War of the Damned Boxed Set

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War of the Damned Boxed Set Page 130

by Michael Todd

  The phone buzzed in Pandora’s ear. “Hold, please, while I look them over.”

  The first images were crime scene photos, then they changed to stills from the bar’s security cameras. She flipped through them, watching Juntto as he fought off dozens of skinheads. The low lighting and the quick movements made it hard to see a clear image, but the puddles of blood on the floor were unmistakable. So was the last image. In it, the man smiled as he took a shot of liquor.

  Pandora grunted. “Well, sonofabitch. Yeah, that’s no Damned. That’s Juntto, the Leviathan I told you about earlier. He’s shrunk to human size, but that’s him.”

  The general cleared his throat nervously. “Are you sure?”

  Pandora nodded. “Mmhmm. If I didn’t see it in the creepy smile or the way he moved, the silver streak in his hair is a dead giveaway. He has that no matter what he shifts into.”

  Pandora went silent for a moment, letting her mind wrap around the fact that Juntto was back. She had been told about it, but she hadn’t wanted to believe it was true. Now that she saw it with her own eyes, she couldn’t deny it.

  He was a badass from what she could remember.

  “General, we will go have a talk with Juntto. I cannot stress this enough, though. You need to try your best to avoid him until we get there. He’s a wildcard, and he gives no fucks. He will fight us, and to be honest, he’s not anyone I want to mess with right now.”

  The general rubbed his chin. “What kind of tactics are you saying to avoid?”

  “The kind that would piss off anyone. No strike teams, no scrambling fighters. Don’t even say his name in a snooty manner. Look, there’s nothing really more to say about him at this point. Just know that he’s not the dude to fuck with. I think Katie and I can take care of it if I play it right.”

  The general wanted to ask more questions, but it was obvious Pandora was done answering. “Okay. I understand. Let’s talk about logistics, then. Can we get you, Calvin, and the military team together to find him? I don’t want you and Katie going at this alone.”

  “Hey, the more, the merrier. Not like we just got back from hell or anything.”

  “I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.”

  “I’m just screwing with you. Our team will be ready. We need to find him, sit down with him, and figure out what he wants. If it’s something we can handle, then great—he should lay low for a while.”

  The general sat up straight in his chair. “Pandora, we do not negotiate or make deals with killers. I’m sure that after centuries on this planet, you know the United States does not negotiate with terrorists.”

  Pandora laughed. “Please. Don’t give me that crap. Besides, that’s like saying you’re upset with a lion because he eats raw meat. He isn’t from Earth, remember?”

  The general was defiant. “I don’t give a good goddamn what dimension or planet he’s from. A killer is a killer just the same. Do you think we’re going to give this guy what he wants and hope he doesn’t kill anymore? Yeah, right. One thing I’ve learned is that once a killer, always one. It doesn’t matter what you give them. I could see it in his eyes in the video. He is stone cold.”

  “That is definitely one thing you’ve got right. He is a stone-cold killer. Look, General, there are going to be more deaths. There’s no way around it. At this point, we have to play our cards right. The question now is whether it will be from our side or the demons’. I can promise you, he dislikes us both equally. A body is a body. He probably threw that woman over the side of the mountain because she annoyed him. That’s where his mind is.”

  It took the general by surprise when Pandora talked about their side versus the demons. She really was on the side of the humans, now, and she was in it to win it. She jumped in front of demons and protected humans, and never once had they seen her pause or question her actions. She had even taken the head off her own brother during the first major incursion.

  Finally, the general replied, “I got you, Pandora. We will follow your lead. You know this guy better than any of us, and you are part of the team.”

  The team watched out the window as the plane began its descent into Switzerland. It touched down on the runway hard and came to a slow rolling stop on the snow. Turner groaned as he reached into the compartment over his seat and pulled out his jacket. “I got bruises on my bruises.”

  The tattooed soldier wrapped a scarf tightly around his neck. “We go from hotter than life to colder than a witch’s titty. Wonderful.”

  Brock chuckled and slapped him on the back. “At least you know for sure you can survive it.”

  They grabbed their bags and stepped off the plane. Katie pulled her coat around her tightly and pulled her woolen cap over her ears. Suddenly, she longed for the coolness of the fall in New York. That was something she could live with. She wanted to run as far as she could from the bitter cold of Switzerland.

  Calvin hopped down from the plane wearing just a T-shirt. He looked around excitedly. “I always wanted to come to Switzerland.”

  Katie rolled her eyes as she walked past him. “Too bad we’re hunting a murderous Leviathan who may want to rip off your Röstis and flush them.”

  Calvin grimaced, putting his hand over his crotch. “That does not sound like a reasonable guy. Why do we always get stuck with the unreasonable guys?”

  Katie laughed and followed the team to a fleet of waiting cars.

  Juntto snored loudly. He had a pillow over his head to block out the light coming in around the edges of the window shade. His clothes, or the clothes of the hiker, were scattered on the floor. The hiker’s credit cards were laid out on the table. Two empty pizza boxes were stacked by the trash can, and three empty bottles of tequila were lined up next to them.

  Suddenly, Juntto sat straight up in the bed. There was a loud banging on his hotel room door, and it seemed to shake his brain. He rubbed his face and looked at the time. It was the middle of the day. “I fucking forgot about humans and their need for loud fucking noises!”

  Whoever it was banged on the door again, this time rattling the mirror on the wall. Juntto scooted to the edge of the bed and growled. There was someone on the other side yelling at him in a language he didn’t recognize. “What the fuck?”

  He wandered to the door in a fog, more confused than angry. “Who knew that drinking the bar dry gave you such a fucking headache?”

  He reached for the handle of the door and pulled it open. As he lifted his hand to his eyes to block the blinding light, a fist hit him so hard that he flew back into the room and slammed into the wall. The mirror wavered and teetered, but didn’t fall.

  Pandora strutted into the room. She was completely at ease in her body, and her eyes were a boiling red as she looked around. She spat at him in the demon tongue. “Nice to know your standards are still the same—low and disgusting.”

  Juntto lay on the floor, groaning. He raised a hand and felt blood oozing down his chin. Pandora walked over and kicked him in the side lightly. Juntto groaned and doubled over. “Heard you were back in town. Almost threw up when I heard, but whatever. Listen… Are you fucking listening?”

  Juntto fought through his hangover fog, wondering how things had gone so badly so quickly. He mumbled something and nodded angrily.

  Pandora smiled. “Good. I have a deal for you, one that gives you a chance to really cut loose. You interested?”

  Juntto stood on shaking legs and looked at himself in the mirror. “Fuck my frozen ass.” He raised his hands to either side of his nose and jerked it to the left. There was a sharp crack as his broken nose straightened. The blood trickling down his face was dark-green, and it stained the carpet wherever it landed. He popped his nose a little to the right. It was already starting to heal, so he had to work fast to make sure he put it back in the right place.

  When he was done, he took a deep breath through his nose just make sure it was in working order. He held up a finger, telling Pandora to give him a second, and stumbled to the bathroom. He grabb
ed a towel off the sink and wiped the blood from his face, then looked Pandora up and down with a grin she wanted to smack right off his lips.

  He could tell he was getting to her, but that was one of his favorite things to do. He chuckled and tossed the towel into the bathroom, standing there in all his glory, which didn’t faze Pandora in the least. “Ah, still mad about that last remark, Lilith? I’d have thought you would have gotten over that by now.”

  Pandora gritted her teeth. “No. You let it fester, asshole.”

  Katie wasn’t comfortable with how things were going, but she had to keep her faith in Pandora. Why exactly are you being so arrogant right now? Aren’t you the one who said not to do anything to piss him off?

  No. I told the military not to do anything to piss him off. Arrogance is the only language Juntto understands. I could really care less if it makes him mad.

  Katie looked at him through Pandora’s eyes. He looks like he enjoys it. Can you have him put pants on?

  Hush. I’m working here.

  Pandora picked up the ID on the dresser and looked it over. “So here’s the deal…uh, Peter Cavanaugh. Shitty name, by the way. If we kick your ass, you work for me. You kick our asses, well, we’ll probably try again.”

  Juntto chuckled. “That’s what I’ve always appreciated about you, Lilith. You were willing to tell the truth…almost.”

  He took the ID from her and walked out the door. He glanced around the corner and saw a rank of soldiers with guns staring at him.

  Calvin took one look at the naked man and shook his head. “Fuckin’ Pandora.”

  Juntto yawned at the guns and went back inside, crossing his arms over his chest. “We have, what, six infected humans and you?”

  Pandora shrugged, keeping her face neutral. “I’m infected too.”

  “I’m not even sure how that works.”

  “It’s a long fucking story, one you don’t need to worry about. It has nothing to do with you and never will.”

  Juntto smirked. “Man, you’re still that same bitter old bitch you always were.”

  Pandora growled, “I am not old.”

  Pandora? About those pants?

  Nope. I have him at a disadvantage.

  He doesn’t look disadvantaged.

  Juntto walked closer to Pandora until he was pressing himself against her leg. “What can I say, I’m a sucker for a good fight. I’m in. Where are we meeting?”

  Ew. Ew. Ew.

  It’s all part of the plan.

  Leviathan dick on my leg is part of the plan?

  It’s a very complicated plan.

  Pandora smiled and pulled out a piece of paper from her pocket. “Those are the coordinates, and there are directions, too, in case you’re too far behind to understand coordinates.”

  “You got jokes. It’s like foreplay.”

  Pandora bared her teeth. “Don’t ever put me and you and foreplay in the same sentence again. I can feel the bile rising in my stomach.”

  He grinned. “Okay, get out. I still need my beauty sleep. I’ll be there. I haven’t had a good fight in forever.”

  “I think there’s a fly on my leg. Clean your room. It’s disgusting.” Pandora spun away from him and left the room. She slammed the door behind her.

  Juntto smiled in the dark. “Literally…like forever.”

  He plopped down on the bed and stretched out. Juntto was amused by what had just happened. Surprised, and amused. He really hadn’t thought he would see Pandora. He certainly hadn’t expected to walk away from that meeting with his balls attached.

  He crossed his arms underneath his head and smiled. “Lucifer can suck it. That bitch will be mine.”

  The choppers flew low and fast as they made their way to the open field where Pandora would take Juntto on. It was a good place, away from the public and from prying eyes. And there was ample space for them to use really ferocious weapons. It was exactly the kind of place Pandora would have murdered him last time he had come to Earth.

  The choppers landed and dropped the crew off near new .50 caliber gun turrets and several crates of rifles and handguns. A generous assortment of weapons had been donated by the Swiss military for their use. They had made an agreement with the US and were happy to do whatever they could to get Juntto out of their hair.

  Pandora was already in control of Katie’s body, with Katie paying close attention in the background.

  She stood in front of her team. “All right, listen up. There are a lot of powerful weapons sitting here. They’re what we’ll need to injure this fool, but please make sure he doesn’t get his grubby hands on them. We’ll be completely fucked if he gets to the artillery, I promise.”

  Calvin cocked one of the guns. “Is he a good shot?”

  Pandora scoffed. “Uh, yeah. He could shoot a flea off a horse’s back from three hundred yards. And he’s a double-fister, and I mean that in a non-sexual manner.”

  The guys wrinkled their noses, and Pandora chuckled. She loved messing with them. “Now, know this. The special metal probably won’t wound him worse than normal bullets, but it doesn’t hurt to try. The goal here is to beat him and not get fucking killed. He’s extremely dangerous, and not a demon. He doesn’t come from hell, he doesn’t take stupid chances, and he doesn’t have a conscience. He doesn’t care if he could use you later, he will waste you where you stand and piss on your body.”

  Brock swallowed hard and gripped his gun tighter. “This guy sounds like he’s never gotten his ass kicked.

  Turner agreed. “He sounds like he needs his ass kicked.”

  Pandora smiled. “He doesn’t even feel pain the way you do. Don’t go toe to toe with him under any circumstances. Stay as far away as possible, okay?”

  The team agreed, then set to work sorting through the weapons and gearing up.

  Pandora snapped her fingers and waved to get their attention. “Almost forgot. One more thing. Don’t fucking shoot me, please. There’s nothing more embarrassing than friendly fire. If you aim for him and I’m in the way, you don’t take the shot. It’s simple. He is Billy Badass, and I’m going to have my hands full. So don’t shoot my perfect posterior, okay?” The guys chuckled, but Pandora’s face was serious. “I want everyone to walk away from this. Promise me, please, that if I die, you’ll turn tail and get the fuck out of here. Do not try to save Katie or me, or you’ll all end up dead. Now, get comfortable. He likes to make a late entrance.”

  Pandora sat in the snow, leaning her back against a .50 caliber turret. The guys were all sitting quietly, weapons ready, whispering to pass the time. It had been six hours since they’d arrived, and Juntto still hadn’t gotten there. Calvin shuffled to Pandora. “How long do we wait before we decide he isn’t going to show?”

  Pandora, without looking, stuck up her hand and pointed into the field. “Speak of the douchebag. He’s here now.”

  Calvin looked up to see Juntto, fully clothed this time, standing in the middle of the field. Pandora got up and stretched.

  Calvin sniffed. “Are you gonna go talk to him or something?

  “In a minute. I’ll make him wait. He hates waiting.” She stood still and stared up at the sun. In the distance, Juntto raised a hand and waved to make sure she saw him. “All right, boys, stay safe. See you on the flip side.”

  Pandora made her way to the open field and stopped a hundred yards away from Juntto. She didn’t trust him for a second.

  He pointed to Pandora’s crew. “What, no army?”

  Pandora grinned maliciously. “Why would I bring one? You aren’t that big a problem.”

  Juntto slapped his hand over his heart and feigned shock, stumbling back. “You wound me, Lilith. I see the puny men and their puny weapons. I can only assume it’s you and me. Will they try to sting me?”

  Pandora shrugged. “I guess so. Gotta give them something to do, right?”

  “Right. Let me guess—you’re planning on pouncing me and pulling me back to hell with you.”

  Pandora shook
her head, looking innocent. “Nope, although I have to admit, the thought crossed my mind. I figured I wouldn’t be doing myself any favors, though.”

  Juntto shook his finger at her. “You did that to Tiamat. I’ve been informed of your scare tactics. Poor Tiamat. You wounded her and then left her to Moloch. I mean, he fulfilled his promise, which was more than I would do, but he also sent her to her death. It was kind of fucked up.”

  Pandora circled around the frost giant, sizing him up. “All’s fair, my friend. Besides, you’re the one who works for those backstabbing weasels. You know they’ll eventually do it to you, too. Poor Juntto never has any friends who stick by him.”

  “They told me you’d become a real bitch.”

  Pandora dug her heels into the snow and feigned injury. “Oh, no, someone squealed on me! That’s so disappointing. Kind of makes me taking you down all the sweeter, though, don’t you think?”

  Juntto chuckled and crouched in the snow. “Only if you can do it.”

  They both jumped at the same time, clashing together brutally. They dropped to the ground in a whirlwind of punches and kicks, then separated and got to their feet. Pandora used her speed to knock his feet out from under him, but he was up faster than she could turn. He slammed his fist into her face and shoved a knee into her stomach. As she bent over in agony, he grabbed her by the back of the neck and flung her thirty feet.

  Now that they were separated, the team opened up. They fired on Juntto, trying hard not to hit Pandora. Calvin held a hand up as Pandora launched herself back at him. She was all over the place, and moving so fast they could barely see her. They weren’t getting as many shots off as they had hoped, but it was better than accidentally nailing their leader. The brawl moved from the field to a stand of trees.

  Juntto lunged forward and elbowed Pandora in the nose. As she stumbled back, he spun and grabbed a fallen branch. He took a step toward the team and lobbed it as hard as he could at one of the guys.

  They were spread out on the hill, so they were able to dodge the branch. But now Juntto knew he could reach them. Every time he got a good jab in on Pandora, he found something else to throw at the team. Calvin manned one of the .50s and let loose with a burst of gunfire.


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