by Will Durant
Coustou, Guillaume (1677–1746), 100
Covenanters, Scottish, 187, 188, 277
Coventry, Sir John (d. 1682), 250
Coventry, England, 297
Cowper, William, physician (1666–1709), 522
Coypel, Antoine (1661–1722), 98
Coypel, Noël Nicolas (1690–1734), 98
Coysevox, Antoine (1640–1720), 88, 99, 100, 101, 162, 717
Cracow, 373, 424, 465–68, 474
University of, 371
Craig, John (fl. 1699), 543
Creative Evolution (Bergson), 524
Cremona, Italy, 443
Crescas, Hasdai (1340–1410), 620, 621, 653
Crescimbeni, Giovanni Maria (1663–1728), 442
Crcspi, Giuseppe Maria, “Lo Spagnuolo” (1665–1747), 434
Crete, 422, 433
cricket, 275
crime and punishments, 16–17, 21, 28, 253, 272, 404–5, 453
Crimea, 370–71, 375
Cristofori, Bartolommeo (1655–1731), 442
Critique de l‘École des femmes, La (Molière), 114
Critique du Vieux Testament (Simon), 626
Critique of Pure Reason (Kant), 667
Cromwell, Oliver (1599–1658), Lord Protector of England (r. 1653–58), 25, 80, 167, 207, 244, 245, 246, 322, 371, 560
absolutism of, 189, 191, 254, 396, see also dictatorship below; army support, 190–91, 193, 201
assassination plots, 201
Catholics, suppression of, 187, 189, 194
character, 191–92
and Council of State, 190, 192, 193, 200
death of, 201–2
dictatorship of, 183, 184, 185, 189–93, 201, 290, 313, 504
Dutch Wars, 172–73, 200–1
foreign trade, 25, 172, 199–200
France, relations with, 9, 11, 194, 200, 232
Ireland, 186–87, 201
Jews, 194, 459–63
king, ambition to be, 190, 191, 193
Lord Protector, 191–93
military leadership, 186–89
Milton’s championship of, 213, 227–32
and navy, 172, 200
and Parliament, 183, 189–93
passiin; portrait of, 192
religious issues, 193, 194, 198, 239, 251, see also Catholics, suppression of, above; and Scotland, 188–89
Spain, relations with, II, 200, 449
unpopularity of, 189, 201
Vaudois, appeal for tolerance of, 194, 232, 430
Cromwell, Richard (1626–1712), 201, 202, 232
Croy, Prince Carl Eugene de (fl. 1700), 384
Crozat, Pierre (1661–1740), 87
Crusade, First, 76
Cudworth, Ralph (1617–88), 482, 573–75, 578
Cuenca, Spain, 454
Cum occasione (papal bull of Urban VIII, 1653), 54
Custom House, London, 265
Cuyp, Aelbert (1620–91), 170
cycloid, quadrature of, 57
straight line equivalent to, 263
Cyrano de Bergerac, Savinien de (1619–55), 360, 564, 599, 600–2
Dacier, Anne Lefebvre (1654–1720), 490
Dahlberg, Count Erik Jönsson (1625–1703), 384 .
Dahlstierna, Gunno (1661–1709), 368
Dalkeith, Lady Anne (fl. 1644), 35
Dalmatia, 425
Dampier, William (1652–1715), 336, 509
Danby, Thomas Osborne, Earl of (1631–1712), 273, 279, 281–82, 289, 295, 296, 299
Dante Alighicri (1265–1321), 220, 241
Danzig, 502–3
Daphne (Handel), 419
Darmstadt. Hesse, 419
Darwin, Charles (1809–82), 523, 540
Das wohltemperine Clavier (Bach), 34
Dauphin of France (1661–1711), see Louis, “Le Grand Dauphin”
Dauphiné, province of, 44, 73, 430
Davcnant, Sir William (1606–68), 234, 267, 322
David, King of Judah and Israel, 610, 612
Davis, Moll (fl. 1663), 248
De anima (Aristotle), 667*
Decker, Paul, artist (17th cent.), 419
Declaration of Breda (1660), 205
Declaration of Independence (America, 1776), 583
Declaration of the Rights of Man (France, 1789), 583
Declarations of Indulgence, 210, 239, 278, 292, 293
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Gibbon), 161
Defoe, Daniel (1659?–1731), 307, 311, 313, 335–38, 339, 509, 617
quoted on child labor, 257
on plague (1665), 261
on education for women, 487–88
on quack doctors, 525
Defontaine, Julien, goldsmith (17th cent.), 95
De Intellectus Emendatione (Spinoza), 623–24
deism and deists, 85, 251, 327, 546, 566–71, 599
Delft, Holland, 168, 169, 170
Delisle, Joseph Nicolas (1688–1768), 403
Delmedigo, Joseph Solomon (1591–1655), 474
Delorme, Marion (1611–50), 38
De Magnete (Gilbert), 537
Demidov, Nikita (1665?–after 1720), 400
Democritus (fl. c. 420 B.C.), 654, 670
Demosthenes (385?–322 B.C.), 162
De Motu Corporum (Newton), 539
Denain, battle of (1712), 713, 717
Denham, Sir John (1615–69), 264, 265
Denham, Lady (fl. 1666), 269
Denmark, 43, 103, 179, 365
in coalitions and war against Sweden, 175, 365, 367, 368, 369, 374, 383, 384, 387, 389
Lund treaty (1679) and 20-year peace with Sweden, 368
in 1st Grand Alliance (1689), 693
in War of Spanish Succession, 702, 706, 708
Dennis, John (1657–1734), 340
dentistry, 527
Derby, England, 197
De Re diplomatica (Mabillon), 490
De rerum natura (Lucretius), 106
De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (Copernicus), 539, 617
Derham, William (1657–1735), 513
Derry, 348, 596
bishop of (John Bramhall), 560
Desargues, Gérard (1593–1662), 496, 499
Descartes, René (1596–1650), 29, 52, 55, 66, 145, 161, 166, 177, 374
and Bayle, 605
and Bekker, 659
and English literature, 312
and Fontenelle, 617
and La Bruyère, 160
and Leibniz, 661, 669
and Locke, 576
and Malebranche, 602, 604, 605
and Pascal, 55, 511
and Spinoza, 621, 623, 625, 641, 643, 646, 654
portraits of, 98, 632
WORK IN: astronomy, 617
—vortices hypothesis, 537, 541, 542, 547, 618
mathematics, 499, 528, 529
philosophy, 672, 680, 681
—cosmic mechanism, 78, 529, 566, 567, 573
—geometrical method, 529, 636, 654
—proof of God, 160
—religious implications, 567, 573, 585, 598–99, 659
physics, 510, 511, 513, 675
physiology, 145, 524
psychology, 553, 562, 585, 669
Desjardins, Martin (d. 1694), 100
Desportes, Alexandre François (1661–1743), 98
determinism, see free will
Detroit, French colony, 26
De Veritate (Herbert of Cherbury), 567
Devonshire, William Cavendish, 1st Duke and 4th Earl of (1640–1707), 296, 562
Devonshire, William Cavendish, 2d Earl of (1591?–1628), 548
Devonshire, 3d Earl of (fl. 1630), 549, 561
Dialogues des Morts (Fontenelle), 82, 615–16
Dictionnaire historique et critique (Bayle), 608–13, 673
Dictionnaire philosophique (Voltaire), 613
Diderot, Denis (1713–84), 23, 69, 563, 587, 593, 601, 609, 613, 614, 656
Dientzenhofer, Christoph (1655–1722), 418
Dientzenhofer, Johann (1665–1726), 418
Dientzenhofer, Kilian Ignaz (1689–1751), 418
Digby, Sir Kenelm (1603–65), 518
Digressions sur les Anciens et les Modernes (Fontenelle), 616
Dijon, Parlement of, 75
Dingley, Mrs. Robert (fl. 1701–28), 348, 361
Diogo da Assumção (1579–1603), 455
Discours (Corneille), 131
Discours de la méthode (Descartes), 532, 599
Discourse of Freethinking (Collins), 570
Discourse on the Grounds and Reason of the Christian Religion (Collins), 571
Discourses Concerning Government (A. Sidney), 286
Discours sur les passions de l’amour (Pascal), 58
Discours sur l’histoire universelle (Bossuet), 78
Dissenters, 194
and Declarations of Indulgence, 210, 278, 292
dogmatism of, 254
and James II, 285, 289, 291–92
persecution of, 194, 209–10, 252, 256, 285, 292, 301, 336, 589
Dissertation on the Epistles of Phalaris (Bent-ley), 491,-92
divorce, 38, 185, 195, 222–24, 237–38, 242, 248, 272
Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, The (Milton), 222–23, 224
Dolci, Carlo (1616–86), 434, 436
Dôle, siege of (1668), 43
Dominicans, religious order, 468
Don Garcie (Molière), 110
Don Juan, ou Le Festin de Pierre (Molière), 118–20, 129
Dorsetshire, 290, 296
Dort (Dordrecht), 166, 172, 173
Synod of (1682), 167
Dou, Gerard (1613–75), 168*
Douai, France, 42, 43, 164, 714
Double Dealer, The (Congreve), 319
Dover, 206
Treaty of (1670), 36, 175, 277–78, 281, 283, 300
dragonnades, 71–72, 296, 607, 687
Drake, Sir Francis (1545?–96), 172, 200
Drapier, M. B. (pseudonym of Jonathan Swift), 357
Dresden, Saxony, 382, 406, 415, 418, 419
dress, 27, 31, 102, 194, 273–74, 374, 398, 456
Drogheda, Countess of (fl. 1675), 316
Drurie, John (fl. 1654), 230
Drury Lane Theatre (King’s Company), London, 249, 314, 322, 343, 345
Dryden, John (1631–1700), 131, 148, 243, 250, 275, 312, 321–28, 347, 505*, 529–30
Kneller portrait of, 266
and opera, 267, 268
and Restoration drama, 314, 315, 318, 319, 321
in Royal Society, 496
Du Bartas, Guillaume (1544–90), 212
Dublin, 186, 187, 338, 346, 348, 356, 357, 360–61, 568
Du Cange, Charles du Fresne, Sieur (1610–88), 490
Du Châtelet, Gabrielle Émilie Le Tonnelier de Breteuil, Marquise (1706–49), 487
Du Chayla, Abbé (d. 1702), 73
Duclos, Charles Pinot (1704–1772?), 719
dueling, 16, 270, 272, 339–40
Dufresnoy, Charles, painter, 98
Duisberg, University of, 486
Duke of York’s Company (theatrical troupe), 314
Dunbar, Scotland, 188
Duncannon, Ireland, 186
Dunciad, The (Pope), 492
Dunes, Battle of the (1658), 11, 200
Dungeness, England, 172
Dunkirk, 11, 200, 244, 276, 504, 713, 715
Du Parc, Thérèse de Gorla (d. 1668), 107, 134, 137, 140
Durham, University of, 486
Dutch East India Company, 166, 381
Dutch Republic, see United Provinces
Dutch Wars (1652–54, 1664–67, 1672–78), 172, 174, 200, 276, 278–79, 286, 315, 460
Duvergier de Hauranne, Jean, “M. de Saint-Cyran” (1581–1643), 53, 54, 60, 96
Du Verney, Joseph Guichard (1648–1730), 495
Dvina river, 375, 402
Dykvelt, Everhard van (fl. 1687), 295
East India Company, 201, 259
East Indies, 25–26, 172, 458
East Jersey colony, 255
East Prussia, duchy of, 367, 412
Ecclesiastical Commission Court, see Court of Commission for Ecclesiastical Causes
ecclesiastical courts, English (1661), 253
École des femmes (Molière), 316
École des maris (Molière), 316
École Illustre, Rotterdam, 605
Edict of Nantes, see Nantes, Edict of Edinburgh, 188
education, 23, 217–18, 403, 484–90, 529, 565
Edwards, Jonathan (1703–58), 597
Effner, Joseph, architect (17th cent.), 418
Egypt, 661
Eikon Basilike (Gauden), 183, 227
Eikonoklastes (Milton), 184, 227, 233
Einstein, Albert, 536,* 547
Eisenach, 420
Eisenstadt, Austria, 426
Elbe river, 411, 412
electricity, 514–15
Elements of Law, Natural and Politique (Hobbes), 549
Elements of Philosophy (Hobbes), 560
Elijah del Medigo (1463–98), 474
Eliot, George (Mary Ann Evans: 1819–80), 657
Elizabeth I, Queen of England (r. 1558–1603), 224, 268, 290, 460, 563
Elizabeth (Elizabeth Stuart), Electress Consort of Frederick V of the Palatinate (1596–1662), 415, 439
Elizabeth, Princess Palatine (1618–80), 439
Elizabeth Petrovna, Empress of Russia (r. 1741–62), 405
Ellwood, Thomas (1639–1714), 235
Elstow, England, 208
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 687*
encyclopedia of arts and crafts, sponsored by Colbert, 23
Encyclopédie (Diderot, d’Alembert, et al.), 588, 609, 613, 614, 619
England: anarchy in (1660), 203–4
army (Commonwealth), 183, 190–93
passim, 202, 203
army (Restoration), 244–45, 246, 272–273, 282, 283, 290, 291, 297, 309–10
art and music, 263–68 (see also architecture; literature; music; painting; sculpture)
Cabal ministry, 277, 279, 576
colonies, 200, 253, 259, 311, 577, 690, 713, 714, 715 (see also colonies by name)
commerce, see merchant marine and foreign trade below; Commonwealth (1649–60), 183–206
Council of State, 183, 184, 189–93
passim, 226, 227, 229, 230, 233 (see also Privy Council below)
crime, 253, 272
economic conditions, 257–63, 277, 303, 304
education, 485–87
financial policies, 244, 259, 277, 304, 461, 699
and France, 11, 36, 175, 200–1, 273, 276, 277–78, 286, 290, 291, 296, 304–11
passim, 330, 692, 693, 694, 699–705
passim, 710–11, 713, 714
in Grand Alliance (1689, 1701), 693, 699, 700, 703, 705
industrial growth (1660–1702), 257, 258
Instrument of Government (1653), 191, 192
and Ireland, 186–87, 302–3, 693
Jews in, see Jews, England
labor, conditions of, 166, 257–58, 303
manners in, 273–76
merchant marine and foreign trade, 172, 199–200, 258–259, 299, 448, 470, 504, 690, 700, 704, 714, 715
morality, 195, 268–73, 306, 315, 343 (see also adultery)
navy, 164, 171–72, 174, 176, 179–180, 200, 244, 276, 333, 335, 517–18, 693, 694, 704, 706, 707, 710
political parties, 279 (see also Tories; Whigs)
population, 3, 257
and Portugal, 259, 446
Privy Council, 277, 280–84, 289, 290, 293, 294, 299, 300, 301, 307, 310
Protectorate (1653–58), 191–202, 229–234
public discontent and rioting, 184–85, 192, 201, 203, 228, 246, 252
rebellions, 183, 185–89, 192, 203, 289–90, 295–97, 302–3, 693 (see also Civil Wars, English)
religious issues, see Anglican Church, Catholics in England, Dissenters, Presbyterians, and Puritans; republican radicals in, 184–85, 192, 201, 227, 246, 285, 565–66
ion, 204–6, 232–35, 240, 242, 243, 244–87
royalists (under Commonwealth), 183, 184, 185, 191, 192, 205, 233, 234, 246, 329, 549, 566
and Scotland, 187–89, 308, 311
socialist revolt, 183–85
and Spain, 11, 200, 205, 244, 279, 296, 446, 448, 449, 700–15
passim, succession controversies, 282–87
passim, 295–300, 310–11, 705
superstition and belief in witches, 481, 482
Sweden, relations with, 367, 389
taxation, 192–93, 201, 288, 304
United Kingdom (from 1707), 308, 311
and United Provinces, 167, 175, 199–200, 205, 295, 367, 460, 692,-699, 704, 705, 713, 714 (see also wars against the Dutch, below)
War of Spanish Succession, 706–15
wars against the Dutch (1652–1654, 1664–67, 1672–74), 164, 172–79
passim, 259, 262, 270, 276–79, 286, 333
see also Glorious Revolution; Parliament, English
English Courant, The (daily newspaper), 313
Englishman, The (periodical), 337
Enlightenment, French, 75, 162, 307, 571, 597, 598, 614, 656
Bayle and, 604, 605, 609, 613
Leibniz and, 679, 680, 681
Locke’s influence on, 588, 667, 669
German (Aufklärung), 485, 656, 660
entomology, 521
Epcrnon, Bernard, Due d’ (1592–1662), 106
Epicurus (342?–270 B.C.), 161, 570, 600, 607, 612, 645, 680
Epistles (Boileau), 147
Epistola ad Millium (Bentley), 490
Epistola de Tolerantia (Locke), 578–79, 589, 613
“Epitaph” (Milton), 213
Erasmus Desiderius (1466?–1536), 570, 609, 612
Erfurt, 420
Ernest Augustus, Elector of Hanover (r. 1692–1698), 415
Errore innocente, L’ (Scarlatti), 445
Escorial, 436–37, 451
Esperança de Israel (Manassch ben Israel), 459
Espinosa, Diego Cardinal d’, 620
Espinosa, Spain, 620
Essais de Théodicée (Leibniz), 673–75
Essay concerning Human Understanding (Locke), 311, 563, 568, 578, 579, 583–88, 594, 667
Essay on Criticism (Pope), 148, 271
Essay on Projects (Defoe), 336
Essay on Satire (Mulgrave), 324
Essays (Montaigne), 299
Essay towards a Natural History of the Earth (Woodward), 507
Essay towards a New Theory of Vision, An (Berkeley), 593
Essex, Arthur Capel, Earl of (1631–83), 285, 286
Essex, Robert Devereux, 2d Earl of (1566–1601), 460
Este, house of, 663
Esterházy, Prince Pál (1635–1713), 426
Esther (Racine), 140–41, 142, 151, 376
Esthonia, 369, 390
Ethics (Spinoza), 623, 624, 625, 632–33, 635, 636–50
passim, 653, 655, 656, 657
etiquette and protocol, 28, 32, 163