Our Voice 8

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Our Voice 8 Page 10

by Scot McAtee

Throwback Thursday to the 1980’s

  Maleah Bradfield

  Valerie Flores

  Valerie and I were playing X-BOX when she shot me down (in the game). “Dang it Valerie! You suck!” I screamed. When I finished my sentence, I was already in the kitchen making myself food and loathing the fact that I had to restart my entire game. As I was dwelling on the past, I started stomping around. Wrong idea! My house is so old; some of the other parts of the floor are old and rotten oak wood. When I was almost done rampaging my foot broke through on my last stomp and I yelped for help. Valerie came running in the room but it was too late; my entire leg was in the floor and I could feel the multiple bruises forming already. My ankle was bleeding too. Valerie had to help pull me out of the hole and by that time my heel was dripping blood. As I cleaned it, I realized it was only a little cut above my ankle. I still wanted to know what was in the hole to make my floor so weak. I knew the wood was old, but not that old. After putting gauze over my ankle to stop the bleeding, I went to check out the hole in the middle of my kitchen. I took my phone out and put on the flashlight and saw a chest. My first thought was “ummmm, what?” So with Valerie’s help, I got the chest out of the floor and opened it. Inside I found family photos, some old clothes, Atari’s, and lastly, glow worms. After looking a little closer at the photos, I noticed that one of the girls in the pictures looked A LOT like one of my teachers, Mrs. Wrede! Then I thought of her range of age and realized these things had to have been from somewhere in the 1980’s. Valerie and I snooped some more then went to bed since she was spending the night at my house and it was 1:30 A.M. Once we both woke up the next day, we went to the school with the items and brought them to Mrs. Wrede’s room. When she saw what we were holding, she gasped and just started smiling the happiest smile I’ve ever seen. She then gladly took the parcels. Valerie left because the bell rang, but I wasn’t going anywhere until I got some answers! Mrs. Wrede demanded I told her how I found the chest. When I was done telling my story, I had some questions for her, like “When, why, and how did you put those things there?” All she answered with was, “I once lived in that same house and I also had a temper. One day I accidentally broke a hold in the floor and decided that was good as good a time as any to make a time capsule… Now get off to class. You only have 10 minutes left!” Off I went, riddled with confusion and the satisfaction of knowing my teacher used to be a hot-head.

  The Silver Key

  Selene Sanchez

  And then I gasped “How did I shrink?” I asked myself as I got off the now giant spoon. I walked around the table. How am I going to get off the table? If I jump off the table I might break a bone. I took the risk; I jumped and landed on my knees. I still had the silver key in my hand. I looked at it and the words were white saying “Think small.” What does it mean? I stood there trying to figure it out; then it clicked, Think Small! Think small, I thought. I have to think while I’m small! Why did I not notice that? When I go back to my original size I will sue the cereal company. I walked towards the kitchen. It looked so different, the walls were no longer bright blue; they were a light salmon color, the dark wooden table was now a white glassed table along with black cushioned chairs. There was a woman with dark brown curly hair that went pass her mid back. She turned around, shrieked grabbing a pink sandal, chasing me around with it. I got to the white wooden door “How am I going to reach the door” I looked around; a window was open in the living room. I climbed the chair that was next to it. I climbed out the window; there were no trees just mushrooms and water streams. I looked around there was a woman the same size as I am crying. I walked closer. She stopped crying and started laughing the hair on the back of my neck stood up; the mushrooms turned black and the water was no longer water, it was filled with bones. My heart raced, I let out a loud scream; I ran and ran, I could still hear the woman’s laugh. I stopped and looked around a white old house was in front of me. I walked inside the house, it was my house. My parents were sitting at the table eating veggie soup. I screamed “Mother, father. I am right here” I said as I waved my hands. They continued eating, something was wrong. My mother was holding a purple scarf of mine while she cried. My father was talking on the phone, he looked so frustrated. “You still don’t get it do you?” a voice said from behind me. I turned around, it was a man who had a grey shirt and black jeans, and he had crystal blue eyes and brown hair. “What do you mean?” “I want to go home!” I said. My eyes were watery; I was on the verge of crying. “Eleanor, you are dead, the night you were eating your cereal was the night where an unknown man shot you.” The man said. “Nonsense, I’m still alive.” I said, tears were streaming down my cheeks. “You haven’t accepted you are dead, just accept it Eleanor!” the man screamed at me. “Your mother still feels your presence, because you haven’t accepted it” the man says. The house soon destroyed and now I was at the kitchen, a scene played. I was sitting at the table eating my cereal and reading, a man entered the house and he shot me. I somehow didn’t notice him. The scene replayed and replayed. “No, this can’t be true!” I screamed. I dropped onto my knees. I touched the back of my head. I felt the hole where the bullet went through. “I accept it now!” I screamed to the man. “Ok say one last goodbye to your parents.” The man said. I walked over to my mom “Goodbye mom” I said as I kissed her cheek. “Goodbye dad” I said as I kissed his cheek also saying “I love you guys.” Then I soon saw a light. I walked closer to it and saw the man who made me accept that I was dead motioning me to come closer. I walked closer to him and held onto his hand as we walked inside the light together.

  What Were you Expecting?

  Kayla Bonner

  Upon arriving in the ship’s bowels, Kenny pulled out his weapon and pointed it towards me.

  “Alright, let’s do this quickly. Unlock the door and you are free to go,” he grunted.

  I considered it for a second. No, I couldn’t do that. If his soldiers got the uranium, thousands of people would die. I was prepared to see this to the end, when suddenly, in a beige blur, Kenny fell to the ground as a result of being hit over the head with a wooden plank. Attached to the end of it was Zander. He looked disgustedly down at Kenny, and then his black eyes darted back up to me.

  “Are you okay?” he stood back up into his full height, lowering the plank he held. I nodded.

  “I’m fine. You came just in time.” I heard myself say. I brushed the long, curly, brown hair out of my face. Zander once again looked down and went to pull something out from his backpack. I watched as he pulled out rope. He started tying the unconscious, dark-hearted human up. After he had finished, he looked back up at me.

  “Let’s get out of here,” he said with urgency. Before he even stood all the way up, he had a hold of my wrist and was pulling me away, and towards the opening in the bowels. Once on the second floor, he handed me the same gun Kenny had had pointed at my face only a few minutes ago. I took it without question. Frankly, I was still finding it hard to believe anything that was happening. Just yesterday, things were normal and I was even sitting next to Kenny in Study Hall, like normal. I was lost in thought when I was pushed to the floor. Zander held me down.

  “What the-” he covered my mouth as I tried to speak. His eyes were fixated on something else. I followed them. Two guards were standing in front of our escape. He looked at me with demanding black eyes. He took his hand away from my mouth and slowly crept back. I watched as he silently stood up and grabbed an extra oar to the escape boats, which were still on the deck, thankfully. He was as silent as a mouse… no, even quieter as he snuck up behind the guards. With a single blow to the head, the first guard went down. The second guard barely had time to react.

  “Hey you litt-” Zander smashed the oar into the guard’s face. I looked away, shaking my head. Suddenly, I felt someone snag me and pull me up. I let out a small yelp. A gentle thunk to my head followed.

  “You’re gonna get us caught, Ryeliee. Just shut up and stay with me.” Zander looked straight i
nto my brown eyes. He looked intense, and he remained unsmiling. He seemed so cold. Although I just nodded outside, on the inside, I couldn’t help but feel some bit of sadness. It was only the beginning of the year when he started acting the way he had. He had tension whenever he was around anybody, and seemed cold and distant. He was not the Zander I had grown up knowing; he was not who I had befriended. He used to smile and be at ease pretty much wherever he was. Now days he would withdraw from anything and everyone, scanning the area with freezing, black eyes of distrust and disapproval.

  Zander read my face. His eyes softened. He pulled me into a hug. I stared up at the starry sky.

  “Rye…” His tone softened. He hugged me tighter. I buried my face into his shoulder and brought my arms up to hug him back.

  “You’re not you, Zanny…” I felt tears collecting. He pulled away. He looked me straight in the face. We stared at each other in silence for a while. Finally, he shook his head, his black hair flapping back and forth.

  “I’m sorry Ryeliee, but sometimes you have to change to protect those you care about most.” He turned and pulled at my wrist towards the front of the hallway.

  “We’ve spent enough time dilly-dallying. We’ve wasted time.” He was suddenly serious again. With the silence that followed, I had time to think while we headed towards the exit.

  …change? To protect those…

  I wondered. Had he known since the beginning of the year? Why didn’t he do something while he had the time? Did he know about Kenny? A stab of betrayal came through me, feeling as though he had known this, and wasn’t sharing the information- that had ultimately threatened my life- with me. Especially since my father was the captain of this ship and the one responsible for the uranium. Anger built up, and before I knew it, my body stopped. No matter what my brain said, my body wouldn’t listen, and I stayed in that one spot. Zander slowed to a stop and looked back at me. He was oblivious to what I might be feeling. He narrowed his black eyes and stared at me.

  “Ryeliee. C’mon!” His voice strained. I stared straight back with equally narrowed eyes.

  “You knew.” I looked down at the ground. Zander loosened his stance. His face relaxed a little, but he still had narrowed eyes.

  “My father and my family were in danger this whole time… and you-” anger cut me off. I was furious. All at once, everything came to me in a blur. Kenny, Zander, Mom, Dad, Kristy… everything. I couldn’t take it. My hysteria turned into grim face. I fell to my knees, sobbing and gasping for air. Zander stood before me, unmoved.

  “M-my LIFE! Who are you Zander? Who are you? You used to be my best friend, and now... you’re just another stranger!” I yelled at him. I was still for a few moments. It felt like hours. My tears streamed down my face and I held my breath in attempt to be quiet. A hand on my shoulder startled me. Zander fell down next to me. He put his jacket sleeves over his hands and tried to dry my face. His face was twisted, his black eyes glassy.

  “Don’t- please don’t cry,” his voice cracked. He pulled me back into a hug.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” his voice was uneven and unstable. He rocked me back and forth.

  “Ryeliee- please don’t cry. I’m so sorry. I’ve only been thinking about protecting your family… I haven’t been paying attention to the way anyone has felt. I’ve been shutting everyone out. I don’t want you hurt.” Zander had his own warm tears coming down his face.

  “Everything is changing. Did you guys… really think I could be that implacable?” A mellow voice sounded out. Zander and my’s head shot up. We looked around. Silence followed. Nothing.

  “Don’t you guys have legs? Can’t you walk around and see what it is?” The voice sounded again. I would recognize that sarcasm anywhere. My eyes widened. Zander recognized it too. We got up and walked over to the ajar door leading to the cell area of the giant ship. Zander held my hand as he pushed open the door. He wiped his face before he looked in the dark room, illuminated only by the entryway. The light fell upon scruffy blond hair. A man turned around. His face looked like it hadn’t been shaven in a few days and his blue eyes were outlined by dark circles caused by sleeplessness. He looked into the light. He squinted and rubbed his eyes when his eyes made contact with the light. Zander and I stood speechless. He rubbed his wrists; it was a familiar thing that he did.

  “Well?” his voice dipped and again reached the volume it was previously at. He looked at his wrists as he rubbed them.

  “Are you going to stand there and gawk at me? Or,” his voice dipped again, “are you going to get the keys and help me out?” he cut off the end of each of the words as he bobbed his head as he looked back up at Zander and me with expecting eyes. We still stood there, amazed.

  “…Kenny?” I spoke out. He rolled his eyes.

  “No, it’s Oprah.” He snapped back quickly, “Of course it’s me! Are you blind?” He asked out of annoyance. Zander ran over to the office door inside the cell room. He opened it and went inside. I ran over to the cell and gripped the bars. I couldn’t believe that this was Kenny. He looked up at me from where he was sitting and gave me an arduous smile.

  “Kenny?” I asked again. He still wore the smile, but widened his eyes, looked around, looked back at me a slowly nodded his head in his sarcastic way.

  “Wha-what happened? About 20 minutes ago… you had a gun pointed towards me, and you were threatening to kill me unless I opened the door. You were cleaned up. What happened, did you… run through a pigsty?” I shook my head in confusion. Kenny crossed his arms and leaned his head back chuckling.

  “Oh gosh- I’ve missed you.” He said to me as he rubbed his eyes.

  “Not exactly. You see-” he cut off as he looked back up. Zander came back out with some keys. He started fitting the keys into the lock.

  Kenny started muttering. “Gah… geez… this sounds so stupid.” He rubbed his face.

  “Twins… it’s so cliché sounding, I know. The ‘evil twin.’” Kenny looked up at Zander as he opened the cell door and helped Kenny up. I couldn’t help but laugh a bit.

  “‘Evil twin?’” I mocked.

  “You know how my parents were separated when I was little?” Kenny asked. I nodded.

  “Steven, my brother, went with my father. He’s not completely mentally right. Only someone with his mindset would do something like this.” Kenny sat silent. Each one of us was silent for a while.

  “What do we do now?” I asked aloud. Kenny and Zander looked at me.

  “First, let’s get out of here.” Zander answered. As we headed towards the door, we heard Kenny chuckle. We cautiously looked at him. Kenny covered his mouth, and looked at the floor while he laughed. Zander and I were uneasy. But Kenny just looked up at us.

  “That bastard’s got some nerve coming here and pretending to live my life. He never even knew me until he came here.” Kenny was headstrong and usually had strong control over his emotions, but even I could see a lustrous look in his eyes. Kenny looked at me and gave me a small, fragile smile. Zander grabbed my wrist and pushed me out of the room and signaled with his head for Kenny to follow. The three of us went out of the room and past a porthole. I happened to look out of it. Slightly above the boat’s window, I saw the bottom of an emergency boat.

  “There’s our ticket out of here.” I said, pointing to it. Zander quickly looked out the window.

  “Alright.” He nodded. Kenny started to chuckle again. Again, we uneasily looked back at him.

  “Were you really crying, Zan?” Kenny teased. Zander frowned and headed towards the door. Kenny and I followed him. But, Zander opened the door and…

  “BAM! Dozens of agents surrounded the trio! They were outnumbered and hopeless. That is, until, Ryeliee pulled out the gun my evil twin Steven had earlier and started going secret agent on all of them!” Kenny exclaimed as he added to the story. I just laughed, thinking of myself acting like a secret agent. Zander poked the fire we were sitting around and shook his head while he too laughed.r />
  “However her impressive skills, though, more and more guards came to contain us. Then, all of the sudden, Steven came out! Zander spoke out, ‘It’s all hopeless, we’re done for!’ But, when we thought Steven was here to destroy us… RYELIEE! It’s your turn!” Kenny pointed at me. I thought of the predicament in the story for a second, and then I spoke out.

  “He actually came to save us!” I exclaimed. Then I tried my best impression of how I thought this made-up character Steven would sound.

  “’Kenny,’” Zander lost it, and almost fell out of his camping chair. I continued, “’I’ve realized how crazy I’ve been, and that all this time I was just missing you, and I was wanting my brother back.’” Kenny’s face was red and his eyes were watering. His laugh following was loud and strained. Zander had his face covered and his body was shaking from laughter. I myself was finding it hard to remain serious through this part of our progressive campfire story.

  “Steven pressed a button and all the guards, who were actually robots built to do his bidding fell, and were unmoving. Then Kenny turned to Steven.” I took a deep breath, prepared to do a Kenny voice.

  “’Steven, my dear brother!’” This time, Zander did fall out of his chair. Kenny’s face was still red and his eyes still glassy and watering. The three of us chorused in laughter. I had to wipe tears from my eyes, as well. Still, I continued.

  “As they embraced,” a pause for Zander to quiet down, “we all thought it was safe, when suddenly… identical Zander and Me showed up! It was the evil twin versions of us! Molly and…” I stopped for a moment thinking, but I wasn’t coming up with anything, so I just continued. “Xander with an X.” Kenny, Zander, and myself actually, had to stop to laugh again. I couldn’t continue with the story, so I decided to pass it to Zander.

  “Zand-der!” I laughed while I said his name and pointed at him. He was still lying on the ground, and he lay on his back and finished the story.

  “Then they all fell into acid and died. THE ENDDDDD!” Kenny was laughing hysterically and Zander was pointing straight up. I had to clutch my sides and bend over, my long curly hair grazing the grass.

  “Wha-wha,” Kenny started to talk though his laughter. “where-where did the ACID come from?” The emphasis Kenny put on the word “acid” just made us all laugh harder. Zander had to shout over the loud sound of hilarity.

  “I DON’T KNOW!” With that, we sent out another guffaw. We’re just three friends who’re crazy enough to think up such a goofy story and to keep laughing. They always say that laughter is the best medicine, but it’s the pharmacist who distributes it that’s the most important. Without them, you don’t have laughter as well or as often… I’m glad that I’ve found my pharmacists.


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