The Winner Is Love

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The Winner Is Love Page 8

by Stephanie Payne Hurt

  Chapter 8

  Stacy was the first to wake up. She was disoriented for just a moment. It was dark except for the fire that had almost burned out. She turned and saw Slade in the other corner of the couch. He stirred when she got up to put another log on the fire.

  He reached over to turn on the lamp beside him. He turned the knob several times, but nothing happened. “Uh Oh, we have a problem. The power is out I think. Try the lamp beside you.”

  Stacy turned and tried it, but nothing. “Great, now what do we do?”

  “I guess we are in for a cold and dark night.” He picked up his phone and he still didn’t have any signal. “And we can’t even call for help.”

  “That’s wonderful, so much for warming dinner. I guess we need to look for matches and candles.”

  They searched the kitchen and found candles and matches. They lit what they needed. Stacy took the dinners out of the fridge and set them beside the fireplace to get warm.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll be fine. Here, I found two flashlights.” He said handing her one.

  “It’s going to get cold tonight.” She looked worried.

  “When I was young and the power went out, we would make pallets in front of the fireplace. Come on, while dinner is warming we will go upstairs and get blankets and pillows. The couch makes a bed, so we can use the blankets to stay warm.”

  “Ok, that sounds like a plan.” They walked upstairs to round up their supplies. While they were upstairs they both got ready for bed so that they didn’t have to come back up. She had packed a flannel gown and warm bedroom shoes. He came out in flannel pajama bottoms and a robe.

  She looked at him and grinned. “I didn’t think about the power going out.” He said as he pulled his robe together.

  Stacy couldn’t help but notice his washboard abs and tan. She had to force her eyes back to his face. He noticed her staring at him and closed his robe.

  They walked downstairs and rolled out the bed. She noticed how narrow it was. This was going to be interesting. They put the sheets and blankets on the bed.

  “I think it will be warm enough.” He noticed the width of the bed too. He wondered how this would go tonight. He knew from what he could tell that she was a nice lady. He figured she wouldn’t attack him in the middle of the night. He walked over and put another log on the fire.

  “Well, I guess I’m going to try to go to sleep. Which side do you want?” They both looked back down at the pull out bed and laughed.

  “I’m not sure it has sides.” He grinned and scratched his head. “Why don’t you choose?”

  She walked over and sat down on the left side. “I guess this one is fine.”

  Slade sat down on the other side, not even sure if this bed was considered a full size. It wasn’t much bigger than a twin. They both swung their legs up on the bed, laughing as they bumped into one another.

  “This ought to be fun.” He rolled to his side, moving as close to the edge without falling off. He felt her settle into her side of the small bed. It felt funny sharing a bed with a woman he didn’t know. This wasn’t going as he’d expected it to.

  Stacy turned her back to him and closed her eyes. This wasn’t what was supposed to happen tonight. She figured they’d eat dinner, have polite conversation and then head up to their own bedrooms.

  He turned slightly and lifted his head. “Goodnight Stacy.”

  She grinned. “Goodnight Slade.” Then she had another thought. “You don’t snore do you?”

  He laughed. “No, do you?”

  “No, I was just checking since we’re sharing this small space.” She pulled the blanket up to her chin. It felt funny to share a bed with someone, especially a stranger. Well, she felt like she knew him. She’d followed his movies and read articles on him in magazines. This was strange and poetic in some ways. Randi would love this. She drifted off to sleep grinning at that thought.

  Slade had a harder time going to sleep. His thoughts were on the woman beside him and their situation. This was not how he usually ended a first date. Well, this really wasn’t a date was it? What could you call this?

  He got up a couple of hours later and put more wood on the fire. He propped his arm on the mantle and watched the fire. He’d had a great life. He lived the life that many only dreamed of. But he was lonely. Just the little time he’d been around Stacy had been great. She filled a room with easy laughter and charm. Slade had never met a woman like this. He turned to watch her sleeping. She looked like an angel lying there so still. She had a slight smile on her lips. He wondered what she was dreaming.

  He walked over to the window and looked out. He couldn’t see much other than the white glow. He could feel the cold around the window. The room was warm near the fire, but close to the windows the chill set in. He climbed back in the bed and turned facing Stacy. She had her back to him. He closed his eyes and settle in. Sleep finally claimed him.

  Stacy opened her eyes slowly. Her first thought was ‘where am I?’ Then she realized there was an arm around her. She was snuggled up against someone. Then it hit her. She was at the chalet with Slade. Somehow he had wound up with his arm around her. She didn’t move, enjoying the feel of his arms around her. She felt safe enclosed in his embrace, even if it was just from unconscious thought.

  He slowly came awake and realized he was holding her against him. He grinned and laid there a little longer not moving. She fit perfectly against his body, which was suddenly reacting to the fact that she was snuggled tightly against him. This would turn into something a lot more interesting if it was a different situation.

  Finally, her body told her she needed to move. The fact that she could feel his body reacting to their closeness helped make her decision to move. She slid out of his embrace and sat up. She couldn’t look at him, knowing she was blushing.

  He missed her as soon as she moved away. He hadn’t felt like this for a long time. He sat up and grabbed his robe to hide the obvious affect she had on him. He walked over and put a log on the fire. He turned to see her walking up the stairs. She went straight into the bathroom and shut the door. She was being really quiet this morning. Maybe it had the same effect on her.

  She stood in the bathroom staring at her reflection. Why had it affected her so much the closeness? Maybe it was the fact she hadn’t been that close to a man in a long time. Not since… No she wouldn’t think about that, not now. She turned and got her clothes on. She would have loved a shower, but that wasn’t happening without power.

  He walked up the stairs and went into his room. He put on a sweater and jeans. He could hear her in the bathroom moving around. She had turned his life upside down in less than 24 hours. He shook his head and went back downstairs to figure out breakfast.

  She joined him in the pantry. “Well, what do we have that doesn’t require cooking?” She scanned the filled shelves and nothing really stood out.

  He snapped his fingers and grinned. “I can use this iron skillet and cook on the fire in the fireplace. We used to do this when I was young. It was a real treat.” He started grabbing things from the shelves as she watched in disbelief.

  “I’ve got to see this. What can I do to help?” She still looked skeptical.

  He laughed. “I’ve got this if you’ll get the plates and cups. Do you like eggs and bacon?”

  “Yes. I can eat cereal if this is too much work.” She followed him into the den. He sat all the ingredients on the hearth. She saw eggs, bacon, cheese, bread and butter. Her stomach growled and she giggled.

  “I think from the sound of your stomach you need more than just cereal.” He put the pan in the fire and let the butter melt. She watched as he cracked the eggs in a bowl and whisked them into frothy foam. He then poured them in the sizzling butter. Soon the eggs were done and the bacon was frying away. The chalet smelt wonderfully homey.

  She went back to the kitchen and fixed chocolate milk and sliced oranges for them. When she turned back around he had buttered toast in the skillet. She
sat the table and he brought the food over.

  “I’ve got to say I’m surprised. You’ve outdone yourself and my stomach is grateful.” She handed him the chocolate milk.

  “Well, I was raised to know how to take care of myself. Just because I’m an actor and have a housekeeper doesn’t mean I forgot how to do things.” He grinned and took a big swallow of milk.

  She tried the eggs and smiled. “These are great. If you’re acting career goes south you can become a chef.” She dove back into her breakfast eating every bite.

  “Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.” He smiled watching her eat. The women he met in his line of work usually ate like a bird. He was glad to see a woman that liked to eat as much as he did.

  When they were finished with the food they put their dishes in the sink. She walked to the fire and put out her hands to warm them. He walked up beside her.

  “Why don’t we go outside and take a walk? Maybe we can get a cell signal.”

  “That sounds like fun.” She turned to go get her coat. “I wonder how far we are from any other houses.”

  “I’m not sure. From what I remember from the drive in yesterday, we’re pretty far off the main road and I don’t remember seeing any houses for a couple of miles.” He grabbed his coat and they walked outside.


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