Alpha’s In Love Series

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Alpha’s In Love Series Page 3

by Baker, Tory

  I shouldn’t be jealous about Max. I know they are friends. Yet, it makes me possessive of Kendall and I don’t want her anywhere near another male.

  “Whatever you want,” I say, and we put our snorkels on and I hold her hand the entire way while we swim back to the dock.

  Chapter Ten


  I’m meeting Declan downstairs in the lobby. We both wanted to shower and change. That way if we decided to go for a walk after dinner, we’ll both be comfortable.

  I come down and see him in a pair of jeans that look well worn, a white t-shirt, sneakers, and he has his sunglasses hooked in his shirt. He’s the most handsome man I’ve ever met before. Not that I met many men before him. At least none that I was interested in. My mom had me super young, and when I say super young, I mean at the age of fifteen she was pregnant. Right after she turned sixteen, wham! Here I came. She had a rocky start. She tried to make it work with my father, but it didn’t last. I saw what she went through, and I decided to save myself for one person. Someone I love and cherish. Someone that will be mine forever.

  So yes, at the age of twenty-two, I am still a virgin. I’m not ashamed either. It’s another thing I embrace.

  Declan sees me and he comes toward me and brings me close to his body. His arms surround me, and I nuzzle into his chest. His hands glide through my hair, making me thankful I took the time to do something with it before coming down here.

  He gives me a sweet and gentle kiss, then we head out of the resort lobby. I reach in my bag and grab my own sunglasses, put them on, as we start walking towards the seafood shack I was telling him about earlier today.

  It’s a hole in the wall type place, but it has the best food I’ve ever eaten before. What can I say, I love food.

  Declan’s hand is on my hip as we walk, and I sink into him even with the weather being hot and sticky. Having him surround me is what I’ve been dreaming about. To finally have him hold me, it’s a slice of heaven.

  I have to say the real-life version is much better than what I would have envisioned him doing while I stroked myself to orgasm time and time again.

  “Are you ready to head back home tomorrow?” Declan asks.

  “Not really. I like being home, but I really love the beach and leaving is going to be hard,” I say honestly.

  “I can understand that. Where do you live at in Michigan?”

  “Auburn Hills. I’ve lived there my whole life,” I respond.

  “That’s not too far from the lakes though,” he says with a crooked smile. His sunglasses are now hiding his eyes and I miss looking into them.

  “It’s still not the salt air. I mean, I do like the rivers, but the ocean, it’s so peaceful,” I tell him with my arms up in an exaggerated motion.

  “True enough,” Declan returns.

  We make it to the restaurant within minutes. It’s a seat yourself type of place. I walk towards a table in the corner and take a seat. Instead of Declan sitting across from me, he sits beside me.

  I like that he’s wanting to be next to me.

  “I think we’re leaving tomorrow around noon. Well as long as Jake has the jet back,” he grumbles.

  “I’m on your time, Declan. Whenever we need to leave, I’ll be ready,” I say while not really looking at the menu. Already knowing what I want to order.

  “I would have liked a couple of more days down here with just you and me,” he grunts.

  “With me?” I say in an almost shocked voice. I shouldn’t be with the way he’s been sticking to me all day, but it’s all moving at warp speed and I don’t want to get my hopes up.

  “Kendall, Baby. I’ve wanted you since the moment my eyes landed on you. As soon as shit was put to bed with my company and I knew I had time to actively pursue you, it was only a matter of time,” he says with conviction in his voice.

  I smile, and then my lips go to his. We kiss until the waitress interrupts us. I never want our kiss to end.

  Chapter Eleven


  I didn’t want to leave South Carolina today. It fucking sucks that Kendall needs to get back and work on the local airlines, as I won’t be traveling as much.

  Jake came back defeated. I think he’s about to give up on Larissa. I can’t say that I blame him, not being able to pick up a single bread crumb of a trail on her. It’s enough to make you question everything.

  It was for purely selfish reasons why I didn’t want to leave. I could have made it more of a leisure trip, but Jake was ready to hit the ground running back in Michigan. He wanted to keep his mind off of Larissa. Plus, I know Kendall being here and only on standby wasn’t exactly making her what she usually would if she was in the air.

  I take my seat in the jet. Wanting more and more to pick Kendall up and take her to the back bedroom to make her mine. I have plans though, plans that don’t involve me rutting her in a wham bam thank you ma’am kind of way. She deserves to be treasured. I want to take my time with her, make love to her.

  Jake plops down in front of me and pulls his laptop out. I sit here, watching him, looking for signs of hopefulness. I only see discouragement.

  “Ready to work?” he asks.

  “Yeah, give me a few minutes first, though.” I stand up and head toward the back of the plane. My plan is to grab Kendall for a few quick minutes. After seeing Jake looking down in the dumps, I want to hold her in my arms and feel her warmth.

  I walk toward the area where Kendall and Max sit when they don’t have any duties to attend to and see Max in front of her regaling over his time in Myrtle Beach. She mentioned they usually hang out while we’re stopped, but this time he ventured out on his own and, well, I got the time of my life spending it with Kendall.

  “Hey, Max. Mind if I steal Kendall for a few minutes.” It’s more of a statement and less of a question.

  “Sure thing, Mr. Williams,” he says, winking at Kendall. She stands up and I hold her hand as I lead her to the back of the jet.

  We make our way to the bedroom, and I close the door. I back her up against it. My hands are firmly on her hips and I pick her up, “Wrap your legs around my waist, Baby.”

  She does as I ask, I can feel her heat through my jeans. She’s on fire for me. When she grinds down on my cock and moans, “Declan.” It’s all I can do to hold her steady and not rip her panties off, free my dick, and slide into her.

  I hold back, barely. My hands are holding her hips in place. I hate that I’m stopping her from grinding down on me, but if she does it too much longer, I’ll be coming in my pants like a randy teenager.

  My lips find hers and she melts into me. Her apprehension that was there just the day before has all but disappeared.

  Kendall backs away from my kiss for a moment. I want her lips back on mine, but something in her eyes stops me.

  “What’s wrong?” I question. I don’t want to do anything she’s not comfortable with.

  “I just wanted you to know this is all new to me. I’ve never uh, yeah… I’ve never been with anyone. So, if I do something wrong, will you please let me know?” she says meekly. Since I’ve known her, she’s had this confidence about her. It intrigued me. Hell it made me want her even more. I need that woman back, right away.

  My hips are between hers and I use all my strength to continue holding her as I cup her face with my hands and say, “Kendall, I love that this is all new for you. It’s new for me, too,” and I mean that. She’s the only one I want to be with for the rest of my life.

  “Really?” She questions back.

  “I never felt this way, ever. We’ll learn this together,” I say and then I pick her up and head for the bed. I know she should be working, and I probably should be too, but I can’t help it. I want to lay down with Kendall. Even if all we do is lay in bed and make out.

  Chapter Twelve


  I can’t believe I’m wrapped around Declan. Literally, I have my arm on his lower stomach and my legs are entwined in his. My skirt is hik
ed up and he has an arm under my neck and his other one holding onto my thigh. Somewhere after we started talking, I drifted off to sleep. I’m technically on the clock. I should not be back here with Declan, but when I tried to get up to go back to my station, he wouldn’t let me.

  “Take a break with me, just for a little while,” he murmured into my ear and then I relaxed into him and passed out.

  I slowly wake up before Declan. I look into his face; it’s relaxed in sleep and he’s as handsome as ever. I’m glad he’s taking his time with me.

  The light goes on for passengers to get back in their seats, so I gently trace his nose with my fingertip and Declan slowly opens his eyes. His smile is immediate, and it comforts me.

  “I guess we passed out,” he says with sleep in his voice.

  “We did, but now we have to get back in our seats, and, well, I should be working,” I say sheepishly. His hand goes up and plays with the tendrils of my hair that fell out of my bun while sleeping.

  “Thank you for hanging out with me, Kendall,” he says in a low hushed tone. We’re cocooned in our own paradise.

  We both straighten things up and head out of the cabin holding hands. I go back to my station.

  “See you soon,” Declan says quietly as we part ways.

  “I can’t wait, Declan,” I reply. We exchanged numbers yesterday. He stated he’d be texting me soon. I was disappointed when I woke up this morning and didn’t see anything. I brushed it off the best I could and got ready for work. To say I was surprised when he asked me to join him is saying the least.

  “Someone is staring hard,” Max says as he rolls his eyes.

  “Can you blame me?” I respond sassily.

  “No one could, Doll,” he replies with a wink as we talk about what we’re doing and what airlines we’ll be on for the coming week. As soon as Declan let me know we were returning today, I set up a few more jobs. Most of them are to New York and back with me only being gone during the day. I try my hardest not to book overnight flights. They take forever for me to rebound from after all, I’m not a night owl.

  Chapter Thirteen


  We land and I wait outside patiently for Kendall to come out. I know she has to clean up after our flight and go over another check list. I’m about to text her when she comes down the stairs holding her small overnight bag. I go toward her and pick it up. She stops in her tracks, unsure of what I’m doing.

  “Come on. I’ll take you home,” I tell her as I place my hand on her lower back.

  “Well, uh. I guess so. Just let me go tell Max, so he doesn’t worry,” she says, placing a kiss on the underside of my jaw before turning and heading back to him.

  Fuck, what that woman does to me. I never take my eyes off of her as she lets Max know she’s leaving with me.

  She’s back in just a couple of minutes. I place her bag next to mine in the trunk of my car. When I see ours there together, it makes me want to see it like that forever. I want her in my house, having her side of the bed, her side in the bathroom, and her side of the closet. Right next to mine.

  “I’m ready now.” I meet her at the passenger door and open it and wait for her to sit down before I close it and head around to the driver’s side.

  I slide into my car, start it up, and ask, “Where to?”

  She tells me her address and then says, “I live with my mom, so I hope you don’t mind but umm…you’ll more than likely meet her today.”

  “I’m okay with that,” I say as I put the car in drive and place my hand on the inside of her thigh. Her hand covers mine and we head towards her home, wishing like fuck her home was with me.

  “As long as you’re sure,” she mumbles and turns to look out the window.

  It doesn’t take us very long to get to her house. I should be nervous to be meeting her mom this soon. Yet, I’m not. It’s just another thing that will solidify us.

  I walk around to her door and help her out of the car. Then I grab her luggage from the trunk hating that she isn’t coming home with me.

  Keeping a positive outlook, knowing it will only be a matter of time until she’s completely mine, I take ahold of her hand and walk her up the steps to the front door.

  “Hello there. I’m Amanda,” I hear called out. I look up and see Kendall’s mom. They are the spitting image of each other.

  “Hi, I’m Declan Williams.” I reach my arm out to shake her hand. Only she hugs me instead.

  “I have heard so much about you,” she says as she pulls back and goes to Kendall, kissing her cheek. I see Kendall is blushing, and this woman, she never ceases to amaze me.

  “I hope it was all good,” I say with a smile, trying to hold my laughter in.

  “Absolutely. Come on in.” She opens the door and holds it for Kendall and me.

  Kendall takes her suitcase from my hand and says, “I’ll be right back. I’m going to change really quick and put this in my room."

  She leaves me in the kitchen with her mom. I watch as she walks away, she doesn’t know it yet but every time she leaves, she takes a piece of my heart with her.

  “Have a seat. I just made some banana cake this morning.” Amanda brings the cake pan over along with plates and cuts everyone a generous portion.

  I’m taking my first bite when Kendall comes back in. Her hair is down and in waves. It’s so long it’s skimming her ass. An ass I want in my hands again. I squirm in my chair trying to relieve some of the pressure building in my jeans. She has on an oversized shirt, but has it tied into a knot on the side, and it’s paired with denim shorts. Shorts that show off her amazing legs. I’ve seen many sides of Kendall and I have to say this may just be my favorite version of her.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Declan meeting my mom was surreal. I wasn’t nervous at all and thank goodness she didn’t completely gush about how I have had a crush on him for a while now.

  Before he left, he let me know that he had a few things to wrap up at the office, but he’d be calling later that night.

  He held true to his word and has called or texted me every day this week. We’ve talked till well into the night. Until I was yawning so much, he would finally hang up with me to get some sleep.

  Now it’s Saturday evening, and I have a date with Declan. He told me to dress comfortably. I did as he said and put on a pair of comfortable jogger style pants, a white V-neck tee, and slipped my feet into a pair of canvas shoes. My hair is down and in its usual messy waves.

  I’m sitting on the front porch in the rocking chair we have set out here. I’m basically looking at nothing but the neighbors coming and going. I can hear children laughing in the distance.

  It makes me yearn for that. I want a husband and children, and I want that with Declan. I’m so lost in thought, I didn’t realize he was even here until I feel his fingertips run down the shell of my ear.

  “Declan!” I exclaim, then I’m up and in his arms. He holds me tight to him as I bask in him.

  He kisses me. It’s just a fast peck on the lips, but I want more. No, I need more but I know my mom is probably looking out through the curtains gawking at us. So, I don’t ask for more.

  “Ready?” he asks. I nod my head yes and say, “Whenever you are.”

  Once we’re both in the car I ask, “Where are we going?”

  “Back to my place. I was going to take you out to dinner or even out dancing, but I don’t want to share you with the world just yet,” he grumbles.

  “I like that idea. I’m a homebody if I’m not working or traveling,” I tell him as I take his hand in mine. The feel of his palm pressed against mine, it’s soothing to my soul.

  “I was hoping you’d like my idea.” He says with a wink and returns his eyes to the road.

  I watch where we’re going the whole time. I thought Declan would live in a condo or even a high rise more in the city, since I know he has an office there. I’m pleasantly surprised when we turn into an older neighborhood that has tree
lined streets. The homes are older and well maintained, all of the lawns are immaculate. We pull into the driveway and I’m speechless. His home is beautiful.

  “I’d never want to leave,” I mumble under my breath. I didn’t think he could hear me until he says, “I’m hoping you never want to.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  Shit. I hope I didn’t just screw things up. Kendall looks at me and smiles. That smile says it all.

  “Ready to see the inside?” I bought this house right after I met Kendall. We didn’t know each other as well as we do now. When I saw the listing, I called the realtor immediately. I could already envision Kendall living here barefoot and pregnant. Yeah, that makes me sound like a cave man, but I don’t give a fuck. I knew she would be mine.

  “It’s gorgeous and I’ve only seen the outside,” she says in awe. The house is older, well over one hundred years old, it’s been gutted and completely remodeled. Yet still has the old world feel. Something I hope she loves as much as I do.

  “It’s come a long way than what it was a few years ago. From what I've seen of the pictures, it was decades out of date, and they laid linoleum over the original hardwoods. The previous homeowner restored it to its original glory with some upgrades,” I tell her.

  “I can’t wait to see the inside.” Kendall’s smile is bright as we walk in through the front door. The garage is still a mess, so I don’t park in there just yet.

  We walk into the foyer. Most homes that have been remodeled have an open floor plan. This home doesn’t. The stairs to the second story are to the left, showing that it has an old world charm.


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