Lunchtime Chronicles: Red Light Special

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Lunchtime Chronicles: Red Light Special Page 2

by Reana Malori

  He’d been with a lot of women in the past, but none of them did the things to his body and mind, like Mercy. She made him want to crawl inside her and never leave. To feed his dick inside her pretty pussy until fucking him was the only thought going through her mind. His mouth watered just thinking about sticking his tongue inside her wet pussy, slurping all her juices as her scent embedded itself inside his psyche. Licking his lips, he imagined her unique taste in his mouth, flowing over his taste buds. Everything inside him wanted to rip those yoga pants down her body and make all his dreams come true. But no, he couldn’t do that, because that shit wouldn’t be right at all. He knew he was edging on the absurd, but who gave a shit.

  “Oh fuck,” she moaned. “Damn, even the fantasy Bobby Cooke is a damn beast.” She shifted her body to move from the couch. “Fuck, that was good.”

  Without thinking, he responded. “I’ll say.”

  Her scream was expected. Bobby knew he should have made a noise, or something, to let Mercy know he was in the room. Too late for second chances or go-backs. This is where they were now, and they’d both have to deal with the outcome. In a flash, she jumped off the couch and stood with her hands fisted and her body primed to fuck him up. Bobby wasn’t a fool and stayed back, putting his arms up in surrender. He watched her eyes flow down to the bulge in his pants. He shrugged his shoulders in response. Nothing he could do about his dick fighting to escape his jeans.

  “Bobby?” she screeched.

  “Calm down, Mercy.” As soon as he said the words, he knew it was the wrong thing to say. Women hated that shit, which he knew very well. In for a penny, in for a pound.

  “Wait a minute. You must be shitting me. Bobby?” she repeated. Her brown cheeks flushed burgundy with what he could only assume was embarrassment. There was no need for that. She was doing what felt natural. He was all for that shit.

  “In the flesh,” he looked her up and down, taking in the relaxed attire. “I think a better question is, why are you here? How did you get here?” He could see her relax a bit, so he lowered his arms and took off his sweatshirt. As he pulled the material over his head, he felt his t-shirt ride up his torso. Catching Mercy’s gaze, he saw her eyes lingering on the view of his skin. “Like what you see?”

  Mercy jerked in surprise. “What? No!” She began pacing in front of him before she stopped suddenly, looking over at the couch, then her hands, then at Bobby. “Oh, fuck,” she groused just before walking quickly into the hallway bathroom. He could hear water running, along with grumbles and murmurs coming out of the small room. Leaning up against the back of the couch, he waited for her to return. Bobby smiled to himself as he realized what—or rather who—must have happened.


  Bobby watched Mercy walk back into the main room. He knew she was embarrassed, but he felt there was no need. Humans were sexual beings, there was no shame in masturbating. Especially when he was the star of the show. He watched her mouth open and close as she glanced over at him.

  She briefly closed her eyes before focusing on him again. “Wait. You haven’t answered my questions. Why are you here? How did you get in?”

  He stared into her eyes, the smile still hovering over his face. “Sweetheart, I got in with my key. After all, this is my cabin.”

  She stepped back, then looked around the space. He knew she was looking for something that would have told her this place belonged to him. She wouldn’t find anything. He never kept private pictures of him or his family in this cabin. He wasn’t here enough, and pictures were too private.

  “But... Kane... He told me...”

  Laughing a bit, he stood, taking a couple steps in her direction. “He offered the place to you for a vacation, right? To relax?” At her nod, he continued, “Yeah, that’s not surprising. Kane uses this place as much as I do. He didn’t know I’d be coming back this week. This visit for me is... unplanned. I, uh, needed somewhere to decompress. This is the best place for me to do that.”

  Standing in front of her, it took everything in his power to stop himself from reaching out to touch her.

  Mercy’s gaze fell, and her head dropped. Her chin was almost resting on her chest before she looked up at him again. “Fuck. Does that mean you want me to leave?”

  Shaking his head, Bobby placed a finger under her chin, lifting her face. “No, I don’t want you to leave. I want you to stay.” He was probably giving away too much by touching her this way, but he couldn’t hold off any longer. Giving her a searching glance, he leaned down to bring them eye-level. “On one condition.”

  Rolling her eyes, she placed her hands on those man-cradling hips. “And what is that?”

  Damn, his dick was still reaching out to her. He’d be lucky if she didn’t slap the shit out of him after his next words. “I want to see you do that again,” he said, tilting his head towards the couch. “Your hand rubbing your pussy as you call out my name. I want to see you slick and wet, your release flowing from your body as you squirm and writhe in front of me. But the next time you do it, I want you naked, on my bed, with my tongue drowning in your juices.” He smiled at the shocked look on her face. Good. He wasn’t taking back one damn word. “Do we have a deal?”

  Bobby knew he was an asshole. He also knew the things he said to women didn’t always go over well. He wasn’t addicted to sex, but he knew what the fuck he wanted from his women. And when it came to Mercy, he wanted it all. Removing his finger from her chin, he took a step back. “So, since you’re already here, you have food, right? I’m hungry as fuck. What’s for lunch?” Turning, he walked into the kitchen whistling a song he’d heard on the radio. This may just turn out to be a great week after all.



  TWO HOURS LATER AND Mercy was still shocked by the turn of events. Not only was this Bobby’s cabin, but the man himself turned up today, expecting to stay for the week. And what the hell was that whole thing about him watching her masturbate in his living room? Mortified didn’t begin to express how she felt about him catching her moaning his name with her fingers knuckle-deep, and her body writhing in ecstasy. Then again, he stuck around—watching her—for a reason. Maybe she wasn’t the only one having wet dreams and sleepless nights, dreaming of someone who didn’t belong to them.

  Welp, after today, she had no more room to call Joy a slut for Kane. Especially when Mercy was a damn hoe for Bobby’s fine ass. Looking over at him, she couldn’t help but appreciate his form. His arms flexed with thick muscles, and she almost giggled at the thought of how he could probably lift her easily, maneuvering her into positions she hadn’t even considered. When he’d taken off his sweatshirt earlier, displaying that trim waist and those washboard abs, she almost let out a whimper. Bobby was just too damn fine for his own good, and he knew it. All Mercy wanted was one night... okay, maybe two nights with him. It would be something to remember. Then again, she’d seen some of his dates when she’d attended events at their old law firm with Joy. She was no slouch in the looks area, but none of them looked like her.

  As they sat in the dining room eating lunch, she kept sneaking glances at him. Yes, she was a grown-ass woman, but she could still get embarrassed by uncomfortable ass events. And Bobby walking in as she pleasured herself with his name on her lips would rank right there at the top. Now they sat at the dining room table eating lunch as if nothing happened. Her life was like a comedy of errors. Wait until she called Joy and told her about this catastrophe.

  “You okay?” Bobby’s deep voice pulled her out of her musings.

  “Yes,” she said, before taking a sip of the white wine she’d brought with her. Mercy was saving it for a few days later to mark her one-week vacation milestone, but today seemed the perfect occasion to pop the top. If only she’d brought tequila, she’d be feeling a whole lot better right now.

  “Which room did you settle in?” He asked, leaning back in his chair.

  Motioning over her shoulder with one hand, “The one furthest in the back. It l
ooked like it was the largest. Has a beautiful view.”

  “It is, and it does.” Taking a sip of water, he wiped his mouth with a napkin and moved to take his plate into the kitchen.

  “I can do that,” she called out, standing from her chair. “You cooked. I clean. It’s only fair.”

  He gave her a side glance, and she squirmed under the intensity of his gaze. Something about those green eyes made her want to obey his every command. “Do you want to clean up, Mercy?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I do. Plus, I might leave afterward. I wouldn’t want to leave you with a dirty kitchen,” she quickly responded before picking up their plates and walking into the kitchen.

  Bobby stepped up behind her, crowding her body as she leaned against the sink. She could feel his thick cock pressed up against her ass. Since the yoga pants were thin, every inch of him felt as if it were pressed tight against her body. Moaning low in her throat, she tried to hold off the feelings of desire rushing through her body. Mercy had just spent the past three days getting turned on from the memory of his voice and that handsome, rugged face. Her body immediately responded to his body heat and the press of his large form against her smaller one.

  His large hands came to rest on her hips. His deep, sensual voice spoke into her ear. “Why would you leave? I asked you to stay. I want you to stay.”

  She gasped, turning her head to look at him. He stood at least a half-a-foot taller than her own five-feet seven-inches. If she were honest, their height difference was hot as fuck. She loved it when a man was big enough to make her feel dainty. Bobby’s height and size were perfectly proportioned, and no matter how much she tried to hold back the moan as he pressed in closer to her, it burst through her lips anyway. “Mmmmm, fuck. Um... I—I thought you were just talking shit.”

  He smirked. “Did you really, sweetheart? Or are you just running scared from this thing that’s been building between us? Do you know how long I’ve wanted you?”

  She shook her head in response but never took her eyes away from him.

  “Fuck, woman,” he smiled. “You have me looking at Kane and wondering how the hell he managed to pull Joy. I almost broke down and asked him for some advice. I’m all twisted inside from wanting you. For months I’ve watched you, waiting for the right moment. I’m a lot to deal with. I’m not some sweet talker who says all the right things.” Bobby leaned down, capturing her lips in a soft kiss.

  Her insides turned to liquid at his touch. She’d dreamt of a moment like this for so long, now that it was here, she froze. When he lifted away from her, she immediately wanted to pull him back down, make him finish what he started. Bobby continued speaking, but her mind was still on that kiss. Wait? What did he just say?

  “Walking in here today and finding you here feels like a goddamned gift delivered to my doorstep. Plus, now that I know you want me as much as I want you, that makes things a whole lot easier.”

  Her throat was dry. A glass of water would be so good right now. “Aren’t you moving a little too fast,” she whispered. Shut up, Mercy! Just close your lips and stop talking. If you fuck this up, you’ll regret it. Here’s your chance to throw that pussy on his ass so good, he’ll never want to leave. She almost laughed at the words flowing through her mind.

  “No, not at all. Don’t forget. I saw you, sweetheart, and I heard you. Your beautiful voice called out my name as you fucked your pussy with your hand. I’m the one you were thinking about as your slick juices flowed from your body. You can run if you want to, but I think you’d rather stay here. I think you want to know what it feels like to have my thick cock stuffed inside of you, making you scream in pleasure.”

  She moaned in response to his words as one of his hands tightened around her waist. Yes, I do. I do.

  Nipping her ear with his teeth, he continued. “Just like I’ve dreamt of you at night, you’ve wondered how it would feel to have my tongue wrapped around your clit. Even if you deny it to yourself, we both know the thought of my mouth sucking on that hardened nub as your body quivers in release is what you want. Would you moan for me, Mercy? Beg me to fuck you all night and never stop? Plead with me to keep on eating that tasty pussy of yours? Now tell me... do you really want to leave?”

  Nothing could stop her head from shaking side-to-side. “No. Fuck. I want to stay.”

  Using both hands, he turned her body around, lifting her in his arms. Settling her warm center right over his thick cock, he grabbed the firm globes of her ass. “I’m going to fuck you so good, you’re gonna forget your own name.”

  Dishes forgotten, Mercy wrapped her arms around Bobby’s shoulder, her brown eyes gazing into his green ones. How did they get here so quickly? Did it really matter? “You talk a good game, Mr. Cooke, but don’t let your mouth write a check, your dick can’t cash.”

  His booming laughter caught her off-guard. She’d never heard that sound come from him before now. She smiled in return as he walked them down the hallway to the room she’d claimed for herself.

  “It’s like you were waiting for me to arrive.”

  “Why do you say that?” Mercy leaned down to kiss the side of his neck.

  “Because you chose my bedroom. Did you dream about me while lying in my bed at night? Did your pussy weep with need as you pictured my dick plowing inside you? I bet your dreams were filled with all the nasty things you want me to do to you.”

  Not wanting to admit every word out of his mouth was true, she dipped her head, kissing him lightly as they made it to the side of the bed... his bed. “The question is, are you going to deliver?”

  “Sweetheart, you ain’t seen nothing yet. I do have to ask you a question, though. What are your hard limits?” He shifted her until she stood on her own two feet between him and the bed.

  Mercy pulled back, giving him a long look. “My hard limits?” This was new.

  He nodded. “Yes. What are the things you absolutely will not do? If any of these things happened, you’d get up and walk out, never to return.”

  There was no need to think too long. “Scat. Golden showers. Anything else... let’s just see how it plays out, but I’m willing to at least try.”

  “Good.” Stepping back from her, he sat down in a chair situated just a few feet from the bed. “Now get undressed.”

  Ready to balk at his command, Mercy looked at his face and knew this was her first test. She wasn’t no punk, or at least that’s what she told herself. She could totally do this. Lifting the thin t-shirt over her head, she did as he ordered. In a few moments, she was standing in front of him wearing only her birthday suit. Nothing but brown skin on display to the man licking his lips as one hand ran along the long, thick ridge in his pants. “What now?”

  A smile. “Make me want you. Show me you’re the only woman I should focus on from this point forward. Blow my fucking mind, baby.”

  Conjuring up every sensual dance move she’d ever seen on video, or in-person, Mercy proceeded to do just that. He wasn’t the only one with some tricks up their sleeve.



  AFTER FIVE MINUTES of watching Mercy writhe and wiggle those damn hips in his face, Bobby had enough. “Get over here, sweetheart.” Beautiful. Bobby thought she was so goddamned beautiful. He wanted to touch her in all the places that made her whimper and moan with need for him, then again, that was everywhere on her body. Her full lips begged to be kissed. Those bountiful breasts, plump with dark chocolate peaks, were for his mouth to lick and suck.

  She paused in place, her legs spread wide, her ass facing him, and her arms entwined over her head. Mercy looked over her shoulder, a small smile hovering on her lips. “Why? I’m not done yet.”

  “Yes the fuck you are. I can’t take another minute of you shaking that delicious body in my face and not take you.” Standing from the chair, he walked to her instead of waiting for Mercy to follow his orders. He began removing his clothes as he walked across the room to where she stood, naked and glistening from her efforts to perform
for him. “You want me to fuck you, baby?” he asked. “I want to be inside you so deep, you feel me in your throat.” Once he reached her, he pulled her closer to him, pressing one hand against her fat pussy. His mouth watered at the thought of getting his tongue down there. “Once I have you, I won’t stop wanting you.”

  His eyes drifted lower, taking in her body with his heated gaze. Bobby smiled at the soft, feminine curve of her stomach, his cock thickening even more as he gazed at her naked form standing in front of him.

  Lifting her in his arms, he quickly carried her to the large bed before lying down next to her. Propped up on one elbow, his eyes traveled even lower, toward the smooth softness of her sex. Liquid began to seep out from the tip of his hard member. He wanted all of her. Had dreamt of the day he’d be with her like this. Looking at her now, he licked his lips in anticipation. Her legs spread, and her bare sex slick with desire as she waited for him to slide inside, was almost his undoing. His mind was consumed with need, with only one phrase running through his mind.

  She’s mine now.

  “Don’t say things you don’t mean,” she whispered up at him.

  Fuck. Mercy had no idea what she did to him. “Are you wet for me, baby? Do you want me inside you?” At her nod, he leaned down, nipping her neck with his teeth. “Beg me. Use that pretty voice of yours to tell me just how much you want me inside you, fucking you, filling you up so good.” Lifting his head, he looked down into her beautiful brown eyes as his fingers hovered just on the outside of her pussy.

  “Yes,” she said on a whimper. “I want you inside of me. Need you so fucking bad right now.”

  Sliding his fingers inside, he couldn’t help the moan that escaped. “Oh, baby. Would you feel that? You’re ready for me, aren’t you?”


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