Rock Me

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Rock Me Page 17

by Raven K. Asher

  Marshal groans softly while tightening his arms around me.

  His warm breath fans over my bare skin as I smile happily.

  After the show, we hadn’t been apart for even a moment. We had taken things slowly at first, but it hadn’t lasted for long.

  Two days to be exact.

  When we had taken that next step in our relationship, I had been overwhelmed. Until then, I never thought that I could love someone so much in my life. My heart felt as if it would burst at any moment.

  “Hello, are you still alive in there?” Russell questions while knocking on the door.

  “Just come in and get a shower, Russell,” Marshal replies with a sigh.

  Russell doesn’t hesitate to open the door and walk inside the room. He grins mischievously while looking down at us in bed.

  “So…?” Russell sings as he turns his full attention towards me.

  Closing my eyes, I shake my head. “I’m not even going there, Russ.”

  “Awe, come on, Sweetheart…” Russell begs.

  Reopening my eyes, I snort while pointing at him. “No.”

  “What does he want to know?” Marshal questions curiously.

  Holding the blankets against my chest, I sit up along with Marshal. After a moment, I pinch the bridge of my nose while laughing lightly.

  “He wants to know if sex was better with you or him.” I finally answer.

  “Seriously, Russell…?” Marshal snorts.

  “I need to know if I’m performing well enough for the ladies,” Russell replies before continuing. “And anyway, she shared her experience with Shiloh with me.”

  “You did?” Marshal asks as he looks at me.

  “I did,” I reply.

  “And…?” Marshal presses.

  “Oh my god, you two are terrible.” I laugh.

  Suddenly Micah joins us.

  He glances around the room, curiously, before raising his brow in question. “So, what’s going on? Are we having a foursome or what…?”

  Laughing loudly, I point towards the door. “Out…”

  Micah pouts dramatically in response.

  “We’re trying to get Chloe to tell us who was better in bed.” Russell then states, which causes Micah’s eyes to light up with excitement.

  “If I tell you guys, will you leave?” I ask.

  They nod, even Marshal.

  Shaking my head, I look at him. “I don’t want you to leave.”

  “Does that mean that I was the best you’ve ever had?” Marshal replies with a cocky smirk.

  “Well…” I breathe out.

  He gasps dramatically.

  “You’re the best,” I state before kissing him.

  “Damn right, I am,” Marshal replies before suddenly pushing me back on the bed and then climbing over me.

  “…And that’s our cue to leave…” Russell sighs.

  “…Or is it an invitation to join in?” Micah replies.

  Marshal pulls back before looking at Russell and Micah. “Leave…”

  I laugh as Micah pouts one more time before Russell is forced to push him out of the room.

  Once the door closes behind them, Marshal kisses me before brushing his body against mine. He smiles against my lips before connecting our bodies.

  Leaning back slightly, he gazes into my eyes. “I love you, Chloe.”

  “I love you too, Marshal,” I reply wholeheartedly.

  “Am I really better than Shiloh and Russell?” He then asks seriously.

  He was obviously having confidence issues, but he had nothing to worry about. Marshal was the perfect mix. He was just as wild as Shiloh had been when I needed him to be and just as sweet and loving as Russell had been.

  Marshal was everything I had ever wanted and more.

  Even now, he still made my heart flutter with excitement.

  “You are so much better than either of them could have ever been,” I answer.

  “Good answer.” He laughs.

  Placing my hands on either side of his face, I stare into his eyes. “I mean it, Marshal. Neither of them can compare to you. You’re the only one who has ever made my heart flutter this way. You’re the only one that I just get excited to speak to.”

  Pausing for a moment, I smile while rubbing my thumb over his lip ring. “This, though, this makes me weak in the knees.”

  Marshal snorts. “God, you’re perfect.”

  “So are you.” I insist before pulling his lips down to mine.


  Lying in bed with Marshal, I lightly stroke my fingers through his hair as he sleeps peacefully with his head on my chest.

  Someone lightly knocks on the door before it opens slightly.

  Russell pokes his head in before looking at me in question. “Is it alright if I use the shower now?”

  I nod and wave for him to come in.

  He walks into the room and then pauses while looking at Marshal and me.

  “Are you finally happy?” Russell questions while focusing his attention on me.

  “I am,” I answer easily.

  “Good.” He replies.

  “What are you going to do now?” I ask curiously.

  Russell shrugs. “I guess I’ll look for that special someone. Whoever she is, she’s going to have some big boots to fill, though.”

  “I’m sure you’ll find someone special,” I reply with a smile.

  He grins. “I’m sure that I will.”

  “Anyway, Mickie wanted me to tell you that he needs you two to be up and ready for an interview,” Russell announces. “Everyone wants to know all about your new relationship.”

  “Of course, they do…” Marshal suddenly groans.

  I chuckle as he then turns his head to look at Russell. After a moment, I resume stroking my fingers through his hair.

  “How long do we have before Mickie is breaking down doors?” Marshal questions.

  “You have maybe an hour.” Russell answers. “But before you two decide to use that hour to ravage each other, I’m getting into the shower. I can’t put it off any longer.”

  “Go, but don’t use all of the water. Chloe and I are going to need a shower too before the interview.” Marshal replies.

  Russell nods. “Will do…”

  Without another word, he moves into the bathroom while Marshal turns his head to look at me.

  “So, another interview…” He breathes out.

  I nod. “Everyone loves us being together. I have gotten a ton of messages saying how happy everyone is for us.”

  “I have too, along with a bunch of ‘it’s about time’ messages.” Marshal laughs.

  “Well, it is about time.” I tease.

  He snorts in response before pushing up to hover over me. “It is about time, isn’t it?”

  With that, he leas down to press his lips against mine.

  After a few moments, he pulls back. “I love you, Chloe.”

  I smile and then reach up to touch his lip ring with my thumb. “I love you too, Marshal.

  Chapter 28

  Six Months Later

  “Chloe, we’re going to be on in twenty. You might want to hurry.” Russell stresses as he pokes his head into my dressing room.

  I sigh while staring at the rack of clothes in front of me. “I don’t know what to wear.”

  He steps into the room with me before stopping next to my side. “Is this all you have to choose from?”

  “Yes, this is it for tonight’s show,” I reply.

  “Why don’t you wear something to match Marshal like you have done for the past few months?” Russell replies.

  “I think I should wear something else tonight.” I insist.

  After a moment, I turn towards him. “What do you think I should wear?”

  He shrugs. “I’m no good at this, Sweetheart, but I guess you could wear the all-black outfit like you used to. I think the long jacket, black corset, and black skirt would look pretty wicked.”

  I raise my brow. “You don’t thin
k that it’s too much black, do you?”

  “Does it matter? We’re freaking rock stars. People expect us to dress this way.” Russell replies.

  He had a good point, but I still wasn’t sure.

  “Why don’t I get Marshal so he can help you pick something out?” Russell then suggests.

  I nod. “Okay. Thanks, Russ.”

  “You’re welcome, Chloe.” He replies before turning to walk out of the room.

  Sighing softly, I move forward and then scan each of the outfits again. No matter how many times I looked at them, nothing jumped out at me. Nothing screamed, wear me.

  For the first time in months, I wanted to go back to my old everyday jeans and tee-shirt.

  Thankfully before too much time passes, Marshal walks into the room with Russell. He wraps his arm around my waist before kissing the side of my head sweetly.

  Marshal then raises his brow. “Russ said that you needed my help?”

  I nod. “I do. I need help picking out my clothes for tonight.”

  “Hey, guys, I’d love to help, but I have a few things that I need to do before we go out on stage,” Russell states abruptly.

  “You can go, Russ. Thanks for the help, though.” I reply.

  “You’re welcome,” Russell replies.

  Moments later, he rushes out of the room.

  “I take it he’s going to see Becca?” I laugh.

  “Of course; he’s been crazy about her since they met,” Marshal replies. “He’s head over heels for her already.”

  “She’s a sweet girl,” I reply.

  Marshal nods in agreement. “She’s a lot like you.”

  Becca was like me, but super quiet. She was an amazing girl that had begun working with Mickie and the band only two months ago.

  The second that Russell had met her, there had been an instant connection.

  I was beyond happy for them because they made each other happy.

  After a moment of silence, I sigh again before pulling an outfit from the rack. “Do you think that I should wear this…?”

  Marshal takes a step back to look at it before shaking his head. “No, that’s too much black.”

  He then moves to the rack to search through the clothing.

  I watch as he pulls three outfits off of the rack before laying them down on the nearest couch. He then wordlessly pulls a red skirt from one outfit and then a black corset from another outfit. He then pulls the red shirt from the third outfit before holding them towards me.

  “Put these on.” I take them and move behind the small screen to change.

  Once I’m dressed, I step out for Marshal to see and so that I could look at my reflection in the floor-length mirror in the corner.

  “It’s perfect.” I breathe out in relief while smoothing my hand over the skirt.

  “Yes, it is, and you won’t have to change anything with your hair. The black ribbons were a good choice.” Marshal replies as he wraps his arms around me from behind.

  Staring at our reflection, I grin brightly. “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” Marshal replies before resting his chin on my shoulder.

  A few moments pass before I turn in Marshal’s arms. “Now, I just need help picking out which boots and jewelry to wear.”

  Marshal snorts. “Show me what your choices are.”

  “You’re on in ten.” Mickie suddenly shouts while walking down the hall.

  I groan along with Marshal before I grab his hand and lead him over to the table where I had my jewelry lying on display.

  Without much effort, Marshal picks out the perfect bracelets and necklace to wear before helping me with my boots.

  Minutes later, we exit the room hand in hand.


  “Is everyone having a good night?” Marshal shouts as the rest of us take a moment to breathe.

  We were only halfway through our show, but it felt as if we had been on stage forever.

  Somewhere along the line, I had lost count on how many songs we had done, though, so we might have been closer to being done than I thought. Still, I wasn’t sure because Marshal typically took a break in the middle.

  Either way, I was ready for the night to be over so we could lie in bed together.

  After tonight we were going to have a weeklong break.

  I couldn’t wait.

  Marshal glances back at me briefly before speaking again. “We have a little surprise for you guys tonight. A fellow singer and friend to Chloe and I will be joining us.”

  This was news to me.

  On cue, Shiloh runs onto the stage before standing next to Marshal.

  The fans go crazy, cheering for them both.

  Over the last few months, Shiloh and Marshal had been spending a lot of time together writing songs. Even Dante, Lucas, and Max had been hanging out with Micah and Russell.

  We had been on the road together, so it was only natural for all of us to hang out.

  I guess it was only a matter of time before Shiloh and Marshal shared the stage, but I hadn’t expected it to happen tonight.

  They had had all day to say something, but neither of them had said a word.

  It made me suspicious.

  “Now, I know you guys heard Shiloh sing earlier, but we’ve come up with a song together that we think you’ll love.” Marshal insists.

  Micah begins the countdown while I nervously glance towards Russell.

  I had no idea what to play since I had never learned their song.

  Suddenly Dante joins us on stage before he begins to play beside me along with the others. I watch him for a few moments before I catch on to the tune.

  I begin playing but only for a few moments.

  My fingers slip as Marshal turns towards me with a smile while moving in my direction.

  Everyone goes quiet while Marshal stops in front of me before kneeling on one knee.

  “Chloe, I know that we’re young, and our life is hectic, but I can’t see myself with anyone else. I want you in my life forever.” Marshal states loudly before continuing. “I love you with all my heart, and I hope that you’ll make me the happiest man alive tonight.”

  My heart pounds wildly as he pulls a ring with a black band and ruby red stone from his pocket.

  It was a ring that I had seen at the jewelry store a week ago when Marshal and I had gone to the local mall to shop for a new guitar for me.

  The second I had seen it in the glass case, I had fallen in love with it.

  “Will you become my rock goddess; will you marry me?” He asks.

  Without hesitating for even a second, I nod. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Marshal smiles brightly as he slips the ring onto my finger. Once it’s on, he stands and then pulls me close. He gazes deep into my eyes while the guys and Shiloh begin singing softly around us.

  I listen to the familiar words of the song as Marshal holds me close.

  Each word was a step of our relationship. Shiloh was singing about our love and everything in-between. It was nearly the same song I had written for Marshal but with some changes to the lyrics and tune.

  “You wrote this?” I whisper while searching his eyes.

  “Of course; it’s our song.” He replies.

  “You are the best.” I laugh.

  “And you’re going to be my wife.” He replies seriously.

  Smiling brightly, I nod. “It’s about time.”

  Laughing loudly, Marshal lifts me up and then twirls me around before placing me back down on my feet. Without hesitating, he quickly presses his lips to mine.

  We may have been young, but there was no doubt that Marshal was my soul mate.

  The world had pushed us together for a reason, and now that we were finally together, I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.

  I had found the love of my life, and I was going to hold on with everything I had.

  Our future was bright.

  Fate had rocked our world but in the best way possible.

the song, Shiloh turns to look at Marshal and me with a grin. “It’s about damn time.”

  The crowd laughs and then begins cheering while Marshal and I gaze into each other’s eyes.

  “God, I love you.” I laugh happily.

  “I love you too,” Marshal replies. “Forever and always, my rock goddess…”

  The End

  About the Author

  Raven K. Asher is the author of Bitten, Blood, Eternal, the first three books in her Reverse Harem series, The Vampires of Linbridge. She is also the author of, Sci-Fi series, Eden One, and, Paranormal Romance series, The Onyx Wolves. In addition, she has written Young Adult singles such as Losing Levi, When Tomorrow Never Comes, and Love Unexpected. Raven was born and raised near a small town in Northern Ohio. Soon after graduating high school she moved to Chicago, Illinois where she lived for five years before moving back to her hometown in Ohio. Shortly after moving back she met and married her wonderful husband. They have been married for eleven years and have two amazing daughters. Raven works as a stay at home mom and raises Pygmy Goats and chickens as a hobby. She has always had a love for writing and has made her lifelong dream of becoming a writer a reality. When she isn’t reading, taking care of her pets and kids she is diligently writing the many stories trapped inside of her head. Raven’s passions are for romance and horror, but she additionally enjoys sci-fi and fantasy stories. Her favorite stories to write are her Post-Apocalyptic tales.

  Other Books by: Raven K. Asher

  (The Story of Alexis Rose Series)

  “Barely Alive” Book 1

  “Running Scared” Book 2

  “Dead End” Book 3

  (The Angels Evermore Series)

  “Hidden” Book 1

  “Captured” Book 2

  “Sacrifice” Book 3

  (Among the Dead Trilogy)

  “Alone” Book 1

  “Escape” Book 2

  “Home” Book 3

  (The Onyx Wolves Series)

  “Bound” Book 1

  “Broken” Book 2

  “Betrayed” Book 3


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