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Table of Contents
WARNING. This book of Magic also contains a certain amount of Physics.
Chapter 1 Apophenia - Introduction
Chapter 2 Panpsychism - Philosophy
Part 1. The Metaphysics of Non-Being
Part 2. Panpsychism
Part 3. Quantum Panpsychism and Magic
Chapter 3 Multimind - Psychology
Part 1. The Myth of 'Consciousness'
Part 2. Constructing the Self
Part 3. Dicing with the Randomaton
Chapter 4 Neopantheism - DIY Religion
Part 1. Against Logos, 'The Literal Word'
Part 2. Neo-Pantheism
Chapter 5 Metadynamics - Practical Magic
Part 1. Quantum Weirdness
Part 2. Three-dimensional time
Part 3. General Metadynamics and magic
Part 4. On The Nature of Time
Chapter 6 Non-Singularity - Cosmology
Part 1. Against Singularity
Part 2. The Hyper-Spherical Universe
Part 3 Hyperspherical Metaphysics
Part 4. The Map, the Journey and the Meaning
Chapter 7 Illumination?
Part 1. A Fifth Principle of Thermodynamics?
Part 2. What Can Have Evolved?
Part 3. Science Fiction Gods
Part 4. A Panpsychic Universe?
Chapter 8 An Invocation of Apophenia
Part 1. Introduction
Part 2. General Observations
Part 3. The General Form of the Invocation
The Apophenia Invocation
A Table of Dualities
A Table of Trialities
A Table of Quadrads
A Table of Pentads
Appendix I Three-dimensional time and quantum geometry
Part 1. The Prologue to a Quantum Geometry
Part 2. Fundamental particles in eight dimensions
Part 3. Summary.
Appendix II Hypersphere from Radius Excess
Appendix III The Hyperspherical Universe
Appendix IV The Shape of the Universe
Appendix V Apophenia's Birthday
Part 1. Theosynthesis and syncretism.
Part 2. A Surprise Birthday
Notes, References, and Bibliography
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