This Family of Ours (Raine #6)

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This Family of Ours (Raine #6) Page 35

by Amanda Bennett

  “All I know is that my father, who used to be the light of my life, just never came home one day. He used to call me every Wednesday, but then those calls suddenly stopped as well., I don’t know what happened after that. Please enlighten me.” I was trying to control my anger, I really was, but my disdain and resentment were posing a problem.

  “Kayla, I know I’ve made mistakes. I know that I’ve been a horrible father and that you most likely will hate me for the rest of my life, but I’m here, and I’m trying.”

  I cracked my neck in aggravation before responding in the calmest way I possibly could. “Please continue.”

  “You need to know that I continued to call you every Wednesday at six o’clock just as I had since you were six years old, but…” I knew what he was going to say next. I knew it, but I didn’t stop him because honestly, I needed to hear it from his mouth. “Your mother would answer, yell at me for a bit, and then hang up. I sent cards every year as well, but I’m going to go ahead and assume that you never got those either?” I shook my head. “I figured as much. Glad to know that the money never got to you either, I’m gonna go with drugs and booze on that one.”

  “Most likely.” I muttered. Everything he was telling me was what I had longed to hear for so long. Knowing that he tried to reach out and be a part of my life had me feeling the love from him that I never knew, but it still didn’t make up for the fact that he eventually stopped, and started focusing on his “new” family. “So I guess the million dollar question is, why didn’t you ever come for me, or tell me about your new wife and daughter?” I had clearly struck a chord with him because he sat there starin’ at me, no words leaving his mouth for a good two minutes.

  “I did come for you, Kayla.” My eyes went wide with shock. “It was two days before your tenth birthday. I had finally realized that your mother obviously wasn’t going to let me talk to you, and I wanted to save you from her and her lifestyle. Even though I was in London, word got to me about how your mother was doing. I flew out to Arizona. Your mom was still working at the time so I tried to plan it around when I knew she wouldn’t be home. When I got to the house, nobody was home. You were still in school. I thought about going and picking you up from school, but I also knew that they would call your mom the minute I tried to check you out. So I waited at the house. I waited, and waited, and waited. I figured she would be home around four or five o’clock, but those times came and went, and neither of you had come home. I was so worried that something had happened to you, but then I saw a fancy car pulling up in front of the house. From where I stood on the porch I could see your mom in the front seat, you in the backseat, and some big guy in the driver’s seat.”

  “That would be, Todd. Boyfriend number six.”

  “I forced myself to stand my ground, to make sure that you came with me, but when you got out of the car, you just looked so happy. You were smiling and laughing, and emptying the car of all the gifts you received. You looked so cute trying to juggle all of the gift bags in your small hands. It was in that moment that I realized that there was no place for me there anymore. The three of you looked like a family, a happy one. Honestly, I didn’t want to disrupt your life, Kayla. My only wish for you was for you to be happy like every other kid your age.”

  “Looks can be deceiving.” And just like that, anger began coursing through my veins again.

  “I know, but all I saw was my little girl as happy as can be. That was enough for me to know I wasn’t needed. I know how it sounds, I really do. But-“

  “But do you? Do you really know? Because from where I’m sitting, it looks like my father was a coward who didn’t want to disrupt his new life.”

  “Kayla Anne, that is so far from the truth.”

  “Don’t you dare use my middle name. Don’t you dare chastise me at all.”

  He hung his head in defeat as our dinner finally showed up. The waitress, another pretty brunette, hung back just a bit too long for my liking, and I had had it with all of these attention seeking little girls with daddy issues, I’m sure.

  “Look, we’re kind of in the middle of something. Can you please leave us be. Thanks.” It wasn’t a question, and after giving me a ridiculous scowl, she turned on her heel and walked away.

  “Is there anything I can say tonight that you’ll actually listen to, and not yell at me for? I’m trying here, Kayla. I really am.”

  I let out an aggravated sigh, “I know you are. Sorry.” I picked up my fork and began eating my steak. I figured if I kept my mouth busy, it wouldn’t allow me to interrupt and say asshole things anymore.

  “Lord knows I’ve made my fair share of mistakes, and I’m sure I’ll keep making them, but leaving you with your mother is one mistake I can’t live with, and one that I want to rectify. I just need you to give me a chance.” His eyes locked with mine, and for a brief second I wanted to forgive the past and move forward in a new relationship with my father. One built on honesty and trust, but I still wasn’t sure that was even possible.

  “Alright then, where was I? Oh yeah, your birthday. From that day forward I promised myself that I would let you be happy, and let you and your mother have the type of relationship that any daughter would want with their mother. I went home, raised Diem, and then eventually took care of my wife until she died.”

  “I’m sorry you lost your wife, and that Diem lost her mother. I know how that feels.” I muttered the last part under my breath, but my father still caught it.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Mom died a few years back. It was an overdose.”

  “I had no idea, Kayla. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I’m not.” I know how harsh I sounded, but it was all true.

  “I know I probably don’t deserve to know, but could you tell me about your life?”

  I sat back, full to the brim, and debated whether or not I wanted to tell him. But then it dawned on me, if I wanted some semblance of a relationship with my dad, then I had to be willing to open up too. So I did...a little bit. “Well, what do you want to know?”

  “Hmmm, let’s start with your fiancé.” He pointed at the ring on my finger, and I smiled a wide content smile.

  “His name is Madison, and he’s amazing. I met him the last summer Mom sent me to stay with the grandparents. Of course we were both told to stay away from each other, but we found a way to be together. He’s been there for me through things that no girl my age should ever have to go through. We’ve had our ups and downs, but we’ve made it through. And now we have our amazing little girl, Mia, and a little boy on the way. I own a small boutique in Abernathy, and Madison was a rock star for a little while, traveling the world, but now he runs his grandfather’s farm, and I run the boutique. His grandfather gifted us some land before he died, and that’s where we built our house. My best friend Cami married Madison’s best friend, Glenn, and they built a house right down the hill from us.”

  “It sounds like you found your happily ever after.”

  “I really did,” I smiled. “We’re currently plannin’ our wedding for around Christmas time. I wish I would’ve known how stressful that was gonna be with having a toddler to take care of, and another one growing inside of me.” I laughed a genuine laugh, and it felt great to be able to reconnect with my father like this. I may have been hesitant going into tonight, but I can honestly say that I’m glad I agreed to meet up with him.

  “I love talking with you like this, KJ. Oh sorry, I mean, Kayla. It seriously means the world to me that you even agreed to meet with me. I honestly thought that tonight would go quite a bit different than it has, but I’m glad that we’re getting to know each other. And it sounds like you’re starting to hate me a little less as the night goes on.” He looked at me with a smile, showin’ me that he was joking, and I happily reciprocated. “So, I see that you and Diem have built quite the relationship?”

  “We have. I’m not going to lie, I was unsure how to go forward with her once I found out she was my sist
er. I may have taken out all my pent up anger with you, out on her for a bit, but we’re good now. It’s still early, but we’re getting there. I guess I just wish I would’ve been able to meet her sooner, maybe even grow up with her a bit, but you know what? Everything happens for a reason. If you would’ve taken me to live with y’all in London all those years ago, I never would’ve been able to build the relationship I have with my grandparents, and I never would’ve formed the relationships I have with the people in my life now. So for that, I thank you.”

  “I’m happy for you, Kayla. You’ve grown up to be quite the young woman, and if you’ll let me, I’d love to see you grow even more.”

  I looked at my father with trepidation. Deep down I knew he wasn’t the same man who left all those years ago, but part of me was scared that if push came to shove, he’d pick Diem over me, any day. And I wasn’t sure if I was ready to accept that reality.

  “I know there’s still trust issues, and I know those won’t go away overnight, but I’d like to try. I want to get to know you better, and get to know my granddaughter and soon to be grandson.” He hesitantly reached out for my hand across the table, and without overthinking anything, I let him take mine. “All I’m asking for is a chance. A chance to prove to you that I’m going to stick around this time, and that I want to be a part of your life, in any capacity that you’ll have me.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “REALLY?” He quickly covered his mouth, realizing that he had just shouted in a restaurant full of strangers. “Really?”

  “Yes, really. But there is one condition.”


  “You can’t expect more than I’m willing to give, for now.”

  “Done.” My father stood and pushed his chair out of the way as he reached for my hand. I graciously took it and let him help me into a standing position. I could tell he was practically waiting for permission, and I was all too happy to give it. He wrapped his arms tight and tenderly around my waist as I clutched onto his neck for dear life. There wasn’t much I needed or wanted in this world, but I was finally realizing that this was one thing I couldn’t live without.

  “There’s one other thing.” I whispered as we pulled back from our loving embrace. “I need you to show me that when things get tough, you’ll never choose one of us over the other. Because if I ever have to choose between you and my sister, it will always be her.”

  My father stood there with a wide toothy grin plastered to his face. “You both are my daughters, and I promise I will never put you in that position.”

  “Thanks, Dad.” My heart soared with happiness, and I could tell his did at the same.

  Chapter 56


  I was practically crawlin’ the walls of the hotel room, waitin’ for Kayla to get back from dinner with her dad. I knew my fiancé and the way she has felt about her dad her entire life, and I was worried. Not for her of course, but more so for her dad’s safety. An angry Kayla is one thing, but an angry pregnant Kayla was a whole other monster. Lord help him if he pissed her off. It had only been about two hours last time I checked the clock, and I was chompin at the bit to hear how it all went.

  As much as Kayla hates to admit it, she misses her dad. And I know how much it would mean to her to be able to start fresh with him, and I just wanted her to be happy, regardless of how this all turned out. I wanted this for her so badly. I wanted her to feel whole again, and not like she’s missin’ out on that part of her life.

  I was halfway through my hundredth lap around the room, when there was a knock at the door. I knew it wasn’t Kayla, so my next best guess would be Cami.

  “Damn, I’m good.” I stated as Cami’s face appeared on the other side of the door.

  “Is she back yet?” She didn’t wait for me to answer before she was pushin’ past me and makin’ herself comfortable on the bed.

  I turned to close the door, but Cami quickly spoke up, “Don’t close it yet, Glenn should be here any second. And just like clockwork, he appeared.

  “Hey man, how ya doin’? He gave me a quick hug and then joined his wife in bed.

  “I’m goin’ crazy waitin’ around for her.”

  “I get it. Cami’s been pacin’ the entire length of the room since Kayla left.”

  I looked over at Cami and started laughin’. “Aren’t we a sad bunch of losers.” I joked.

  “Sure are.” Glenn chimed in.

  “How do you think it’s going?” Cami sounded exhausted, and that in turn made me think of how Kayla was doin’. Was she exhausted too and tryin’ to come up with a good excuse to leave? Or was she just fine, and gettin’ along great with her pops? Ugh!


  “No, please lie to me, Madison.” She quipped.

  “Ha ha. I hope it’s goin’ well, I really do. But part of me is fearful that she’s not listenin’ to a damn word he has to say, and she’s just rippin’ him a new one.”

  “Would it really surprise you if she was?” Cami joked.

  “Not in the least.” I laughed. “What are you guys up to tonight?”

  “Just livin’ the dream, Madison. One day at a time.” Glenn laughed. “No, we were just watching a movie, and then this one,” he pointed at Cami, “started gettin’ all antsy, so we headed over here.”

  “Look at you guys, party animals.”

  “You know it.”

  “I’m hopin’ she won’t be gone too much longer, but I haven’t texted her or called because I don’t want to interrupt if it’s goin’ well.”

  “I get it. I’ve been feelin’ the same way.” Cami was scootin’ herself off the bed as she spoke, and then made her way over to me. “Whatever the outcome, we need to just be here for her.” She leaned in and gave me a tight hug.

  “We will be.” I hugged her back, relief instantly washin’ over me.

  The three of us hung out in the hotel room playin’ mindless idiotic games, and watchin’ whatever was free on TV. Of course Glenn and I turned all of our games into drinkin’ games, which didn’t make Cam very happy, but she came around, eventually shootin’ sparkling cider while we shot whiskey. We truly were a sad lookin’ bunch, but it was my sad lookin’ bunch, and that's all I cared about. The fact that our friends were always willin’ to uproot their lives to be there for us, meant more to me than I would ever be able to convey to them. The three of us were all snuggled up in bed together watchin’ some lame movie on HBO, when the hotel room door came flyin’ open. The three of us glanced over, but didn’t move a single muscle, we just turned our attention back on the movie. Of course when no one attempted to greet Kayla at the door, she quietly clicked the door into place and climbed right into that king size bed with us. I held my arm up, givin’ her room to snuggle in next to me, then I lowered my arm and wrapped it tightly around her shoulders, snugglin’ her deep into my side before placin’ a chaste kiss to her forehead.

  Cami’s hand shot out from under the blanket next to me, reachin’ for Kayla’s hand. I stared at their intertwined fingers, a symbol of the love of a sister showin’ the other that she’d always be here for her. Glenn was the last to place his arm across Cami’s swollen belly, and then restin’ his hand on top of the girls’. This is what life was meant to be. This was our family.


  I woke the next morning with the biggest kink in my neck. As I glanced around the bed full of people next to me, I instantly knew why. Normally I would push my way out of the immense dog pile pinning me down so I could go on my morning run, but after lookin’ around and seein’ their peaceful sleepin’ faces, I decided to snuggle myself back down into the pile and go back to sleep.

  After thirty minutes of hearin’ Glenn snore his face off, and Cami and Kayla moanin’ and groanin’ as they tried to get comfortable, I was about over our little love fest. And my arm was falling asleep. I quietly and very slowly pulled my arm out from under Cami’s head, then I gently rolled Kayla over me, one limb at a time, flattening myself as best I c
ould into the mattress as to not wake her up. When I finally had her tucked into Cami’s side, I had one leg left trapped under her leg. I was now hangin’ half off the bed in some sort of position that a contortionist could pull off, tuggin’ at my trapped leg.

  I silently counted to three, and then gave it a tug. I held my breath as I fell flat on my back, arms spread out wide on both sides. When I didn’t hear anyone move, and Glenn’s snorin’ didn’t cease, I knew I was in the clear, so I let out the breath I was still holdin’.

  I clambered to my knees, popping my head up over the side of the bed like I was in some kind of cartoon. When I felt it was safe to move, I quietly pushed myself up off the floor and over to my suitcase to grab some clean clothes. Once I gathered all of those, I snuck into the bathroom to shower. I couldn’t help but run through the events that had unfolded over the last couple of days. I wondered how we got here. How did these things keep happenin’ to all of us when all we ever did was try to be good people. It was beyond me, and I had to just hold out hope that things were startin’ to look up from here on out.

  I found myself standin’ aimlessly under the steady stream of hot water, when I felt a pair of small delicate hands slide up and around my sides, comin’ to rest on my pecs. A small excited moan escaped between my lips as her hands slid down my soapy torso to grab onto my growing excitement for her. My head fell back against her forehead as she began slowly moving her hand up and down my length. My mouth fell open as pleasure rolled off of me, just like the steam billowing up beneath us.

  I slid my hands across her wet slippery skin on her thigh, makin’ my way to her heat. My fingertips slid down over her clit, causin’ her knees to quiver before I pushed a finger deep inside of her, ensuing a moan from her perfectly plump lips. As good as it felt having her caress my rock hard erection, I couldn’t take not seein’ my gorgeous fiancé face to face. I slowly turned in her arms, pullin’ her flush against me as I captured her mouth with mine. Our kissing was ravenous, and I swear if I didn’t take her soon, I would die.


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