Mate or Fate

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Mate or Fate Page 1

by J. L. Berry

  Mate or Fate

  J.L. Berry

  Published by J.L. Berry, 2019.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Mate or Fate | Content and Copyright

  Chapter 1:

  Chapter 2:

  Chapter 3:

  Chapter 4:

  Chapter 5:

  Chapter 6:

  Chapter 7:

  Chapter 8:

  Chapter 9:

  Chapter 10:

  Chapter 11:

  Chapter 12:

  Chapter 13:

  Chapter 14:

  Chapter 15:

  Chapter 16:

  Chapter 17:

  Chapter 18:

  Chapter 19:

  Chapter 20:

  Chapter 21:

  Chapter 22:

  Chapter 23:

  Chapter 24:

  Chapter 25:

  Chapter 26:

  Chapter 27:

  Chapter 28:

  Chapter 29:

  Chapter 30:

  Chapter 31:

  Chapter 32:

  Chapter 33:

  Chapter 34:

  Chapter 35:

  Chapter 36:

  Chapter 37:

  Chapter 38:

  Chapter 39:

  Chapter 40:

  Chapter 41:

  Chapter 42:

  Chapter 43:

  Chapter 44:

  Chapter 45:

  Chapter 46:

  Chapter 47:

  Chapter 48:



  Coming Soon | Tipping Pointe

  Chapter 1: Viola

  Mate or Fate

  Content and Copyright

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locations or events is entirely coincidental. No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared by any electronic or physical means, including but not limited to printing, file sharing and email without prior permission from the author.

  Content warning: This book contains scenes relating to sex, slavery and torture which some readers may find upsetting.

  Copyright © 2019 J.L. Berry

  Chapter 1:

  Autumn Grey was woken by the sunlight streaming through her window. She stretched lazily smiling to herself as her mind wondered to the memories of last night. She and Drake had snuck down to the lake to go swimming in the moonlight. He had tried to convince her to go skinny dipping and then laughed at the blush which crept over her face. He knew she wasn’t quite ready for that but couldn’t help teasing her when the opportunity arose. That hadn’t stopped her gazing at him lustfully when he removed his shirt and dove into the water. Just the thought of him emerging with his wet tawny brown hair slicked back, water running in rivulets down his broad chest to his six-pack was enough to make Autumn cover her face in her room.

  She couldn’t remember exactly when her feelings towards Drake had changed. He was the Beta’s son, she was the Alpha’s daughter and with only a couple of weeks age difference between them it was understandable that they had grown up together, scraped their knees together, got lost in the woods together, all those childhood experiences which solidified their friendship. Their parents had never forced their relationship, it just seemed to be a natural pull, one which Autumn secretly hoped would be a mating bond when they both turned eighteen soon. She sighed blissfully at the thought of fate linking their two families and no doubt making the whole pack happy.

  Dragging herself out of her reverie, Autumn dressed in gym clothes and pulled her long russet hair up into a high ponytail. She quietly descended the stairs and crept outside for her morning run in an attempt to reign in her hormonal thoughts. Setting a steady pace she headed down the main track into the woods behind her home, letting the sounds and the smells of the forest soothe her. She lengthened her stride feeling the pull of her wolf begging for speed. Chuckling she complied and picked up the pace feeling the ache in her muscles and lungs as she pushed herself as much as possible.

  Autumn always trained hard. As future Luna of her pack she wanted to be a fair leader but strong warrior. At five and a half feet she would never be considered tall but her slim body was pure toned muscle and she used that to her advantage.

  A single twig broke with a snap.

  That one noise is the only warning she got before Autumn was tackled sideways to the ground. Pinned face down by a large wolf she felt a flicker of fear, preparing to signal her pack, but then her wolf purred and she caught the familiar citrus scent of Drake. Drake shifted back into human form and backed away laughing. “You should see your face right now!” He howled between laughs.

  “God damn it Drake you shouldn’t do that, it’s going to get you in trouble one day,” Autumn responded.

  Drake’s laughter quieted as he gazed down at her and offered a hand to help her stand. On autopilot, Autumn accepted and was pulled quickly to her feet, flush against his hard body. At just under six feet tall Drake hovered slightly over her but his broad chest was nearly double her width and made her feel tiny in comparison. She gazed up at his chiselled face which had a day’s growth of stubble along his jaw line. His tawny hair was long on top and faded short into the sides. Lifting her free hand she pushed a loose strand off his forehead as her eyes found his.

  Eyes locked, Drake’s breathing changed as he stared at her. Blushing Autumn backed away and turned her gaze down only to witness the presence of Drake’s arousal. Squeaking in response Autumn turned her back and covered her face screeching, “For Goddess’ sake put some clothes on!”

  Of course her response only started Drake off laughing again which made her growl in frustration. A second later Drake shifted back into his wolf form, his tawny brown shaggy fur framed his playful features. He nuzzled her hands away from her face and when she finally peeled open her eyes she giggled shaking her head at his antics while stroking his muzzle affectionately. Without warning Drake’s wolf licked her face from chin to forehead before giving a teasing yip and darting away into the trees. Too slow to match his pace in human form Autumn just shook her head in disbelief wiping her face on her arm.

  Boys, they’re so weird.

  Turning back to the trail she followed the rest of her usual route back to the house, plotting ways in which to retaliate as she went. Two can play that game Drake Morgan.

  Back at the house Autumn quickly headed upstairs to shower and change. When she came back downstairs she found her parents enjoying breakfast at the kitchen table. Alpha Grey was relaxed, with one of his long legs jutting out to the side. He was tall, typical for an Alpha, with a muscular physique well built from years of training. To look at his body you’d never know he was in his forties only the greying of his dark brown hair at the temples gave anything away. His usually piercing grey eyes were soft in that moment as he looked at his mate, making him less intimidating as Autumn observed them.

  “Good morning sweetheart,” her father said switching his gaze to smile at her standing in the doorway. “Good run?”

  Autumn smiled back at her father and entered the room, “Yes thanks, aside from Drake’s usual antics.”

  Her father chuckled deeply, “That boy is certainly good at keeping you on your toes. You’ll never be bored.”

  “Hey less of that please,” Autumn’s mother scolded teasingly, “He may not even be her mate, we don’t know anything yet. So let her be my baby girl for a bit longer if you don’t mind.”

  Autumn rolled her eyes at her mother’s statement but smiled at the love evident on her face. Luna Grey was a couple of inches taller than her daughter and had a more willowy frame given she didn’t
spend all her time training in the gym. Her nature was much calmer which tempered that of her mate making them a good match. While Autumn got her eyes from her father she definitely inherited her mother’s rich russet coloured hair, although Luna Grey kept hers at shoulder-length. The skin around her green eyes crinkled when she smiled and laughed despite the deep seated pain that lay hidden underneath.

  Autumn was blessed with a loving family and a loyal pack. Not many would have survived the heartache they had endured nearly eighteen years ago, but the Lunar Forest pack did. She was only a newborn pup at the time so had no memory of what happened and it wasn’t a topic anyone in the pack wanted to talk about, understandably. All she knew was another pack had raided their camp in the dead of night, taking every pup that was weaned but below the age of sixteen. It was a devastating blow to so many families including hers. Her brother was nearly three years old at the time and as far as Autumn knew, there had been no trace of him or any of the others since.

  Chapter 2:

  Elijah refused to react when Alpha Santos’ fist struck his face. He remained stoic, a blank expression in his eyes despite the blood dripping from his split lip. “Do you have nothing to say for yourself?” Alpha Santos bellowed his eyes black with fury.

  Elijah knew better than to respond, it would make no difference to his punishment, but at least this way he got the benefit of annoying his Alpha. Santos paced back and forth in front of him, fists clenched, muscles so tense his veins were popping outwards on his thick neck. He was a brute of a wolf; easily six foot six and around three hundred pounds of solid muscle with brown hair and eyes which were always blacker than the darkest night. Elijah was convinced his Alpha was enhancing his already hulking physique with drugs, not easily done with a wolf’s metabolism. The result was bordering grotesque; Alpha Santos resembled an extreme human bodybuilder with an exceptionally short temper. Sweat was beading on his deeply bronzed skin as he sneered down his nose at Elijah in disgust.

  “Get him out of my sight, he’s dead to me. In fact throw him out with the rest, no point wasting good food on a traitor like you,” he spat on Elijah’s face before signalling to Beta Harrison to take him away.

  All in all Elijah thought he got away lightly, that is until Beta Harrison chained him to the pack whipping post with silver cuffs. Unable to shift, Elijah was stuck in his human form, forced to wait and see what his fate would be. His wolf growled with pent up frustration, tired of being forced to kowtow to the dictatorship that was the Raptor pack.

  “Gather round!” Beta Harrison shouted to the pack. Word quickly spread and members flooded to the central square where the post was situated. “Elijah here has betrayed our pack,” Harrison began. “He is a disgrace to our way of life. All of the food you slave away farming, hunting and gathering is being wasted on worthless outsiders who do not contribute to our family. While you go hungry, they have all been fed! Does anyone here think that is fair?”

  No response.

  The pack knew better than to answer back, even if a question didn’t seem rhetorical. Although not as tall as Alpha Santos, Harrison was still an enormous six foot two with the same bodybuilder level of muscle packed onto his intimidating frame. He smirked, swiping a hand through his brown crew cut hair as his hard cold brown eyes narrowed on the crowd around him. Elijah scoffed; Harrison always had to be over dramatic about everything.

  “Well, well. Looks like Elijah here disagrees with these facts,” Harrison continued. “Would you like to tell your pack why you are bound in silver?”

  Elijah tried not to react, he kept his head bowed refusing to make eye contact, but then Harrison started to laugh. Elijah’s wolf would take no more. Unable to burst force physically he took control mentally raising Elijah’s face to stare his persecutor down. His piercing blue eyes turned as black as night and a smirk crept to the corner of his mouth. When Harrison turned back to face him he took his opportunity to retaliate, and spat in his Beta’s face.

  Silence fell.

  It had been a long time since a pack member had fought back; their spirits had been broken long ago. Sure they had rebelled in the beginning but they gave in eventually when their wolves were all but gone. With lightning speed Harrison grabbed the back of Elijah’s head and smashed it into the post, breaking his nose. But still Elijah’s wolf would not back down. He lifted his head glaring defiantly at his Beta before beckoning him with his hand to come try again. Harrison issued a deep growl at this insubordination and struck, again, again and again. Elijah’s face was barely recognisable underneath all the blood, his chin-length blonde hair matted with clots.

  “For that little stunt how about we change things up a notch. Everyone, go gather tomorrow’s food rations and bring them back here.”

  The pack muttered between themselves, questioning glances being passed among them. A few members shuffled off to the store room bringing the designated rations for tomorrow back with them.

  “Collect your rations and form a circle,” Harrison instructed.

  The pack hesitated, not understanding what was happening. Surely this was a trick?

  “NOW!” Bellowed Harrison, his rage evident in his posture.

  The pack quickly complied handing out bread, meat and tinned fruit and then stood quietly, waiting.

  “See that wasn’t so hard now was it? I bet you’re all wondering why you’re getting your rations early but don’t worry I’m going to tell you. Alpha Santos works hard to protect this pack, to keep you safe, keep a roof over your head, clothes on your back, food in your bellies. But despite his generosity there are some members of this pack who want to complain! You think you are hungry? You have no idea what hunger is! If you weren’t so lazy you would be able to gather enough food for everyone so you only have yourselves to blame.”

  Beta Harrison circled the outside of the group in a predatory fashion daring anyone to argue with him. The rest of his enforcers had also gathered to watch.

  “For starters, Elijah here is going to teach you a valuable lesson. By wasting food feeding outsiders he has forfeited all of tomorrow’s rations.”

  A collective gasp went through the pack. Several children began crying, turning to their families for consolation. Harrison smiled, a cold glare fixed on Elijah, “Throw it.”

  Not daring to disobey and lose more food the pack had no choice but to throw their food at Elijah. Many of the men were furious for his stupidity and threw the tins maliciously at his chest and back. When they had finished Beta Harrison gave a slow round of applause and pushed through the pack to stand by Elijah.

  “Bravo! I hope the festivities so far are having a lasting impression, but let’s move on to the main course shall we.”

  He signalled for two of his enforcers to come forward into the ring. Elijah’s shirt was cut from his back revealing the taut muscles underneath. Automatically he braced himself like he had done countless times before. The enforcers readied their stances unfurling leather whips at their sides. With unspoken synchronisation they alternated lashes across Elijah’s back, the leather cutting deep into his flesh. The pack began to chant,

  “One, two, three...” the blows kept falling, rhythmic like a metronome.

  “...Twelve, thirteen, fourteen...” Elijah’s wolf refused to make a sound despite the searing pain evident on his face.

  “...Twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three.” Elijah sunk to his knees, it was over.

  One of the enforcers pulled a pouch from his belt and poured silver dust into the wounds. Elijah finally broke, screaming in agony as his wolf retreated.

  “Okay ladies and gentlemen it’s time for desert!” Beta Harrison announced, ever the showman. “Now I wouldn’t put it past you lowlifes to simply gather up this ruined food and eat it anyway. So, your good friend Elijah here is going to save you the job of clearing up.” He grabbed hold of Elijah’s jaw forcing his head backwards to look at him. “You’re going to start a fire right here in the square, gather all of this spoiled food and burn it,” he spa

  The pack looked on grim faced, not willing to retaliate and face a lashing themselves. Elijah’s handcuffs were removed, freeing him from the post. He struggled to rise to his feet, panting heavily from the exertion. Looking into the faces of his pack Elijah felt the guilt of his actions, food was scarce and to see it wasted was unimaginable. He stumbled towards the wood pile bringing back a few logs at a time, his back screaming in agony as the silver imbedded into his lacerated muscles. Several ribs were bruised from the thrown food tins and his face was throbbing from Beta Harrison’s beating. But none of that pain compared to the despair on his pack’s faces when Harrison brought a torch from the nearby sconce to light the fire. As the flame took hold Elijah began tossing on the food, the smell of sizzling meat and toasting bread filled the air. The scents were enough to set stomachs rumbling around the circle, easily heard over the hush which had descended. They were forced to just stand there and watch until it was all over.

  Satisfied that all the food including the tins were burnt beyond consumption, Beta Harrison and all the enforcers left the pack to dwell on the punishment. Elijah broke down in sobs, the shame of what he had caused consuming him.

  Chapter 3:

  Elijah passed out in the square the mental exhaustion and physical abuse finally kicking in. He woke in the bed of a pickup travelling through the night on what appeared to be a dirt track. His face was so swollen his vision was impaired but he could trace the scent of pine getting closer.

  We’re clearly heading to a forest.

  His muscles were stiff from his injuries and being laid on a hard cold surface for goddess knows how long. Elijah went to stretch only to find himself hogtied with rope. Trying to call forth his wolf to break his restraints all he found was a ghost of a memory, his wolf had retreated beyond his reach.

  The drive continued and sure enough trees soon towered above Elijah blocking most of the light from the night sky. A while later the pickup pulled to a stop and two shifters exited from the cab. They remained silent, moving with trained precision refusing to meet Elijah’s gaze. Their faces were hooded, a pointless exercise given Elijah could identify them based on smell.


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