This Family of Ours (Raine #6)

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This Family of Ours (Raine #6) Page 39

by Amanda Bennett

  “Of course, dear. What is it?”

  I sat up straight, pushin’ my shoulders back as I tried to exude a sliver of self-confidence. “Kayla would really like her dad to be at the wedding. I just want to ask that you try to get along with him for the day. This is the one thing she’s asked me for, and if I couldn’t give this to her, it would kill me.”

  Gran let out a small sigh, “Madison, I only want that little girl in there to be the happiest she can be on her wedding day, and if that means settin’ my pride aside so her father can be there, then that’s what I’ll do. I can’t go out of this life knowin’ that I was the one who would’ve stopped that from happenin’. So, to answer your question, yes, I will make sure I get along with her father.”

  “Thank you, Gran.”

  A few minutes later, Kayla was back out in the livin’ room, and ready to go just as Cami came barging through the door.

  “Who’s ready to go wedding dress shopping?” She shouted as she ran over to give Gran a hug. “I’m so excited you’re coming with us.”

  “Me too, love. Now let’s go.”

  “I’ll see you ladies later. Have a fantastic time.” Kayla came up to me after Cami helped Gran out the door and down to the car, givin’ me a big hug and kiss that had me beggin’ for more.

  “Thank you, Madison, for all that you do for me. You’re an amazing man.”

  “Maybe you’ll show me just how amazin’ you think I am, later?” I playfully slapped her ass as she walked past me.

  “Absolutely.” She winked.

  I was one lucky guy.

  Chapter 61


  I paced around the house like my feet were on fire. I knew this day was comin’, but that didn’t make me any less nervous. This was the exact day I’d been waiting for since the first day I saw his gorgeous face outside that bus depot so many moons ago. In that very instant, I knew that my life would never be the same, and I knew he knew it too. I could never come to regret anything that has happened in my life, because I never would’ve met my soon to be husband or have my gorgeous daughter, and soon to be son.

  My hands fell down to my barely there belly with a wide smile splayed across my face as I took in my appearance in the full-length mirror. Fortunately because I wasn’t showing too much just yet, I ended up findin’ the most gorgeous dress. Of course, Madison had said that I would be just as gorgeous even if I showed up in a paper sack, but we all knew that wasn’t gonna happen. My fingers traced the intricate beading that covered the entire bodice of my strapless, fit and flair organza silk gown. It was a gorgeous off-white color, and hugged every single curve I knew Madison loved so much.

  My hands slid down my body, stopping just short of my hips as my long loose curls fell over one shoulder. I opted not to wear a veil, and I was reassured of that decision when I looked at the amazing job the makeup artist did. I was findin’ it hard to fathom that it was even me looking back at myself in the mirror. I looked refined, romantic, and sexy all at the same time. And I smiled, knowin’ that Madison was going to have a hard time keepin’ his hands off of me during the ceremony.

  I was slipping on my other diamond-encrusted heel, when I felt a warm hand clutching my bare shoulder. I didn’t have to turn to see who it was standing behind me, because I would recognize the gesture anywhere. His hand reached out in front of me, helpin’ me up into a standing position. When I turned in his arms, I could see his elated expression, and it in turn made my heart overflow with happiness. My arms flew up around his neck as I pulled him into me so hard, I thought I might break him, but laughed out loud because I knew that was impossible.

  “KJ, I’ve never seen a more beautiful human being in all my life. You look absolutely gorgeous.” Joey’s warm breath flew across my bare skin, and I shuddered.

  I loosened my grip and pulled back just enough to get a good look at him. “You don’t look so bad yourself, Jo.” I hugged him one last time just before he placed a chaste kiss to my cheek. “I’m so glad y’all were able to make it, Jo. It wouldn’t be the same without you here.”

  I pulled away from Joey’s embrace, making my way over to the vanity in my old room, and taking a seat to double check my hair. Of course we were getting married under our tree, and because it wasn’t that far from my grandparents’ house, I stayed here last night with Cami. It was definitely nice to have a night alone with my very best friend. Just two pregnant girls having the time of their lives while watching old movies and stayin’ up far later than we normally would, lately. I thought Joey had left the room, but when I glanced in the mirror and saw him standing against the doorway, my brows pulled together in confusion.

  “What’s up, Jo?” I turned in my chair, worried.

  “Nothin’, KJ. I guess I’m just thinkin’ back on these last couple of years with you. I know we grew apart for a little while, but I honestly couldn’t be more proud of you and the life you’ve built for yourself after everythin’ you’ve been through. You’re an extraordinary woman, KJ. I’m just so happy y’all found each other. But more than anythin’, I’m just beyond words happy that I’m lucky enough to call you my best friend.”

  Unshed tears pricked the back of my eyelids as I forced myself to not cry. I was instantly off of my feet and runnin’ towards Joey as I flung my body into his chest. His arms coming up instantly to wrap me up in his warm and loving embrace. I was seriously the luckiest girl in the world, and to know that I mean just as much to Joey as he means to me, let’s just say, my heart was exploding with joy. I could feel the tears beginning to betray me, and though I didn’t want to tell him to leave. I did just that.

  “You have to go, Jo. You’re goin’ to ruin my makeup.” I laughed as I swiped away a few stray tears that had begun to fall. “But, I love you.” I smiled.

  “Love you too, KJ. See ya out there.” His lips pressed against my forehead, and then he was gone.

  I dabbed some Kleenex under my eyes before touching up my makeup a little bit, when Cami came burstin’ through the door. “Hey whore, you almost ready to do this?”

  I stood slowly so she could take in my full appearance. “Why yes my slut of a friend, I am ready. I’ve been ready since that fateful day so many years ago.”

  “Well you look amazing.” She clutched my hands in hers, swingin’ our arms side to side. “I’m so happy for ya, Kay.”

  “Thanks, Cam. That means more to me than you know.” I smiled. “How are ya feelin’ today? You look gorgeous.” Of course Cami was my maid of honor and bridesmaid because there really was nobody else I knew or needed to be up there with me. Her full length blush colored halter dress looked absolutely gorgeous on her, accentuating her teeny tiny belly, and her overly large breasts. She was the most beautiful pregnant girl I’d ever seen.

  “I’m feeling beyond words excited. My best friend in the whole wide world is getting married to one of the best men I know. I couldn’t have picked a better man for you to marry, Kay. I just know that y’all’s lives will be filled with so much joy. Oh man, I can’t wait for everyone to see you. Ok, I’m gonna head out there. I’ll see you up there.” I kissed Cami on the cheek, and then turned back towards the mirror to make sure I was ready to go.

  I took in a deep breath, and then started to head downstairs where my granddad was waiting for me. “Oh Granddad, you look quite handsome today.” He was wearing a gorgeous black suit coat with a charcoal black tie over his stark white dress shirt, and a brand new pair of Wranglers. His boots had been polished, and of course he had on his signature cowboy hat. I’d never seen my granddad all dressed up, except for funerals, and it was nice to see especially on my wedding day.

  “Why thank you, darlin’. You look breathtakin’.”

  “Oh, you mean this old thing?” I ran my hands down my gorgeous gown as I let out a loud sarcastic laugh. “Thank you, Granddad.” I could feel the blush moving up my cheeks.

  “You ready for this?” He tucked my hand gently into the crook of his arm.

��More ready than I’ve ever been for anything.”

  “Well then, let’s get ya hitched.”

  Walking out to see the most important people in my life here to support mine and Madison’s union, had me practically in tears before I even made it down the aisle. We reached the beginning of the aisle, and I took in a deep cleansing breath, trying to calm my nerves, but there was no way these nerves were goin’ away. I was about to marry the man of my dreams, and be able to call him mine forever.

  I glanced up from under my lashes, catching my first sight of Madison as he waited for me. I’d never seen a more handsome man than the one waiting for me at the end of the aisle. He was dressed to the nines in an all black suit that hugged every single bulging muscle on his body. His jacket was so tight around his biceps that I thought at any moment, the seams would give out, and he’d bust right out of it. A small giggle escaped between my lips, but I quickly recovered and covered my mouth. His hair was tousled, but in a sexy just-out-of-bed look. He was hot, and the rest of this day was going to be torture until I could get my hands on him.

  As we walked down the aisle, passing all the amazing people in my life that were here to celebrate this amazing occasion with us, I couldn’t help but be grateful. I gave my gran a small wave, and noticed my father sitting just behind her. I was honestly shocked that these two weren’t ripping each other’s faces off, but I was thankful they could at least put their differences aside for today. We were just about to Madison, when my father stood and made his way out into the aisle. I was terrified that he might try to walk me the rest of the way, but was set at ease when he leaned in to kiss me on the cheek, and then took his seat.

  Crisis averted!

  Chapter 62


  There literally were no words to describe how amazingly beautiful she looked as she walked down the aisle towards me. Stunning...that was the only word that came to mind. Everything from her dress, to her makeup, to her hair, and I’m sure her shoes, were absolutely one hundred percent, Kayla. She was absolutely perfect in my eyes, and she was about to be my wife. She was about to become Kayla Raine, and I for one, couldn’t wait another second.

  I reached out to shake her granddad’s hand, just before he placed her hand in mine. “Thank you, sir.”

  “Take good care of our girls, son.”

  “Will do.” I pat him on the shoulder, and then turned to help Kayla the rest of the way to where the reverend was waiting for us.

  “Never in a million years did I think that I would find my true soul mate, but here you stand before me, ready to be my wife. You’ve changed me, Kayla. You helped me become the man that stands before you. The man that is worthy enough to be your husband, and to be called a father. You taught me that family is who you choose to be in your life, and I’ll forever choose you. You make me a better man just by being at my side, and by showing me what true love really is. Thank you for choosing me, today, tomorrow, and always.”

  “Kayla, it’s your turn to say your vows.”

  She glanced over at the reverend, and then back at me before clearin’ her throat.

  “Madison, I knew from the moment I saw you that you were special. I knew that you would bring something into my life that I had never experienced before, and boy was I right. You showed me that I am worthy of love, but more importantly that I deserve love. You were the brightness in an otherwise dark world, and I will forever be grateful that you’ve chosen me to spend the rest of your life with. I promise to spend the rest of forever showing you just how much you mean to me. I choose you, today, tomorrow, and always.”

  “Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to pronounce these two husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  I slid my arms tenderly around Kayla’s waist before dippin’ her backwards and layin’ one on her. Everyone began to clap, and I quickly pulled her back up, placin’ another kiss to her plump lips before graspin’ her hand in mine and turnin’ towards our loved ones.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mr. and Mrs. Madison Raine.”

  Kayla and I raised our arms together as the hootin’ and hollerin’ ensued. We made our way back down the aisle, past all the people we loved, and headed straight for the barn before anybody else could get there. “I know I have a lifetime with you, but I just need a few extra minutes alone with you before the madness begins.”

  “I’m not complaining one bit.”

  Our lips melded together as I took her voluptuous body in my hands. I wanted to take her right here and now, but I knew we didn’t have enough time, so I settled for what I could get in the next five minutes. My hands roamed all over her body, stoppin’ as my fingers grazed over her overly plump breasts. I made quick work of pushin’ one up and out of the top of her dress, pullin’ her hardened nipple into my mouth, suckin’ and biting hard enough to coax out a loud moan from her. With every flick of my tongue, my erection grew. I needed her more than I ever had, and nothing was going to stop me.

  “Follow me.” I clutched onto her hand and pulled her through the back door of the barn before anyone could see us. “Put your hands up against the wall.” She simply nodded and did as I asked.

  Her dress was loose enough towards the bottom that I was able to pull it up and over her ass. I slid two fingers in and out of her before replacin’ them with my rock hard erection. I pushed in and out of her at a dizzying pace as I rubbed her hardened clit. A few more pumps and her walls began to greedily suck me in, which in turn had me cuming harder than I’d ever came before. My head fell to her bare back as I tried to even out my ragged breathing. My lips fell to her shoulder, placing featherlike kisses along her shoulder blade, and then up her neck.

  When I heard voices coming from the other side of the door, I quickly moved her panties back into place, and pulled her dress down over her enticing ass. Before we headed back inside, I pulled her flush to my body, capturing her mouth one last time with mine. “I love you, Mrs. Raine.”

  “And I love the sound of that.” She pressed her lips against mine, “And I love you too, Mr. Raine.”

  “Shall we?”

  “We shall.”

  After we all finished eatin’ one of the best meals I’ve ever had, it was time for our first dance as husband and wife. I still couldn’t get over the fact that Kayla was my wife. This gorgeous woman standin’ in front of me, was all mine, and now we had the paper to prove it. It was an amazin’ feeling, and one I would forever be grateful for. I twirled her around before pullin’ her flush against me as our song began to play. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her, and lucky for me, she couldn’t tear hers away from me.

  “Best day of my life.” I whispered into her ear.

  “Same here.” She whispered back as she lay her head on my chest.

  As our song came to an end, I dipped her back one last time and kissed the shit outta her, causin’ everyone to start whistlin’ again. Kayla’s face turned about a hundred shades of red, and I couldn’t help but laugh at how easily she became embarrassed.

  “We’ll now have Kayla join her granddad on the dance floor for the father daughter dance.”

  Kayla glanced over at me, and then over at her father. I could tell that she was torn at how to go about this part without hurtin’ her father’s feelings, so I quickly ran up to the DJ and whispered into his ear.

  “Looks like we will have two father daughter dances tonight.”

  Kayla’s father’s eyes lit up with joy, and I winked in her direction as she mouthed a thank you to me. I simply nodded and took a seat at the table next to Cami, Glenn, Joey, and Diem.

  The rest of the night went by in a blur. It seemed to end as quickly as it began, and I for one, couldn’t wait to get home and kick off these boots and relax. We weren’t doin’ the conventional stayin’ the night alone with one another tonight, because Joey and Diem were only in town for the night. So we decided to have everyone over at our house for an adult sleepover.

  Kayla and I went in separate directions to say ou
r goodbyes, and then met back up to say goodnight to Mia, and Kayla’s father.

  “Thank you so much for having me, Kayla. It means a lot.”

  “Thank you for coming, Dad.” Kayla reached out for Mia, takin’ her in her arms as she turned back towards her father. “Dad, I’d like you to meet your granddaughter, Mia.”

  “Well, Miss Mia, it is a pleasure meeting you.”

  “Mia glanced back and forth between Kayla and myself, waiting for us to say it was ok to talk to him.

  “It’s ok sweet girl. This is your grandpa Cliff. This is Mommy’s Daddy.”

  “Hi grandpa.” She muttered before burying her face into Kayla’s neck.

  “I can’t wait to get to know her.” Cliff whispered as he kissed Kayla’s cheek. “I’ll see you all tomorrow.”

  “Have a good night, Dad.”

  “You guys too.”

  “Ok honey, Mommy and Daddy are going to go stay the night with your aunties and uncles. You be a good girl for Granddad and Gran, ok?”

  “Ok. Love you both.”

  “We love you too.” We both responded in unison.

  After everyone left, we slowly made our way back to the house. We all changed into our pajamas, and then cuddled up on the couch. It was the first day of the rest of our lives with the people we love the most, and I wouldn’t soon forget it.


  Four Months Later


  “I can’t believe Joey Green is in the Super Bowl. This is literally blowin’ my mind right now. Dude, your brother is in the Super Bowl.” Madison shouted across the house.

  “I know, man. This is insane.”

  “You know what’s insane, the two of you screaming at the top of your lungs about how you can’t believe he’s in the Super Bowl. Can you both just sit down, please?”

  “Fine.” Glenn and Madison both answered in unison as they sat down and began pouting.


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