by Ron wayne
To Give Love
To give love means to put others first,
love can save and restore one whose life is cursed.
A person can be under the weight,
of life’s burden or previous fate.
They are lonely and shed tears,
from pain, loneliness, depression, or fears.
In our hearts we must reach and touch,
With love we can lift them from a terrible clutch.
The start begins in our heart,
from there we get the needed start.
Everyone needs this love,
that originated from God above.
Some do not receive this blessing,
They wonder why and keep guessing.
So be aware of those you meet,
they may need love so be ready to treat.
This world is greatly in need,
of love so spread the seed.
This concludes this book on poems, thoughts, and the addition of the short story on the fictional experience of a man when he is taken to Heaven and he experiences he describes.
The purpose of this writing is to express my joy and wonderment from the scriptures of the Bible. The poems reflect these scriptures and I pray the poems reflect my sincere beliefs in a way that honors and glorifies my savior the Lord Jesus Christ.
Also my thoughts are my own and simply reflect my opinions. The short story on the rapture again is only my imagination based on what it might be like if this happened.
Romans 10: 9--If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.