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Alpha’s In Love Series

Page 12

by Baker, Tory

  “Morning, Rissa,” he says with a smile as he wipes my wetness on the inside of my thigh. I reach for him. Silently asking him to come up to where I am. I attack his mouth, kissing him. Not having a care in the world that I’m tasting myself on his lips.

  We break apart and I respond, “That was the best way to wake up. One that I could get used to.”

  “I’ll take that into consideration then.” I feel his hard length snug up against my core. He stops gliding his cock between the lips of my pussy to say, “We haven’t talked about birth control. Do I need to pull out again?”

  “I’m not on any birth control, but the chances of me getting pregnant while nursing are slim, from what I’ve read,” I say.

  “It’s your body, baby. I don’t want to take that away from you. I loved you pregnant with Elijah and it wouldn’t bother me one bit if you do get pregnant again,” he says, in a clear voice. As if he’s not putting me on the edge of another orgasm.

  “I want you inside me, bare, and if it happens. Then, it was meant to be,” I get out before he slides inside of me.

  “Love you, baby,” he grunts.

  “And I love you, Jake,” I say as we make love until our bodies are dripping with sweat and we both come together.

  We no sooner finish, and Eli is up, squirming, “He must be ready to eat,” Jake says.

  “It is morning time. Do you want to feed him or me?” I ask. I want Jake to always feel like he can bottle feed Eli if he wants. Sure, breastfeeding is easier, but he needs time with Elijah, too.

  “Nah, I’ll lay in bed with you guys though while you nurse,” he gets up and handles Eli while I clean up in the bathroom. I throw a nightgown on, one that’s easy to open for nursing and climb back in bed with them.

  Jake already has Eli changed and he’s occupying him until I’m ready. I pile the pillows high and lay back as he places him in my arms. When I look down, I see there’s something on Elijah’s finger. It’s shiny and my eyes are already misting.

  “Want you to be my wife. No, I need you to be my wife. I want you tied to me, for now and always,” Jake tells me.

  “I want that too, so much, Jake. So damn much,” I blubber out.

  “Thank fucking God,” Jake blurts out and we both look down at Elijah. He’s in his own cocoon. Latched on and his eyes are drowsy.

  “I want three more children, Jake,” I whisper out. His eyes never leave Eli’s.

  “I guess we better start practicing then,” he says with a smirk.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  It’s been two weeks since I put a diamond on Larissa’s finger, and it’s been balls to the walls crazy. Between packing, moving, buying new furniture, and handling the day to day office work, I’m exhausted. Mom and Mack stepped in and helped with Eli when Rissa got the painters started on the new house and even oversaw the outside landscaping and exterior painting projects I wanted done.

  She has a keen eye on how to make a home feel warm and welcoming. I figure within the next year or so, we’ll start working on the backyard. Rome wasn’t built in a day and I want to be more hands-on when it comes to that area.

  Our next step though, one that I’ve been planning secretly with mom, I think is going to knock it out of the park. My last thing on the to do list is to call Declan and let him know when and where to be with Kendall.

  Larissa was apprehensive at first to meet them, with her running off and so forth, but once she saw them and how it wasn’t even a blip on their radar, she and Kendall became fast friends and now they both go out once a week to either shop or get coffee together.

  “Declan speaking,” he answers.

  “Like you don’t know who’s calling you. It’s modern technology with caller ID. You’re showing your age,” I tell him trying to contain my chuckle.

  “What the fuck ever. What’s up?” he questions. I go to respond when I hear Kendall yell out, “Declan, watch your mouth!”

  “Yeah, Declan watch your mouth,” I mimic.

  I go back to my computer when he starts murmuring to Kendall and block out anything I may not want to hear.

  “I’m back. Jesus, that woman is going to give me a run for my money,” his voice has exasperation in it.

  “Can’t keep up with her anymore?”

  “Just you wait. Larissa will get you there if she hasn’t already,” he grunts.

  “Speaking of, do you two have plans this weekend? I have something up my sleeve, but the way our two women talk, you’ll have to keep your trap shut too,” I tell him.

  “You’re the one always blabbing, Jake. It’s not me. Look what happened when we got caught red handed by our parents for sneaking their booze one Friday night in high school. It wasn’t me spilling my guts as soon as they came in,” he laughs.

  “What were we going to do? Say hey mom, hey dad. I don’t know who drank all of your scotch, as we’re turning green to the gills,” I respond.

  “Yeah, yeah. What trick do you have up your sleeve?” he questions.

  “Going to take Larissa up to the lake house and marry her. The only thing is she doesn’t know that it’s all planned yet. Down to the very last detail. Mom has been working as hard as she can, asking questions to Larissa without giving it all away,” I’m thinking back to the way mom’s eyes lit up when I told her my plan. At first, she wanted to know why Larissa and I aren’t planning our wedding on our own. When I told her Larissa was content with getting married in a courthouse even though I didn’t want that for her. I wanted her to have something to look back on and have amazing memories of.

  Mom wept and then got into wedding planning mode, “My sweet boy. You’d do anything for her. I’m so proud of you,” were her words.

  “She has no idea. That’s pretty slick. I should have done something like that instead of dealing with momzilla,” I can hear the laughter in his tone.

  “Well, Larissa wasn’t interested in planning it and I want her tied to me, so this was the fastest way possible to get it done,” I comment.

  “Email me the time and date, we’ll be there. I won’t tell Kendall. I’ll just let her know we’re going out. I know the two of them cackle like hens.” He’s not wrong. I’ve been around when they’re on the phone calls that can last hours, hell they even watch The Bachelor on the phone together, if we don’t have them over or vice versa when it airs.

  “You’re not wrong, brother. See you this weekend,” I tell him, and he replies, “You got it.”

  We both hang up and I finish my work and emails, before I turn the computer off and head for home. Two more days and Larissa will be mine, now and forever.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  For the past two days, Jake has been walking around like he’s a man on a mission. I’m sure he’s up to something, but I’m not sure what it could be. We have everything, literally everything that could ever make us happy. A handsome baby boy, we’re engaged, and a beautiful home. I’m happier than I could ever possibly be. I’m just wondering what he’s up to. It must be something big.

  “Do you have everything you need?” he questions me, knocking me out of my thoughts.

  “Yep, Eli’s bag is packed, I have the pump and small cooler packed,” I answer him. All he told me was we’re going on a day trip. He hasn’t been to the lake in a while and he wants us to go as a family.

  We all load up into the Expedition, Jake grabs my hand and holds it as he expertly backs the SUV out of the garage, and we head out.

  “How far away is the lake?” I ask him as we get on the road.

  “It’s only about an hour away,” he replies.

  “Are you sure nothing is going on?” Repeating my question from earlier.

  “Nope, everything is good. Just wanted a family outing,” he says as we continue on. I watch as the trees eat up the mileage and look around. Elijah is in the back seat and sound asleep. I’m content, for the first time ever. I have a home filled with love and happiness. A very far cry from wh
at I grew up with.

  We talk and laugh the time away, until we come around a bend in the road that leads to a dirt road. I instantly see the lake and I’m in awe.

  “Jake, this is beautiful. How did I not know about this place?” I feel like today I’ve asked him a million and one questions, he’s answered them all, with more patience than I could ever have.

  “It was Mack’s dad’s house. He left it to him, and we’ve had it for a while now. He fixed it up some, so it was more livable and built a new dock to fish from,” he says, as we pull into the driveway area. I hear Jake say, “Stay, I’ll come help you out,” but I’m already out of the vehicle. I open the back door, climb in and start to grab the car seat out, when two hands are on my hips pulling me back. When my body is out of the car and Jake is pressed up against my back I can feel his hard length. It makes me whimper, when he whispers, “I told you to stay. I take care of you and Eli. I know you’re independent as hell, but let me have this, baby.”

  I lean back into him and give him the words he needs, “Okay, Jake. I can do that.”

  “Thank you,” he nips my ear and my body shivers with desire.

  He moves me, hefts the diaper bag and car seat out with ease. I stand, watching his muscles flex and it has to be the hottest thing in the world.


  “Uh…yeah,” I mumble. He laughs. I’m constantly getting caught red handed gawking at him.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I’m not sure how I’ve managed to keep everything from Larissa while we were in the car or once we got here. Mom has everything set up in the main house, across the lake. You can’t see very much of it, due to the island-like copse of trees in the middle of the lake.

  I usher her into the house, praying like hell she can’t hear anything across the way. I want Larissa relaxed and surprised as possible.

  Mom and I didn’t invite a lot of people, wanting to keep it small and quiet.

  I show Rissa around the small cabin. It’s only a two bedroom with one bathroom, a small kitchen, and an even smaller living area.

  “I love what Katrina did here,” she states.

  “How did you know Mom did all of this? I could have, you know?” I play into her talk.

  “Jake, Honey. I saw your condo. There’s no way you did this. It has your mom stamped all over this. It’s cozy,” she says as she stretches with a yawn.

  “You really didn’t like the condo’s décor, did you?”

  “It’s not that I didn’t like it, it was just…sterile,” she replies.

  “It was me, and I didn’t really care what it looked or felt like. I wasn’t home much when you were gone. I didn’t want to be there without you. Fuck, I barely washed the sheets, wanting to smell your scent lingering as long as I could. Once I washed the sheets, though, I worked as much as I could,” I tell her with all honesty.

  “Jake, I’m so sorry. I can’t tell you how sorry I am. All I can do is prove to you that I’ll never leave your side again,” she says with conviction in her tone.

  “I know, Rissa. I wasn’t telling you that to upset you. I know you’re mine, now and forever,” I lean down and kiss her with everything that I have. I deepen the kiss, taking her as much as I can, tasting her flavor, feeling the depth of her need, and wanting to consume every inch of her.

  We break apart, breathless, and my phone takes that moment to ring. Elijah is still asleep in his carrier and I could have had another hour with Larissa and I naked between the sheets, yet I know with everything going on, I have no choice but to answer it.

  “I gotta take this, Baby. I’ll be right back,” I give her one last peck and walk outside to answer the ringing phone.

  “Hey, Mom,”

  “Hi, Jake. I’ll make this quick. Her dress is hanging in the closet with all the essentials she’ll need. Your suit and Elijah’s are hanging in the spare room closet. Mack will have the boat ready for you three to board at six o’clock,” she says with a hushed tone.

  “Thanks, Mom. I couldn’t have done it without you,” I tell her.

  “Anything for you. If I don’t get off the phone though, I’ll be a blubbering mess. Love you,” she says, and I don’t get to respond because the phone is clicked off. I look down at my phone with a laugh. Our relationship wasn’t always a good one, but every day it seems to be getting stronger and stronger.

  I walk back into the cabin and see Larissa looking out at the back deck and into the woods that surround it.

  “Hey, baby. Turn around for a minute. I want to tell you something.” It’s now or never. It would be hard to get her to the main house without getting dressed for her own wedding.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I hear the stress in Jake’s voice, and it makes me think the worst, “Is everything okay?”

  “What? Of course, it is. I did something you may hate me for. I’m praying you don’t. I wanted to do this for you, well, for us.” He’s looking deep into my eyes.

  “You’d never do something I’d hate, Jake. You don’t have that in you,” I respond.

  “I hope you’re right,” he tells me as he takes my hand in his and leads me to the master bedroom.

  We walk in and I see a dress, and it’s not any dress either. It’s a wedding dress and it’s hanging up in the window. The sun is filtering through and it’s absolutely gorgeous. It’s cream in color, A-line cut, with off the shoulder cuffs that sweep off both sides. The lace beading and chiffon material are exactly what I was looking at when Katrina brought over gobs of magazines, asking me questions about what I would want my dress to look like.

  I turn around looking at Jake and asking, “Did you do this? For me, for us?”

  “I did it for both of us. You said you didn’t want a wedding. I couldn’t let you not have something. Plus, I want you to become my wife. Today,” he tells me.

  “Wait, what? How am I supposed to do that?” I ask him.

  “Everything’s already done. Mom and Mack helped. We’re going to the main house where everything is set up. They’ll be waiting for us. You get ready, while I get Eli and myself ready. I love you, Larissa,” he tells me with a kiss to my forehead as he turns to leave, shutting the door behind him.

  I’m still in shock as I go over to the wedding dress and glide my fingers down the material.

  Todays the day I’m becoming Mrs. Price. I can’t believe it. I fall back on the bed, looking up at the ceiling, as I take in everything Jake has done for me, well for us. I’m one lucky girl.

  I get up and go about getting ready, unsure of what all I have to work with, but knowing I have to start with a shower.

  When I walk into the bathroom and see everything is set up for me -- toiletries, make-up, and all the hair products I’ll need -- I go to task.

  I shower, making sure I shave everything, then go about washing my hair, and then step out to start on the rest. It doesn’t take me very long to moisturize and then blow dry my hair.

  I stop the blow dryer to listen for Eli and Jake, but all I hear is silence. I continue on my task of curling my hair and applying my makeup, keeping it light and simple. I was gifted with a fairly nice complexion and I’m not into wearing a thick layer of makeup for no reason.

  Once that’s done, I walk back into the bedroom where my dress is hanging and look around to see what I’m supposed to wear underneath it. I’m still not down to my pre-pregnancy weight, and I have to say if I don’t get back to my original weight, I’m okay with that. Jake has mentioned many times how he loves the curves I’ve developed and I’m learning to embrace them.

  I look in the box that’s placed on the chair in the corner of the room, finding all white lace undergarments. This dress requires a strapless bra and it’s gorgeous and soft, along with a pair of boy short style panties. I slip them on, and feel the texture against my body. You can barely tell it’s lace it’s so smooth.

  My dress is next. I take it down, giddy inside to get it on.<
br />
  There’s a soft knock on the door, “Come in,” I say without any hesitation. I know Jake and I will see each other before we walk down the aisle.

  My back is to him and the dress isn’t zipped up all the way. I turn my gaze towards him and watch him stop in his tracks with Elijah in his arms. He’s beyond any words at the moment. Both of them are in matching suits and my heart picks up an extra beat.

  “Jake, oh my gosh. I have no words,” I tell him with a hitch in my voice.

  “You? Baby, you’re utterly gorgeous,” I watch him place Eli on the bed and surround him with pillows on all sides before he steps up behind me.

  “Need help?” he questions. I nod my head yes, and I feel him drag the back of his finger down my back until he reaches the bottom of the zipper as he ever so slowly zips me up.

  “I can’t believe you did all of this,” I whisper out.

  “It’s just the beginning,” he tells me and then I spin around so he can see me fully. He steps back as he takes me in.

  “Fuck, baby. How am I supposed to keep my hands off of you until we say I do?”

  “Well, I’m pretty sure if you make us late, your mom will be hunting us down,” I smirk at him.

  “Talk about a moment killer, woman,” I can see the bulge in his suit pants. I lick my lips wanting to taste him.

  “I’ll make it up to you tonight, Mr. Price,” I tell him.

  “That you will, Mrs. Soon to be Price. Ready to go?”

  “Yep, I just need to put my shoes on and then I’ll be set.” The shoes are beautiful and a high stiletto. I still won’t match Jakes tall frame, but it’ll give me a boost.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Our wedding day was a whirlwind of joy and laughter. Elijah slept through most of it. It was the best day of my life outside of Eli being born. Now, the reception is dying down and I have my wife in my arms as we sway to the music.


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