Last Teardrop (The Chronicles of Amber Harris)

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Last Teardrop (The Chronicles of Amber Harris) Page 12

by Elle A. Rose


  Cute and Furry Animals


  “Hi, Livia. I’m out of work. Did you need me to pick anything up on the way back to the house?”

  Olivia chuckles into the phone.

  “You’re so sweet; umm, sure. How about a few steaks? Your father was talking about grilling for dinner.”

  This makes me smile. “Sure thing, I’ll get right on that.” I wonder if she is serious, maybe Judy will want steaks for dinner. I am still not looking forward to the conversation she wants to have, but …

  “Amber, are you there?”

  “Yes, mom, sorry. Do you really want me to pick steaks up, you know, for Judy?”

  “No sweetie. I was only joking. Christopher and Judy did a comb through of your freezer and cabinets. They claim you have enough food stored in here to feed an army of ten thousand for ten years. Just come home.”

  “All right then, I’ll see you soon.”

  I hang up the cellular phone and start to dial Sarah’s number; she should be awake by now. I hope she is at the office. I copied her direct office number from her voicemail earlier. The phone rings once before Sarah answers. “Hi, Sarah, this is Amber, Amber Harris.” Like most vampires, I know she knows my voice, but you can never be too sure.

  “Well, hello, Amber. I just listened to your message and was about to call you back. What can I do for you? I do believe this is the first time you have ever called me. Is anything wrong?”

  “There is nothing wrong. I just have a few questions, and I was looking for someone to help answer them. I don’t know if you can help me, and if not, maybe you know of someone who can.”

  “Well, let me see what I can do. What seems to be the issue? Are we able to discuss it over the phone?”

  “We can talk over the phone, but if it is easier, we can do it telepathically.”

  “Really? I knew you had powerful abilities, but I had no idea that you were that strong. Can you really do that?”

  “Yes, I’m strong enough, and I do believe I know your mind well enough to link a communication line with you.”

  “I guess it will save me the trouble of leaving my office then, shoot, let’s try it.”

  We hang up the phone and I glide my car off to the right hand shoulder of the expressway. I can do this driving, but I want my focus completely on our conversation. Finding someone’s mind is like looking for a strobe light in the middle of a fog. There are so many thoughts flying around me at all times; each person’s mind has its own distinct color. So when I am in search of one particular mind, the color makes it much easier for me to find them. “Okay, Sarah, can you hear me?”

  “Amazing, this really works! Yes, I can hear you. How far away are you from me?”

  “I am a little over fifteen miles away.”

  “Hmm, I have to say this is pretty neat. All right, what can I do for you?”

  “What do you know about bloodwolves?”

  “I’ve seen a few in my day, but not many. I don’t think there are any here in the area.”

  “Well, there is now. As you know, my family has moved in with me, and my brother brought his new girlfriend, who happens to be a bloodwolf.”

  “Really now? Let me guess. Are you not happy with your brother’s choice in women?”

  “To say the least; however, that is not it. See, this girl is someone I knew from my past life. We are the same age and lived in the same town growing up. She went missing a few months before I became a vampire, and no one has heard from her since. It was a shock to me and my family, that she and I knew each other. Somehow, over the last three years of her and my brother dating, she failed to mention where she was from or who transformed her. My father and brother both have abilities close to mine when it comes to reading minds. None of us can read her thoughts. All we hear is static. She claims it must be a result of being a cross species. Do you know anything about it?”

  “Here I thought you were going to tell me you were having sister-in-law problems. Ha! I know little about bloodwolves. I’ve never heard of vampires with the ability to hear thoughts having trouble unless they were trying to read an Elder’s mind. You know how some Elders can alter their scent? Some can distort their thoughts to throw others off. I guess you can say that it is an ability too. Conversely, I have only heard of Elders that have this ability. Like you, didn’t you tell me once that you are able to put a barrier up to block your mind and others around you? From what I can tell, you are one of the strongest vampires I’ve met. Before meeting you, I only knew of Elders with the abilities you speak of. Have you seen her morph into a wolf?”

  “No. I know she sleeps every night, and I haven’t heard her say anything about wanting blood. I do believe she can eat human food and survive on it. She did speak of having children. Do you know if that is possible?”

  “I believe it comes down to how much of each species she has in her. Maybe if she doesn’t morph than her ability to keep you out of her mind is much stronger than that of a bloodwolf that can morph. If she doesn’t crave blood, than perhaps the wolf side is more dominant. You say she won’t elaborate on her past or how she came to be? That really worries me.”

  “Yes, that’s what is worrying me too. I know wolves have short tempers. So far, she seems to be pretty calm. Except, when I spoke to her today on the phone there was an underlining tone in her voice. I didn’t like. She gave the impression that she was watching me or keeping tabs on me.”

  “Interesting. I would be careful then. From what you are telling me, it seems like more is going on than what she is showing. Your family doesn’t see anything wrong?”

  “I think they are just happy to see my brother with someone. Plus, after making me a vampire, I believe they threw most thoughts of how a vampire, mixed or whole should act right out the window. Like you said, I’m able to do things most cannot. I believe they have become comfortable with the idea of not conforming everyone to the basic model.”

  “I see. I’m sorry I couldn’t give you all the answers you’re looking for. I do have a friend or two that are wolf. I can contact them and find out some more information. I’ll let you know if they can give any more insight regarding this.”

  “Thank so much, Sarah. This means a lot to me. I just want to make sure my family is safe.”

  “Of course. I will talk to you soon.”

  I breathe a sigh of relief as we disconnect. Some of that weight I have been carrying is lifted from my shoulders, I feel a lot better. I wish I knew of a werewolf to call on, but I am glad Sarah is willing to help me find the information I am looking for.

  As I pull in the driveway, I see Isaac and Judy sitting on the porch steps. They seem to be enjoying what’s left of the beautiful day. My gaze shifts to Olivia making her way towards the car. Before my foot hits the asphalt, Olivia has pulled me into a hug. “Hello, Mother, I missed you too.” The smile on her face is wide enough to show all of her perfectly shiny teeth.

  “Hi, darling, how was your day?”

  I try not to laugh at her enthusiasm. “You would think you haven’t seen me in oh, fifty some odd years. My day was fine. I’m glad to be back.” Isaac and Judy are now standing on the porch steps watching Olivia’s and my greeting. I hear Christopher moving around in the house. It sounds as if he just woke up. He always did sleep a lot longer than everyone else. I release myself from my mother’s embrace and pivot to greet Isaac and Judy. “Hello, Judy, Isaac, enjoying the nice day?”

  They both nod their heads in return and Judy takes one last look up at the sky.

  “I think I should go check on Christopher. He’s awake now.”

  Judy gives a small sigh before dashing into the house. I wonder if she is worried about me questioning her in front of everyone else. I would love to talk to her, but it will not happen anytime today. As the three of us walk into the house, I can see that my family has made changes to the inside. My living room has been rearranged. Before I left for work this morning
my light brown sofa was up against the long wall across from the seventy-two inch television. The matching loveseat was adjacent to the wall, semi facing the television and the picture window to the left of the sofa. In the other corner, was a four hundred year old dark brown vase with gold Chinese characters sparkling on the sides of the five feet piece. Along with the gold and brown coffee table that was positioned in the middle of the two seats. I do not need much furniture, but it is always nice to have. It is not a good thing to invite a human over to your house and they have nowhere to sit. Unlike us, humans do not like to stand for long periods of time. Looking at the living room now, the brown sofa is in front of the picture window. The television is still across from the window, and the loveseat is up against the long wall, with the vase sitting next to it. On the other side of the room sits Olivia’s Harp. I was wondering where her harp was. I guess it was delivered today.

  “Is it okay? I hope you don’t mind, I wasn’t sure where else to put it.”

  I turn to meet Olivia’s gaze. I can see worry splashing around in her pool-blue eyes. “This is fine. I was wondering where your third child was. Glad to see we are now complete. I’m looking forward to hearing you play.”

  Before Olivia can reply, we hear very disturbing noises coming from upstairs. It has been a long time since I have lived under the same roof with my brother. Without Isaac or Olivia saying anything, I blocked our ears from hearing whatever is going on upstairs.

  “You don’t know how much we have missed you.” Isaac says with a look of relief on his face.

  “Most days we go for very long walks. It is so much nicer to have you here, thanks.”

  There is no reason for him to thank me. It is hard living with other adults and having the excellent hearing all vampires acquire. I am just glad I have the ability to block such noises.

  “Maybe we should take a walk anyway. It’s still a nice day. The sun will be setting soon, so our speed shouldn’t slow you down too much, Amber.”

  Olivia grabs my hand and pulls me toward the door. With a not so subtle glance from Olivia, Isaac follows. I hope the walk will be refreshing and will help me to sleep tonight. I have a feeling my sleep will be interrupted by dreams. “Sure a walk will be nice. Perhaps it can help clear my mind. I’m looking forward to a restful sleep tonight, hopefully.” I smile and go a little more willingly out the front door. As we start our walk, Olivia and Isaac look to me to spill what may keep me from sleeping peacefully tonight.

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