Scholomance 5

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Scholomance 5 Page 28

by Logan Jacobs

  “We’ll see,” I muttered before I raised my own wand.

  He cast another spell in my direction, but this time I swerved out of the way, and then Alexander flew past me and jabbed the elder right in the eye. He cried out in agony and shot another spell using his hand. A bright yellow light hit Alexander right in between his eyes, and I watched in horror as my familiar collapsed to the floor and remained still as stone.

  All my rage boiled to the surface, and my hands shook with fury as I clutched tightly onto my wand and then aimed it steady and true.

  “You cannot defeat me,” the elder chuckled. “Your magic is useless against me. I am the strongest among my men.”

  “I killed one of your goddesses, you dumb cunt,” I growled under my breath.

  Then, before he could say another word, I flicked my wrist and summoned every ounce of strength I had left. I was aiming my weapon right in between the general’s green eyes, and the last thing I saw before I cast my spell was a sparkle of satisfaction gleaming in his bright orbs.


  Suddenly, the room grew dark as night, and a piercing chill crept through my entire body as a slow mist of clear blue light erupted from the tip of my wand and swirled around the elder’s muscular form. His eyes grew wide with surprise and fear, and as the mist entered through his eyes, their color shifted from bright, emerald green to pitch black. He opened his mouth to scream, but nothing came out. Then he hunched forward, pressed his hands against his temples, and dropped to his knees.

  A chorus of haunting echoes filled the air, and the elder’s entire body trembled as he curled up into a ball. I could feel my own energy draining from my weakened mind, but I used every last bit of strength I had left to watch him combust.

  Just then, Vanessa’s words echoed in my mind. This was the most complicated of the three spells, or so she’d told us. It would bring about an elder’s worst fears and dark events from their lifetime. Whoever this man was, he must have harbored a terrible past, and I knew, deep in my bones, that all the pain and torment he’d caused others was now coming back to kill him all at once.

  “Nooooo!” he finally managed to wail as he threw back his head. “What have you done?”

  His glowing skin turned to ash, and his broad, strong jaw began to crumble from his face. He turned into dust before my eyes, and then another final piercing scream rang through the air before he completely exploded into ash and bone.

  When the air settled, my eyesight became unbearably blurry, but I thought I could hear Vanessa calling out orders as the rest of the witches began to fire their spells at the remaining soldiers. A moment of chaos ensued, but in seconds, there was a chorus of cheers from my fellow witches. I forced myself to stand straight and tall, and even through my fading vision, weakened state, and throbbing, bleeding head, I knew we’d done it.

  We had defeated the elders and their army.

  Chapter 21

  After the battle was won, and everyone was sent to rest and recover, the last thing I remembered was stumbling out of the chaotic banquet hall, while my coven was carried to the infirmary. Vanessa had taken care of her mother and convinced me that Luna would care for the injured familiars who’d joined in on the fight. My body was weakened, and it had taken all my energy to make it back to my bedroom to rest, and the only reason I’d crawled into bed was because Vanessa refused to take no for an answer. She convinced me there was no need to worry about my coven, since the blood pact protected them. When I voiced my concerns for Nyx, she informed me all the women’s injuries were not life-threatening in any way, and all they needed was a good night’s rest.

  So, finally, I crawled into bed, and the moment I laid my sore and broken body down into the satin sheets, I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

  When I finally came to, I had no idea how long I’d been unconscious. For a moment, I thought the entire battle had been a wild, strange, and terrifying dream, but then I could feel its toll on my entire body. My eyelids were heavy as lead, and every inch of me was sore. It took all my willpower to open my eyes and then look around my bedroom. The room was quiet and still, and when I glanced at the fireplace, Alexander was curled up into a ball near the flames with white bandages wrapped around his wounded black body.

  I took in a deep breath, and then my fingertips found their way to the thick piece of fabric wrapped around my skull. My entire head throbbed, and I winced with pain as I carefully unwrapped the tight bandage. There was a stain of dark red blood blotched on the cloth, but I tossed it aside.

  Before I could throw the covers off my warm body, though, the door swung open, and Vanessa was standing at the threshold holding a tray with a variety of potions on top of it. She was wearing a simple, black gown, and her hair was pulled up into a demure bun. Her blue eyes widened with shock as she stared at me, but then a small smile crept across her flawless face.

  “Cole,” she breathed. “You’re awake.”

  “So it would seem,” I said, and my voice was hoarse and dry. “How long have I been asleep?”

  “For a couple of days now,” she answered. “How are you feeling?”

  “Like shit,” I chuckled, and my ribs ached instantly.

  “That’s to be expected,” she replied before she approached me with the tray, snatched a golden-hued potion, and then handed it to me. “Drink this. It will help with the pain.”

  I quickly took the brew from her delicate hands and tossed back the shimmering liquid. It burned my throat, but when I finished the bottle, my body instantly became less stiff and sore.

  “Thank you.” I smiled.

  “Of course,” she said without looking at me. “Well, now that you’re awake, I think I’d better inform the headmistress--”

  “How is she doing?” I gasped, and my voice was laced with panic. “And where is my coven? And Nyx? And Beatrix? Are they still in the infirmary?”

  Fury coursed through my veins as I remembered how the elder general tossed Theodora aside like a rag doll and left her bleeding on the floor, and seething rage rose through my body when I recalled how my coven had been thrown across the banquet hall and rendered unconscious.

  “The headmistress has been repairing the academy, and her strength has fully returned,” Vanessa explained. “Your coven is perfectly alright, and they’ve been inquiring about you non-stop, but Theodora insisted you be left alone to recover. They are probably in their bedrooms. It is the middle of the night, after all.”

  “I see,” I sighed with relief. “Well, I’d like to speak with Theodora, if that’s alright.”

  “I’ll take you to her.” Vanessa nodded before she glanced at the blue velvet chair by my window. There was a pile of neatly folded clothes on top of it, and she turned to me. “Cordelia left those for you… I’ll let you get dressed.”

  “You don’t have to leave the room for that.” I smirked.

  The professor rolled her pale blue eyes, but I could have sworn I saw a light pink blush creep across her face.

  “I’ll wait for you outside,” she snapped before she spun on her heels and swept out the door with the tray in her hands.

  When she slammed the door shut, I tore off the covers and then got dressed as quickly as possible. Alexander gently stirred in his sleep as I buttoned up my shirt and pushed my hair out of my eyes, but he continued to slumber on. So, I silently left my bedroom, and Vanessa was waiting for me with the tray still in her hands.

  “Ready?” she asked with an arched eyebrow.

  “Yes,” I replied.

  We glided through the empty common room before Vanessa set the tray down on the coffee table in front of the fireplace. The other familiars were deep asleep in front of the crackling flames, and they were all curled up into their own little bundle as we left the room. We then swept through the half-built corridors and down to Theodora’s office, with dim candles lighting the way. The castle was slowly coming back together, piece by piece, but there was still plenty of work to do.

  When w
e reached Theodora’s office, Vanessa knocked three hard times before the headmistress’ voice rang from within.

  “Come in!” she answered.

  Vanessa gently pushed the door open, and inside there was a small fire glowing in the hearth. Headmistress Theodora was seated at her desk and appeared to be in the middle of writing a lengthy letter. The parchment trailed down to her feet, and she was still furiously scribbling when she addressed me.

  “Cole,” she drawled. “Thank Satan, you’re awake. I was beginning to worry about you.”

  “I’m quite alright now, Headmistress,” I reassured her.

  “I’ll leave you to it,” Vanessa said in a small voice before she swiftly left the room and then closed the door behind her.

  “Is she alright?” I asked once Vanessa was gone.

  Theodora finally lifted her sky-blue eyes to meet mine, and she placed her quill on the side of her desk. She folded her hands neatly in front of her, and then she coolly regarded me with an exhausted but proud smile. Her face was still lacking color, and there were faint bruises around her eyes and cheeks, but overall, she seemed to have recovered quite quickly.

  “Vanessa will be fine,” the headmistress answered, “she’s just tired… we all are, but what’s important is that we’re all alive, and once again, it’s all thanks to you.”

  “Headmistress,” I breathed, “I appreciate your words, truly I do… but the only reason we won is because everyone was able to work together.”

  “True.” She nodded. “However, you were the one who pulled everyone together and gave them the willpower to fight.”

  “Thank you,” I said with a small smile. “How are things coming along in terms of rebuilding the academy?”

  “Well, we’re nearly finished with repairs, and the beasts have returned to the cells…” she began. “It was very clever to use them as weapons, by the way… I only wish the spell would last forever, but it was temporary. Ancient magic may be powerful, but this doesn’t mean it’s always permanent.”

  “Of course,” I said before a thought occurred to me, and I cocked my head at the older witch before me. “Headmistress, was the elder I killed the general you spoke of?”

  “Yes,” she answered with a firm nod. “General Barak… he was one of the most beloved followers of King Donovan. Cole… this victory is to be celebrated, and it will be. However, I am afraid it is only the start of something bigger than us. This was just a battle. War is imminent, and now the elders know who you are, and they will do whatever it takes to see you dead. They will be smarter next time.”

  “I figured as much,” I sighed before I rubbed the back of my head, “but let them try. We’ll fight with everything we’ve got.”

  “I know that,” Theodora said with a cool smile, “but for now… rest. You’ve earned it. We’ll talk more in the morning. I’m just relieved to see you’re awake.”

  “Thank you, Headmistress,” I replied before I offered her a small bow. “Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, Cole,” she echoed with a small glint in her blue eyes. “And again, thank you.”

  I flashed her a small, grateful smile before I left her to finish her letter. I gently closed the office door and then headed upstairs into the common room. To my surprise, Alexander was now on the sofa curled up next to Silvia, and when I closed the door behind me, he slowly opened his red eyes as his lips curled up into a small smile.

  You have a pleasant surprise waiting for you in your room, he said. I’d hurry if I were you.

  “Thanks, Alexander.” I grinned. “How are you feeling?”

  I’m fine, he replied, but don’t stand there asking about me. Get up to your room, for fuck’s sake.

  “Well, fuck,” I chuckled with my hands raised in defense. “Alright, I’m going… have a good night.”

  I will, he snickered, and trust me… so will you.

  I smirked in his direction before I quickly headed up the stairs and into my bedroom, and when I opened the door, warm, spiced air seeped up my nostrils and flooded all my senses. The room was glowing with pale light, and there were candles placed in every corner of the room, but what really took my breath away were the six naked women all waiting patiently for me.

  The candlelight reflected off their different, but gorgeously unique curves and breasts, and my cock throbbed at the sight. My coven was curled up on the mattress, and Nyx was kneeling on the floor right in front of the bed.

  “Master,” Morgana breathed, and her voluptuous breasts heaved up and down as she spoke. “Silvia informed me you were awake… and we wanted to find a way to please and serve you.”

  “We’ve brought you another woman to join our coven,” Vesta purred as she fixed her hooded silver eyes on me. “We believe Nyx is worthy of joining us, especially after everything she did to help us win the battle. She has demonstrated bravery, intelligence, and value. Not to mention her exceptional beauty… of course, it is up to you to decide if she will be one of us.”

  “Have we pleased you with our choice?” Akira asked with wide, black eyes, and I noticed the dark-haired witch was wearing a thick, black choker around her throat and figured it was to hide any mark left on her neck by the soldier who stabbed her.

  Then I turned my attention to the naked, blue-skinned witch and marveled at her slim but curvaceous build. Her perky breasts were heaving up and down as if she were struggling to catch her breath. Her indigo tinted nipples were already swollen, too, and I could feel her pulsating arousal from the threshold. Her bright, purple eyes gleamed with hope, and her dark cobalt hair fell straight over her back like a long, velvet curtain.

  “Tell me, Nyx,” I drawled before I closed the door behind me. “Why do you want to be a part of this coven? Choose your words carefully because they will determine my decision.”

  The horned witch bowed her head before she raised her eyes to meet mine.

  “Cole,” she whispered, “as you know, I’m not from Scholomance. I decided to part from my other sisters to join you because I saw something special in you. In fact, when we first met, I knew you would change my life. I long to be a part of something great, and I vow to dedicate myself to you, body and soul. I want to fight alongside you, bonded forever by blood and the darkest of magic. I want you to pierce my body and leave your essence and soul deep within me. I want to be yours forever. I want the power that comes with being part of your coven, and I want to serve you with my immortality. Will you accept me, and shall I call you master from now on?”

  I chewed on my lower lip and took in a deep breath. The air was full of tension as I pretended to consider the question, and Nyx stared at me with wide, unblinking eyes as she awaited my verdict

  “Yes.” I finally smirked. “You will be mine. Come closer.”

  The blue-skinned witch immediately crawled over toward me, and when she was at my feet, I lowered myself to her level and placed a finger under her chin.

  “Please, take me now,” she whispered. “The others have told me what it feels like to have you inside them. I long for the same feeling… please, make me yours.”

  “You need to be patient,” I growled before I lifted my eyes to look at the others. “One of you, bring me her blood bonded dagger… she must have had one.”

  Akira was the first one to leap from the bed and sprint to my desk. She retrieved a small, silver dagger with a deep blue leather hilt and then bowed before she placed it in the palm of my hand. The room was growing hotter by the second, so before I began the pact, I quickly unbuttoned my shirt and let it fall to the floor.

  “Master,” Vesta purred from the bed, “you look like a sculpted god with your scars and perfectly toned chest… I cannot wait for your delicious cock to be inside me once more.”

  “Neither can I,” Faye hummed as she tossed back her long, wavy red hair. “I’ve been dreaming about it every night.”

  “Me, too,” Morgana added as she bit down on her rosy red lip. “It feels wonderful.”

  “We all yearn for you,�
�� Penelope sighed. “We need you, master.”

  “More than anything,” Akira growled as she slowly sauntered back to the bed.

  I knew the women were thirsting for my cock, and it had been a while since I was able to fuck them all at once. Now that my energy had returned, I couldn’t wait to satisfy them all and screw their Wiccan brains out. They’d been incredibly dutiful and obedient, and they deserved to enjoy every second of tonight.

  “And you will all be rewarded greatly for your bravery and determination,” I said in a patient tone, “but first, we must make Nyx one of us.”

  I looked down at the sapphire-skinned witch and then raised her blade into the air. I met her gaze and then swiftly cut into her skin. I made a small, but deep gash across her collar bone, and dark blue blood seeped from her wound. Then I swiped the blood away with the tip of my finger and traced a blue pentagram on the floor.

  “Now, bring me my own dagger,” I commanded while my eyes were still focused on Nyx.

  From my peripheral vision, I saw Faye leap from the bed, pull open one of my desk drawers, and then retrieve my dagger. She quietly handed me my blade, and I swiftly cut into the palm of my hand. Warm, hot sticky blood coated my skin, and while my eyes were still locked onto Nyx, I bent down and drew the upside-down cross above the blue pentagram.

  Nyx’s plum-colored eyes gazed up at me with longing and impatience. Her deep blue lips parted slightly open as if she were about to say something, but then I placed a finger over her mouth to keep her quiet.

  “Don’t you dare say a word,” I muttered. “Now, close your eyes. Do not open them until I tell you to.”

  She tightly pressed her lips together and then shut her eyes, and once she was as still as a stone, I closed my own eyes and opened my mind to the evil energy surrounding us.

  “Now,” I began, “you will summon the darkness inside you and allow it to take over your entire body and soul. Welcome the dark spirits and call to the evil that lives within your black heart. Nothing else exists at this moment except eternal darkness and me. You will give me your body, heart, and soul for all eternity.”


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