This Family of Ours (Raine #6)

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This Family of Ours (Raine #6) Page 23

by Amanda Bennett

  “I know, hun. And I totally get it, I just think Kayla’s having a really hard time with it because she feels as though your dad just threw her away and started new with another kid. I know it’s more complicated than that, but you have to see it from her perspective. Whether you knew about her or not, she feels betrayed.”

  “As do I. I just need her to understand that her anger and resentment belongs with our dad, not me.” I was absolutely exhausted with this conversation. Obviously I was never going to get Kayla’s approval, and I was slowly figuring out that I just need to be ok with that. How does the saying go, the ball is in her court? I believe that’s it. Either way, it was up to her now.

  “Look, I want to get to know you for you. I’m not here to mend fences with you and Kayla, and I don’t want you to think that’s the only reason I’m trying to connect with you. Jo is head over heels in love with you, and that means he thinks of you as family, which means you’re part of my family also. I’m just being the protective sister, that’s all.”

  Everything Cami was saying to me was melting my heart. I appreciated the fact that she truly did want to get to know me, and that she was also looking out for Joey. It’s far more than I expected to get from her, or anyone for that matter. I placed my hand over hers, giving it a gentle squeeze.

  “Thank you for that, Cami. I truly am excited to get to know you as well.”

  With that, our food showed up and we all devoured every last bit of it. I hadn’t realized just how famished I really was. It had been an extremely long day, and I knew tomorrow would be just as long. As much as I wanted to be here for Kayla, I was beginning to feel unwanted and couldn’t wait to get back home.

  The rest of the night went well and before I knew it, we were saying our goodbyes and headed back to the hotel.

  “Did you have fun tonight, love?”

  “I did.” I threw my exhausted body onto the hotel bed almost immediately after walking through the door.

  Joey climbed over me, hovering above my face as he held himself up with his giant arms. “I’m glad. I told you Cami and Glenn would love you.” He leaned down to place a light kiss against my lips, and then went back up, almost like he was doing a pushup.

  “Thank you for always being there for me. I truly appreciate it.” I smiled as he came down to place another kiss to my yearning lips. Before he could go back up, I wrapped my arms around his, pulling him down flush against my aching body.

  “If I was a bettin’ man, I’d be willin’ to bet that you are wantin’ me to take advantage of you.” His lips were against mine again, and I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck as I deepened our kiss.

  Every emotion that I had been feeling for the last couple of days came flooding out of me in a form of sexual desire, and Joey had no problem letting me release those emotions on him. His tongue swiped the inside of my mouth causing my desire to flood my panties. As much as I wanted to be a chap at the moment and just get the deed done, I held myself back, wanting to please the gorgeous man in front of me first.

  Our kissing turned ravenous as I rolled Joey onto his back, my legs straddling him as I pressed my well endowed chest against him, causing my nipples to harden at the contact. I forced myself to peel my lips away from his as I moved them to his neck, leaving a heated trail all the way down to the waistband of his boxer briefs. I let my tongue dip just below the elastic and across his delicious “v” that led to the one thing my body craved at this moment.

  I let my fingers dip beneath Joey’s boxer briefs, clutching onto his rock hard length. A thunderous moan echoed throughout the room as I slowly moved my hand up and down Joey’s knob, cupping his balls with my other hand. Joey’s abs tensed under my touch as I ran my hand down his stomach, eventually pulling his boxer briefs and pants down to his ankles, releasing his hardened excitement for me.

  My eyes locked with his as I lowered my moist lips over the tip of his length, letting my mouth slip up and down his knob at a slow and steady pace. I was caught up in a sea of blue as I felt him stiffen between my lips, and that’s when I knew he was close. I was fully ready to let him find his release in my mouth, but he obviously had other plans.

  He gently pulled my head up and then tossed me onto my back. His tongue slid between my lips, stopping as he reached my throbbing clit. He sucked and licked at a dizzying pace, and I found my release sooner than I had anticipated. His name was still on the tip of my tongue when he captured my mouth with his, thrusting deep inside of me.

  His mouth muffled my moans as he completely devoured me inside and out. My nails dug deep into his shoulder blades as my walls clenched around him. With a few more deep thrusts we both found our release together. His head fell to my heaving chest as we both tried to control our erratic breathing. My fingers went straight to Joey’s hair, playfully running them through the thick brown mess. Never in a million years did I foresee falling for a boy like Joey, but my heart was content with what I’ve found in him, and I couldn’t dream up a better person to share my life with.

  Chapter 40


  I honestly don’t remember fallin’ asleep, but I was still inside of Diem when I woke this morning, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It gave a whole new meanin’ to morning wood. Diem was still fast asleep as I began movin’ in and out of her in a slow meticulous fashion. Within seconds, her gorgeous blue eyes were seeking out mine as a low moan rumbled through her chest. Her legs wrapped tightly around my waist, her heels diggin’ into my ass as she pushed me harder inside of her.

  “Good mornin’, sweetheart.” I moaned into her ear.

  “Mmmmmhmmm.” Was the only response I got as I continued to thrust into the deepest part of her.

  My arms were placed on both sides of her head as my fingers pushed lightly into the sides of her neck, as I gazed lovingly into her eyes. I could feel her walls begin to clench around my cock as we both reached the height of ecstasy together, and within minutes, she was fallin’ apart beneath me. I picked up the pace, pushin’ in and out of her harder than before as she rode out her wave of pleasure, causin’ me to fall to pieces right along with her.

  My lips grazed the sensitive skin on the side of her neck as I placed soft gentle kisses all the way from her collarbone to her luscious lips. I don’t know how I got so lucky findin’ her, but everyday that I woke up with her, was a day I would forever cherish. I placed one last kiss to her lips as I pushed myself up off of the bed and headed for the shower. I made quick work of gettin’ ready, and by the time I emerged from the bathroom, Diem was sneakin’ in behind me.

  “I’ll be quick so we can grab some coffee and breakfast and head to the hospital.”

  I simply nodded, and then went in search of my phone to call Glenn.

  “Hey, Jo.”

  “Hey, what time y’all headin’ up to the hospital?”

  “We’re headin’ there now. You guys headin’ up soon?”

  “Yeah,” I let out a loud yawn as I pulled my shirt on. “Diem is just finishin’ up gettin’ ready, and then we’ll be on our way.”

  “Sounds good. We’ll see y’all there.”

  I hung up the phone and started gatherin’ up our belongings. I wish we could’ve stayed longer to make sure Kayla was all settled, but I had to get back to camp, and Diem had some things to finalize with school before the semester started. As I was placin’ the last few things into my suitcase, I felt dainty fingers slidin’ across my taught stomach underneath my shirt. I turned, pullin’ a freshly showered Diem into my arms as I captured her mouth with mine.

  “Thanks for this morning.” She giggled.

  “Anytime, baby girl, anytime.” I slapped her bare ass as she turned to walk away from me to get dressed.

  Half an hour later, we pulled up to the hospital and the overwhelmingly large group of cockroaches just waitin’ to pounce. I slid my fingers through Diem’s as we made our way to the entrance. Every single reporter was shoutin’ in our direction as I protectively pulled Diem thro
ugh the crowd, tryin’ to shield her from the hysteria. Once we were safely inside, I let out an aggravated sigh. I glanced back at Diem, makin’ sure she was ok before proceeding to say hello to everyone waitin’ for us.

  “How fun is that shit?” Glenn joked as he pointed out towards the insanity goin’ on outside the slidin’ doors.

  “I’m so over that shit.” I rolled my eyes as I gave him a quick hug, and then Cami.

  “Well, it looks like Kayla is ready to go. Madison is back in her room talkin’ with the doctor, and gettin’ her stuff all situated.”

  “Oh good. I was worried we wouldn’t be able to spend any time with her at home before we have to head out.”

  “When do y’all leave?”

  “I think 4:00 this afternoon.” I glanced over at Diem for confirmation.

  “Yeah, we have to be to the airport by 4:00, our flight leaves at 5:30.”

  Glenn nodded, and then we took a seat next to where Cami and Diem were already chattin’ away. “They seem to be gettin’ along well.” I motioned with my head towards the girls.

  “Yeah. Cami really likes her, and is excited to get to know her better.”

  “I just wish Kayla would feel the same way.” I pushed my hands back through my hair in aggravation. As much as I love KJ, she was bein’ a pain in my ass when it came to Diem. I still wasn’t exactly sure what her issue was with all of it, but I suppose I just needed to give her more time to come around.

  Glenn’s hand clamped down on my shoulder, givin’ it a tight squeeze. “You gotta let her figure it out on her own time. She’ll get there, Jo.”

  “Here’s to hopin’.” I joked.

  We all sat around the waiting room for what felt like hours before Madison and Kayla finally emerged. As soon as those metal doors sprang open, I was outta my chair and runnin’ to KJ’s side. “How ya feelin’, love?”

  she glanced up at me with those baby blues, and my heart began to melt. “I’m good, Jo. What’s goin’ on with you?” She laughed as I realized that I was hoverin’ over her like a mama hen.

  “Sorry.” I laughed as I stood up, tryin’ to play it cool. “I’ve just been sweatin’ out here thinkin’ we wouldn’t have anytime to visit at home before I have to leave.”

  Kayla’s hand brushed mine before settlin’ it on top of the other. “Don’t worry, Jo. We’re headed home now. We’ll have plenty of time to visit. I promise.” She winked just as Madison started pushin’ the wheelchair towards the exit. Realization suddenly hit me, and I was runnin’ up ahead of them as though my life depended on it.

  “Wait!” I half shouted as I slid to a stop in front of the wheelchair.

  “Jo, what’s your deal?”

  “Sorry, but unless ya wanna get hounded by a million and one reporters and paparazzi, I suggest you let me go out first and lead them away.”

  Both Madison and KJ rolled their eyes in irritation. “Seriously? Can you ever NOT bring them with you?”

  “It’s not my fault, Madison. I didn’t do this.”

  “Sure, Jo.”

  Before I could get even more riled up, Glenn was comin’ to my aid. “It really isn’t his fault, man. If anything, you should be thankin’ Jo. He pretty much threw himself under the bus so the media would leave y’all out of the whole thing.”

  I could tell by the look on Madison’s face that he was reluctant to accept what Glenn was sayin’, but I didn’t give a shit at this point. I was willin’ to put myself, and my career, on the line if it meant protectin’ Kayla and her family.

  “Whatever, let’s just get Kayla home.” Madison rolled his eyes as he made his way towards the exit.

  I grabbed Diem’s hand and we made our way through the throng of cockroaches, leadin’ them away from the doors to the hospital and out towards my truck.

  “Joey, Joey, over here. Can we get a picture of you and your girl?”

  “How long are ya in town, Joey?”

  “Is the team ok with you bein’ involved with a murder investigation?”

  I shook my head in disbelief as I opened Diem’s door and ushered her inside. I was makin’ my way around the back of the truck when one of the paparazzi got too close for comfort. I took in a deep calmin’ breath before turnin’ around, comin’ face to face with the asshat that just couldn’t let me be.

  “Look guys, I’ve given y’all everything you’ve wanted. I’ve let you take pictures, I gave you an interview, but now y’all need to let up a bit. Give us our space.” I held my hand up and waved them off, but the one paparazzi that had been all up in my space refused to let it go. I could hear the click of his camera over and over as I tried to open my door without hittin’ him. I must’ve flung the door open a bit too hard, because I heard the door lightly clink against his camera.

  “Oh you’re gonna pay for that, Mr. Green.”

  Before I knew what I was doin’, I was slammin’ my door shut and turnin’ to face him. “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. That’s assault.”

  “Assault on what? A camera? Sorry, but that ain’t happenin’.”

  “I have no problem suing you. You’ll pay for that.”

  I glanced around me, noticin’ just how many cameras were currently pointed at me before I responded. “You can get in touch with my lawyer then. There are plenty of witnesses that say exactly what happened. Maybe if you weren’t closer than you should be, then this shit wouldn’t have happened.”

  The guy glanced around, noticin’ exactly what I was talkin’ about. “You’ll get away with it this time, but I’m sure there will be another incident, and I’ll be sure to get it all on camera next time.”

  I let out an amused laugh as I pushed my way into my truck, closin’ the door behind me. I looked over in the direction of the hospital to make sure that Madison and Kayla had gotten away safely, and when I saw them drive past us, I knew the coast was clear. I double checked my rear view mirror to make sure there wasn’t anyone behind me, and then I backed up and we were on our way.

  “Everything ok, love?” Diem’s voice was a welcome distraction from my irritation.

  I slid my hand across the seat, lettin’ it rest on her thigh, “Yeah, everything is fine. I just hate that those guys think they can do whatever they please and they won’t get in trouble for it. Can you believe that guy was wantin’ to sue me over him bein’ in my way? Ridiculous.”

  “I know, love. I’m sorry you have to deal with that so often.” Her hand was now on mine, givin’ it a tight reassurin’ squeeze.

  We pulled up at Madison and Kayla’s a short while later, and I was relieved to see that the paparazzi hadn’t found their way to this part of town. Although I reckon if they even tried to step foot on this land, Kayla’s granddad would be pullin’ a shotgun on em, and tellin’ em where they can go. It was a breath of fresh air, literally, to be able to live my life away from all that bullshit for a bit.

  I felt Diem slip her tiny hand into mine and a wide smile spread across my face. “You know I love you, right?” I whispered against her hair, causin’ a small smile to tug at the corners of her plump pink lips.

  “Not as much as I love you,” she winked.

  I slid my arm around her shoulders, pullin’ her close into my side as I pressed my lips against her head. In this moment, I couldn’t imagine happiness greater than what I was feelin’. My life felt complete with Diem by my side, and if I had anythin’ to say about it, I was gonna be with this girl until the day I die.

  We were all filing into the house when Diem’s phone began ringin’. She looked up at me with a perplexed look on her face, and I couldn’t help but wonder who it was that was callin’ her.

  “I’ll be right back,” she went up on her tiptoes to place a chaste kiss against my lips, and then she was rushin’ out the front door.

  “What was that all about?” My heart jumped in my chest as Cami came sneakin’ up behind me.

  I clutched at my chest as I tried to slow my heart rate, “Jesus, Cam. Scare me half to deat
h why don’t ya.”

  “Sorry, did I scare the big bad quarterback?” She laughed hysterically before punchin’ me in the shoulder, and then takin’ off before I could get her back.

  “I’ll get ya back for that one, sis.”

  “Whatever, Josephine.” She taunted as she made her way to the back bedroom where Kayla was.

  “You might not have a wife come lunch time, big brother.”

  Glenn threw his head back in laughter, “I’d pay to see her kick your ass.”

  I gave Glenn the finger as I made my way over to the large window that looked out onto the big wrap around porch where Diem had disappeared to. When I didn’t see her anywhere, I started to get worried. Where the hell did that girl go? I shook my head, tryin’ to dislodge the uneasiness I was feelin’ at this moment, and turned my attention to Glenn and Madison who were busy doin’ a whole lot of nothin’ in the kitchen.

  “So, back to boot camp today huh?”

  I rolled my eyes at Madison’s attempt at razzin’ me. “Yep, back at it come tomorrow. I’m soooooo excited about it too.”

  “Whatever, man. I’d trade ya places in a heartbeat. And I’d most definitely take your paychecks.”

  “Right! Man, I miss those paychecks.”

  “Me too...and tourin’. I miss the rush of it all. The screamin’ fans, the atmosphere.”

  “The rundown shitty hotel rooms, at least in the beginning. But honestly, I mainly miss performin’ in front of all those people who knew every word to every one of our songs. It was somethin’ else.”

  Madison and Glenn’s eyes glazed over with forlornness as they continued to reminisce about days past, and the passion for what they do that brought them absolute joy to their life. And that’s when I realized I sounded like a spoiled lil shit, complain’ about havin’ to go back to camp, when I got to wake up and do the one thing I absolutely loved in this world...playin’ ball. If I had even a quarter of their success in my career, I’d consider myself lucky. Hell, I am lucky.


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