”

  “Arlyndo always seemed like, like something was going to happen at any minute. It made me anxious and on edge. I could never be fully comfortable so sometimes I was just as bad as he was. It was easier I guess.”

  “Folie a deux.” He said.

  “A madness of two.” She grinned.

  He was impressed that she knew what the French statement meant.

  “I’ve heard it said about us before and it was right. When we were together, we were not safe to be around. For anybody.”

  “Then why were you with him?”

  “He was my first everything. I mean, he grew up rich too and he understood what it meant to be sheltered. We were always watched. Always protected and always bored. Except when we were with each other. Nobody knew we would get together. Thinking we were like brother and sister. But there was no one else; we had to fall in love. Had it not been for him I don’t know if I would’ve survived.”

  He chuckled once. “Growing up rich don’t sound like a problem to me. I grew up in the worst conditions.”

  “What you mean?”

  “Everything we ate we grew. There was no such thing as extras because food had to be shared with everybody else on the land. Sometimes we helped the other neighbors but if things were scarce…” he took a deep breath. “Let’s just say you’d be surprised what people do for survival.”

  She nodded her head in understanding. “I’
m sorry. Here I am talking about how rich I am when—”

  “Don’t do that.” He gave her his entire attention as he looked into her eyes. “Never apologize for being who you are. And if a man can’t accept that, or feels inferior, he doesn’t deserve you.”

  Between his accent and the way he spoke with his heart, she felt weak in his presence. She had to have him. Slowly she moved in to kiss him and at first he accepted before gently pushing her away.

  “Don’t be afraid.” She smiled thinking it was that simple. “You don’t have to worry. I want this too. I’ve been wanting this if I’m being honest.” She tried to kiss him again but he pushed her back harder.

  “No…I…I can’t. I’m sorry. Not like this.”

  Her eyes widened as embarrassment hung over her shoulders like a cape. “Wow. I feel so…so stupid.” She stood up.

  “Minnie, it’s not like—”

  “I have to go.” She dropped the other rag and it slapped against the floor as she ran out.


  Spacey and Joey sat in the sauna, as sweat poured from every inch of their bodies. Both had towels wrapped around their waists as they leaned back into the wooden walls.

  “…I don’t know, man,” Joey exhaled. “She still doesn’t wanna talk to me. For the most part she stays at the Nunez’s house. But I’m okay with that because I think something is up with her.”

  “What you mean?”

  “I can’t explain it but I got the feeling Cassandra is plotting revenge. On everybody.”

  “Well I don’t blame her for staying alone,” Spacey said. “The cameras don’t like when you by yourself.”

  “How you feel about Pops having something planned?” He asked skipping the subject.

  “I don’t know, man,” Spacey sighed. “I think this is one thing he won’t be able to get from up under. With Whoyawanmetabe.”

  Joey frowned. “You act like you never met him before.”

  “I’m serious,” Spacey sighed.

  “Remember that time you were getting bullied at that school and—”

  “I wasn’t getting bullied,” Spacey yelled, wiping sweat off his brow.


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