Scholomance 5

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Scholomance 5 Page 24

by Logan Jacobs

  “Yes, of course, master,” the orange-haired witch answered before she reached up and planted a light kiss on my cheek. “I don’t know what we’d do without you, Cole.”

  “Thanks.” I grinned. “Now, get over there. I still have to check up on Nyx… wherever the hell she is.”

  “I saw her near the back of the hall,” Penelope said as she looked around. “Her eyes were pretty fucking red, and she seemed out of it.”

  “Err,” I said, since I was unsure how to respond to that, “alright, I’ll find her. You just help Morgana as best as you can.”

  I waltzed through the busy banquet hall until I spotted the blue-skinned witch slowly sauntering back and forth with a pipe in her hands. Her head was bent low, and her dark, sapphire-blue hair fell over her face like a luminous curtain. When I drew closer, and she still didn’t notice me, I realized she was incoherently whispering to herself while fumbling with the pipe. It was emitting a dark cloud of green smoke that smelled of sage and lemons, and she took small puffs here and there.

  “How’s it going over there, Nyx?” I asked.

  The stoned witch slowly stopped pacing back and forth and then sluggishly raised her head to meet mine. Her eyes were red-rimmed, and her pupils were the size of saucers as she slowly smiled at me and raised the wooden pipe to eye level.

  “This is some strong shit,” she mumbled. “I never smoke it because it really fucks me up. It will certainly knock those assholes off their feet once they break through the doors.”

  “So, why are you smoking it now?” I raised an eyebrow.”

  “I wanted to make sure it was as potent as I remembered it. And, yeahhhh… this is really strong. I’ll give some of it to Penelope for her potions, and then I’ll start setting up the traps with it. I’ll use motus to duplicate it.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” I chuckled. “When you’re clearer headed, can you grab a group to head down to the doors and set up traps filled with that drug?”

  “Yeah, Coooole,” she slurred, “but how will we set the stuff on fire?”

  “Premonition?” I replied with a small chuckle. “Remember… motus? You literally mentioned it yourself a few seconds ago.”

  “Oh, duh,” she chuckled before she narrowed her plum eyes sharply at the pipe. “This stuff is super strong. I need to stop smoking it now.”

  “Yeah,” I snickered. “I think that would be for the best.”

  As I watched Nyx wander off and then grab a group of women to head down to the castle’s primary entrance, I gazed at the busy banquet hall and took in a deep breath. Everyone was engaged and organized into their own groups, and I knew deep down we had a chance against the elders and the army they were bringing.

  By my word, we were ready for war, and nothing would stand in the way of our victory. I vowed it and swore the vision I saw would never come to life.

  I’d sooner die a thousand deaths, and if Satan was listening, he knew I was true to my fucking word.

  Chapter 18

  By the time blood-orange light spilled into the banquet hall, I had a feeling we were nearly ready. Everyone was still running around, but they were organizing themselves and their groups into their proper positions and completing their assigned tasks. No one had a wink of sleep, but Penelope’s potion truly worked wonders because the room was packed with energy, and I felt a surge of pride coursing through my veins as I continued to ensure everyone was doing their parts.

  As I was marveling at the weapons on Akira’s table and admiring her vigor while she continued to hand out different blades and swords, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I whipped around, and I found Morgana smiling at me with a prideful glint glittering in her sky-blue eyes.

  “What’s the update?” I asked. “I know you’re dying to tell me.”

  “So,” the bookish brunette began, “Penelope and I were noting down the most efficient attack spells we could use against elders, and I conjured up a full list… I think we’re ready to give them a go, but I’d feel more comfortable if Professor Vanessa were here to help us. She is the master of hexes and spells, after all.”

  At that moment, it just occurred to me I hadn’t seen Vanessa for hours now. Perhaps she was busy caring for her mother, but still, Morgana had a valid point. I needed to find her and bring her here because there was no way to complete the rest of our preparations and training without her. She was one of the most powerful women in this academy, and we needed her at full force.

  “I’ll go and find her,” I said before I squeezed Morgana’s shoulder. “Well done, by the way.”

  “Thank you, master,” she replied with a small blush.

  “I’ll be right back.” I nodded.

  As I was heading down the hall and past the bustling Wiccas, Faye and Evanora came sweeping into the room, and they both stopped in their tracks as soon as they spotted me. A group of women stood behind them, and they all looked absolutely exhausted. Dark, bruise colored circles were stamped under their eyes, and their complexions were pallid and sallow.

  “Faye,” I breathed as I looked at the redhead, “I’m sorry, I meant to join you on the dragon ride. How did it go?”

  “Splendid,” Evanora replied instead. “The students seemed to have perfected the art of dragon-riding… of course, we had to stop when they were nearly collapsing from exhaustion. It’s been a long night.”

  “Don’t worry about that,” I said, “Penelope came up with a brew which will completely restore your energy and strength. Find her, and she’ll help you out.”

  “Wait, where are you going?” Faye asked as she furrowed her red eyebrows.

  “I need to find Vanessa,” I answered. “I’ll be back, though, don’t worry.”

  “Satan,” Evanora sighed before she tossed back her frizzy, unkempt pink hair. “Whatever this concoction is, it better work.”

  “It will,” I assured her, “look around you, everyone is on the top of their game. Now, really, I have to go, but I’ll be right back.”

  I brushed past the two women and then sprinted through the banquet doors and down the corridors. A few witches were hanging up traps and other set-ups as I passed by them, and by the time I reached Theodora’s office door, it was already half-open, and I could hear whispers inside.

  Before I dared to knock or just barge in, I pressed my ear against the small opening and strained to listen.

  “My dear,” I heard Theodora whisper, “you really should be with the others. I need updates.”

  “But, Mother,” Vanessa argued, “I’ve never seen you like this… how can I leave you in such a state?”

  “You’ve done enough,” the headmistress responded in a weak voice. “You should return to the banquet hall, they need you. You’ve been here all night.”

  “But--” Vanessa tried to argue, but I’d heard enough.

  “She’s right,” I said as I strolled inside. “We need you, Vanessa. Now.”

  Vanessa whipped her head around so fast, I thought she would snap her swan-like neck in two. Her pale blue eyes narrowed sharply in my direction, and her exhausted face curled up into a deep scowl.

  Theodora was still splayed out on the sofa, with a towel on her head and sweat dripping down her pallid, sickly face. Vanessa was kneeling by her side, and she was clutching onto her mother’s hand.

  “First of all,” the short-tempered professor growled. “It’s ‘Professor” to you, and secondly--”

  “Secondly,” Theodora interrupted, “trivial details do not matter right now. Go with Cole, and please, just follow his lead. I know it’s not the way things are normally done, but I trust him.”

  “But, Mother--” Vanessa huffed with wide blue eyes.

  “That’s an order,” Theodora cut her off in a sharp tone. “Do not argue. Go with him and prepare the students.”

  “Yes, Headmistress,” Vanessa finally responded with her eyes downcast.

  Vanessa gently pulled herself up from the carpet and then pushed past me as she headed out the door. I was
about to follow her, but Headmistress Theodora’s voice stopped me from moving another inch.

  “Cole,” she croaked.

  “Yes, Headmistress?” I said in a gentle tone.

  I was about to approach her side, but then she weakly raised her hand up into the air to stop me from taking another step.

  “This won’t take long,” she whispered. “I know I’ve been weakened before, but this vision took a heavier toll on me than most. I want you to do whatever you must to protect the school. When I regain my strength, I will join you… but for now, the fate of Scholomance is in your hands. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” I said after I swallowed hard, “I promise I won’t let you down.”

  “Thank you,” she sighed before she closed her eyes. “Now, go, you cannot afford to miss another second.”

  “Yes, Headmistress,” I answered with a small bow.

  I flashed her one last concerned glance before I swept out of the office and closed the door. Vanessa was waiting for me at the very end of the hall, and I noticed she was wearing a different dress from the one I last saw her in. She was garbed in a sensible, plain black gown with no embellishments or accessories, her hair was up in a simple bun, and her face was free from any makeup.

  The harsh professor glared at me as I neared her, but before she could spin on her heels and march away from me, I grabbed her arm and turned her to meet my unwavering stare.

  “Look,” I said as gently as possible, “I know you fucking hate every moment of this, but we have greater things to concern ourselves with. This is only temporary, and soon, things will return to normal.”

  “You say that as if we’ve already won,” she answered with a perfectly arched eyebrow. “Tell me… have your powers of premonition exceeded to the point where you can see the future as clear as day?”

  “No,” I sighed. “But what I can tell you is we have a school of witches who are willing to fight with everything they have to ensure our survival. You know this is true, and it would be a hell of a lot easier if you would just listen to your mother.”

  Vanessa’s furious blue eyes gradually softened before she looked down at her feet and then rubbed at her temples.

  “Yes, I know,” she replied. “This is just new to me, and I know you are capable of remarkable things, but rest assured, I will be with you every step of the way. You’re still a student, no matter what Theodora says, and I will not let you fuck this up.”

  “Fine,” I sighed. “Then how about we return to the banquet hall and continue preparing? The witches need you, and we both know you’re one of the most powerful women roaming the halls of Scholomance.”

  Vanessa’s pale lips curled up into a small, gloat-filled smile before she swept around and then held her head up high. “I know.”

  I chuckled under my breath and then followed the stubborn professor down the corridors and into the banquet hall. When we stepped past the threshold, though, Vanessa grabbed my arm and pulled me to her side.

  “Now,” she whispered. “Tell me exactly where we are in terms of preparation.”

  “Well,” I began, “Faye and Evanora took the best soul class students to practice more dragon riding, and they were out all night. Vesta found some armor that she has been handing out to the witches, and Akira has been gathering weapons from the armory, because, in times of battle, wands aren’t always enough. Oh, Nyx managed to develop a powerful drug we can set up near the front doors… and Penelope and Morgana have been scribbling down incantations from the ancient texts of spells and hexes. I know you taught us the three most important ones, but we figured the more we know, the better.”

  For a long moment, Vanessa regarded me with a cold glare, but then her face broke into a small smile.

  “Sounds like things are actually going accordingly,” she drawled. “Now, I think the next step is to catch up with Miss Morgana and Miss Penelope. I’ll see what they’ve collected, and then we can take the best students in my class and practice.”

  “My thoughts exactly,” I agreed, and I was relieved she was finally regaining her strength and determination to see this through. “I’ll join you.”

  “Alright.” She nodded.

  The two of us headed down the hall to where Penelope and Morgana were still whispering and scribbling down notes, but they didn’t even look up until I placed a hand on the table. Then both their heads shot up in surprise, and then they flashed me relieved smiles.

  “Master,” Morgana breathed, and then her pale blue eyes landed on Vanessa. “Professor… we’ve just about finished.”

  “Let me see what you’ve come up with,” Vanessa said in a surprisingly gentle voice.

  “Here,” Penelope said as she thrust the parchment into Vanessa’s pale hands. “We’ve collected the ones we think would be the most efficient and quick to teach, but of course, we do not possess the same background as you, Professor… so, we left it up to you to decide which ones could be taught in a short amount of time.”

  “I see,” Vanessa muttered as her eyes quickly scanned the list. “This is great work, ladies, considering how the first class I taught didn’t offer much substance.”

  “Thank you, Professor,” the two witches answered simultaneously.

  “Now,” Vanessa said as her eyes wandered around the room, “I’d better summon the best of the best… which, of course, includes you three. Let me gather everyone’s attention before I sweep them out of this room.”

  We all nodded as Vanessa rolled up the parchment and tucked it underneath her arm. Then she strolled gracefully to the front of the banquet hall and regarded the diligent room.

  “Attention!” she called out.

  At once, everyone stopped what they were doing and then turned to look at Vanessa with wide eyes and tight lips.

  “I carry with me a list of ancient attack spells beyond anyone’s level, but if learned properly, they will give us a great advantage,” the dark-haired professor explained. “For those of you who I deem the most advanced in my hexes and curses classes, you will be summoned, and we will engage in a quick, but hopefully successful, lesson. If you are not selected, do not be disheartened. Remain here and continue with your vigorous work with the other professors.”

  The room echoed their agreements as Vanessa snapped her fingers, and then a cloud of purple smoke took over the entire place. I could feel my body swerving through the air, and when I landed in a dark, dank space, I knew exactly where we were. The room was frigid and dimly lit, and there were barred prison doors with wooden portcullises to protect whatever lurked inside the cells around us, but I could still hear growling echoing from behind the confinements.

  “The forbidden dungeons,” I heard Akira mutter next to me.

  “Yes,” I answered. “Perfect.”

  The rest of my coven rushed to my side, along with Beatrix and Nyx, and we all stood together in a line while Vanessa ushered the selected students to move away from the prison cells. There were only about a hundred students, and the room was large enough to fit us all inside, even though it was a relatively tight squeeze.

  “Now,” Vanessa said once everyone was settled, and she glanced down at the parchment in her hands, “Miss Penelope and Miss Morgana did a marvelous job collecting a series of ancient spells to use for attacking and defending. The first spell we will be learning is called the ‘dissulto’ hex. It is similar to volant, but far more powerful. As with any spell, it can be energy-draining and can backfire if not uttered properly, but I have faith in you. You’re my best students, so do not let me down. Now… Cole and Akira, would you two like to come up here and be the first to demonstrate?”

  I turned to look at the short-haired witch, and a smile was creeping across her face.

  “Hell, yeah, I would,” she blurted out. “Err…I mean, yes, Professor, it would be my pleasure.”

  “Perfect,” Vanessa drawled, “not that you had a choice, but anyway, please stand before whichever cell you choose.”

  Akira and I excha
nged firm nods before we strolled in front of two wooden doors, situated side by side. Then I rolled up my sleeves, pulled out my wand, and narrowed my eyes sharply at the cell in front of me.

  “Are you ready?” I muttered without turning to look at the ebony-eyed witch.

  “Fuck, yeah,” she answered.

  We rolled back our shoulders and raised our wands in front of us, and I took in a deep, calming breath before I opened my mind to the darkness. Then I willed myself to use all my strength, both mental and physical, to overcome whatever was behind those doors. I knew I could use my premonition skills to peer behind the door and prepare myself ahead of time, but for now, I solely wanted to practice using this ancient hex.

  “Ready?” Vanessa asked the two of us.

  “Yes,” we responded.

  The wooden doors quickly lifted open, and then, in a blink of an eye, two canine-like creatures with ruby-red eyes and naked mole-like skin came rushing toward us. They had tinted, blood-stained teeth and thick, greenish mucus colored drool seeping from the corners of their broken, chapped lips.

  “Dissulto!” we both screamed at the same time.

  Twin flashes of vibrant red light spurted out from both our wands and then nearly knocked us off our feet. My body grew cold and numb, but I shoved the sensation deep into the pit of my stomach and forced myself to remain upright.

  My light hit the naked-skinned canine right in between its malicious scarlet eyes, and it went soaring back into the cell. It hit its head so hard against the stone wall, black tinted blood trickled down the wall, and it slumped to the floor, limp and still.

  A wave of relief and pride coursed through my body, but when I turned to look at Akira, my face and heart fell.

  She must have missed the beast by a couple of inches because the creature was still coming toward her. Akira jerked backward, and her dark eyes went wide as saucers before she nearly fell on her ass. The beast was about to lunge right for her throat, but before it could tear her apart, she regained her balance and then aimed her wand at the creature, mid-air.


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