The Devil's Bargain

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The Devil's Bargain Page 9

by Kira Sinclair

  “One piece or several?”

  “The smart move is a necklace, earrings and bracelet.”

  “Sure.” That made sense. She had enough stones of varying sizes to make a set. But it was expected and safe. Two words the world might use to describe Genevieve...but that was only because they didn’t really know her.

  Not like he did.

  In many ways, Genevieve was just like the gems she worked with. Polished and perfect on the outside. But on the inside...only the best gemstones held fire.

  “Why do you need to make the safe choice?”

  “Because I have a business and brand to build. I have a son to support. I need to make smart choices.”

  Hearing her say those words made him cringe. Genevieve had spent a lifetime making smart choices. But that was such a bland existence. He better than anyone understood that living a perfect life didn’t necessarily mean safety, happiness and longevity.

  Sawyer had been the angel to Finn’s devil. And look at what had happened to him...

  “In this case, I think playing it safe is working against you. These stones scream for something outrageous and amazing. They need to be the jewels in someone’s crown.”

  “I’m designing for the commercial market. Yes, these pieces are custom, but each piece will inspire pieces that can be sold and marketed in each of the Mitchell Brothers’ stores. Not many women need a crown.”

  “I’m perfectly aware of how your arrangement is supposed to work.” And not just simply because he’d gotten his hands on a copy of her contract with the brothers and had his own legal team review it. “But you already have several pieces that accomplish that goal. What you don’t have is a centerpiece you can use to make a media splash at the premiere.”

  In the right design, Finn had no doubt these stones would make everyone salivate. They were unexpected, but so gorgeously seductive.

  “I have so much money tied up in the stones. I need the piece to sell, not just cause a scene.”

  “How about this, I promise if no one else shows interest, then I’ll buy it.”

  This time when Genevieve frowned, it was directed straight at him. He felt the impact of her irritation, but let it roll right off him.

  “You promised you wouldn’t buy any more of my pieces just for the sake of getting me money.”

  Shifting closer, Finn let his fingertips slip down the line of her jaw. Her skin was so soft and smooth. A warm contrast to the cool gem he’d held just moments ago. Using the pressure of his finger, he tipped her chin up.

  Her eyes dilated and her pink lips parted. She unconsciously leaned closer, begging him to kiss her.

  Instead, he maneuvered so he could stare straight into her pale green eyes. “When will you understand I don’t do anything I don’t want to? I want to take care of you and Noah.”

  “We don’t need to be taken care of.”

  “I’m aware. Doesn’t prevent me from wanting to do it. I also want these stones. They’re gorgeous. I happen to have faith that the design you come up with will be amazing. If nothing else, purchasing them will be a wonderful investment.”

  “You have more faith in me than I do right now.”


  What was it about the man that cut straight through all of her defenses?

  His fingers slipped across her skin, sending a wave of goose bumps down her arms. Genevieve stared up at him, utterly drowning in his deep brown eyes.

  “Genevieve, I have no doubt you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. But if you need my faith in you right now until you can find your’re welcome to it.”

  Hell. The words coming out of his mouth were a line. But the expression in his eyes was pure sincerity. Her brain told her not to fall for it. The rest of her wanted to dive headfirst into him.

  “If you weren’t thinking about commerciality, what would you do?”

  Genevieve stared at the stones, thoughts and ideas flying through her brain. As soon as one popped up, though, she automatically dismissed it without giving it voice.

  “No, don’t censor. Tell me.”

  “I could do a larger necklace with intricate filigree. Use smaller diamonds to accent. Platinum and white gold for the settings. The metals would contrast the deep, rich colors in the stones.”

  “Yes, they would. Draw it up.”

  Genevieve shook her head. “No one needs a necklace like that. When I designed those kind of statement pieces at Reilly they were always commissioned. The cost of the materials is just too much without a buyer. Especially right now.”

  “You have a buyer. Draw it up.”

  What was she going to do with him? He was offering her the opportunity to do exactly what she wanted. If she was honest, the design had been in the back of her mind from the moment she first saw the stones. The reason no other design had worked was because they weren’t that one.

  She shouldn’t want anything from Finn DeLuca. So why did she want to let him give her everything?

  Making up her mind, Genevieve turned to him. “Fine. I’ll draw it up tonight, show you tomorrow for approval.”

  “You don’t need my approval for anything, Genni.”

  Yes, she did. She was going to treat this like any other commissioned piece. Because if she didn’t, what she was about to do would make her feel...edgy and restless. “Maybe not, but since you’re the buyer, you get approval.”


  That settled, she shifted closer. Going up on her tiptoes, Genevieve wrapped her hands around his face and tugged. His body bent as hers lifted, coming together with a whoosh of breath and an overwhelming feeling of right.

  Her mouth found his, angling to give them both access. The kiss started out soft and hesitant. Because Genevieve was in charge and she wasn’t entirely certain of her reception.

  Sure, Finn had kissed her the other day, but since then...he’d made no move to touch her again. His lack of interest had been frustrating, not to mention a little soul crushing. Part of her was waiting for him to pull back, set her away from him and gently tell her he wasn’t interested in blurring the lines.

  But she shouldn’t have worried.

  Sliding her hands down his body, over the tight expanse of chest, to rest on his hips, Genevieve relished the feel of him. She wanted more. Memories of their time together flashed across her mind. Hot, sweaty nights. The way he’d made her feel powerful, beautiful, alive. The expression on his face as his gaze raked across her naked he couldn’t breathe without her.

  She wanted that again. Was greedy for it.

  No one in her life had ever made her feel the way Finn DeLuca could. Maybe it was stupid, but she was going to grab that while she had the opportunity. For however long it lasted.

  There’d be time enough to deal with the complications that came with her decision later. Right now, she just wanted him. Wanted them.

  Gripping the hem of his shirt, Genevieve tugged it out of the waistband of his slacks so she could find his naked skin. A tortured hiss slipped from his parted lips when her hands found their target.

  She relished the way his fingers flexed where they gripped her own hips. Involuntary reaction. Genevieve liked knowing she wasn’t the only one a little out of control.

  What she wasn’t prepared for was for Finn to use the hold to lift her up into the air. She let out a yelp of surprise, scrambling for something to hold on to. Her hands landed on his shoulders, gripping tight. After a few seconds of air time Finn settled her onto the worktable.

  Nudging her thighs wide with a knee, he stepped up against the table and settled into the open V. His hands tangled into the hair at her nape, using his hold to tilt her head for another kiss.

  She didn’t have a chance to take a breath before he was devouring her. Silently demanding she open to him and give him whatever he wanted. A thrill raced al
ong Genevieve’s skin.

  God, he made her feel alive.

  Reaching behind him, Finn gathered a handful of shirt into his fist and pulled it up over his head. Standing half-naked before her, she couldn’t resist laying her hands on him.

  The wide expanse of his chest and shoulders tapered down at his hips. The man had always been built, but clearly he’d put his time in prison to good use. He now sported layers of muscle that definitely hadn’t been there before.

  Running her hands over him, Genevieve let her fingertips explore the dips and valleys. Flicking a fingernail over the tight peak of his nipple, she relished the hiss he let out. Her gaze followed the trail of her fingers, studying, cataloging, exploring.

  Leaning forward, she placed her mouth on his skin and let her lips join the fun. His skin was warm, the taste of him a combination of salt and spice that made her tongue tingle.

  “God, you taste good,” she murmured.

  His grip on her tightened. Thumbs beneath her chin, he tipped her gaze up to meet his again. His body was still, but with her hands on him, she could feel the tension snapping through him.

  Calculated exactly how much he was holding back.

  “Now’s the time to say stop.”

  No. The single word screamed through her brain. “Don’t stop.”

  “No regrets.”

  It wasn’t a question. He was telling her that whatever happened from here was her choice. At this moment the power was all hers.

  Genevieve shook her head. “No.”

  Apparently, that was all the answer he needed. Reaching into the collar of her blouse, Finn pulled it in two. Buttons popped, pinging against the wall, table and floor. He didn’t even bother to apologize for ruining it before he was pushing it over her shoulders and away. The soft fabric fluttered into a puddle on the table.

  But Genevieve didn’t have time to care. Reaching behind her, Finn popped the clasp of her bra, sliding it down her arms and tossing it behind them.

  Cool air ghosted across her naked skin. Her nipples tingled and tightened, and not just from the change in temperature. The heat in Finn’s gaze scraped across her exposed body, sending a rush of awareness down her spine.

  His features sharpened with need. A need that reverberated through her own body.

  Her fingers shook as she scrambled to find the opening to the fly of his slacks. With impatient fingers, Finn brushed her away and finished the job himself. The buckle of his belt clanged as it hit the floor. Genevieve watched him toe off his shoes and kick everything out of the way.

  The hard length of his desire jutted out from his hips. Long, swollen and a dark, tempting red at the tip. Genevieve wanted to lean forward and suck him deep, but when she shifted to do just that, he stopped her.

  Instead, he found the zipper to her own jeans. Leaning her back and supporting her with an arm at her back, Finn pulled her pants down and off, leaving her naked. Exposed.


  Using her prone position to his advantage, Finn used a palm to the middle of her back to hold her in place. His mouth found her, starting at the curve where her neck met her shoulder. Following the line of tendon, he nipped and sucked.

  Genevieve’s eyes closed at the pleasure.

  But he didn’t stop there. His lips trailed fire over her shoulder and collarbone. Circling and teasing down in a pattern that came close, but didn’t quite touch where she wanted him most.

  She fought the urge to squirm, but ultimately lost the battle. Panting and shifting, trying to move her body so he couldn’t avoid her tight, achy nipples anymore.

  An involuntary cry shot out when he finally gave her what she wanted. His lips closed around a tight bud, drawing it deep. His cheeks hollowed out as he sucked, using the edge of his teeth to scrape the sensitive flesh.

  Transferring his attention to the other, he let his teeth close around the pouting pink nub. Gently, he tugged, applying the perfect pressure to have her head dropping back, enjoying the amazing sensations he stirred inside her.

  But he didn’t stop there. His mouth continued the trail down her body. A palm to the center of her chest, Finn urged her down. The black velvet felt soft, rich, decadent against her overly sensitized skin.

  Using the flat of his tongue, he licked up the crease where her hip and thigh met. The unexpected sensation had her hips bucking off the table.

  Dropping to his knees, Finn placed a hand on either knee and pushed gently until she opened wider. It wasn’t the first time he’d had a front-row view to her sex. But it had been long enough that a moment of unease shot through her.

  She’d given birth since the last time they’d had sex. Her body had changed in ways she hadn’t even thought about until right now.

  “Relax,” Finn murmured, the single word brushing against her heated skin.

  Easy for him to say.

  But two breaths later her own self-consciousness melted away. Because his mouth found her.

  The sharp tip of his tongue swiped across her sex. He found her clit and, using the flat of his tongue, laved it over and over again.

  Sparks shot through her body, repeatedly popping. Every muscle drew tight, straining closer and closer to the relief only he could give her.

  Using his thumbs, Finn spread the lips of her sex wide, giving him better access to torture her. Genevieve bucked and whimpered. Finn growled, the rumble of sound vibrating through her in a way that left her gasping.

  “Give it to me, Genni. Let me watch you come.”

  Her body had always been eager to do anything he asked.

  The tight rope of tension snapped. Her body spasmed. Pleasure washed over her, a wave that quickly pulled her under. Genevieve knew nothing except the feel of Finn’s hands and mouth as he pushed her to ride out the orgasm, followed her down, chasing for more.

  Reality returned slowly, in bits and pieces. Except that the world was still dark. It took her several seconds to realize her eyes were closed.

  When they popped open it was to find Finn looming over her. Watching her. A satisfied grin curled the corners of his lips.

  But his dark eyes... God, they made her sex clench again, another tremor rocking through her.

  “Why do you look like the cat that ate the canary when I’m the one who just had a mind-blowing orgasm?”

  “Mind-blowing, huh?”

  Genevieve smacked his shoulder. “Don’t be an ass. You know damn well you just rocked my world.”

  “Yeah, but a guy likes to hear the words, anyway. And just so we’re clear, I’m not done with you yet.”

  Heat and need swirled through his expression, sending a thrill down her spine.

  She wanted that. All of it. How could she crave more with the power of what he’d just given her?

  * * *

  Finn couldn’t take his eyes off her. Genevieve was gorgeous. Flushed. Disheveled, and he liked knowing he was the reason she looked that way.

  He couldn’t help but compare the girl she’d been to the woman she was now. Three years could make such a difference. The first time he’d made love to her, she’d been shy and uncertain. Now, she was confident and unapologetic. Spread before him across her worktable, she didn’t even attempt to cover her nakedness.

  In fact, he watched her stretch, her back arching up and her breasts thrusting closer to his face. “You’re not done with me yet, hmm?”

  “Tease,” he growled.

  “I’m pretty sure you can only use that word if there’s no follow-through.”

  She wanted to play games, did she? Games he enjoyed.

  Backing up, he decided to see just where she planned on going with this. His little temptress.

  “Feel free to show me your follow-through, sweetheart.”

  The view didn’t suck, either, as he took several steps away. The black velvet beneath Genevieve’s
body made the alabaster of her skin glow. Yellow-gold light streamed down from above, highlighting the luscious curves of her body. Her red-gold hair shone like fire.

  A knowing smile pulled at the corners of her mouth as she watched him back away. Her eyelids lowered, giving him a sleepy, sexy expression that immediately went to his dick.

  The tempting pink tip of Genevieve’s tongue slowly licked across her bottom lip. Excruciatingly slowly, she spread her thighs wide, inch by inch, revealing what he’d been dreaming about for the last three years.

  His memories didn’t do her justice.

  Genevieve’s sex glistened with the evidence of her orgasm. She was slick and swollen. And he wanted to sink into her. To feel the tight walls of her grasping at him, pulling him deeper.

  Bracing on one arm, she let her hand drift across her body. Her teasing fingers plucked at the tight pink bud of her nipple before trailing down her belly, over her hips and back up the inside of her thighs.

  She was teasing them both.

  Her head dropped back, but she didn’t break eye contact with him. She wanted him to watch.

  Stroking the lips of her sex, she let out a tiny gasp when she found the sensitive nub of nerves. Her hips jerked as she rolled her thumb over and over that perfect spot.

  Finn wasn’t certain at what point he’d gripped his aching cock, but the sensation of his own palm rubbing up and down the hard length was both excruciating and heaven.

  Because it wasn’t enough.

  And he wasn’t about to go off in his own hand when he had Genevieve spread like a gift in front of him.

  A strangled sob caught in her throat as she plunged two fingers deep inside her own sex. Her eyes slid shut. That broken connection was enough to have him moving.

  In two strides, he was back between her spread thighs. His hands were probably rough as he grasped her hand, flinging it away from her body. She didn’t seem to care. And he was fresh out of finesse.

  Genevieve reached for him, her fingers digging into his hips as she urged him closer.

  “Please, Finn,” she whimpered.


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