The Devil's Bargain

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The Devil's Bargain Page 7

by Kira Sinclair

  Finn watched Genevieve’s jaw tighten and her eyes flash. “Instead of talking to me about it, you decided to take care of it yourself?”

  He shrugged, unwilling to apologize for doing what he thought he needed to. “After the end run I had to do just to get a few thousand dollars into your hands...let’s just say I didn’t expect you to be receptive to either my observations or my footing the bill to correct the deficiencies. Like I said the other night, I have copies of your financials. You have no secrets from me, Genevieve.”


  God, she hoped that wasn’t true.

  The last thing she needed was for Finn to know just how difficult it was to keep her hands to herself. Even pissed at him.

  Damn him.

  “Just because you might not like my answer doesn’t give you the right to do whatever the hell you want, Finn. That’s not how adult relationships work.”

  “Is that what this is, an adult relationship? Because if it is, I’d like to lodge a complaint. I’m not getting any of the adult perks.”

  How could the man make her body flush with heat at the same time she wanted to smack him across the face? “You know exactly what to say to get a rise out of me, don’t you?”

  “God, I hope so. Although I think you’ve gotten our anatomy confused again.”

  “You’re incorrigible, and I’m still pissed at you.”

  Finn shrugged. “You can be pissed all you want. I won’t apologize for protecting you and Noah.”

  Tipping her head back, Genevieve looked at the sky and prayed for patience. It didn’t really help.

  Pulling in a deep breath, she brought her focus back to Finn. “Were you going to tell me about the extra surveillance?”


  “Do I want to know when you thought that might be?”

  “Probably not.”

  Well, she’d never said the man was stupid. In fact, he was too damn brilliant for his own good. Or hers, for that matter.

  “But I need your permission to upgrade the system inside your studio, so sooner rather than later.”

  Letting out a frustrated sound, Genevieve gave up. Nothing she said would make a difference. Apparently, Finn could be stubborn as hell when he wanted to. Who knew?

  “I think the words you’re looking for are thank you.”

  “No, they really aren’t.” But weren’t they? Even with his high-handed, sly tactics, Finn had saved her a lot of headache. Scrunching her nose up in distaste, Genevieve reluctantly said, “Fine. Thank you.”

  “Was that so difficult?”

  Yes, it really was.

  “You’re welcome. While we’re discussing security, I should probably also let you know that I have a couple people analyzing the surveillance footage. While I’m certain they do the best they can, I don’t necessarily trust our police force to put a ton of effort into finding a burglar who didn’t actually steal anything.”

  Did she want to know who these people of his were? Apparently, she must have voiced the thought aloud because Finn actually answered.

  “There are only a few people I’d trust with those most important to me. Stone and Gray are at the top of that list.”

  “Stone and Gray?”

  “Anderson Stone and Gray Lockwood.”

  Of course she’d heard of both men. Anderson Stone had been in the media recently because of the controversy surrounding his own incarceration for manslaughter. And Gray Lockwood’s embezzlement conviction had been watercooler fodder a few years ago.

  “They’re both better men than I could ever aspire to be.”

  Genevieve was surprised at Finn’s confession, but found that hard to believe. It wasn’t a point worth arguing over, though.

  “They recently opened a security firm. They’re both rich enough to be picky about the clients they take on and the cases they investigate. Right now, you’re their only client.”

  “What do you mean I’m their only client?”

  “Well, aside from working to prove Gray’s innocence. I hired them to keep an eye on you and Noah.”

  Pushing up from the swing, Finn walked a few steps away. As Finn leaned his back against her porch railing, Genevieve couldn’t stop herself from noticing the wide expanse of his hands, or the strength and dexterity of his fingers as he wrapped them around the long plank of wood behind him.

  She remembered how he could make her feel with those fingers. The pleasure and excitement. With nothing more than a molten glance, Finn could make her feel desired, wanted. Sexy.

  When she was with Finn, she saw herself differently. Because he’d seen her differently.

  He’d convinced her that she deserved better than her grandfather’s constant disapproval and criticism. She was smart and talented, but Finn was the first person in her life to convince her that was true.

  To show her she was strong when she’d always thought herself weak.

  “Why would you do that?” she finally asked, unsure she really wanted to know the answer.

  “Because you and Noah matter to me. What will it take to make you believe me?”

  Air backed up in her lungs. She wanted to tear her gaze from his, find her equilibrium so she could feel in control again. But he wouldn’t let her go. His gaze was magnetic. Imploring. Tempting.

  “I know I hurt you, Genni. And I know it can’t take that pain away, but if it helps, I hurt myself, too.”

  “You’re just saying that because I’m the first woman who’s ever told you no. I’m the first one to resist.”

  Finn’s head tipped sideways. A flash of something crossed his face. It was so fast Genevieve didn’t have time to analyze or name it. But her belly certainly managed an interpretation as it gave a slow roll. She was in trouble.

  Before she could react, Finn was across the porch and in her personal space. Reaching down, he grasped her under the arms and lifted her up. His hard body pressed into her from shoulder to hip.

  Yep, big trouble.

  Her body melted, traitor that it was, sinking into his hold.

  Leaning close, Finn brought his lips to her ear and murmured, “Baby, don’t lie. We both know you wouldn’t be able to resist if I put my mind to seducing you.”

  Her mouth opened to protest, but her brain shut down the words before they could leave her lips. Because he was right.

  Even now, tiny tremors rolled through Genevieve’s body.

  Tipping her head back, she stared up at him. Torn by what she should do and what she wanted to do—which was grab him and kiss the hell out of him.

  She’d spent so much of her life afraid to do anything but what she’d been told. She never broke the rules or took any risk.

  Until Finn.

  He’d given her the confidence to be herself. And for that she’d always be grateful, no matter what else happened between them.

  But what good was that lesson if she chose to ignore it when she was scared?

  And everything about Finn DeLuca scared the hell out of her. Because nothing with him was simple or easy.

  Her grandfather had ordered her to leave Finn alone. But for the first time in her life, she’d disobeyed. And look how that had turned out.

  The weeks they’d shared had been a whirlwind of amazing. He’d made her feel special, powerful, beautiful. She’d taken a risk...and he’d betrayed her in the worst way.

  After everything she’d been through, Genevieve had wanted to find a nice, quiet life with her son. No drama. No demanding men or complicated, forbidden love affairs.

  She’d had that for the last couple years.

  And she’d been bored out of her mind. She’d tried to convince herself that she hadn’t needed or wanted the excitement Finn had shown her.

  Such a lie.

  Like a drug, she craved it. She craved him.

  He’d awa
kened something inside her. And she was tired of denying what she wanted in order to do the right thing.

  Who decided what was right, anyway?

  Cupping her palms around Finn’s jaw, she guided him down until their mouths touched.

  And then she had no idea what to do next.

  * * *

  Finn’s hands balled into fists at his hips. That was the only thing preventing him from snatching Genevieve up and hauling her hard against him.

  But, God, he wanted to. He wanted her. And the fact that she’d been the one to initiate the kiss...amazing. And sexy as hell.

  But a huge part of him wanted to see what she’d do next. How far would she take it?

  Her hands landed lightly on his chest. She barely touched him, just skimming the surface as her fingers slid up his body. His dick shouldn’t go half-hard from just that, but it did.

  Rocking forward, Genevieve brought her body closer. Chest to belly, he could feel all of her soft curves and wanted them naked against his skin. Tilting her head, she changed the kiss, opened to him. Licked her tongue across his lips, asking for more.

  He never wanted to deny her anything, least of all that.

  Finn let himself sink into the kiss, although he was careful not to move. Because the minute he did...he didn’t trust himself to keep control. He wanted her too much.

  Instead, he watched her eyes drift shut. Her sigh brushed against his open mouth. Gorgeous. She was like the most precious work of art, vibrant and alive. He could stare at her for hours and never get bored. Not something he could say about much else in his life.

  Most people bored the shit out of him. But never Genevieve, which didn’t make any sense.

  A tiny crease wrinkled the space right between her eyes. They fluttered open. She pulled back, breaking the physical connection between them. Her pale green eyes, huge and slightly unfocused, stared up at him as she asked, “What do you want from me?”

  Everything. The word blasted through his brain. But he was intelligent enough to prevent it from spilling from his lips.

  “Right now? I want you to kiss me again. I want to pick you up, carry you inside and make love to you until we’re both so exhausted we can’t see straight.”

  Her sharp intake of breath dragged over him. Her pupils dilated and her body swayed closer. Triumph thrilled through him. She was teetering on the edge.

  “But more than that, I want you to trust me.”

  And just as quickly as the dewy, distracted, sexy expression on her face had appeared, it vanished.

  Well, shit.

  Blowing out an annoyed breath, Genevieve swept a hand through her messy hair and took a step back. “Why couldn’t you just stop at the sex?”

  Her honest words surprised him, although they probably shouldn’t. But he’d match her frankness just the same. “Because there’s more between us. We have a son together and I want to be a part of his life.”

  “So you’ve said.”

  Finn chose to ignore the rueful tint to her words. “As much as I want you right now—and every time I’m within ten feet of you—I need more than amazing sex.”

  Palm against his chest, Genevieve put more space between them. She sank back into the waiting swing and pushed off with her feet. Every inch between them felt wrong, but the fact that she was still on the porch... For the first time since he’d watched the hurt and disappointment fill her face as the officer snapped handcuffs around his wrists, Finn wondered if there was a way back to what they’d had together.

  Genevieve watched him, her eyes sharp as they searched his face in a way that made his skin feel too tight for his body. Slowly shaking her head, Genevieve finally said, “The problem is, I never know when you’re giving me a line and when you’re telling me the truth.”

  “I always tell you the truth, and I always will.”

  “Sure, just like you told me you were watching me.”

  Crossing his arms over his chest, Finn gave her a disappointed look. “Genni, you didn’t ask me.”

  “Because it never occurred to me I needed to.”

  “Then you weren’t paying attention and don’t really know me.”

  Her lips twisting into a rueful grimace, she mumbled, “That’s what I’ve been saying.”

  “Then let’s fix that. Spend time with me and I’ll tell you anything you want to know.” Or, at least, the pieces he wanted her to know. His life contained plenty of shit he didn’t want touching her. Things he’d never let taint her or his son.

  He’d have to be careful, because he truly meant what he’d said. Finn never wanted to lie to Genevieve, but he understood the valuable use of creative omission. Ultimately, the more time they spent together, the more opportunities he had to win her trust. To prove she could let him into her and Noah’s life without fearing he would betray her again.

  “Have dinner with me tonight.”

  Her mouth opened and Finn could see the protest sitting there, right on her lips. But she didn’t give it to him. Instead, she waited for several seconds before finally nodding her head. “Okay.”

  Moving fast, before she changed her mind, Finn pushed away from the railing and started back inside. “Perfect. I’ll send a car for you at seven. In the meantime, Stone or Gray will probably be contacting you about upgrading the security system here at the house and at the studio.”

  Moving through the kitchen, Finn dropped his mug on the counter and scooped his keys off the hook where Genevieve had obviously left them last night.

  Following quickly behind him, she grasped his arm and pulled him around to face her. “Wait. What?”

  “Now that I have full access to your security system, I want to upgrade everything. Your equipment is seriously out of date. You’re vulnerable.”

  Shaking her head, Genevieve said, “I didn’t say you could have full access to anything.”

  Finn gave her a half grin. “Ah, but you didn’t say I couldn’t. Be smart, Genevieve. I’m the perfect person to spot the vulnerabilities and help correct them. Let me do this.”

  He could see the gears turning inside Genevieve’s head as she considered. No doubt she was trying to figure out what he might have to gain. It sucked that he’d put doubt into her head. But it was impossible to change the past.

  All he could do was work on what came next.

  * * *

  What is his angle?

  Genevieve studied Finn, her brain whirling as she tried to come up with something...but there was nothing.

  They both knew if he’d wanted to rob her blind he’d had plenty of opportunity. So it wasn’t money or the jewels in her safe. It definitely wasn’t access to her grandfather’s inventory since she no longer had that. He’d already won visitation with Noah and she’d been more than accommodating on that front.

  She couldn’t figure out how updating her surveillance system could benefit him.

  Oh, she had no doubt Finn had a motive. He didn’t do anything without a hidden agenda. She just hadn’t figured it out yet.

  Which scared her.

  But she also couldn’t argue with his logic. He was no doubt the best person to pinpoint her security weaknesses and suggest how to mitigate them. Hell, he’d probably logged at least a half dozen ways he could rob her blind after five seconds inside her studio.

  She might not have known much about Finn DeLuca when he’d first come into her life. But afterward...she’d made it a point to learn as much as she could about her son’s father. Her curiosity had nothing to do with the fact that she’d felt lost, vulnerable and idiotic after he’d used her. Nope, not at all.

  But the information she’d uncovered—admittedly, with Nick’s help—had been eye-opening. Stealing the Star of Reilly might have been the first time Finn had gotten caught, but he had quite the reputation within certain circles. Rumors and innuendo followed him right along with
the trail of broken hearts he liked to leave behind.

  He’d been on the radar of several law enforcement agencies, insurance companies and crime families. However, the DeLuca name, seamlessly limitless purse strings, charm and devil-may-care attitude seemed to protect him from actual prosecution.

  And the man didn’t give a rip about rumor or innuendo. He didn’t give a shit what anyone else thought of him.

  Which was one of the qualities that had intrigued her about him in the first place.

  And it still did.

  He was so different from her in that respect. She envied him that quality, even as she realized he often took it too far to the other extreme.

  However, watching him now, she had to wonder if going to prison had really and truly changed him.

  The Finn she’d known before wouldn’t have hesitated to take advantage of what she’d offered him. It hadn’t escaped her notice that he’d obviously been interested. The hard length of his erection had been pressed tight against her belly.

  Not to mention, he’d single-handedly saved her collection last night. She’d invested everything she had into these pieces and this show.

  Crap. “Fine. Have your friends contact Nick.”

  Finn’s jaw tightened. “No, I want them working with you directly. I don’t trust Nick.”

  “Why? I’ve known him for years. Certainly longer than you. He worked with me at Reilly. He quit his job and followed me when I left. He’s been a good friend. One of a handful of people I know I can count on.”

  “Are you really that blind?”

  What the heck was he talking about? “What?”

  “He’s in love with you.”

  Genevieve scoffed. “No, he isn’t. He’s like my brother.”

  “You might see him that way, but trust me, that man wants in your pants.”

  Nope. “You’re wrong. He’s never made a single move.”

  “Which just means he’s not certain of his reception.” Closing the distance between them, Finn cupped her jaw, angling her face up to his. “Trust me, I know people. That man fancies himself in love with you. He relishes his role of protector and he isn’t going to appreciate you getting advice or assistance from someone else. Especially if that someone is me. Nick will stonewall my people.”


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